House Dems Introduce Assault Weapons Ban Cuz You Don’t ‘Need’ Em!

in Authors, Current Events, S.H. Blannelberry
House Dems Introduce Assault Weapons Ban Cuz You Don’t ‘Need’ Em!

Rep. David Cicilline signing the Assault Weapons Ban of 2018. (Photo: Twitter)

As many as 165 House Democrats have backed legislation Monday to ban so-called assault weapons.

U.S. Congressman David N. Cicilline (RI-01) introduced the bill, known as the Assault Weapons Ban of 2018.

Like previous iterations penned by the original architect of the AWB, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), the bill would prohibit the sale, transfer, production, and importation of:

  • Semi-automatic rifles and pistols with a military-style feature that can accept a detachable magazine;
  • Semi-automatic rifles with a fixed magazine that can hold more than 10 rounds;
  • Semi-automatic shotguns with a military-style feature;
  • Any ammunition feeding device that can hold more than 10 rounds;
  • And 205 specifically-named and listed firearms.

“Assault weapons were made for one purpose,” said Cicilline in a press release. “They are designed to kill as many people as possible in a short amount of time. They do not belong in our communities.”

“I am proud to introduce the Assault Weapons Ban with the support of leaders in law enforcement,” he continued. “It’s on all of us to end this carnage.”

Congressman Ted Deutch, the representative for Parkland, Florida, also got behind the bill. He asked the question, “Americans don’t own tanks or missiles; so why should our streets be flooded with weapons of war made for the sole purpose of killing people?”

“Most Americans support the assault weapons ban,” said Deutch. “Now it’s time for Congress to listen and pass sensible legislation to get these weapons of war off our streets.”

The Assault Weapons Ban of 2018 has been sent to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

Assuming it cleared that GOP-controlled committee and Speaker Paul Ryan gave it the green light for a vote before the entire floor (two big assumptions), the Dems would still need Republican support to get to that magic number — 218 — to enact the ban. Remember, there are 193 Dems in the House. Of which, only 165 have signed onto the bill. Few Republicans, so far, have come out in support of prohibiting AR- and AK-pattern rifles.

However, one House Republican of note has voiced his support for the measure. Rep. Brian Mast, who represents Florida’s 18th congressional district. Mast is a combat vet and double amputee. Due to his experience, knowledge of weapons and service to our country, many are hoping that his opinion will tilt the scales.

“Our Second Amendment is an unimpeachable, God-given right to defend ourselves; one of the most basic rights,” Mast said on CNN “New Day,” several days after his New York Times op-ed calling for a ban went viral. “But we recognize that there is a balance between what is the level of lethality, what is that level of firepower and does that fall in line.”

“We recognize that there is a line somewhere that we say ‘here’s the Second Amendment and here is public safety,'” Mast continued. “And there is room. They’re not mutually exclusive to one another.”

Support for a ban just out edges opposition, 50 percent to 46 percent, according to a recent poll by The Washington Post. Four percent had “no opinion.”

For me, ownership of black rifles is an uncomplicated issue, even if you believe all the spin by the anti-gunners that “mass shootings have become more deadly” since the Clinton-era ban expired and “weapons of war” don’t belong on our streets, etc.

Why does anyone need a black rifle?

My answer is simple, just in case. I don’t really need to elaborate. But if pressed, I’ll say that the truth is, at present, I don’t need one. But the same holds true for the first aid kit in the bathroom closet and the fire extinguisher under the kitchen sink. I don’t need those either… Until suddenly, I do.

The fatal assumption supporters of a black rifle ban make is that they believe things will always be the way they are. Hunky-dory.  Going to war with our government is never going to happen. Empires don’t collapse nowadays.  Modern economies don’t fail.  History never repeats itself.

Massive race riots that consume an entire city, circa Los Angeles 1992.  A thing of the past. We can tell those Korean shop owners who used those scary assault weapons to defend their livelihood from violent looters that they’re perfectly safe now. History never repeats itself.

By the same token, we can tell the Oklahoma man who protected his home with an AR-15 last year from three intruders that he’s going to be just fine. He can give up that rifle. We can also tell Stephen Willeford, the man who confronted the armed killer who was slaughtering churchgoers in Sutherland Springs, Texas back in November that he can turn in his AR because he doesn’t need it. History never repeats itself.

Weapons of War

You see where I’m going with that.  History never repeats itself until one day it does.  Now, I don’t want to insult Rep. Mast because he’s given up more to defend our way of life than I have or ever will. But the truth is that civilians have always had access to weapons of war on par with our government. At least in the case of small arms. What is a 1911? Or an M1 Garand? Or, for that matter, a musket? Aren’t these all certified “weapons of war”?  Sure they are.

Civilians have, to use his words, “an unimpeachable” right to keep and bear arms.  What makes that right “unimpeachable” isn’t that it’s God-given or that it’s a natural right (those arguments are both valid, in theory).  What makes it unimpeachable — really unassailable — is exercising that right.  Bearing arms guarantees our right to bear arms.  As well as our other Constitutional rights.  Therefore, when the government moves to take guns away, we – the people – become less safe and less free.

Fact: It’s harder to take stuff from men with guns than it is to take stuff from men without guns.  Incidentally, it’s harder to shoot up a school guarded by men with guns (who aren’t afraid to do their jobs) than it is to shoot up a school with no armed guards.

When the conversation turns to the lethality of certain arms we must remember two things.  First, lethality is more often a function of the shooter’s capability than it is of the platform he is using.  A five-shot revolver in the hands of a capable shooter can be every bit as lethal as a rifle in the hands of a noob.  Second, when it comes to the security of the free state, when it comes to defending against tyranny, when it comes to preserving and protecting the Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic, increased lethality is increased security. It’s increased resistance.

Better men than I have said it in the past.  “After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn’t do it. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military.” — William Burroughs

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  • Sam July 31, 2020, 10:39 am

    The AR-15 isn’t much more than a high powered .22. Speaking of which, my semi-auto .22 holds 12 rounds in the tube.That is on their hit list. But since my Dad gave me that 60 years ago, I’ll have to be a criminal. Damned If I’m giving that up, although it probably doesn’t even shoot, anymore. BTW, your old Grandpaw only used his .22 on squirrels and rabbits. He had something around .30 for deer and boar.

  • bill December 13, 2019, 5:51 pm

    the 2nd amendment did not say “muskets” it says “ARMS”. nuff said.

  • Defending Father June 21, 2019, 9:36 am

    Modern firearms are made for the same reason firearms were made in 1776, to kill tyrants.

  • Conservative Type March 8, 2019, 11:34 am

    The government in flux and you want my gun…… “yea, right”. I’m a barrel first constitutionalist …

    • bill December 13, 2019, 5:53 pm

      i’m a “projectile first” kinda guy

  • Richard Hege February 23, 2019, 2:46 am

    The Democrats are always screaming “You don’t need an AR-15.” It is a dangerous precedent when our government can tell us what we need and don’t need. Why would a woman need 25 pair of shoes MS Pelosi? A woman only has two feet. Why would anyone need a 740 HP V12 Lamborghini? Maximum speed limit is 70 MPH. Well Democrats, this is America, not the former Soviet Union, nor the future Democrat Socialist Republic. In America, it is not a question of NEED, but a question of WANT. If an American WANTS something, and works to get it, and does not violate any laws, an American can get it without having to supply the government with a reason for needing it. That is called “FREEDOM” Maybe it is the “FREEDOM” you Democrats don’t like. With FREEDOM, YOU are not in complete control of our lives. If you don’t like firearms, and refuse to own one, that is your freedom, and all gun owners respect YOUR FREEDOM. If WE THE PEOPLE want to own AR-15’s that is OUR FREEDOM!!! Of the estimated 5 to 10 million AR’s in private hands in this country only a minuscule number have been used criminally. But you want to punish 5 to 10 million owners for the crime of a few. Plus, Democrats, you will never stop determined mass killers, even if there were zero guns in the country. Remember 911? Not a firearm was used in the most horrific mass killing in US history. Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing? Second worse incident and not a single shot was fired from an AR-15. Our Congressmen and Senators are supposed to be the our most brilliant minds, but both are so caught up in power struggles and politics they are neglecting their responsibility of finding out WHY our society is breeding mass killers. I am just a dumb old country boy, but even I know that if you can not find out why something broke, you can not fix it. Finding the root cause is how you fix things, and the AR-15 is NOT the root cause of mass shootings. People are the root cause.

  • neighbordog March 21, 2018, 11:07 pm

    No army in the world would enter a battlefield with the guns the democrats are seeking to ban. The civilian AR rifle is missing select fire. Select fire is a simple lever that when moved from the semi auto position to the full auto position creates a truly lethal weapon. This is what makes a military rifle so deadly on the battlefield. The black AR has the same firepower as grandpa’s deer rifle with a wooden stock.

  • JD March 19, 2018, 8:27 am

    Sorry but Brian Mast is just another traitorous scumbag now. The man pleged an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foregin and DOMESTIC. Coming out now and usurping the Constitution makes him one of the enemy. Shame on him. He may have given more than many including myself but now that he finds himself in a position of power he has become just another mouthpiece for the globalist scum.

  • bc March 5, 2018, 2:10 pm

    The A-15 is not an assualt weapon. Assualt weapons are man-portable launchers for military munitions (missles, grenades), select fire rifles, light machine guns, squad automatic weapons, mortars, and larger heavy weapons. Assualt weapons and assualt rifles are banned from civilian use. “Assault weapons” coined by politicians( Sen. Feinstein, et al) of the Lefthand stripe use to confuse their base.
    “Weapons of War” is used in the same way. Name a single legimate Army in the world who uses semi-automatic rifles (not including special ops}. Anyone?

    • neighbordog March 21, 2018, 10:48 pm

      No army in the world would enter a battlefield with the guns the democrats are seeking to ban. The civilian AR rifle is missing select fire. Select fire is a simple lever that when moved from the semi auto position to the full auto position creates a truly lethal weapon. This is what makes a military rifle so deadly on the battlefield. The black AR has the same firepower as grandpa’s deer rifle with a wooden stock.

  • Andrew N. March 4, 2018, 2:26 am

    Another new “Assault Weapons” ban. Why? Well, the last one worked so well, right? They figured it saved umm, ZERO lives, as the numbers didn’t fluctuate an iota from previous data. Whoda thunk it? Oh, right. Us, the actual free-thinking Americans.

    • Keith March 6, 2018, 7:30 pm

      These communists/socialists know they cannot further their agenda without banning our semi automatic rifles first. They won’t get their gun bans through Congress this time. Be always vigilant and watchful.

      I am going to get an AR-15 chambered in .300 Blackout. I like the supersonic rounds because they are very effective with 125 grain bullets to around 260 yards. The 5.56 x 45 round is not enough rifle for me.

  • Warren March 3, 2018, 9:59 pm

    These Dip$hit Democrats don’t even know what an Assault Rifle is. It is Not an “A”rmalite” R’ifle AR-15 …!!!
    It Is a US Army M-16 with a Full Automatic Lever. The difference is 42 Rounds per minute and 900 Rounds per Minute
    The M-16 Fires 858 more RPM than the AR-15…!!!

  • Scotty Gunn March 3, 2018, 1:45 pm

    Same law they always drag out for these tragedies. You can tell by the weapons on the list, many have been discontinued for a decade or more.
    Liberal Left logic-never waste a tragedy. Step on other bodies to further the Leftist Agenda.

  • Bob Browm March 3, 2018, 11:35 am

    For the love of reality PLEASE!!!! Stop ranting on about nonsense. All that matters to anyone should be that the same treasonous, fake, illegitimate, puppet so called “government” that plans and fakes these fake mass shootings is the same “government” that now tries to ban the citizens gun ownership rights. PERIOD. That’s all you need to know. Of course it’s the DEMs that sponsor the bill. That’s how they fool you. It’s all an act. No difference between DEMS and Republicans at all. They all laugh at you sheep. They all sold out to the International Cabal that enslaves humanity. None of them question the Federal Reserve do they? All of them grovel before Israel. Wake up sheeple. All the world is indeed a stage and we are merely slaves.

  • Bob Browm March 3, 2018, 11:29 am

    WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Bob Browm March 3, 2018, 11:25 am

    PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION. Look it up sleeping, mindless SHEEPLE. All of you mindless, sleeping sheep think the Left / Right paradigm is real. That these staged, crisis actor fake “shootings” are real. Well, they are not real. What is REAL is that the United States Government is a fraud. It serves the whims of the unseen owners of the world. Some call this the elites, the globalists, the Illuminati, the Synagogue of Satan, the cabal whatever. THIS is who the so called treasonous, sold out, non-exsistant “United States Government” serves. Not you, not me not the masses. Never has, never will. They plan these fake shootings to get you, the sleeping sheeple to agree to ban gun rights. First it’s the ARs, AKs and high capacity guns. Then it is registration of all guns. Then confiscation of all guns. Just like “They” have done to Canada, Australia, UK, and pretty much every country in the world except the USA and Switzerland. See Shhep it’s not a Democrat vs. Republican thing it’s a World wide demonic Cabal versus humanity thing. Please wake up and stop being the sheep “They” would have you be. Oh and while we are telling the real truth you might as well stop being such an easy prey for these cretins right now.

  • Prentiss Davis March 3, 2018, 10:36 am

    Unique to America, the people here are sovereign over the government and are provided by the 2nd amendment with the ability to assert that sovereignty.
    Owning an AR type rifle is one of the best ways to assure you will have a fighting chance against the forces of tyranny.

