The Springfield Armory 911, now available in 9mm, offers ultimate concealability with the familiarity and controls of a traditional 1911. It comes standard with a 6 round flush fit magazine, a 7 round extended magazine, and a soft sided pistol case with included pocket holster. The 911 is offered in five different configurations with different slide finishes and grip options.

The 911 slide is made from 416 stainless steel with a stainless steel finish. Ball cuts at the front of the slide reduce the width and hard edges making it easier to holster. The top of the slide features a loaded chamber indicator giving you the ability to see and feel if the pistol is loaded. Springfield uses an Ameriglo Pro-Glo tritium front sight post with a U-Notch tactical rack rear sight with green tritium inserts for fast target acquisition in low-light conditions. Both sights are made from steel and dovetailed into the slide. Rear chevron style slide serrations make it easy to rack the slide. The slide has an external extractor that is made from steel and finished with black nitride.

Inside the slide sits the 3-inch 416 stainless steel barrel. The barrel rifling is made using the broached rifling method for superior accuracy and has a 1:16 twist rate. Paired with a full-length guide rod and flat wire spring, the 911 recoil is controlled and manageable.

The frame is made from 7075 T6 anodized aluminum and features Springfield’s Octo-Grip texturing. It’s a unique checkering pattern found on the front strap and mainspring housing, giving you added grip texture in all conditions. The 911 frame has an undercut trigger guard allowing for a more controlled grip. The rear thumb safety is ambidextrous and also has a swappable magazine release. The hammer has been skeletonized and is serrated.

Springfield chose to use a new Hogue G10 trigger shoe. G10 is a fiberglass laminate composite material that’s incredibly strong, and moisture resistant. The trigger on the 911 has a short reset and a crisp break. From the factory, the weight is set around 5 pounds. Thin-Line G10 grips with textured milling and a G10 mainspring housing help reduce weight and width. All G10 parts are made by Hogue. Other 911 models feature black nitride finished slides and barrels with optional rubber Hogue, or Viridian Laser grips.

MSRP on the 911 is $659. You can find one for less from your local dealer on GunsAmerica.
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I don’t believe I’m going to say this but I’ve been a.45 guy my whole life and I now think it’s about the ammunition, not the caliber. I have a P238 which I love and I have every confidence that it will provide me with excellent stopping power based on the ammunition I carry. If you think I’m wrong and should be carrying a 9mm, my response would be if that’s the way you feel then you should be carrying a.45 or.40 not that pussy 9
Woah fellas…look out for Mr Badass over here!! 9mm
Why do people make comments about the gun having different options like ambidextrous safeties? From the pictures this copy cat of the Sig P938 has ambi safeties and so does the Sig P938. I have shot the Sig a thousand rounds and have never had a failure to feed or any problems. What I do not like is the slide release can work it’s way out if the gun is racked at an angle downwards. I carry the gun without a round chambered in a pants pocket, can draw, rack a round, and shoot very quickly. A grip safety would be interesting addition if it worked correctly. The Sig is very accurate if you shoot it correctly, can hit bottle caps at 20 feet. It is hard to shoot any little gun well especially under pressure so for self defense, calm under pressure, if you can, carry something bigger, the small frame, narrow, will cant in your hand if not held tightly and the same way consistently. Trigger on the Sig is excellent. This gun is a copy and has received more press than the P938 ever did, what is more noticeable was there were hardly any comparisons done on the P938 versus the other sub compacts, it was left out of most articles that comparisons. In reality, the Sig guns are excellent, and since this is a copy, it should work well too.
Like the Sig, I would have a hard time being comfortable carrying it in condition 1 in a pocket holster. But, I lke the gunand i like Springfield.
I’d like to see a head to head comparison torture test with the Sig version. Lets see which one dies first. Not favoring either one- just curious. Also, I decided back in the early 90’s that I’m not gonna be a NASA test monkey no more.Now I wait about a year to see how things shake out. I’ve got a Sig P238- love it. I know I’ll enrage all the countertop combat operators but I like these 1911 patterns to have a grip safety. That’s right, just like God and John Browning intended.Just like I carried in the Army. Especially important since pocket carry is an option with these small single action pistols.And dont tell me to get a Flock- I detest that Euro design.
Mike in a Truck,
The 911 has been out for a year at this point and have been reliable. The 911 comes with slightly different options than the 238/938 like an ambi-safety. The 911 is also slightly lighter at 15.3 oz vs 16 and 0.1″ thinner. Both are great guns.
This gun looks like a weapon I would like to have. It is compact and has only enough rounds to be of the type I want.
Richard Reader
Good review!
Since when is it ok to show a photo of the sights while the gun is pointing at the reviewer? (Or someone)
Of course the weapon was cleared before the photo. (Wasn’t it?)
Keep up the excellent reviews, but please, safety first, and let’s not point guns at ourselves!
Yes, the gun was cleared in the video.
One can clearly see the load indicator on top of the slide is in the down position. In many years I have never seen one fail, and the indicator is fail safe. Bullet couild not enter the chamber if the indicator was welded shut. That said, all firearms are always to be considered loaded, and taking that picture is bad practice
I really like this pistol. I would like to see a longer magazine for a better grip.
The size is nice…
That is a very good looking pistol looks very reliable compact easy to carry what is the msrp