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Washington, D.C. – Congressman Riley M. Moore and 26 colleagues this week introduced the Protecting Privacy in Purchases Act to prevent financial institutions from tracking firearm and ammunition sales through unique Merchant Category Codes (MCCs).
The bill aims to stop banks and credit card companies from collecting and potentially misusing data on gun owners.
The legislation bans the use of a specialized MCC for gun and ammo transactions. While financial institutions use MCCs to categorize purchases, critics argue that applying one to firearms could allow banks to compile private data on gun owners.
Congressman Moore pointed out that his home state of West Virginia already passed similar legislation to prevent financial surveillance of lawful firearm purchases.
Several major pro-Second Amendment organizations, including the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), Gun Owners of America (GOA), the National Rifle Association (NRA), and the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation, have endorsed the bill.
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Lawmakers Speak Out Against Financial Surveillance
Congressman Moore emphasized his opposition to financial institutions being used as political tools.
“Any attempt to collect data on Americans simply exercising their God-given rights is wrong, and I won’t stand for it,” Moore said. “We’ve seen how the Biden Administration pressured financial institutions to hand over data on their customers, and the possibility of a private database of gun owners falling into the hands of a future anti-gun administration is unacceptable.”
Congressman Richard Hudson (R-NC), a lead co-sponsor, blasted the effort to track purchases.
“The American people are fed up with gun-grabbing liberals’ attempts to encroach on their Constitutionally protected rights,” Hudson said. “I am proud to join Congressman Moore in introducing legislation to protect the freedom and privacy of law-abiding gun owners like you.”
Congressman Andy Barr (R-KY) stressed the importance of protecting both privacy and gun rights.
“This legislation is about upholding our constitutional freedoms and preventing the misuse of financial data to target individuals exercising their Second Amendment rights,” he said.
Second Amendment Groups Applaud the Legislation
Lawrence G. Keane, Senior Vice President and General Counsel for the NSSF, called out the Biden administration for coercing banks into surveillance.
“The Biden administration proved it was willing to ignore the law and use government pressure to coerce banks to illegally spy on Americans to create government watchlists,” Keane said.
Aidan Johnston, GOA’s Director of Federal Affairs, warned that financial tracking could lead to backdoor gun registration.
“Anti-gunners have tried to weaponize financial institutions to de-bank the firearms industry. The abuse of Merchant Category Codes to track gun owners is just the latest violation of our privacy,” Johnston said.
John Commerford, Executive Director of NRA-ILA, argued that the use of MCCs for firearm transactions is a step toward a national gun registry.
“On behalf of millions of NRA members and gun owners nationwide, we thank Representatives Moore, Hudson, and Barr for protecting our Second Amendment rights and our privacy,” Commerford said.
Bill Gains Strong Support from House Republicans
The bill has broad backing from House Republicans, with 27 lawmakers signing on as original co-sponsors. The legislation aligns with ongoing efforts to prevent financial institutions from acting as enforcers of anti-gun policies.
If passed, the Protecting Privacy in Purchases Act would ensure that law-abiding gun owners can purchase firearms and ammunition without fear of being tracked or placed on a government watchlist.
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Why block what could be a potent tool for law enforcement for tracking and maybe even preventing crime? If you aren’t doing anything wrong, why are you worried about a little scrutiny? This has got to be one of the most common sense tools for preventing gun violence.
might work in your country, but here criminals rarely buy guns legally so who really is being stopped?
It might seem like it some times, but Texas is not actually a separate country from the United States.
it’s your lie so i’ll let you tell it how you want it
“If you aren’t doing anything wrong, why are you worried…?”
The mantra of every totalitarian government throughout the history of human civilization.
Are you actually this ignorant, or do you just type this nonsense to try and rile others up on this site?
Blue Dog , = Dem troll. Why do you even come ON this comment site ? , everyone KNOWs your name now. Just go be quiet – somewhere else.
I am a firearms enthusiast and enjoy discourse with my fellow hobbyists and keeping current with all the horrible things the industry is doing now. (To quote a prominent philosopher of the previous century – “because silicon parts are made for toys”)
I am curious to hear more about everyone knowing my name. I am nobody of any note. Just an average small town he/him kind of guy.
“I am a firearms enthusiast…”
So are the Bloods and Crips. Neither GANGS are very concerned with the US Constitution in general or the 2A in particular.
Nice to know you have as little regard for the 4A as you do for the 2A.