Biden’s Pardon of Hunter: A Slap in the Face to Every Law-Abiding Gun Owner

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Let’s call this what it is: a disgusting display of political hypocrisy. Over the weekend, President Joe Biden issued a pardon to his son, Hunter Biden, who was convicted of federal firearm felonies.

Remember when Biden claimed he’d never misuse his pardon power? That promise lasted about as long as Hunter’s honesty on a federal gun form.

Double Standards Galore

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) didn’t mince words, calling this pardon a “despicable exercise of the political double standard.” And they’re right.

Every day, regular Americans are convicted for making mistakes on the same federal form Hunter lied on. These aren’t hardened criminals—just folks caught in the web of overcomplicated gun laws, many of whom lose their gun rights for life.

But Hunter? He gets a free pass because Daddy’s the president.

CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb put it bluntly: “This pardon is an affront to all the people who have been convicted and served prison time for falsely filling out the same federal form that Hunter Biden did.”

“Especially those who committed a non-violent crime as a young adult and were never told that they lost the right to own a gun and had no intention of lying,” he added.

So they face life-altering consequences while Hunter walks away unscathed.

Biden’s Legacy: Lies and Hypocrisy

The president’s spokespersons have been insisting for months that Biden wouldn’t intervene in his son’s legal troubles. Yet here we are. As Gottlieb said, Joe Biden has left his “reputation in tatters,” and this pardon only solidifies his legacy as a liar.

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Even Biden’s own words come back to haunt him. During the pardon announcement, he had the audacity to claim he’s always told the American people the truth. Gottlieb hit back with the kind of raw honesty that’s hard to ignore:

“The man who declared in his pardon message that he has followed a simple principle throughout his career to ‘just tell the American people the truth,’ has shown he’s nothing more than a pathological liar,” he said.

A Pardon for Lawbreakers, But None for Gun Owners

Hunter Biden’s pardon isn’t just an insult to the justice system—it’s a slap in the face to every law-abiding gun owner in America.

For years, gun owners have been struggling to navigate the labyrinth of restrictive firearm laws, many of which Biden championed. And while they strive to stay on the right side of the law, the president’s own son flagrantly violates it and gets a get-out-of-jail-free card.

This hypocrisy is why so many Americans distrust politicians who claim they’re only after “common-sense gun laws.” It’s never about fairness—it’s about control. And if you happen to have the right connections, those laws don’t apply to you.

Time to Push Back

This pardon isn’t just about Hunter Biden. It’s about a political elite that plays by a different set of rules than the rest of us.

If you’re tired of being treated like a second-class citizen for exercising your constitutional rights, it’s time to make your voice heard. Join groups like the CCRKBA, support pro-2A candidates, and remind these politicians that they work for us—not the other way around.

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About the author: Larry Z is a seasoned outdoorsman, lifelong hunter, and the kind of guy who’d rather track whitetails than scroll social media. As an editor for GunsAmerica, he’s got a sharp eye for spotting both solid gear and bad gun laws. Whether he’s deep in the woods or deep in editorial deadlines, Larry brings a no-nonsense, tell-it-like-it-is approach to firearms, hunting, and the great American tradition of self-reliance. If there’s a hot debate on gun rights or the latest in hunting tech, you can bet Larry’s got an opinion—and it’s probably backed up with both facts and field experience.

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  • Ls February 14, 2025, 10:43 am

    Biden is by far THE worst most crooked president of think we’ve ever had. He worse then the Kennedy clan.
    And the Democrats bitching and crabbing about all this tells you exactly what they are. The party needs to clean house. Or maybe the voters will come the midterms. Hopefully

  • Carolina white boy December 13, 2024, 2:53 pm

    All-time winner for pardons is Jimmy Carter pardoning 200,000 draft dodgers on his first day in office.

  • Babbaloo December 13, 2024, 2:46 pm

    Kinda reminds you of Bill Clinton declaring he did not have sex with Lewinsky under oath then reversing it after his acquittal. Does that make paying for oral sex now legal?

