Rob Leatham Tips & Tactics On Shooting a Handgun with a Red Dot

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It is ironic, really. Springfield Armory is one of the oldest and most storied names in the firearms world, and here we are considering a cutting-edge pistol design from the company intended to feature one of the most cutting-edge of modern accessories—a red dot optic. I guess Springfield deserves its due credit for staying ahead of the curve when it comes to its firearms designs, right?

xdm9459bospv_arThe pistol we are talking about is the XDM OSP, (which stands for “Optical Sight Pistol”) and is based off of the popular XDM series of polymer-framed pistols. It is currently available in 9mm. To read a full review of the OSP, click this link:

The pistol comes with a range of adapter plates to allow users to equip it with the optic of their choice, and it can also be bought equipped from the factory with a Vortex Venom red dot sight. The three plates included with the pistol allow you to fit it out with the following optics (but not limited to): #1 Plate – Vortex Venom, Burris FastFire 2 and Burris FastFire 3; #2 Plate – Leupold DeltaPoint, Leupold DeltaPoint Pro and JPoint Sights; #3 Plate – Trijicon RMR. A cover plate is also included if you want to run the pistol without an optic and want to retain the smooth shape and profile of a non-modified slide.

If you have used an XDM before, you will be right at home with the OSP. From its interchangeable modular backstrap system to its ambidextrous magazine release to its generous grasping grooves on the slide as well as matching grooves and checkering on the frame, this pistol has all the features that have made the XDM so popular.

Hands On

I recently had the opportunity to attend an event where we received hands-on training from no less than Springfield Armory’s Rob Leatham. Set up as part of a writer’s event for the introduction of the Saint rifle, we had the chance to have Leatham give us all a quick introduction to the ins and outs of optics-equipped pistols.

The OSP comes with a plate system for attaching optics to the pistol. Shown with cover plate attached.

The OSP comes with a plate system for attaching optics to the pistol. Shown with the cover plate attached.

He explained that there are upsides and downsides to these—they can speed up your shooting as you only have to focus on the dot and the target (rather than the front and rear sight and the target), but it can also reveal weaknesses in your shooting techniques and it requires you to properly align your eye with the small window of the optic. To find out more, watch the video above.

Over the course of the event, we had a chance to really wring out the OSP for ourselves, and see what it is like to shoot a top-quality pistol with a red dot optic. The result is a pistol that offers a lot to the shooter willing to learn to get the most out of the combination.

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