  • Reticent Rogue March 3, 2018, 10:09 am

    We keep having this same debate because liberals control the narrative by extracting one specific type of ‘rampage/spree killing’ out of a larger set and out of the global context. Rampages happen all the time in every country and a gun is not the only tool used. As long as we allow this to remain a Second Amendment issue about ‘school shootings’ we are going to lose this argument because it is no longer a rational discussion—it’s just ‘to repeal or not to repeal.’ I urge everyone to go to Wikipedia and view the global statistics. If you want to verify what you find, put the cursor on the little numbers and go to the original sources:

  • Brandon Fitzhugh March 3, 2018, 9:42 am

    I get tired of hearing how much safer it was when Bill Clinton signed the ban for assault weapons in 1994, and since it expired, mass shootings have increased dramatically!! People tend to forget, a year after Mr. Clinton signed the ban, someone loaded a uhaul truck with fertilizer and took out half of a federal building! Columbine in 1999, during the ban, 2001 9/11 attacks, neither of which were affected by the assault weapons ban. The trade center bombing in 1993 was a year before the ban but, had nothing to do with ar-15’s or guns for that matter! I believe there was a bombing at the Olympics in atlanta. Either way, my point is, no ban will stop crazy, if people have intentions of hurting others, there is no pen or paper strong enough to stop it. On a side note, half of the mass killings since the ban was lifted, alot of these “mass shootings” were perpetrated with shotguns and pistols. I guess we won’t hear about that though.

  • Harvey March 3, 2018, 2:18 am

    How many evil black rifles are in the United States four or five million.
    How many black rifles have been use in mass shooting ?
    How many people have been killed by drunk drivers in cars a lot more than killed by black rifles
    So by the thinking of some uninform people maybe we should ban cars
    But cars don’t kill people people kill people
    I have lots of guns loaded they have not killed anyone

    • Old Outdoorsguy1 March 4, 2018, 9:14 pm

      @Harvey – How many what??? Don’t you guys know that cursing is not allowed on the internet?? The anti-gun crowd makes up a curse word for a perfectly legal semi-automatic long rifle or long any type of gun that “appears” to them to be a “weapon of war”. They then use this “curse” word and many other “curse” words and phrases in an attempt to make some kind of point in their favor about the limiting the Constitutional right of each and every law abiding citizen of the United States to protect their personal health and safety in a threatening situation that could potentially alter their health, personal safety, and many times their life status.

      Let’s take a look at these far thinking political scholars, many of whom fought to help free this great land from the tyranny of British rule. Using their skills and knowledge of Democratic law to word a document outlining the rules and regulations to be followed to operate the country, they hammered out a Declaration of this new nation to be forever free from the governance of others and gave to all of us a set of rights to guide us in this new nation in the event of threat from both within and without our borders. And, to this day, those laws and rights have served the United States of America very well. And what did THEY use as “weapons of war” when the British were threatening their lives and their livelihoods?? They already had their long rifles, the same ones they hunted with, contested in shooting matches with, and depended on, in many cases, for the food that was on their table. “But THAT was different …… ask any anti-gun lobbyist and that will quite likely be their reply. My question, “HOW is that different”? First of all, THEY didn’t call them “weapons of war”, they called them “Ol’ Betsy” or my “Squirrel gun” or that’s my “shootin’ iron” ……. but the term “weapons of war” was not an issue, the right to keep and bear arms, whatever it was called, was the right that many of those brave warriors died trying to defend. Plain and simple truth …..

      They are firearms, they are semi-automatic hunting rifles, maybe they are still “shootin’ irons” to some, but they are not weapons of war, black arms black anything at all, they are what they are. Ask any veteran if he would like to go to war with his favorite AR which he shot his last deer with and you will most likely get a, “Man, are you nuts??” He knows, his AR is NOT anything LIKE a so called “weapon of war”, We quit using those types of weapons of war when we got rid of the M-1 Garand (semi-automatic) and the .30 caliber carbine (also semi-automatic). Yes, a military grade M-16, the M-4 of more recent times, and any other military weapon of war with a full automatic capability IS considered a weapon of war, designed and built to KILL THE ENEMY on the field of battle. That is probably why you don’t see them in sporting goods stores or gun shops and Wall Mart doesn’t have them sitting on their racks in the Sporting section of their stores. Granted, there were also full automatic weapons in WWII, the Thompson, the British Sten, and others but they too were built for one purpose only, to shoot the ENEMY on the field of battle.

      So, why not call a spade a spade and quit using the libtards’ versions of modern “cussing” which we all know has such a negative attachment to it anyway you say it. If you absolutely feel you HAVE to use the “politically correct” terminology of the day, try using SOB for sonofabeach and GD for gauldang and BR for bla*k rifl* and WOW for wea*ons o* w*r and see how that goes. Personally, I don’t condone the use of that kind of language in any form or abbreviation.

      • Paul Loesch February 22, 2019, 10:22 am

        Very well said…..way to much smoke blowing these days and the hand being quicker than the eye tactics. That’s the ugly spin the politicians put on the AR weapons of war meaning ” DEATH ” ” TYPHOID” ” PLAGUE”. People need to be reminded of the knife killings and my favorite ” TEXTING WHILE DRIVING” hey honey can you pick up a loaf of bread on your way home #$%@&**%$ sh..t I think I just killed someone while I was texting you. Damn these people for walking in front of my car. Cars, trucks, chemicals, fires, cigarettes, soon to be vaping, drugs all the class action suits from drug side affects. I could sit here for hours and go on and on. We need to wake up and realize these politicians (both parties) all have a private agenda and want to disarm all Americans from bearing arms so they can be inferior and do as they please. I believe strongly that there needs to be laws but practical ones. It’s the guilty guy in the courtroom blaming everybody else for what they did hoping some dumb ass even if it’s one believes they may be right then the cancer begins. Sadly many have died and there aren’t any excuses to right that but lets not forget the laws already in place that were not enforced or used correctly. Like today you listen to the news and about people getting arrested and the lengthy records they have and yet their still running around loose. Want to help this problem of crime make the sentencing painful to the criminal, criminals want help O.K. I’ll help you if not then go sit in that 6×6 room shut up and do your time. Get rid of all this gym, internet and country club living and maybe they’ll think twice about going back…..enough said….leave my guns alone and go fix stuff that will stop killing get this far into the process…….nip it in the bud don’t let it root…..The fore Fathers knew that this tyrannical government would wield it’s ugly head therefore the second amendment…..Paul

  • Ring68 March 2, 2018, 10:59 pm

    Thank you for your service Mr Mast but we do not need your advice of what weapons we do not need. Law abiding citizens have not only a constitutional right, but also a human or God given right as to not only to decide what weapon to possess but why and what he possesses. Every law abiding citizen shall decide for him or herself how they live their lives.

  • tommy jones March 2, 2018, 10:18 pm

    As society splits in two sides….a civil war slowly broods….eventually the Republic shall either be surrendered…or defended. The call of history is upon the horizon…….prepare yourselves well…..for it is coming…..

  • Jean Wikene March 2, 2018, 9:55 pm

    The democrats who are banning the semi-aussalt and aussalt weapons are wrong.

    • Dallas Rutheford March 5, 2018, 4:09 pm

      Why don’t they ban their selves because the guns don’t kill people kill what is food do at the government Lyles to be put into it and medicine and cars and motorcycles trains planes they’re going to ban all that to that Global people get killed in cars choking to death and never blame that on sour balls or anything like that are they going to blame are they going to ban hard food he nuts hard candy soda pop beer I mean liquor it kills people to guns guns don’t kill people kill won’t they start opening up the middle conditions and find out who’s trying to buy a gun so it helps our rights and our 2nd Amendment that’s what needs to be done something they’re supposed to be doing the ones who want to ban rifles cuz the ones that don’t like guns in the first place wait till he comes to the voting booth we can take care of business put some real Patriots in there I know we have a lot of them but we need to put more

      • Dallas Rutheford March 5, 2018, 4:11 pm

        Got Matt Lauer and all this medicine to get out on the street and all these drugs but they never stop talking about banning drugs and mental conditions they don’t do anything about it all I do is talk about it and I’ll go up there and play around with our money and make decisions change our freedoms and Liberty that’s what the Constitution was for to protect our freedoms they’re going to ban all of our statues of American History you know taking all of our freedoms away that’s what they want they want they want to do the same thing you did to the Indians take all their freedoms away all their land you know I mean we could talk all day long about these issues but the point is the one that want our guns hate guns no one gun does anything another gun does it’s just a people that do it people the one that makes the stupid choices and all gun could never heard anything a pocket knife can’t hurt anything food can you treat it right and respect it right and had a good great Americans that owns our freedoms and in foot for our freedoms to have liberty and justice for all and God we bless amen

        • Dallas Rutheford March 5, 2018, 4:16 pm

          And there ain’t no Nation on this earth safe with Democrats running it same ones that calls people racist that ain’t the people it’s the government that causes it they’re the one that caused all this craziness the people are saying but you know it takes people to do better things not the firearms they can sit in the closet for a hundred years and never hurt a soul it’s a person behind it you need to leave our freedoms alone

  • Nunja Business March 2, 2018, 8:32 pm

    So, I assume they are also banning automobiles and other motor vehicles that have been used recently in mass killings? How about Planned Parenthood, can we ban them too? They kill more children daily than all the school shootings together.

    • Rattlerjake March 3, 2018, 10:13 am

      None of what that ignorant RINO ‘veteran'(McLame wannabe) said has anything to do with the second amendment! The 2d amendment was established to protect the right of citizens to be able to protect themselves from a tyrannical government, and you can’t do that if you ban the very arms that allow for that defense! Example: When the government soldiers had Henry repeating rifles and the “Indians” had single-shot carbines, pistols, and/or bows, the “Indians” didn’t have a chance!

  • John M March 2, 2018, 6:36 pm

    “There you go again”

    Allowing someone to define your “NEEDS”. Never defend what you need. Snowflakes don’t need a “Double-half-cafe lathe with unicore sprinkles”. BUT, that is none your right to decide.
    Prior to 1940, the law said certain populations didn’t need guns.
    Prior to 1960, Jews didn’t NEED to live east of the Intercoastal in Florida.
    Do we need to set a precedent for new Jim Crow laws?
    A freeman never justifies his NEEDS to an oppressor.

  • Gregory Romeu March 2, 2018, 3:34 pm

    I have my U.S. Marine Corps Infantry “Grunt” training and experience, my hardware and nobody is coming to take away ANY law abiding citizen’s guns.

    • Robert March 2, 2018, 5:23 pm

      Can someone please explain to me just what is it that the NRA supposedly did ?
      Did Wayne La Pierre place a rifle and loaded mags in this kids hands and give him instructions about what to do?
      Do these same people complain about big Pharmaceutical corporations turning the citizenry into zombies and heroin addicts. Or the chemical industry poisoning us. Do things need to be worked on yes they do . Can we do this without the Democratic political divisive agenda , doubtful .

  • BP March 2, 2018, 3:10 pm

    I believe Joe is correct. The Newtown, CT shooter left an AR15 and a shotgun in the car and used a Glock and a Sig Sauer pistol. I always wondered why it was reported that he used an AR15 in the school. Either way it was a tragedy.
    Also his mother is the one who bought his firearms as “gifts” even though she had stated in the past she thought he had mental problems and she herself was afraid of him. She was the first person he killed.

    • Rattlerjake March 3, 2018, 10:16 am

      And you still believe in that fictitious event?!

  • DDayDog March 2, 2018, 2:24 pm

    Did anyone actually read the bill? No one is going to come and take your firearms from you. The libtards want to ban the sale of any new ones to the public upon the date when the bill would become law. Which means you can keep you ARs AKs, etc. with the evil features (assuming it’s legal where you live) with no fear of someone knocking down your door to take them. You just can’t buy anymore new ones with the evil features … which is BS. So it’s 1994 all over again. Prices of the “cool featured” ARs AKs, etc. and accessories will go up and up and up, while the gun industry will find a way to manufacture more mean evil guns without the features the dems hate …1994 all over again.

    Which will do what? Nothing. Studies have already shown that the last “assault weapons” ban did nothing to reduce whatever levels of violent crime there was. Homicides by firearms with long guns considered “assault rifles” was still only a tiny tiny tiny percentage of all homicides to the number killed. And firearms with the evil features were still sold and resold. And we all know that there are MILLIONS of these “evil guns” out there.

    So what does the proposed “ban” do? It makes dems look like the caring party of the people and our children – the whole time knowing if will do nothing. “oh, but it would have stopped that kid from buying the one he used and killing 17 teenagers and teachers” Horseshit… He could have waited until school got out and used a car or a truck and mowed people down. He could have made a fertilizer bomb and set if off outside the front of the school when lots of kids were around. For that matter, he could have bought 5 semi auto hand guns (not banned) and just fired and fired and wouldn’t need to reload for a long time.

    Point is… you can’t stop evil and you can’t stop evil people from doing something evil by banning “evil assault rifles” … evil will find a way no matter what.

    • Chuck Creel March 2, 2018, 8:50 pm

      Banning any firearm only leads to confiscation! Let another mass shooting happen with one of the banned guns and they WILL be coming for all on the list. Passing more “gun control laws” alone will NEVER solve the problem, it’s been tried many times before.

  • dynastyeric2011 March 2, 2018, 2:13 pm

    This means ANY semi-automatic with a detachable mag is going to be outlawed, rifles and handguns. My 1911 is for sure going to be on the list along with just about every Springfield, Glock, RUGER, Sig Sauer, Kimber, Beretta, and all the other Semi-automatic pistols on the market because they ALL have a detachable magazine and you should also note that it is NOT caliber specific. This means even my 22lr hand gun will be on the list. It looks like we might be able to keep our wheel guns and shotguns though. I would like to see this list (And 205 specifically-named and listed firearms.) to see what is not on it?

    • e March 3, 2018, 1:12 pm

      The way the article reads, it’s all military style weapons which could include some door breaching shotguns.

  • ChillieWillis March 2, 2018, 2:13 pm

    Where is the outrage for these fully automatic cars that are rampant in our society? There were 32,415 deaths due to impaired drivers (10,265 alcohol related, 22,150 other drug-related) in 2015. You don’t see any rage at the cars. The stat is only 1,221 less than ALL gun related deaths (33,636) in the US. Any excuse to try to start the disarming of America. It’s ridiculous!

    • Godfrey Daniel March 2, 2018, 2:48 pm

      And now driverless cars. What could go wrong?

