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3 - hunt 365 - Build A Simple Tomahawk Target Stand

Build A Simple Tomahawk Target Stand


Throwing a tomahawk is one of the things you need to punch on your man card or woman card. But to throw a tomahawk you need a sturdy stand for the target.

Relining a Barrel, Or How to Make a Barrel Like New Again


You know the ones, ”That’d be a nice rifle if the barrel wasn’t so rough”

2 - Bubbagunsmithing Part 2: Barrel Chop

Bubbagunsmithing Part 2: Barrel Chop


In and of itself, chopping a barrel isn’t rocket science.

Bubbagunsmithing Part 1: Hardware Store Cheek Riser

Bubbagunsmithing Part 1: Hardware Store Cheek Riser


I decided to try my hand at adding a cheek riser to the factory stock of my Remington 783 Varmint.

Ping! What Not To Do With Your M1 Garand

Ping! What Not To Do With Your M1 Garand


Sometimes I like to do dumb things with firearms.  Dumb as in use it in the ways they were never intended to be used. One day while bored earlier this year I decided it was time to bring the Garand back to life.

From Boise with Love; Palouse-Lite Lower

From Boise with Love; Palouse-Lite Lower


With all the shenanigans going on in Washington, this is a really good time to invest some coin in lower receivers. Even if you don’t plan on a build right now, one never knows what the future will hold

Squirrel Tamales

Squirrel Tamales


Following my last article about squirrel hunting, I received several requests for a recipe for cooking up these tasty little tree dwellers. So, I have decided to post one of the tried-and-true favorites in my house, Squirrel Tamales.

Dorsal Caping Your Trophy In the Field

Dorsal Caping Your Trophy In the Field

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A hunter doesn’t have to be a taxidermist-in-training to cape their own animals; some practice and preparation can give a hunter many more options when they’re in the field staring at that animal of a lifetime, wherever it may be.

How to Mount a Scope (the Right Way)

How to Mount a Scope (the Right Way)


Proper scope installation isn’t difficult, but it helps to have a few special tools, and it often takes a little patience.

Tied Down- The How, What, and Why of dummy-cording

Tied Down- The How, What, and Why of dummy-cording


Have you ever heard the deafening thud of $13 000 hitting the cold, hard earth? I have…