  • Sharon December 7, 2024, 2:52 pm

    Trump pardoned 237 people convicted of federal criminal offenses in his last term. Biden has pardoned 27. There just aren’t as many of his people convicted. So now it’s 28. Ya’ll never look at the big picture before throwing tantrums.

    • Kane December 8, 2024, 9:45 pm

      Umm, you sure about that 237? I looked up the number for all Presidential pardons and this is some of the total #’s. Trump 143, BHO 212, WJC 396. The current totals will NOT be in for a few weeks so that 27 is just the real early tickets. Trump’s #s are unremarkable. All Presidents have a few controversial pardons like the father of Trump’s son inlaw. I did not seen anything like WJC and BHO pardoning FALN bombers. Marc Rich and Roger Clinton.

      BTW, do you know how easy it is to commit a federal offense? Do you that lying on a 4473 or tax return is a federal crime? Will you admit that the federal charges against General Flynn was the Democrat war hawks like BHO, Soros and the CIA pushing the US into a war over Ukraine?

      • Sharon December 9, 2024, 2:57 pm

        I’ll stand corrected at 144. The 237 included clemency. But “Criminal” a is felony, lying on a 4473 is a misdemeanor. As far as Flynn goes, he pleaded guilty to the charges he is being sentenced for. There is no connection between his case and the U.S.’s position in Putin’s war on Ukraine. Hope they put that insanely radical, hateful, nutcase away though. Have you seen any of his “speeches”?

        • Kane December 10, 2024, 12:37 am

          To lie on a 4473 is a felony punishable onwards of 5 years or more depending on the facts and up to $250,000. A false statement om the 4473 is consider perjury and Hunter lied on the federal form. The Bidens blow through huge amounts of money but even for them dropping $250,000 is a big deal unless its Hunter splurging with $5 million$ gone on scoring crack, prostitutes, cigars, silk suites and false teeth. In all fairness, he had really bad meth mouth.

          If you want to post the top 3 worst quotes you can come up with by General Flynn than I will read them but how you feel about them man and the sham treatment of him starting with BHO and permeating through the DOJ, FBI, NSA etc. should be seperate issues.  

          I remember BHO saying that Flynn was the most dangerous man in the country but none of his critics could ever explain his fall from grace as a top intel officer, well decorated soldier. Flynn initially had a poor legal counsel, his official crime was a single count of supposedly lying to a couple of FBI agents about two meetings he had with a Russian Ambassador as part of the Trump transition team even though the FBI team interviewing him believed he was being truthful. More FACTS.

          The cabal lead by Soros and including BHO and that vulgar low failed comecian Zelinsky wanted a costly war with Russia and cut of the water to the Russians in the Crimea. Manafort and Flynn etc under Trump were going to reverse the march to war and start negociations on NATO and security concerns for both sides with Flnn and Manfort main figures in the talks Sadly, the US went back on war footing with the curreny admin. Like the run up to a nuclear holocaust by Dems under 44 and 46?

          Disguisting how the left was OK with it when Stalin was killing the Ukranians with famines and death camps. Later, generations of beutiful Ukrainian girls were sent to sexual slavery on the streets of Tel Aviv in the Holy land and the left cared not one bit. Now the left is willing to kill billions over the bogus concern of freedom for the same Ukraine. How easily the left gets duped by the hateful leaders they support.

          The American left should own the fact that they are the most dangerous war hawks in the world now and probably always were.

        • Jerry December 11, 2024, 12:09 am

          ( But “Criminal” a is felony, lying on a 4473 is a misdemeanor. )
          Go online, download a pdf of the Form 4473, read the penalties described on the Form 4473.
          In other words, you lie on this document, you’ve committed a felony. Pretty plain to see/understand that statement. Every person who has purchased a firearm has seen this and tried to make sure no mistakes were made. Even little ones, done by mistake have led to some serious jail time.

  • swimmer December 6, 2024, 11:41 pm

    It’s a big club and your not a member.