  • KMacK March 2, 2018, 2:07 pm

    Ye Gods, the idiots are at it again! It has been proven that cosmetic descriptions of firearms don’t work, yet the idiot Democrats are at it again.
    First, they should struggle to understand the Legal definition of an Assault Firearm, as designated by the BATFE. That would clue them that real Assault Weapons are highly regulated already, requiring a background check and a $200.00 bribe…oops, Tax stamp for permission to own one (1) assault weapon.
    That, of course would derail their “We have to DO SOMETHING!” agenda and force them to think logically and sensibly rather than rail about cosmetics and magazine size. There are a lot of things that can be done to keep firearms out of the hands of those who shouldn’t have one, but this track they’re taking doesn’t seem to be anything effective. Further, their stupidity makes getting some sensible laws regarding firearms highly unlikely (groan)…I think we’ve been here before, haven’t we?
    Perhaps requiring that various reporting groups follow the existing laws and report to the FBI’s Instant Check system naming people who are prohibited would work. Perhaps warning that those who fail to do so would be charged as “accessories” to the crime would work.
    What won’t work is the Cosmetic Ban on imports. It hasn’t worked before and it still won’t…but don’t tell the Dumbocrats that, they would be “hurt” by such cruelty.

  • California Gun Owner March 2, 2018, 2:04 pm
  • Adrian Shell March 2, 2018, 1:51 pm

    I am a retired NCO from the Army, I have hunted different animals in different states, And Ihvae never hunted with anyone who used a AR platform rifle. I don’t own any, and never will, they are made for military use. They should be banned for public use.

    • ProgHunter March 2, 2018, 2:59 pm

      So Adrian, in order to be logical, you must ban ALL semi-auto firearms. ALL firearms are suitable for military use – as you should know. I am certain you have never hunted for game other than deer or such. I left the Army after 8 years (SSG, Armor) and was on the DMZ in Nam in 1969. I have a very low opinion of the utility of the M16/M4 class of REAL assault rifles and the weak 5.56 round except for CQC in a city. There are 15 million plus AR10 and AR15 class rifles owned by citizens. Several million more of the Ruger Mini-14 Mini-30 class, and AK clones. I guess you want all of those to go as well since they don’t interest you. BTW, think about post military service purchases of firearms. After WWI, vets started buying K98 Mauser and 1903 Springfields as they were very familiar with them. After WWII it was the M1 Garand and the M1 carbine that vets wanted to won. After Vietnam (And later) it was the AR15 pattern rifle that became popular. Maybe you can’t see that. Before WWI it was the 1880’s 30-30 and 45-70 lever rifle that were popular. Do you want to freeze our choices at the lever action phase of history?

    • e March 2, 2018, 3:39 pm

      Sad, you don’t try one for hunting. They work wonderfully. Softer recoil, accurate, and should you miss or worse make a not so perfect hit you can take a faster follow up shot. Try one and quit being ignorant like the others against reality. All guns started as military style weapons. Hopefully you don’t have any surplus antique war rifles, they may have actually taken a human life. Thank you for your service!

    • SeppW March 3, 2018, 12:57 pm

      I disagree. These civilian military-style semi-autos, which only share the aesthetics of military service rifle or carbine *and* do not have selectable fire mechanism, are not weapons of war. I swore never to buy one because I personally prefer lever actions and traditional semi-autos, but did eventually buy both a S&W M&P10 and 15. Will I ever fire them? Maybe, but as of now they are safe queens. I personally hunt too, but long and short range shoot at ranges for sport and see a lot of folks at these venues with these so-called “assault weapons.”. Firearms are not inherently violent. People kill people, so when a firearm is used in the commission of a violent crime, the first thing out of liberals mouth is the need for more “gun control” when the firearms is not the problem, but the person behind it. Liberals hate the Constitution and they hate individual freedoms and rights Their end state is to disarm all Americans by any means necessary. They could care less about who gets killed and how. It’s all about control and in a tyranny the people can’t be controlled until they are disarmed, followed by the systematic abolishment of all freedoms and rights.

    • Michael Keim March 3, 2018, 9:01 pm

      Once again, the 2nd amendment isn’t about hunting. By the way I have used an Ar 15 for deer hunting, hog hunting, predator and varmint hunting. I have also served in the Army as an infantryman. What you wrote is your opinion and proves nothing other than the fact that you take a very limited view of the 2nd amendment

    • American USMC March 3, 2018, 10:42 pm

      I know hunters that use AR’s to hunt deer, wild hogs , ground hog, coyotes and other unwanted critters

    • Mike March 7, 2018, 4:51 pm

      Adrian, You don’t get out much do you? I’ve hunted since I was 5 with my father. Im 62 have use most every platform available to the hunting community. You are ill informed sir. I’ve hunted with many individuals that use the AR platform> They are great for hog hunting down here in the south and in fact many pay trips furnish AR’s with night vision on their hunts. The 300 black out is now the preferred caliber also. Kids can use one with a limited mag for their gun and not have to be afraid of the recoil. SO…its your opinion but I certainly don’t have to live by it and you have absolutely no right to require me to. Thank God.

  • DBC March 2, 2018, 1:37 pm

    Thank you for your service!
    Truly sorry for your loss and sacrifice!
    However please check in to be re-evaluated, could be TBI!

  • Frank March 2, 2018, 1:33 pm

    I still can’t believe that there are so many Ignorant people in this country including our leaders. What part of the Second Amendment is it they don’t understand? “The Right to Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed”

    • Altoids March 3, 2018, 7:16 am

      ‘Nuff said

    • SeppW March 3, 2018, 1:10 pm

      Most people get it. It’s the liberals, their apparatchiks, the incapable and unproductive, the biased media, Hollywood, academia and the political indoctrination centers once known as schools and universities, national and state-level gun control organizations that divide the country, pit American against American, spread misinformation and half-truths using made-up facts and faux statistics get it too. But their motives are far more sinister and all their actions speak of a desire for a socialist state void of individual rights and freedoms.

  • Jerry March 2, 2018, 1:13 pm

    A gentleman running for political office here in sw florida was on a local talk show and called for “a ban on assault rifles”. He was asked what an assault is and he replied ( after stammering & stuttering). That i’s any rifle that shoots “more than bullets a minute”. Were’nt flintlocks capable of that during our war of independence? And certainly current single shot rifles are. Just shows that politicians don’t have a clue what they’re talking about and are watching WAY TOO MUCH TV!!!! There should be a law that these people have a working knowledge about whatever the want to legislate on

    • e March 2, 2018, 4:07 pm

      I had a counsel woman here, actually propose a loitering ban in a public park. She didn’t like people playing Pokemon Go across the street from her house. That is the “common sense reality” of a Dem. What else do you do in a park with benches everywhere and a beautiful lake? The ignorant run the show and bow to the whim of the loudest complainer. Doesn’t matter what the complaint is, or if the gripe is even legit.

  • Stevie March 2, 2018, 12:48 pm

    To quote from the article: “Second, when it comes to the security of the free state, when it comes to defending against tyranny when it comes to preserving and protecting the Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic, increased lethality is increased security.”

    Sorry, but defending against tyranny isn’t listed in any part of the Second Amendment. I canceled my membership in the NRA because I got tired of getting hysterical mailings on a weekly basis warning about government tyranny and please send more money to defend ourselves from our government. Last time I checked, we all still have the right to vote. The Second Amendment was passed because the U.S. didn’t have a standing army at the time and if they needed to raise an army to defend against outside invaders or domestic insurrections they needed an armed populace. It wasn’t intended to provide the means for a minority of citizens to overthrow their government of the people, by the people, and for the people. If you don’t like what the government is doing, we have a system to addresss that. Vote for something different or run for office yourself and convince a majority of people that your position is right. Otherwise you and your AR-15 are the one of the problems the Second Amendment was passed to address.

    • ProgHunter March 2, 2018, 2:48 pm

      Sorry Stevie – your knowledge of history is shockingly bad – as intended by the heavily leftist (progressive national socialist) infested education system. You COULD go read period sourced articles that explain the need for the 2nd, and the correct period meaning of the wording of the 2nd, but (like millions of other Dem indoctrinates) you don’t want to know.

      The 2nd was specifically about overthrowing an out of control, anti-Constitutional federal government, along with defense of self or community against bad people. “Out of control”, such as began under progressive national socialists Woodrow Wilson and FDR, then Truman, LBJ, Carter, Clinton, Obama. (If you are a progressive you are either a communist or a national socialist, BTW). You COULD read what all Supreme Court justices wrote (up until the FDR era when he filled the court with leftists, and threatened the good ones into rubber stamping his far left perversion of the Constitution) about the 2nd, or the Founders who were very adamant bout it. There are hundreds of facts based books or court opinions you could read, but you won’t.

      When the progressive infested media is part of the corruption, along with the progressive infested schools, then voting will be severely corrupted as many have no idea of the truth. Having massive voter fraud (dead people, non-citizens, multiple voting –
      hallmark of the Dems since the 60’s) compounds this serious problem. To understand the depth of the progressive problem start by reading “Liberal Fascism” for starters. You should also read “1984” to see what a progressive controlled society would be like. Or study what progressives Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini did to the world.

      The left has endlessly pursued elimination of citizen owned firearms (as in Australia and Britain, where they have been 99% successful). Yet they endlessly pretend this isn’t their agenda. They endlessly lie about who they are and what their agendas actually are, and the progressive MSM media provides the cover they need to fool millions of uninformed voters.

      I think your kind (statists) should move to places like west central CA counties (Marin to Orange) and form a fully Marxist (progressive) society removed from the USA. Then you can ban all firearms (so that only the government and criminals have power).

    • c.e. thacker March 2, 2018, 8:29 pm

      After the attack on Pearl Harbor, a Japanese Commander was asked why they did not attack the west coast of the U.S. His reply, “There’s a gun in every household. We would not succeed.” A corrupt government could certainly alter the election process, as you know, the Democrats are sure.

    • mike March 7, 2018, 4:58 pm

      Steve FIRST, your an idiot when it comes to the constitution. And 2rd I don’t believe for a skinny freakin second you were EVER a member of the NRA. I smell a serious Lib troll.

  • g March 2, 2018, 12:26 pm

    Nice touch with Burroughs.

  • JGH March 2, 2018, 12:14 pm

    I didn’t even have to play the video of Brian Mast to see he’s probably an idiot. Mid-term elections are coming up, use the ballot box to express your opinions.

  • California Gun Owner March 2, 2018, 12:09 pm

    Want gun violence to stop?
    Stop making defective children.
    Start raising your spawn like it matters.
    TV, computers and phones are NOT babysitters.
    Get into their business(nicely) but get there and stay there… Talk to your kids, ask them questions about things constantly so it does not feel intrusive to them, but it feels like a normal conversation, give and take, exchange of opinions.
    You love them but if you cannot raise them correctly, DO NOT HAVE THEM!

    I am starting to think, there should be a background check, a written test and a license required as well as a ten day wait before conception…..To have kids…..
    I used to be able to walk into a gun store pick up an AR with a 30-100 round magazine, pay the clerk and walk out. (IN CALIFORNIA!)

    Guns were easy to get, just as deadly and no magazine limits. Yet we never had the issues we have today.
    Seems to me the guns have not changed, just the people holding them.

    • e March 2, 2018, 4:21 pm

      WHAT? YOU CAN’T TELL ME HOW TO RAISE MY KIDS! But I can tell you that you shouldn’t be able to have that scary looking gun. I’m going to shelter my children from reality. You need to give up your rights, so that my kid can be safer from the law abiding gun owners. Democrats are the only politicians trying to help the people, not their political career. They give me everything, in exchange for my unwavering support.No matter if i agree or not. The government only looks out for the people. T.V., the internet, and the government, are the best baby sitters they never lie. Or mislead!

      • California Gun Owner March 2, 2018, 6:03 pm

        Exactly… Its too intrusive and places the blame where it belongs, rather than on the inanimate object.
        They just know they want SOMETHING DONE! but refuse to ask why, the issue exists or how to stop it without the application of a ‘feel good’ band-aid that strips others of their rights, because, for them its easier to wrap their heads around and ‘act on’ then looking at home and their responsibilities and where they failed.

  • Richard Manfredi March 2, 2018, 12:08 pm

    Brian , if you were honorable, you would not have to be asked to return N.R.A. money . You would return it because you have come to a parting of the ways . When \’they\’ want your 9 mm \’assault pistol ( How many Rounds ? ), what will you say ?
    The next honorable thing you can do is leave the Republican/Conservative/Libertarian party . You are a Democrat , and don\’t know it . If I were you , I would buy a Barf Bag , because \’they\’ are going to tell you how to vote on everything . You will have to choke on a lot of it , if you still have a shred of decency left in you .You don\’t think so ? Listen Up ! Get With The Program ! There are no DINOs – the repuke counterpart of RINOs , like your present self – in the House or Senate . Mailed fist in velvet glove, ha. You will just get the mailed fist from them . What happened in Va ? McAuliffe beat Cuccinelli by 50,000 votes , thanks to a Libertarian spoiler who took 150,000 votes . Ask them , how they liked their thirty five state good handgun permits cut to five states . Some of that language will melt this screen .
    What is the honorable thing to do when you have a bone in your throat because \”your\” party has one position and you are choking on it ? There are a few things : resign ; change party , or abstain . That is right abstain . The N.R.A. and non N.R.A. gun owners contributed to your campaign based on YOUR WORD TO THEM . YOU WERE PUT THERE TO REPRESENT THEM , NOT THE OPPOSITION, AND NOT YOUR OWN OPINION .
    There is one reason why there are so many \”assault misnomer )\” rifle types . The reason is ,\”BETTER.\” No matter what category : weight , parts , rounds , repair , take down, assembly , reliability ;the \’Assault (baloney misnomer category ) type is BETTER .
    I can understand how upset you are having lost someone you knew . Do not compound your tragedy with a decision you will regret in week. Words spoken in anger , grief , and without thought come back to bite us . There are better solutions , here are a few . Learn how to lock, unlock ;lock , unlock etc, outer school doors ; lock class room doors with four old fashioned 8 or 9 inch barrel bolt locks( two on vertical , one each on top and bottom of door ), and reinforce class room doors with a solid piece of 4ft x 8ft three quarter inch plywood . Fire the sheriffs Dept. ; the chief , and the four do nothings .They can be replaced by five vets . Good luck , either way .

