What Do You Think of California’s New Gun Buyer Pamphlet Mandate?

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The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) has strongly criticized California’s new law, AB 1598, which requires firearms dealers to provide gun buyers with a pamphlet warning about the dangers of gun ownership.

CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb has labeled the law as “legislative social bigotry.”

According to Gottlieb, this law is yet another attempt by anti-gun Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom to discourage Californians from exercising their constitutional right to bear arms.

“At what point do Californians tell lawmakers in Sacramento they’ve had enough of Democrats’ dishonest demagoguery?” Gottlieb asked.

Gottlieb pointed out the hypocrisy in targeting gun ownership while ignoring other common risks.

“Why not force car dealers to provide a pamphlet to each customer, telling them about the dangers of driving? Owning a car, especially in California, is more dangerous than owning a gun,” he argued.

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He backed up his point with statistics, noting that in 2023, California saw 4,013 traffic fatalities compared to 3,208 gun-related deaths. Despite these numbers, car dealerships face no similar mandates.

Gottlieb emphasized that gun ownership is a constitutional right, while owning a car is not.

“All this proves Gavin Newsom and his Democrat colleagues aren’t really interested in saving lives. They’re interested in reducing gun ownership by discouraging people from buying guns, and forcing gun dealers to act as their surrogates in the process,” he said.

For pro-2A advocates, this law represents yet another example of legislative overreach aimed at stigmatizing gun ownership rather than addressing real issues of public safety.

At least that’s our take. What say you? Do you like California’s pamphlet mandate?

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About the author: Larry Z Welcome to “Inside GunsAmerica: Where Values Meet Excellence”, an exclusive deep dive into one of the leading online platforms dedicated to the promotion and protection of the Second Amendment.

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  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment January 8, 2025, 8:05 am

    I find it hard to comment on this when the pamphlet in question wasn’t made available to read……

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