Virginia Gov. Youngkin’s Bold Moves on Gun Bills

in Current Events, This Week

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Gov. Glenn Youngkin recently flexed his legislative muscles on a total of 67 bills, embracing a mix of vetoes, amendments, and signatures.

His actions, particularly on gun legislation, align closely with the values of the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL), a staunch defender of gun rights.

Youngkin’s sweeping moves included vetoing 30 bills, amending 6, and signing 31 into law.

“I swore an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of Virginia, and that absolutely includes protecting the right of law-abiding Virginians to keep and bear arms,” said Youngkin in a press release.

“I am pleased to sign four public safety bills which are commonsense reforms with significant bipartisan support from the General Assembly, and offer recommendations to several bills which, if adopted, will make it harder for criminals to use guns in the commission of a violent act,” he added.

The VCDL lauds these steps as a major triumph for law-abiding gun owners in Virginia.

“Your phone calls, emails, and postcards to the governor bolstered him and helped make this victory possible. THANK YOU.” exclaimed the VCDL.

Youngkin put his veto stamp on several gun-control bills, turning down measures like bans on “assault firearms” and magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

“There is no way the Democrats will be able to override any of the Governor’s vetoes.” added the VCDL, celebrating these decisions as a defense against unconstitutional overreach.

The Governor didn’t stop at vetoes. He amended several bills, shifting the VCDL’s stance on them from opposition to neutral or even support.

Jocko: Some Gun Laws Are Stupid

Noteworthy amendments include SB100 and HB173, focusing on the serialization of homemade guns and restrictions on “plastic firearms.” Other modified bills like SB225 and SB363 now align more closely with federal law and parental rights.

Moreover, four bills, once a concern for VCDL, received the governor’s signature after changes in the General Assembly.

These include HB22 and SB210, addressing auto sears, and HB36 and SB44, focusing on preventing access to firearms by dangerous children. VCDL now stands neutral on these laws.

“Bottom line: the gun-grabbers struck out, said the VCDL. “There are no significant changes to Virginia’s gun laws this year!”

They plan a ‘Thank You’ campaign for Gov. Youngkin and supportive Republicans after the General Assembly Veto Session on April 17.

For the complete breakdown of the Governor’s actions, interested parties are encouraged to follow the provided link.

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  • Dr. Ben Dover March 29, 2024, 9:54 am

    That leftist woke cognitively challenged imbecilic piece of feces governor should be arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced to death for treasonous activities against America, Americans, and the Constitution!

    Death to tyrants, tyranny, taxes, RINO’s, demonrats and Jack booted (ATF, DEA, FBI, DHS, etc.) thugs everywhere!