  • Richard Manfredi March 2, 2018, 12:07 pm

    Brian , if you were honorable, you would not have to be asked to return N.R.A. money . You would return it because you have come to a parting of the ways . When ‘they’ want your 9 mm ‘assault pistol ( How many Rounds ? ), what will you say ?
    The next honorable thing you can do is leave the Republican/Conservative/Libertarian party . You are a Democrat , and don’t know it . If I were you , I would buy a Barf Bag , because ‘they’ are going to tell you how to vote on everything . You will have to choke on a lot of it , if you still have a shred of decency left in you .You don’t think so ? Listen Up ! Get With The Program ! There are no DINOs – the repuke counterpart of RINOs , like your present self – in the House or Senate . Mailed fist in velvet glove, ha. You will just get the mailed fist from them . What happened in Va ? McAuliffe beat Cuccinelli by 50,000 votes , thanks to a Libertarian spoiler who took 150,000 votes . Ask them , how they liked their thirty five state good handgun permits cut to five states . Some of that language will melt this screen .
    What is the honorable thing to do when you have a bone in your throat because “your” party has one position and you are choking on it ? There are a few things : resign ; change party , or abstain . That is right abstain . The N.R.A. and non N.R.A. gun owners contributed to your campaign based on YOUR WORD TO THEM . YOU WERE PUT THERE TO REPRESENT THEM , NOT THE OPPOSITION, AND NOT YOUR OWN OPINION .
    There is one reason why there are so many “assault misnomer )” rifle types . The reason is ,”BETTER.” No matter what category : weight , parts , rounds , repair , take down, assembly , reliability ;the ‘Assault (baloney misnomer category ) type is BETTER .
    I can understand how upset you are having lost someone you knew . Do not compound your tragedy with a decision you will regret in week. Words spoken in anger , grief , and without thought come back to bite us . There are better solutions , here are a few . Learn how to lock, unlock ;lock , unlock etc, outer school doors ; lock class room doors with four old fashioned 8 or 9 inch barrel bolt locks( two on vertical , one each on top and bottom of door ), and reinforce class room doors with a solid piece of 4ft x 8ft three quarter inch plywood . Fire the sheriffs Dept. ; the chief , and the four do nothings .They can be replaced by five vets . Good luck , either way .

  • RB March 2, 2018, 11:58 am

    Well let’s use liberal logic, you don’t need to live in a 4000 square foot house when there’s only two of you. You don’t need a car putting out 650 horsepower, let’s ban that too. We can setup a committee that when you decide to buy a house they review how many people in the household and then use a nifty flow chart to tell you how many square feet we can live in. The amazing thing is we continue to watch this happen, we bitch about it on forums like this, but at any point are we going to organize to do something about it? The fucking politicians never address the victims of homicides when they are killed by weapons that are already banned. California has banned assault weapons for years, but mysteriously a Sacramento Deputy was killed with an AK47 last year and two others injured, but wait, that can’t happen, they’re illegal… Fucking assholes!

  • Robin L March 2, 2018, 11:51 am

    FUCK YOU!!! Go to Hell Socialist Democrats !!

  • SD March 2, 2018, 11:19 am

    The only thing I to say to these people is to quote the Honorable Del. Thomas Wright

    “Until the evil in people’s hearts changes, the laws we pass cannot fix that,”
    – Del. Thomas Wright, Virginia State Senator during committee hearing on more gun control laws

  • John March 2, 2018, 11:17 am

    So no one needs a gun designed to kill people..does no one remember the Birmingham riots of 1963? Or 1965 Watts Riots? Or the 1992 LA riots, store owners were on their roofs with AR type weapons to keep looters away.(there have actually been MANY more riots), or more recently the Hurricane Katrina looting & killing. Citizens claimed they only kept looters away with Ar type weapons with large magazines.
    So what will citizens do when they have another “Battle of Athens”, (when WWII vets rebelled against their corrupt government). (They even made a movie about this.)
    How many times has our National Guard been called out to kill their own citizens? (When Unions were being formed, during disasters or when protests broke out.) Kent State & Jackson University had students shot by the National Guard…New Mexico University had students bayoneted by the National Guard!
    Maybe these anti-gunners don’t think they need a weapon any more, but they don’t speak for me….maybe they think our Government would never turn on us…it could never happen in America….BUT IT ALREADY HAS!

    I’ll take my chances with a few mad dog killers, rather than face my Government (or criminals/looters) defenseless.

    Hey as long as we’re talking ‘reasonable & sensible’ gun laws on the 2nd amendment, how about some on the first amendment? Nothing radical, just ‘reasonable & sensible’ like they are talking about guns…like making it illegal for sitting politicians to lie, 3 strikes and your impeached. Sound ‘reasonable & sensible’? Ok and then make it illegal to attack our Constitution and Bill Of Rights, sounds ‘reasonable & sensible’, after all Americans do believe in their Constitution and Bill Of Rights…right?

  • bobh March 2, 2018, 11:06 am

    According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) statistics there are approximately 270 million motor vehicles of all types operating on US roads. Included in that number are 13.5 million light trucks. According to NHTSA fatal crash statistics almost 50,000 people are killed very year in traffic crashes on US roads. About 40% of all those deaths- roughly 20,000- are in crashes involving light trucks yet light trucks make up just 5% of all motor vehicles on our roads! There can be little doubt then that light trucks are deadly, far deadlier than passenger cars, so the obvious thing to do is to ban light trucks or at least restrict ownership of them. It’s just common sense, right? Of course banning or restricting ownership of light trucks will mean some manufacturing jobs will be lost and work a hardship on some people who think they need a light truck while depriving others of their preferred vehicle but if we can save just one life isn’t it worth it?

    • e March 2, 2018, 5:27 pm

      Several years off “BUT” The autonomous cars program and research being funded partly by the government, will soon solve this issue. Once perfected, your vehicle, if you can afford one, will be in control of motor travel via a supervised satellite. A system with many benefits, If there is an accident ahead (which will be very rare if ever) your vehicle will automatically change your route, stop, or return you home till its safe for you to travel. However if your vehicle isn’t up to date on every maintenance issue; low air, oil change, tire tread depth, antifreeze, battery out of date. that vehicle won’t be going anywhere, thus keeping you safe. Unless the proposed option is true, the vehicles is leased from a corporate fleet and maintained by them at your cost. A system that you tell when and where you go, logging your travel history to be sold to the highest bidder. Sounds like “conspiracy theory” but Internet browsing is sold and used everyday by advertising agencies.
      Hopefully that system wouldn’t be used against us in a emergency, deciding who goes, when, or where?
      Non of this could happen!? Unless We give up our freedom and independence! The whole time being told its for safety’s sake and that of our children. A very powerful emotional tool when trying to meet a political agenda.
      Kind of off subject but just like gun control our politicians and Government would “never” do anything to gain power over the people.
      By the way that safe vehicle will stop for a pedestrian or a criminal with an illegal gun standing in the road just to rob you.

  • Captain Dave March 2, 2018, 10:59 am

    Our country is more divided now than it has been since the civil war. For unknown reason there is a large segment of the population that simply fails to comprehend the second amendment and why we have it. No matter how you try to convey this to some people, their minds are closed. It’s very sad and if they win, this country is going to really be in the shitter. I wish I had an answer but I’m beginning to accept that you can’t fix “stupid”. I am giving up on arguing because they refuse to see the light even when you shine it in their face but the battle for my rights, your rights, can not end.

  • J. Rhodes March 2, 2018, 10:50 am

    Who will come to confiscate these weapons from the millions of American gun owners ? Do the out of touch politicians think the populace will just willingly and agreeably hand over their Constitutionally protected private property for destruction ? Do these politicians think confiscation can be done without bloodshed ? Hopefully, those politicians pushing for confiscation will personally come to demand the former law-abiding gun owning Americans surrender their weapons, Anti-Constitutional Politicians shouldn’t send others to enforce laws that violate the Bill of Rights and confiscate private property, Freedom isn’t free, the price of Freedom is High… ask anyone who has served in war and know OUR American history. Those Domestic Enemies who would strip America of the Freedoms that are responsible for our country’s establishment, prosperity and rise to world leadership are far more dangerous to our freedom than are the Foreign Enemies who gleefully watch as our sheeple citizens and their sheeple leaders who seek to destroy our republic from within.

  • Dexter Winslett March 2, 2018, 10:48 am

    Time to water the tree of liberty.

  • Glen March 2, 2018, 10:36 am

    Guess we need a bill that states the mother fuckers taking our armalite rifle 😂 not assault rifles….Lol should reimburse us for our scopes…red dots..and laser that we all bought on our legal rifles!
    There’s a difference

  • Dennis March 2, 2018, 10:36 am

    If the gun ban passes I want the people responsible to do the collecting of the banned firearms…

  • Gun Owner March 2, 2018, 10:35 am

    Why does an individual need an AR15 for. You surely do not need it for a home invasion. Firing an AR15 in a home would surely end up watch a few rounds going through your walls and into your neighbors home. As a holder of a coceiled carry permit, I am not against owning a handgun for home protection or any other personal problem which mite occurr, but an AR15 is a little over the top.The real problem is that these guns are already in circulation and no matter what laws the federal or state comes up with is like locking the door after the horse runs out. The only way our safety can be improved is to establish a much better background check on the buyer, even if it takes a few days to complete.

    • Twright1312 March 2, 2018, 10:59 am

      Actually, a handgun, especially fast moving 9mm and .40, has just as much potential to shoot through the walls of your house. The AR-15 is actually quite well suited for home defense. Aside from that, the second amendment is in place to allow us to fight back against the government when it oversteps it’s authority and becomes tyrannical. That won’t happen you say? Our government is trying to take away our ability to resist them right now and people are cheering it on. Do you REALLY think those millionaire politicians care whether or not you are safe? They only care about cementing their own authority and keeping their positions. I wonder if this was what it was like in pre war Germany.

    • Bill March 2, 2018, 11:07 am

      I use an AR 15 in Director of Civilian Marksmanship. This is a government sanctioned competition that has been in existance from before WW 1.

    • Boris March 2, 2018, 11:08 am

      Your handgun hollow point has a greater probability of penetrating further into a home than a 223 hollowpoint or softpoint. A lightweight, frangible, high velocity projectile fragments very easily in common building materials where a slower, heavier one does not. This is also true in soft targets. Line up a few water jugs and compare the two. These findings are based on actual testing I performed while working for a major police department. It’s counter intuitive, but it’s true. Furthermore, the likelihood of rounds missing your target and finding their way into a neighbors house, would be much greater with a handgun than a long gun. As a career law enforcement officer, I don’t fear law abiding people that own AR’s… I fear the politicians that fear good folks that own them.

    • Leonard March 2, 2018, 11:16 am

      We need to be careful about what we wish for. One theme we keep hearing is that there should be universal background checks on ALL firearm transfers. This IS bad. Universal background checks on private transfers—a brainchild of Michael Bloomberg, requires a background check for any transfer–even lending a gun–between private parties. Gun lending is most common among hunters, when hunter A has drawn a permit for an elk, for example, and hunter B may offer the loan of a rifle more suitable for such a large animal. This loan would now require a background check before the borrower can receive the weapon, and another background check before he/she could return it to the lender.

      Also, consider this: an FFL holder cannot be compelled to aid a private party sale by performing such a check, and many will not. They see the seller of a used weapon as a competitor. Two weeks ago, when a friend offered me a deal on a matched set of upper and lower receivers for an AR-15, I needed an FFL holder to receive it and perform the background check as it was to be shipped from another state. One local gunshop, Butch’s guns, absolutely refused. He said they sell AR-15 receivers, if I’d like to buy one. He wasn’t going to assist a private sale though!

      If no private sale could move forward without an FFL, and no FFL was willing to assist in such a sale, only new guns could be sold, and used guns in the hands of private parties would have zero value, even if you want to sell it to an FFL holder. Why would a gun dealer pay fair market value for a used gun if the owner can’t legally sell it to anyone else? Alternatively, an FFL holder could charge whatever he deemed acceptable for the service–and it could be more expensive for the buyer to get the used private party’s gun than to buy a new one from the FFL holder.

    • Constitutional Rights March 2, 2018, 11:20 am

      Why do say an AR15 is over the top? Is it because you are assuming they only fire 5.56 rounds? I have AR15s in 22LR, 9mm, 45ACP, and 5.56. AR15s provide the ability to have a single platform that can be switched to another calibers without purchasing another complete firearm. I bet you an AR15 in 9mm is more accurate than a 9mm pistol.

      It is gun owners like you that think why do people need this type of firearm vs what I have that do not understand. Ask yourself why you need a handgun versus a 410 shotgun? By the way, one can make an argument that any semi-auto pistol as a military style firearm. So you too can eventually lose if we do not all stand together.

    • Alan March 2, 2018, 11:37 am

      Would kind of a retarded comment is that? So, do you think any .223 should be banned? What about semi-auto 30.06’s? What about a .22 or 9mm? Do you not think these will pass through a wall of your home? The height of ignorance shown in your comment tells me you probably do not have a CCW. If you do own a gun, you obviously have no idea of it’s capabilities and are a good example of a person that should not own a gun, because you have no idea what you own.

    • Stallion March 2, 2018, 11:45 am

      Its not the Bill of Needs – it’s The Bill of Rights. Please answer these two questions ‘gunowner:’ What is the intent of the Second Amendment? Who has killed more people than all depraved shooters combined? Governments – it’s called democide. Who needs an AR? – Ann Frank needed one.So did her dad and six-million other people. A lot of folks in Cambodia needed ARs with fully charged thirty round magazines from 1975 – 1979, a few students on the Kent State campus needed them in 1970, as did the Armenians in 1914-1923, the Rwandans in 1992, Bosnians in 1994, etc, etc etc. A handgun is great if that’s what you prefer, but our Founders INTENDED that we the people have the right to whatever we choose & that government should be limited. Not the other way around.