  • LJ December 6, 2024, 3:11 pm

    The demoncratic ‘pardoning’ has yet to be seen. Just wait and see what’s yet to come. You think you’re pissed now? 🤔

  • Mary CROSSAN December 6, 2024, 11:58 am

    Nope! Trump pardons those who threaten the safety and sovereignty of the US. And he plans to do far more of that. Hunter is a non issue. It does not impact gun owners.

    • Kane December 7, 2024, 5:44 pm

      You mean like when Barry Soetoro, in the waning days of his presidency, commuted the sentence bomb throwing, murderous, unrepentant Puerto nationalist terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera?

      Top that one .

      Don’t waste my time by bringing up the CIA Bush crime family and Orlando Bosch.. List all the pardons by Trump “…who threaten the safety and sovereignty of the US.” If you trot out the Dems lawfare targets of Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Stephen K. Bannon, and George Papadopoulos then have totally lost.

  • Dr. Ben Dover December 6, 2024, 9:12 am

    The entire Biden criminal cartel need to be arrested, charged, tried, convicted and sentenced to death for treasonous activities against America and the Constitution!

    Death to tyrants, tyranny, taxes, wokism, greenies and demonrats everywhere!

    • Jon B December 10, 2024, 5:27 pm

      U.S. cannot charge anyone with treason unless we are in a state of war declared by congress.

  • Kane December 5, 2024, 11:49 am

    I love it. Yeah, sure, its unfair. The Biden crime family is one of the most blatant cases of affluenza in the most shameful annals of American history. It’s just delicious now that the fake POTUS (genuine POS) has totally cut the throats of all his foolish cheerleaders right before the curtains close. I’m scared what this senile puppet might still yet do in his waning days but take joy where you can find it.

    All my life, I have seen people like the Bidens and the Clintons. Not nearly the extreme privileged types but the types that destroy everyone close to them. When I was growing up there was a family (Steve, Bob, John and Joe K—y) with 4 sons in a range of 5+/- years of my own age. In highschool during the 80’s they used and sold marijuana and cocaine right out of their suburban household. I should have dropped the dime on them but I did NOT want to be an informer. I remember how their friends started dying. One of the first was a heavy customer of theirs Dave W. suicide, the Mike P suicide. A real sad case was a nice smart kid Paul J. who went to a party with Steve and on the way walking home by himself was killed by a car. Some friends they were. Over the years many close contacts with them have been destroyed and died at an alarming rate. Bobs son recently died from an overdose related to fentanyl. These are the same type of people.

    The fake POTUS does NOT care about the US or the Dem party, he only cares about his family. Right now he can protect his family from the most powerful legal forces on the planet but he cannot protect them from his own destructive infuence. The fake POTUS drove his first wife to suicide where she tried to take Bo, Hunter and Ashley but just killed herself (Neilla) and young daughter Naomi. Neilla knew what life with Joe would mean for her kids. The fake POTUS will steadily fade away without any more powerful loyalists to protect those few left alive that he cares about. Jill despises Hunter and there will be no more rotten art scams and influence peddling to support the crime family. The fake POTUS destroyed the US and from his grave he will continue to destroy people including his family.

    • krinkov54t.54 December 6, 2024, 8:18 am

      Let’s regulate the Bidunce legacy to ash heap of historical irrelevance and let the name of Joe Biden be removed from the memory of earth and rot for eternity.

  • Mark N. December 4, 2024, 11:45 pm

    Hunter is not out of the woods yet. Although he does not face prison,he cold possibly be sued civilly.

  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment December 4, 2024, 5:18 pm

    don’t worry he’ll screw up again!

    • Kane December 5, 2024, 11:56 am

      No doubt, maybe call some of the pardoned to testify without 5th Amendment protections. The pardons might proove to be a double edged sword. Maybe the fake POTUS will pardon all the narco terrorist smugglers and expoliters of children. How low will it go?

      • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment December 6, 2024, 6:53 am

        preventable death is key to their campaign of fear and terror and continue they will! so they will go as low as they can.

    • Krinkov5.45 December 6, 2024, 8:15 am

      Meth Mouth Hunter screw up again? Big surprise! Not! No hypocrisy like leftard hypocrisy.