    • California Gun Owner March 2, 2018, 1:21 pm

      Wait… WHAT?
      My 9mm punches through walls more than a .223 would.
      My 9mm handgun shoots just as fat and has the same capacity of my .223
      I own two 9MM AR rifles…. Are they over the top?

      One size fits all and blaming the evil black rifle for all the worlds woes is a simplistic, and pardon me, but a rather ignorant stance.

      • California Gun Owner March 2, 2018, 1:34 pm

        Just an FYI, I have two 9mm AR rifles, because they are fun to shoot, cheap to shoot and I can put rounds right on target every time… 3 point lock helps accuracy, helps me to keep the gun on target and god forbid I need to use it in my home, helps me protect my neighbors from missed shots going through their walls.

    • Gregory Romeu March 2, 2018, 3:29 pm

      Perhaps you should first learn to spell before you try to speak for the rest of us?

  • Rogue March 2, 2018, 10:22 am

    I don’t know the answer but I do know somethings got to change. Too many kids and others being killed. More guns don’t seem to be the answer. The FBI doing it’s job would have helped. Tagging unstable folks would have helped. It’s not a one thing fix. Lots of things need addressed. Lots of things need fixed. Talking about it isn’t fixing it and in the past that’s about all that happend, Talk, and more talk. When your own son or daughter is killed I think it would change some minds. I truely don’t think the problem is guns so much as other things. I am 68 and there were a lot of guns around when I was in elemtary school but if you are older like me you know a school shooting was unheard of. At that time most anyone could go in sears and buy a gun. So no it isn’t the gun that kills it’s the people. Unfortunately no one has figured out how to stop People from doing horendous things with guns. So the easy fix is take away the gun. We often do the same thing with disease, and we don’t treat the root of the problem cause we don’t know how. We need to figure out how but till we do we may need to give in a little to save a bunch of lives.

    • Steve G March 2, 2018, 10:51 am

      Rogue – You say \”so the easy fix is to take away the gun.\” Doing so does exactly nothing to address the problem that people allegedly are trying to solve….unless an armed citizenry is the problem. This ban is a pathetic grab for money (campaign donations) and votes. It will have precisely zero impact on school shootings, whereas metal detectors, TRAINED/SKILLED security, and not showing faces or names of murderers who seek infamy will have a dramatic effect. I guess that\’s too hard though. Lazy people seek the easy way out, but hey, at least we did something. Now we can feel good. Until the next shooting.

    • Boris March 2, 2018, 11:21 am

      The easy fix is to take away the guns? Not really. First you have to reform all the criminals out there. They are the guys that don’t care about laws. They are the ones that will always have a gun, no matter how illegal you make it. A criminal by definition does not abide by laws. So when the gun ban comes to pass, who will be turning in their guns? The criminals? I think not. Disarming the law abiding populace only accomplishes one thing. It make them more vulnerable to the criminal element that won’t. Perhaps if we pass more common sense gun laws? How about more common sense laws against murder and assault? Again, my point is, no matter how illegal you make something, criminals won’t be affected by it, because they don’t care.

    • SD March 2, 2018, 11:22 am

      “Until the evil in people’s hearts changes, the laws we pass cannot fix that,”
      – Del. Thomas Wright, Virginia State Senator during committee hearing on more gun control laws

    • Constitutional Rights March 2, 2018, 11:28 am

      So why not eliminate cars, cell phones, knives, bats, fists, etc? Why is no one speaking for all the kids that are killed in auto accidents related to texting?

  • MonkeyMan March 2, 2018, 10:18 am

    Ol’ Sizzlelean should stick to what he knows best – little boys in Costa Rica.

  • Gem Gram March 2, 2018, 10:11 am

    Actually, ANY criminal in possession of ANY firearm is in possession of a BANNED Firearm. And that includes the .25 caliber Saturday night special that holds 6 rounds. Has that ever kept them from possessing firearms? I do not think so. Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, and East L.A., and of course Washington D.C. kind of make my point. How about if we ban violent video games that cause a bunch of this. Hey they are NOT covered under the Constitution. No, they are NOT free speech. Funny, some politicians think it is more important to protect their \”rights\” than to protect the 2nd Amendment.

    • Joe March 2, 2018, 11:25 am

      Agree with you 100% on this. Stupid gun hating politicians always lack the level of intelligence necessary to make common sense gun control. It is a proven fact nowadays according to studies conducted by the American Psychiatric Association, that young children and teenagers who spend hours playing violent video games, are found to develop violent behavior towards their peers. Not to mention the fact that spending more time engaged in video games makes them more anti-social. There’s a reason why so many of those video games are not allowed in many other countries. And for good reason. I myself don’t allow my kids to play violent video games, and instead I do my best to engage them in sports, bike riding, roller blading, etc… you know, like we used to do in a not so distant past.

      Now getting back to the topic at hand, let’s go back to the Sandy Hook massacre. They were quick to go after the AR-15 rifle that was FOUND in the trunk of the vehicle. You sure did not hear that piece of news, but the shady politicians were quick to try to enact an assault weapons ban based on LIES, not facts. The retard that killed all those innocent children never took the AR-15 into the school in the first place. I believe the police recovered 3 handguns from the body. Now, if those guns were in a safe, he would had never gotten access to them in the first place. Perhaps passing a law that requires gun owners to have to purchase a safe, and making it illegal to store guns openly around the house, specially if you have children, would be considered common sense gun control. Also, raising the age requirement to 21 in order to purchase any type of firearm, whether it’s a long gun or handgun, would also make more sense, rather than trying to criminalize law abiding citizens and banning AR-15 type of rifles. Fixing the NICS system to include people considered mentally unstable, and those involved in violent domestic disputes should not be allowed to purchase or legally possess firearms. If that was the case, the idiot that commited the Parkland shooting would not have gotten the opportunity to buy any of the firearms in the first place. This retard had a history of mental issues going back to junior high school, where he had been recommended to be put under medication. And how about the numerous times the police were called regarding the threats he made to neighbors? One of those phone calls was made by his own mother, where she is heard telling the 911 operator that her son had just pointed one of his guns to his younger brother? Why didn’t the police confiscate the guns then? How many RED FLAGS were there, and yet not even the authorities did anything about it? If you ask me, the inefficient officers that responded to the various domestic disputes at that residence as just as guilty of that massacre as the shooter himself. But yet you don’t see the politicians going after them. No, they don’t. You know why? Because there’s only one agenda on their shady dirty minds. If it were up to them and they could get away with it, the Democ_Rats would be more than happy to wipe out the second amendment completely. Ban the sale of all guns, and make it illegal of possess any type of guns period.

      According to the anti-gun politicians, in today’s day and age, we don’t have to worry about governments turning into a tyrannic entity. Really? Tell that to the people of Venezuela, who were led to believe by Chavez that guns weren’t needed, and that Venezuela will become a exemplary peaceful country, and lead as an example to the world as a peaceful nation. Now go see how peaceful the citizens of Venezuela are living today.

      • James March 2, 2018, 12:52 pm

        You are right about some aspects of the shooting, however lets pretend the “retard” couldn’t get a gun, what would he do? Go back to bed and forget about killing. nah, i’m guessing he would find another way! Homemade bombs are easy to made and would kill alot more people. or many other ways which I won’t mention. The tool is not the problem, the nutjob using the tool is the problem. Let everyone have guns and eventually the criminal element will dealt with!

  • Christopher Davis March 2, 2018, 10:09 am

    The governments history concerning “banning” things is self evident.
    When they banned alcohol via the 18th Amendment to the Constitution, what was the result?
    The only people with alcohol were politicians, criminals, and rich people. It bred a new type of criminal. The black market that was created was extremely lucrative… and deadly. The results of that ban were so horrific, that the government actually had to come up with the 21st Amendment to repeal the 18th Amendment.
    Banning guns will result in the same. A new black market. Only the rich and powerful will have guns. The police, and possibly the military, will be used to abuse the people with impunity. Crime against innocent civilians WILL increase, but of course the government will deny it and the media will not report it.
    Keep in mind that this is exactly what the government’s overall intent is.
    Your safety is not the goal… your submission and impotence is.

  • John March 2, 2018, 10:02 am

    I don’t think we need Democrats and their Socialist screed either. How do we go about banning them?

  • David Welsh March 2, 2018, 9:41 am

    Politicians who say they are pro-Second Amendment, but say “but…” are liars. The Second Amendment doesn’t allow for political tweaking (INFRINGEMENTS). Since the Second Amendment was written to safeguard Americans against a tyrranous government, how does it make any sense that that same, potentially tyrranous government, can abridge that amendment.

    • Joe March 2, 2018, 11:28 am

      You’re right, and according to the anti-gun politicians, in today’s day and age, we don’t have to worry about governments turning into a tyrannic entity. What better example do we have in modern times than the people of Venezuela, who were led to believe by Chavez that they should voluntarily give up their guns, that Venezuela will become an exemplary peaceful country, and lead as an example to the world as a peaceful nation. Now go see how peaceful the citizens of Venezuela are living today.

    • Brian Fletcher March 2, 2018, 11:57 am

      ALL politicians are liars, including that sellout asshat in the White House, not just some…

  • Sean March 2, 2018, 9:28 am

    Democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Even if the silly dems pass a ban, it’s only paper and words. . It doesn’t stop anybody from doing what they intend to do. I for one wouldn’t turn in any of my ar’s no matter what and I know I’m not the only one with this idea. I’m a well armed sheep contesting the vote. The idiocy of people makes me sick. If guns kill people then spoons make people fat. It’s all bs. I choose to live my life as a responsible gun owning American, and I will continue to do so. Someday I’ll die, then my son will inherit them.

  • Fred March 2, 2018, 9:27 am

    Cigarettes and high fat foods cause more deaths each year than everything else. When will they ban them?

    • dynastyeric2011 March 2, 2018, 1:19 pm

      WOW, someone finally says it out loud, thank you Fred. The deadliest weapons in the American arsenal is their cars & trucks. The biggest killers in this country will NEVER be recognized, alcohol and drugs are two of the biggest out there. Look at the vehicle accidents and deaths that are drug and alcohol related? Look at the domestic abuse cases that are drug and alcohol related? Look at the assaults and homicides with knives, bats, tire irons, shovels, hammers, and even just the hands and feet that are drug and alcohol related? Look at every death in the U.S. that are drug and alcohol related and put them ALL into their own category and see just how big that number really is compared to EVERYTHING else? Now, look at the fact that some states have even passed laws making federally recognized illegal drugs legal for recreational use, what is next, cocaine? ALL of these drugs kill, all of these drugs affect different people differently and have costs that go FAR BEYOND the value of the tax dollars they provide but we are supposed to be okay with that? THE BIGGEST KILLER in this country is the very thing the second amendment to supposed to protect us from, the government… Look, I like my cocktails now and then but if we look at it from the same view the government wants us to than isn’t it their job to protect us from these issues as well? What about the spun-out addict or drunk looking for trouble and a fight? What about the drug addict breaking into my house to steal my hard-earned possessions so he/she can get their next fix? Guns just like everything else I have mentioned above cannot by themselves kill anyone but they sure can protect anyone if in the hands of a reasonable responsible citizen. I carry, I will always carry and I hope with all my heart that I never need to use it but you can bet your ass I will if myself or my family are in what I would consider a life or death situation. Firearm safety should be taught in every school in every state even if the student has no intention of EVER owning or using a firearm. This starts first and foremost with the knowledge and understanding of basic firearms and firearm safety that could save lives. “Sic Semper Tyrannis” tyrants will always be overthrown and removed from power.

  • Jay March 2, 2018, 9:21 am

    How can any one in this country actually believe we can have a serious conversation and pass laws over mental health issues! We have been told by the media, liberals and all the other hate groups, that we should accept mental health issues such as Transgender, homo sexuality, lesbianism, gender identity, bathroom identity and so on and so forth. People either have a mental health issue or they don’t, you can’t pick and choose which one’s are acceptable, when they are all mental health issues and the rest of us have to live among them because the government. media and liberals says so!
    The liberals and the media have purposely and with malice created a sanctimonious and insidious monster, identity politics and political correctness! They keep that monster alive by spewing lies that around every corner there is racism and all other kinds of “isms” you can think of to divide this country. United we stand, Divided we fall. The media and liberals throw perceived racism out there and inject real racism. They throw perceived hatred out there and inject real hatred. They create more and more identity groups all demanding there priority over the others and all of us! Screaming racism and hate all the way to identity, at the cost of others rights or freedoms! If you don’t agree with them your the bad guy, the racist and the one that hates! This is the new America!

    • dynastyeric2011 March 2, 2018, 1:39 pm

      Correct, they continue to incite equality and individual freedom of expression giving the .00134% of the population rights that contradict and override my rights to use a restroom with people of the same sex. I have been forced to accept that someone of the opposite sex can now use the men’s room if they identify as a man? Again, what about my rights? I have to watch a guy who identifies as a woman walk into the ladies’ restroom where my 12 year old daughter just entered but I have to wait outside and hope he is not mentally ill and keeps his hands and eyes to himself? Equality is a great concept but it is an unreachable one as long as we all have the right to our own opinions and freedom of speech and as long as we are not clones that all feel and act exactly the same. Buy the people of the people and for the people and majority rules is in my opinion the definition of Democracy. As long as we continue to cater to the few and confused we are no longer a Democracy and we have already failed. When you serve the minority and no longer protect the rights of the majority you are destroying our country and what it really stands for.

      • Stacy March 2, 2018, 3:51 pm

        What about the different identity makes you think that person is mentally ill and may mean your daughter harm any more than someone who looks ‘normal’ to you? Just because you don’t agree with how they live their life, that means their unstable? And what does that say about you if you would actually allow your daughter to use that restroom all the while thinking someone in there may hurt her, (and your ‘fear’ is no more grounded than hers of the Boogeyman in the closet or under the bed)?

        • Terry June 22, 2019, 7:26 pm

          A man who believes he is a woman, or a woman who believes she is a man is suffering from a delusion. Just because they believe an untrue position does not mean I must assist in their illusion. No parent would want a potentially unbalanced sexually mixed up person left alone with their minor child unchaperoned.

    • Stacy March 2, 2018, 3:36 pm

      You contradicted yourself through that whole little tirade. Do you feel better or more confused? Either you want to come together and rise up or you don’t. Which is it? You can’t have it both ways.
      If you do, then you have to set your small mind aside. Whether ‘he’ is a ‘she’ or vice versa doesn’t make a difference. What matters is whether he or she is against the Bill of Rights or The Constitution. You’re picking at issues that are none of your business while claiming you care about a much bigger issue; but you can’t set your bias of the smaller issue aside long enough to discuss the bigger one without throwing a few digs in. That’s why we’re so divided. Everyone has an opinion. Everyone thinks everyone else should listen to them and their holier than thou opinions. One person or group doesn’t know what’s best for all nor should they have all the power. That’s the problem with politicians and government. Everyone should have a say as long as what we’re talking about is {constructive} something that’s going to help the situation instead of bitching about some personal aspect we don’t like about certain people. All of us should come together and put our personal differences aside for the better of the public and our communities. We can’t tout one for all and all for one all the while pointing fingers at others who look or act different than we do. We need all of us in this together if we’re going to beat those who have always tried to herd us together like sheep and Lord their positions (in power and office) over our heads.
      I understand everyone has their bias’ and hangups. We were all raised and taught different. However, if we are discriminating against others or trying to hold someone else down for any reason that doesn’t pertain to, say safety, then we are no better than the ones we complain about. None of us has the right to infringe on anyone else’s Rights and we shouldn’t want to as we would deserve the same in return.
      I don’t know what the best solution is or if there is one big one or many small ones put together. That’s why all of us together would be a good thing because we can all discuss issues that are important to us each in turn and come to a common ground that benefits everyone. …. All the small parts that make up the whole… They each have a purpose and reason and make for a better working common goal. Fighting amongst ourselves is what they want and won’t solve anything – except maybe to cause us to fall right into their trap. There are a lot of things in this country that need to be changed. For instance, politicians should get less and soldiers should get more. All veterans should be guaranteed health insurance and some kind of stabilizing income so they don’t end up homeless and on the street. They fought for this country and our rights so they should get more consideration than someone who sits on welfare for as many years as they can get away with just because they’re too lazy to work. That’s not to say everyone on welfare doesn’t need it but there are a lot who use it to their advantage because it’s easier than making an effort. What kind of world do we live in where someone can sit in an office, don’t do any kind of hard or manual labor and think it’s okay for their paycheck to contain so many zeros all the while men and women are risking (as well as losing) their lives to make sure we get the freedoms we feel we deserve [then after they’ve served their purpose and are no longer of use are tossed aside like yesterday’s trash to fend for themselves]? Something’s gotta give, people.

      • Jay March 5, 2018, 7:27 am

        Stacy you are the confused one! When a person can change their DNA, ill talk about equality for their mental illness of gender bias because they think they are some thing other than what nature made them! If you really want a mental illness course you might want to investigate all I mentioned, as it is and has been considered a mental illness until as of late when the poisonous people who want to push mental illness as acceptable! I also might need to explain “United we stand Dived we fall” for you also I see. Meaning as our constitution, bill of rights and declaration of independence stands. If your mental ill you obviously can not understand that this Nation was born on the belief of a higher power we will all answer to, God and he has made the rules, DNA, and you etc…. talk to him about your gender problems, not man who will do any thing for a buck!

      • Terry June 22, 2019, 7:34 pm

        The real issue here is a simple one. Do you support the second amendment? And the greater issue is do you support the entire constitution?
        My answer is YES to both completely. If you have a problem with this why are you even living in America?

  • Gem Gram March 2, 2018, 9:19 am

    I use an AR for deer hunting, hog hunting, rabbit hunting and just plain paper and tin can shooting. Why, because they are very accurate and I can simply switch barrels and do the same thing with one \”gun\”. The AR-15 was designed for the civilian market, but its cartridges \”.223\” was chosen by the military for two reasons; it was easy for non-gun people to shoot and the round was LESS lethal than battle rifle in use at the time. Research had shown that from a Benefit?Cost perspective it was better to wound an enemy soldier than to kill that soldier. It took a bunch of people to take care of that wounded soldier and cost a lot of enemy resources to take care of him. So the utter bull that the rifle is SOOO leathal and terrible is simple hog wash. ANYONE, including that \”Service Disabled Vet\” Congressman who says otherwise is a fool OR just blowing smoke for political purposes. That by the way includes a silly ex-General commentator on the FOX channel. Believe it or not a very low percentage of those serving in the Military have ANY expertise with or knowledge of weapons. That includes that fool \”Jeraldo\” who claims because he has been reporting from the \”front\” he is an expert on weapons. Sorry, but being in front of a camera does not make you knowledgeable or an expert on weapons.
    Even though he is a wounded veteran and served his country Congressman Brian Mast has joined the enemies of the Constitution of the United States. Either he is a fool OR did so for political purposes regardless of his sacred oath when entering the United States Military. He should be removed from office as soon as possible for either reason. That comes from an old man who is also a \”Service Disabled Veteran\” who took the same oath but who also remembers it. And who actually knows something about weapons. That crazy kid would surely have killed more people with a simple pump action shotgun and a bag of 00 buckshot shooting down the hall and into classrooms. There would have been twice or three times as many people dead and casualties. Or with a simple 9MM hand gun and a pocket full of magazines. Even if they were 10 round magazines. Hui Cho killed 32 people and wounded 17 more at Virginia Tech with a simple handgun and extra magazines.
    But ANY Congressman or Senator that supports limiting the Second Amendment IS an enemy of the Constitution of the United States of America. That includes Brian Mast. Mostly because of being a fool or in some cases because of being a traitor for political advantage. Remember folks they also swore that same sacred oath we Military Veterans did.

    • David Welsh March 2, 2018, 9:43 am

      I have seen many vets who have crapped on the Bill of Rights. They put party and politics over their oaths.

    • Shawn McManus March 2, 2018, 10:26 am

      The Democrats and their core think of Mast as a “sacred cow.” In their minds, because he’s an amputee war veteran, nobody can say anything about him or against his opinions with the possible exception of other amputee war vets.
      That was one reason why the swift boaters were so successful in sinking John Kerry with Democrats.
      Among the more enlightened Republicans (and others to be fair), this tactic doesn’t work for anything. When they speak against the opinions of these sacred cows, the Democrats fall back on the standard name calling and, hopefully for them, get to use some new pejoratives that wouldn’t normally apply. Expect Republicans (and maybe a few Democrats) who oppose this ban to be called “anti-vet” or “anti-disabled” because they speak against Mast.

      • Cam March 2, 2018, 11:28 am

        It too bad that was amputated from his was his brain and the understanding of what the constitution is.

    • Joe March 2, 2018, 11:32 am

      Couldn’t have said better my brother…bravo!

    • Twright1312 March 2, 2018, 11:47 am

      Well said.

  • Bennie McDowell March 2, 2018, 9:18 am

    These assholes are so stupid and complete idiots who don’t know their ass from first base. They don’t know anything about the armalite ar15. Maybe you should go to a gun store and find out about this rifle then come back with some knowledge you don’t know anything about.

  • Gem Gram March 2, 2018, 9:18 am

    I use an AR for deer hunting, hog hunting, rabbit hunting and just plain paper and tin can shooting. Why, because they are very accurate and I can simply switch barrels and do the same thing with one “gun”. The AR-15 was designed for the civilian market, but its cartridges “.223” was chosen by the military for two reasons; it was easy for non-gun people to shoot and the round was LESS lethal than battle rifle in use at the time. Research had shown that from a Benefit?Cost perspective it was better to wound an enemy soldier than to kill that soldier. It took a bunch of people to take care of that wounded soldier and cost a lot of enemy resources to take care of him. So the utter bull that the rifle is SOOO leathal and terrible is simple hog wash. ANYONE, including that “Service Disabled Vet” Congressman who says otherwise is a fool OR just blowing smoke for political purposes. That by the way includes a silly ex-General commentator on the FOX channel. Believe it or not a very low percentage of those serving in the Military have ANY expertise with or knowledge of weapons. That includes that fool “Jeraldo” who claims because he has been reporting from the “front” he is an expert on weapons. Sorry, but being in front of a camera does not make you knowledgeable or an expert on weapons.
    Even though he is a wounded veteran and served his country Congressman Brian Mast has joined the enemies of the Constitution of the United States. Either he is a fool OR did so for political purposes regardless of his sacred oath when entering the United States Military. He should be removed from office as soon as possible for either reason. That comes from an old man who is also a “Service Disabled Veteran” who took the same oath but who also remembers it. And who actually knows something about weapons. That crazy kid would surely have killed more people with a simple pump action shotgun and a bag of 00 buckshot shooting down the hall and into classrooms. There would have been twice or three times as many people dead and casualties. Or with a simple 9MM hand gun and a pocket full of magazines. Even if they were 10 round magazines. Hui Cho killed 32 people and wounded 17 more at Virginia Tech with a simple handgun and extra magazines.
    But ANY Congressman or Senator that supports limiting the Second Amendment IS an enemy of the Constitution of the United States of America. That includes Brian Mast. Mostly because of being a fool or in some cases because of being a traitor for political advantage. Remember folks they also swore that same sacred oath we Military Veterans did.

  • Gerry March 2, 2018, 8:59 am

    Why aren\’t we paying more attention to mental health issues of the \”crazy\” shooter? Why is it so easy to label him a \”psycho\” \”crazy\” and talk about the stupid weapon he used? How many of the kids in that school are hurt every day by fast food, peer pressure, and a home life of neglect or violence?……BUT….NO, it\’s the scary black gun that gets attention…..the one variable in the whole horrible deal that is meaningless?! They just can\’t see past the T.V. screen to the truth and use their own head instead of letting the media think for them! G. out

  • Jason March 2, 2018, 8:56 am

    I was trained for war does that mean I’m not needed anymore and have no purpose????

    • Constitutional Rights March 2, 2018, 11:32 am

      Also, why is law enforcement allowed to have military style firearms? They are not a military force, and should not weapons design for military.

  • GRA March 2, 2018, 8:52 am

    And I don’t care whatever happens to these ungrateful treasonous lunatics or their children. As far as I am concerned they can ALL go straight to hell and burn there for all eternity. I guess none of them realize that if there is ever another civil war here in this country there will be NO rules of engagement. Really damn stupid and overly emotional these decrepit people.

    • Michael R Stuhr March 2, 2018, 9:52 am

      ” I guess none of them realize that if there is ever another civil war here in this country there will be NO rules of engagement”:

      I think they do and that is exactly why they wish to disarm the populace.

  • Mr Marshall B Johnston March 2, 2018, 8:48 am

    No one ever say’s how many jobs would be lost if these fools pass a law like this. Take a moment and think of all of the guns, accessory’s ammo the list is endless. Their would be millions of jobs lost but that would be after the civil war of Coastal States vs Fly Over States.

    • James March 2, 2018, 10:13 am

      Doubt it a civil war in America today would look more like neighbors fighting neighbors

  • Richie Guardia March 2, 2018, 8:47 am

    So what happens if you ban “assault rifles” and then another shooting happens with a semi-automatic hunting rifle? Do you then ban all those rifles too? Or, a semi-automatic OR even a pump shotgun? Do you then ban all shotguns? Where does it stop?

    • Roy March 2, 2018, 9:29 am

      Sadly, there will be another and no it won’t stop. That’s why 2A should never be infringed!

    • David Welsh March 2, 2018, 9:46 am

      Whenever I hear a politician say “common sense gun control,” I mentally kick him/her in the balls.

  • mtman2 March 2, 2018, 8:46 am

    Hey you socialist/Marxist (D’s)- you don’t “need” a paycheck to eat either- “cause” you could grow your own food once unemployed.
    You don’t need a vehicle either(GW) cause you lazy parasites can walk where you need to go or take a bus or train.
    “WE the People” don’t need the illegal FedEd+NEA to indoctrinate OUR children either;
    nor over 1/2 the other socialist/Marxist unConstitutional agencies bleeding WE who actually produce- of the fruits of OUR labors.
    See – you and your parasitic shillbot constituants are totally unneceessary and need to learn to actual earn a living.
    You sure as Hell don’t now but you’all need to be booted out into the real world to learn reality by doing a real job and work- we’ll keep OUR real firearms just incase you lying, lazy, Godless Tory turncoats decide to steal from or kill us to try to eat out OUR substance by force.
    See you treasonous turncoats- a guy named Thomas Jefferson warned us (his political seeds) that you bottom feeding tyrants would turn up and think that this is your country= WELL IT ISN’T you dimwitted fools.
    See WE are the same type that fought and died to gain Independence in the first place= YOU cowards wouldn’t fight for dinner if you were starving but would lie, steal, murder to take it from trusting people like WE once were – but now WE are waaay beyond sick of you unAmerican creeps usurping from us OUR livelyhoods and Liberty starting with “unalienable Rights” clearly pointed to in OUR Declaration and even ensconced in OUR “Bill of Rights” as stated so “given by the God of Creation”, ie- “shall not be infringed ” means do not not + cannot be touched or is an unConstitutional act of u-surpation.
    Means at this point you elitist pricks+bureaucratic detritous are waay out of line and need to be humbly sidelined +/or if if guilty charged with crimes and severly sentenced.
    You’re totally unAmerican for WE are not ‘sheep in your pasture’ but are merely appointed by us as paid employees under OUR juristiction.
    Means you ‘wanna-be dictators’ are not just out of line but are rabid with criminal intent as if you were already rulers over a peasant class of peons jyst like OUR British overlords once thot to eatoyt OYR substance oppress us and evem murder us at will for not cowtowing to their arrogant thotless tryannical demands.
    Wrongo’ because your sworn allegiance to OUR Constitution has been clearly violated= you are now liars and criminals for doing so.
    Especially in view of the fact WE put you there to safeguard OUR “unalienable Rights” in “Liberty” not take over as if now you’re some separate higher class in a socialist hyerarchy.
    You DEMOCrats- NOW FAR-LEFT of even socialism are clealy thinly disguised MARXIST = iinfiltrating enemies of true AMERICNISM .
    Those of you with ears o hear better realize that you’re apart of and standing with traitors.
    Turn from your evil comadre’s while it is still relevant to do so.
    Please do wake up for the nations sake and learn the truth.
    – “Choose you this day whom you will serve.”
    SEE –
    Just to learn of and get the hang of- where WE are coming from and where YOU are already supposed to be.
    Thank you if you read all that= now search my links and do happily get re-Americanized.
    You’re certainly welcome to step up where you belong, need to be and are needed for honest posterties sake…

    • Don Snyder March 2, 2018, 10:21 am

      So True, all these POS in Congress took the Oath and are now trying to rewrite our Constitution Are Enemy’s of America and Should be charged with Treason…. Period

  • Rayzor1 March 2, 2018, 8:40 am

    Mr. Mast does not support the 2nd amendment at all. A simple perusal of the Bill of Rights along with the writings of the “Founding Fathers”, you know, the guys who wrote the docuement. Would illuminate that the 2nd Amendment. Is.not about muskets, hunting or technology. It was and is clearly about the balance of power between government and it’s master, “We the People,” the Militia is the whole of the people, this from George Mason who co wrote the Bill of Rights and specifically the 2nd Amendment. The founders made it clear these rights could not be taken nor could congress limit them. This is Historical fact. Also Mr. Mast civilians do own tanks, jet fighters and this was as the founders intended. George Washington stated that the intent is that the people posess all the terrible machinations of war, for this is the only way in which they may defend themselves from a tyrannical government. We the People were given the power to keep our corrupt government in check, as is clearly evident we now have a government that believes they are the Masters we the servant. The people are awkened to this fact, at least those who are capable of free thought and we must be disarmed. The biggest killer in history is government, in the 20th century alone governmente killed 100 s of millions of people many their own disarmed citizens. As our “Masters” seek to enslave us, remember that the 2nd Amendment and the Constitution was written to defend us from these exact people shoving their will down our throats.

  • Bobbie Panelli March 2, 2018, 8:35 am

    We don’t need Dems, either. But, I’d much rather have an AR-15 than a Democrat.

    • Joe March 2, 2018, 11:36 am

      Amen to that!!!

  • Jorge Garcia March 2, 2018, 8:20 am

    The first year results are now in:
    Australia-wide, homicides are up 6.2 percent,
    Australia-wide, assaults are up 9.6 percent;
    Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent)!
    In the state of Victoria …..alone, homicides with firearms are now up 300 percent.(Note that while the law-abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not and criminals still possess their guns!)
    While figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady
    decrease in armed robbery with firearms, this has changed drastically upward in the past 12 months, since the criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed.There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults of the elderly, while the resident is at home.

  • Robie March 2, 2018, 8:17 am

    Our Congress had how many scandals in the last year alone? We pay for their sexual lawsuits settlements. Do we trust THEM to write another law?
    We need to restore the military draft and maybe that will save some of the young people who have never had any discipline at home to understand there is a real world we live in. Not a Hollywood Ya, Ya land…

  • joefoam March 2, 2018, 8:04 am

    Amazing how totally ignorant the anti-gun crowd is about firearms and how willing they are to shift the blame to them. What occurred in this shooting was a total failure of all government entities to do anything to prevent the shooting, from the mother to the police and sheriffs to the school administration to the FBI, all of whom did nothing. So the easy thing to do is hide behind the evil gun, enact more laws that will not be enforced and allow all the agencies involved to say “see, we did something” keep their jobs and never be held accountable for the loss of life.

  • Eric Haulenbeek March 2, 2018, 8:02 am

    Calling a rifle or pistol an “assault weapon” is a sneaky political expression that was cut purely from political cloth. There is no such thing as an assault weapon. ANY weapon can be used in an assault on a person(s)! To suggest that there’s something unusually significant, or to artificially confer the status of any weapon to something special is quite simply a specious attempt to create a nonexistent anomaly. The AR15 IS NOT A MILITARY GRADE RIFLE, and Mrs. Feinstein knows this. An AR15 has been a very popular rifle with the hunter/sportsman in this country for almost 60 years, and suddenly Mrs. Feinstein found a new designation for it… how convenient! What the old girl is trying to do is put a lasting scare into people… so much so that your ideas about the kind of rifle it is will become something beyond reality… whatever your reality is. Anyone who’s used/shot this rifle knows it to be such a nice piece of hardware to take out into the woods or to the range. It clearly has more manners than does a 12 gauge shotgun, hands down! The military uses a weapon with the designation of M16. The M16 is an automatic weapon, which is very different from the semi-automatic AR15. The M16 is a larger, heavier weapon as opposed to the AR15, and this, of course, is by design. It would have to be built this way to withstand the rigors of battle. If you treated your AR15 with the kind of punishment that an M16 is prepared for you’d be field stripping/repairing your AR constantly. I’m not saying that an AR15 isn’t a great weapon to own, but one that’s battle-ready? Not hardly!

  • donald blanks March 2, 2018, 7:59 am

    my ARs havent assaulted anyone

    • Kyle Willey March 2, 2018, 8:20 am

      But, have you read the text of the bill? One of the provisions is to record and publicly release the information on guns used in gun related information, including “a record of the make, model, and, if available, date of manufacture of any semiautomatic assault weapon which the Attorney General is made aware has been used in relation to a crime under Federal or State law”. This certainly makes it sound like they are blaming the guns. What are they going to do, post mug shots of an AK? Wanted dead or alive, this Beretta Tomcat, serial number xxxxxxxxx. Yep, that’s what’s going to solve the issue.

  • Kent March 2, 2018, 7:57 am

    If they want to ban something it should be cell phones more people die in car accidents from cell phones than any crazy going on a shooting spree. First the guns then the knives then the clubs. Come on give me a freaking break.

  • Benjamin Davis March 2, 2018, 7:56 am

    Evil does not obey laws. Of course neither do Democrats! Started with AR 15 style rifle and has expanded to pistols, shotguns and 205 others that we have to pass the bill to find out which ones. Sound like another Pilosie health care bill. I will never support this bill, and will finance any politician that runs against the idiot in congress or senate that votes for this bill!

  • srsquidizen March 2, 2018, 7:51 am

    Here we go again. The Clinton ban (during which Columbine occurred) didn’t do anything to reduce crime, so let’s do it all over again. Let’s fix things by making sure criminals can get weapons that law-abiding people can’t. And let’s do it because of an atrocity where the sicko perp did everything short of putting up billboards along the highway to advertise that he was a ticking bomb. Moreover, when this type of shooter hits a soft target where he can kill lots of defenseless unarmed people at handgun range, he doesn’t even need a so-called “assault” rifle. He could have racked up the same death toll with a book satchel full of black powder revolvers.

  • Joe March 2, 2018, 7:50 am

    Whomever submits or votes for this type anti constitutional gun paranoia should be tried for treason against the Constitution that our country is founded upon.

    • David Welsh March 2, 2018, 9:50 am


  • Julio Cesar March 2, 2018, 7:48 am

    Ban cars that exceed 70 MPH, nobody needs that.
    Ban Democrats, nobody needs them.
    Ban deodorant, liberals don’t use it.
    Ban homes over 1500 square feet, nobody needs that kind of excess.
    Ban Sugar, ban white bread, ban Rolaids, ban ban ban…..
    That’s all liberals do, they impose their retardeese on others and never think dick shit through.
    Liberals are all for immigration, yet how many of them have tents with cots in their yards?
    How many people do their food kitchens feed?
    They just want to tell others what they think they should be doing and so far liberalism has been a complete and dismal failure each and every time it’s become the prevalent ideology, ie, The Mindless Dumbing Down of Society.
    But liberals always feel “this time it’ll be different”, except it never is. This is what happens when your mindset is based on touchy-feely thoughts and not logical, deductive reasoning.


    • 6mtman2 March 2, 2018, 9:56 am

      Then ban stones- good luck with that one.
      Ever truly know just how deadly a double 3ft string and a 1/2 lb stone is?
      Goliath and his 4 giant brothers do know- killed dead in one shot as the skulls were crushed and the brains were impact as if hit full-force with a hammer by that stone going well over 100mph.

  • Christopher Sourp March 2, 2018, 7:33 am

    Do they mean “assault- type looking weapons” ? I did not think we could buy “assault weapons”. I know my Ruger Ranch Rifle uses the exact same cartridge and can fire just as many rounds as an “assault-type looking weapon”. They are opening up some doors that they 2A has locked. I cannot believe they aren’t being called out on their terminology. They are now attacking me because authorities in Florida dropped the ball on that guy. Big time. Why not call them out on it. This makes me sick. Here we freekin go.

    • Zupglick March 2, 2018, 9:02 am

      They aren’t being called out because Bloomberg has all the major media in his pocket.

  • Infidel762X51 March 2, 2018, 7:32 am

    You left two items off your lists. It bans all semi-auto handguns with removable magazines and pellet rifles. They are not coming for anyone’s guns, they just want reasonable restrictions.

    • David Welsh March 2, 2018, 9:50 am

      “Reasonable,” when uttered by a politician means tryanny. Don’t trust!

      • Cam March 2, 2018, 11:34 am

        Reasonable coming from the part that think you paying more than 50% of income you earn to federal, state and local government is perfectly “reasonable”

  • Jerry March 2, 2018, 7:29 am

    A caller on a local radio station here in fort myers fl said it best: “the second amendment wasn’t passed to protect me from deer”.

  • Duane Buckner March 2, 2018, 7:28 am

    While Rep. Mast’s sacrifice is appreciated. His opinion and understanding of the 2nd amendment is not. His terrible and honorable injuries in the service of our great nation do not elevate him to some sacrosanct position.

    1. In 2016 rifles (of every type) killed 374 people nationwide. Ladders killed more. Cars? 40,000+. The hysteria is not warranted.
    2. In the 20th century Governments killed (at least)170 million of their own.

    3. When my right to own a firearm is reduced to a certain type by the very organ it is designed to keep in check…. avenues have been crossed that should not be.

  • Mike March 2, 2018, 7:27 am

    It’s the Bill of Rights not the Bill of Needs….

  • ron March 2, 2018, 7:18 am

    What most of you idiots don’t know yet is it is already too late. It is just a matter of time before the constitution is shredded and ALL guns will be confiscated. Sure some of you fat lazy fucks say “from my dead cold hands” but 99.99 percent will hand them over without a fight when the gestapo busts down your door in the wee hours of the morning. By 2020 Florida WILL be a blue state. If DACA passes, Texas will also be blue. Once this happens, and once the brown races have reached critical mass, there is no going back EVER!!!! The constitution was written by “white slave-owning men” remember. Therefore it is worthless in the eyes of the new majority. Sorry, I’d feel sorry for you, but you fat lazy fucks really have it coming. I’m moving to Russia.

    • Warren March 2, 2018, 8:10 am

      It’s great being a American. You can write anything you want. I don’t think anyone cares if you want to go to Russia. Just go.

    • Badr Waheed March 2, 2018, 8:45 am

      Sad man are you. Brown races. How about you keep your guns, keep your ideals of separation and ethnic divides and build a wall around your home. How you even believe in GOD talking like that. Sad that I have to share the planet with any person thinking and believing like you no matter the color or creed.

    • Patriot March 2, 2018, 9:41 am

      Hey Ron you clueless tin foil hat wearing dumb fuck,it\’s pretty hard to confiscate something when you have NO IDEA who has them and WHERE they are,,LOL..good luck with your confiscation conspiracy theory,LUNATIC like you are the REAL problem,
      so go back to your neo-nazi meeting now,let the sane people talk.

    • 6mtman2 March 2, 2018, 10:28 am

      Aaaaahahahahah – sorry to laugh but you are sadly right(S.Segal did).
      However – as you’re saying WE did it to ourselved- it can he changed and was proven when Ronald Reagan landslided twice and now folks showed up for “The Donald” a citizen turned politician who’d seen + had enough..
      What needs to be fastidiously utilised is all Primary elections to then oust parasitic encumbants to install determined articulate citizen Patriots to run in the general election and thrash the socialist/Marxist DemocRat shill.
      Means decent Patriotic Constitutional people must step up; and then they need the like minded to come out of the woodwork as they did with Reagan+Trump= tho starting with PRIMARIES to “Throw the bums out.” of OUR side first and run seriously commited true Patriots.

  • Dave March 2, 2018, 7:11 am

    I guess my Remington .22 semi-auto will have to go; I think it holds >15 rounds….
    These broad brush-strokes are a symptom of those that do NOT understand the nature and proper use of firearms. I don’t have an AR but I’d like to have one; I think it would be fun to take it to the range, and it would also provide a sense of security in my house. AND, it is my RIGHT to have one if I wish.
    Having inherited most of my firearms, I’m awfully glad that the authorities are unaware of their presence.

    • srsquidizen March 2, 2018, 8:07 am

      Still have a 15-round Nylon 66 (one of the first with a synthetic stock) that I bought when I was 14…legally. Funny thing, there were ZERO school shootings back then even though anybody at all could buy some the most lethal military rifles of WWII for next to nothing from mail-order mil surplus dealers who advertised in all the popular outdoor magazines. Something has changed and it’s NOT the availability of semi-automatic rifles, that’s for sure.

      • mtman2 March 2, 2018, 10:47 am

        Yes – I bought one also at age 15- yes by myself with my own earned monies- for my trapline, plinking, woodchucks, crows, squirrels and racoons hunting. Never crossedmy mind to harm bad, evil or cruel people even who mistreated me.
        I gave big bullies the black eye they deserve which did cure them.
        I remember the 10’s of thousands of square wooden blocks thrown and shot without a miss using the Nylon 66 ads in Outdlife Life etc..

  • BigC March 2, 2018, 7:10 am

    Wrong!!! What we don’t need is a bunch self-righteous, holier than thou, a-holes, telling us what we don’t need!!! GFY!!!!!

  • Dave March 2, 2018, 7:07 am

    I guess the Remington .22 semi-auto will have to go; I think it holds >15 rounds….
    These broad brush-strokes are a symptom of those that do NOT understand the nature and proper use of firearms. I don’t have an AR but I’d like to have one; I think it would be fun to take it to the range, and it would also provide a sense of security in my house. AND, it is my RIGHT to have one if I wish.
    Having inherited most of my firearms, I’m awfully glad that the authorities are unaware of their presence.

  • Andrew Ling March 2, 2018, 6:45 am

    I mourn and despise the senseless taking of lives of our young and their protectors in Florida, last week.
    My deepest condolences go out to the parents, friends, families and all those dear to them. It is truly senseless.
    I am disappointed at the ways the law enforcement(police, FBI) responded in preventing this criminally deranged individual to acquire guns and murder so many innocents. We, as the most armed nation, must also be most diligent in policing our ability to acquire and use weapons of all kinds. We must be ready at all times to stop a shooter who wants to harm innocents. We must provide security in our schools. We must educate our students and teachers in dealing with such crisis. We must do all that can be done to suppress, stop and weaken the criminally insane from doing mass harm. We must not disarm the law-abiding Americans and deny them from defending themselves and others from all forces of evil and tyranny. We must not take away the basic freedoms which our forefathers gave their lives to create for us all. Doing so will destroy this great nation. We must think clearly. I am sure we will come out of this much stronger as a nation.

  • Mark March 2, 2018, 6:43 am

    This lying idiot sounds like Neville Chanberlain. Appeasement and conciliation. We need another Churchill. We need to take the Marxist cancer out of our schools. History never repeats itself? Is he lying or doesn’t he really know he’s a Marxist? Government New World Order doesn’t exist? The Dem-Marxists are drooling for it.

    • DC March 2, 2018, 7:35 am

      It’s called sarcasm, that’s what the author is using he’s not agreeing with the anti’s lol

  • Michael March 2, 2018, 6:43 am

    Here we go again; the insane idea that passing another law on an inanimate object will stop people from using them. We passed laws on drugs; have people stopped using them? No. We passed laws on booze; did people stop using them? No. Laws do NOT stop any activity, if it did there would be no crime. This is an attempt to infringe on law abiding citizens because the cowardly left do not like them, they are afraid of them and more so they want the rest of America to fear them as well. Will this bill make us safer? No, it does not remove the millions of guns on the street, it will just make it easier for the bad guys who will not obey the law anyway.

    • Richie Guardia March 2, 2018, 9:01 am

      Great points! The people doing these insane acts are not law abiding citizens…. sure they really care if it’s illegal to own a banned gun. If people respected the laws, there would be empty prisons nation wide. Another gun law won’t stop criminals from buying them from an illegal source. It’s an insane line of thinking.

      • Gem Gram March 2, 2018, 9:54 am

        Actually, ANY criminal in possession of ANY firearm is in possession of a BANNED Firearm. And that includes the .25 caliber Saturday night special that holds 6 rounds. Has that ever kept them from possessing firearms? I do not think so. Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, and East L.A., and of course Washington D.C. kind of make my point. How about if we ban violent video games that cause a bunch of this. Hey they are NOT covered under the Constitution. No, they are NOT free speech. Funny, some politicians think it is more important to protect their “rights” than to protect the 2nd Amendment.

  • Mark March 2, 2018, 6:41 am

    Instead of seeking to diminsh the contituition our dumb@#$ representatoves should be more concerned with the systemic corruption at the fbi,doj and irs
    Cleaning up thoses agencies would be far better for the country. …..
    But they look the other way therefore they are the problem too.

  • BIBLE THUMPER March 2, 2018, 6:27 am

    Look at the illuminati card game all this stuff was planned all the fake shootings and gun control….look at Chicago did gun control work for them? No

  • Brian Webb March 2, 2018, 6:21 am

    It makes my blood boil when I think of my two liberal senators drooling at the prospect of banning ANY type of firearm including so-called assault style rifles. I want so much to force them to listen to reason, listen to what our founders envisioned as the true purpose of our sacred second amendment. I now have the source material to present them…….this article. It is one of the most articulate and direct arguments I’ve read for the importance of NOT banning any current type of weapon. Great job!!

  • Jay March 2, 2018, 5:56 am

    The Bill of Rights, Constitution and Declaration of Independence is written in a clear and concise way! The main and out standing often repeated words “We The People”,” The People”. The most notable of all the words are “Shall not be infringed” yet through apathy and in the so called name of safety we have allowed our rights to be infringed upon! The democrats, many republicans and liberals have proven time and time again that they are the enemy of “We The People” trying to step by step and systematically separate the public from human rights! If we continue to allow this systematic dismantling of our rights, we are deserving of what happens!

  • Dr. Strangelove March 2, 2018, 5:50 am

    The Bill of Needs says nothing about assault weapons. Good thing we have a Bill of Rights.

  • Gary N Brown March 2, 2018, 5:44 am

    To all you politicians out there remember we the people tell you what to do you don’t tell us. What you’re proposing to do would mske as much since as banning automobiles after running it through a crowd of people and killing 17 people.

  • Rob March 2, 2018, 5:24 am

    Democrats aka the cancer of America.

  • Barkus Rudis March 2, 2018, 5:23 am

    2A was brilliant, it allowed our country to defend itself in the most unique way. To enable its citizens to “balance” against a tyrannical government that could turn on its people with force. Today, we have a tyrannical threat: The Democratic (Bolshevik) Party. The oppose diversity of thought; they wish to destroy the Republican (or any other Party). They cannot tolerate dissent (when is the last time a Democratic SOTUS dissented in favor of a Conservative Constitutional view)? The want only one Party to run the country, and take away its freedoms. The Democratic way, or the highway. With this fact, we cannot allow 2A to collapse. It is written in stone, just like 1A. I do not like social media, I think there is much more negativity than the positive. I think it has become an alternative form of road rage. Yet, can I do anything about it? No, because it is protected under the 1A. Both 1A and 2A are equal and cannot be altered. We have to fight what I believe is a growing tyrannical Political Party. We cannot fight tyranny with 22 caliber bullets. We have to have within reason weapons that can defend against a tyrannical government. THAT IS WHY WE NEED SEMI AUTOMATIC RIFLES. By the way, is anyone aware that a Muslim extremist 21 year old used a HUNTING RIFLE in Russia to kill 5 worshippers in Church last month? The Dems will attempt to keep going, they will not stop at military type weapons. They have to be stopped.

  • Blake Todd March 2, 2018, 5:05 am

    Millions, if not billions of us hope that this is a great start to making guns that are designed solely to kill more people more quickly, legally much harder to find, legally much harder to sell, legally much harder to buy, and legally much harder to possess than guns that aren’t designed solely to kill more people more quickly! God bless the legislators who are enacting these gun control laws!!! Thank you!!!

    • Ray Robinson March 2, 2018, 6:06 am

      Mr Tod, It is obvious you have little knowlege of firearms. Most firearms can be and are used for legitimate hunting and/or sporting purposes. And like any other mechanical device can be abused. The point is the second ammendment does not say anything about hunting. Like the usless 94 ban more of the restrictions proposed deal with what scares you rather than and functional problem. The issue here is also the intent of the second ammendment. Banners argue one time it is only for military and defense use then at the next time they say ban military weapons because they have no sporting use. It is my opinion people of your bent really want to remove all weapons from existance. That is a moot point since it cannot be accomplished. Better we deal more effectivly with mental illness and radical hate.

    • William March 2, 2018, 6:08 am

      If you think that banning ARs will help, then consider what it will be like if the legal gun owners start getting real military weapons that are fully automatic. The black market will provide whatever is wanted whenever needed. If your stupid gun ban is supposed to be so great, what about the laws against illegal drugs, how are they working? How about the driving drunk situation, isn’t that illegal, yet that kills more people every year than guns do. Drugs kill more people than guns do. The laws do not work if they are not enforced, and this is what happened in Florida. Why add more laws to the list of laws that are not enforced, but only punish the ones who abide by the laws. When the laws become too tyrannical, the law abiding will become the non abiding and in this case will get the real military type weapons. Just a thought there, and Leave My Guns Alone. If you libtares don’t like guns then don’t buy any, and don’t hire armed security, that is hipa-critical.

    • Wes March 2, 2018, 6:32 am

      All you snowflakes out there, you will wonder why you need any guns until a civil war starts again or a foreign power decided to invade the United States. Knowing that the people are disiarmed. Check your history. First step of Germany prior to WW2 is to disarm it people. So they have no way to defend thereself.

    • Ross Campbell March 2, 2018, 7:07 am

      God forbid you will ever need one#!
      This will include all security personnel .Next your 1st amendment and so on.How much do you really trust the government. Do you feel like a sheep yet.

    • DC March 2, 2018, 7:47 am

      Your on the wrong site a$#hole go back to clutching your whatever that keeps u warm at night and wait for the police to come help u whenever u need help. And please leave us be u have no idea what your talking about your getting sleepy very sleepy, now sleep u hypnotized little sheep.

    • Terry June 22, 2019, 8:08 pm

      And exactly what firearms would those be ???

  • Rich March 2, 2018, 4:48 am

    You need to stop pussy foot around and get to the real heart of these problems. What we really need is to ban you jerks from trying to run our lives and let us take maters into our own hands. Being judged by ones piers and punished by the same has greater results then all your nonsense.

    • Richard March 2, 2018, 6:39 am

      I agree with Rich BUT to add; its also the video games that are placed in the hands of the children to program them to NOT differintiate between fiction and non fiction. Its the teens that have video games that encourage them to clear rooms, buildings with assault style weapons, rocket launchers and hand grenades. Its the adults that take this learned behavior and go to schools, malls and church and do it!
      Its the movie directors that produce movies glorifing guns and killing. Its the actors that say they hate guns but are in the next film shooting up and killing. Then they are handed hundreds of thousands of millions for their part. The kids, teens and adults learn their behavior from these hypocrites.
      Its from the fall of sin stemming from Adam and Eve. Its the lack of Christian up bringing and knowing from right and wrong. Its the lack of morals and instillment as parents, teachers, and leaders. Discipline your kids. Take the video games, cell phones etc from them. Encourage reality!
      Its the lack of respect for authority. If the officer says put your hands up, DO IT!
      ITS NOT law abiding citizens sitting on the side line watching all the mentally unstable individuals do the carnage. Focus on the listed ones above and the problems will fade away. Pray.

    • Terry Moore March 2, 2018, 8:34 am

      I agree ,,now I need get that what you said and tattoo it on their forehead dumb asses …
      I don’t care what they say about Guns I’ll have mine forever

  • Angel March 2, 2018, 4:18 am

    This bill also bans triggers: “(C) Any part, combination of parts, component, device, attachment, or accessory that is designed or functions to accelerate the rate of fire of a semiautomatic rifle but not convert the semiautomatic rifle into a machinegun.”
    If no trigger is installed the rate of fire is zero, after trigger is installed, the rate of fire is greater than zero.

  • Aloyisus Fornortener March 2, 2018, 3:42 am

    Ask the American Indians and the Jews how gun control worked out for them.

    The American public is acting just like that naive girl getting ready to perform on her date and he says: “I won’t—in your mouth.”

  • Aloyisus Fornortener March 2, 2018, 3:37 am

    Eat some Thomas Jefferson.

    The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that… it is their right and duty to be at all times armed.

    Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add ‘within the limits of the law’ because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.

    Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty.

    No freeman shall be debarred the use of arms.

    For a people who are free, and who mean to remain so, a well-organized and armed militia is their best security.

    I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.

    The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

  • FB March 2, 2018, 3:01 am

    It won’t pass. The liberals will plan and commit another mass attack and blame it on conservatives.
    The liberal/Democrat mindset is the purest of evil. They are relentless and will never stop.

  • Glenn March 2, 2018, 2:57 am

    You can own a tank In America I guess that guy needs to get his facts straight. I don’t see people killing people with tanks. Maybe stop pushing the blame on a Inanimate object and on the real problem here people.

    • Fred Croen March 2, 2018, 6:32 am

      On 9–11 the terorists used airplanes to murder more than 3000 people. Maybe the libs should ban airplanes. Or maybe we should recognize the government does a piss poor job at securing our safety. I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy.

      • Christopher Davis March 2, 2018, 10:17 am

        Drunk drivers kill more people every year too. Why not ban cars?

    • Terry Moore March 2, 2018, 8:52 am

      Doesn’t matter it will not affect those guys who build their rifles …… I’m not following any of these stupid new laws . actually when the sun comes up I’m going to hit the gun shop and get an AR or AK and shopping for a semi auto!mastic pistol I’m getting a short barrel cuz I’m applying for a permit to carry … If not ill carry anyway just like a whole bunch of people I l now do.

  • SuperG March 1, 2018, 10:39 am

    Israel had school shootings, but they all stopped after they armed the teachers. Why is common sense so uncommon in America these days?

    • scott phillips March 2, 2018, 6:31 am

      because most teachers are college educated, that means …in order to pass/graduate, they must be assimilated/ indoctrinated into the liberal cesspool train of thought, and now they are spending more and more time teaching our children the way to libtardism instead of school basics….the teachers don’t want to be armed because they are apposed to the 2A and the NRA is a place to place the blame instead of on their failure as teachers to the children

    • Terry Moore March 2, 2018, 8:59 am

      Its this group of people who do everything to ruin,America.they want all of our country to fail and lmplemint a socialistic rule…. They are crazy

  • Blue Dog February 28, 2018, 10:28 am

    Ooh! 36.D.v – would ban a semi-automatic version of a fully automatic weapon! There go the Glock 17s! Good riddance!
    It is strange to read the list of exempted firearms and compare them to the list of firearms prohibited by name. Why ban AR-15s but not Mini-14s? Are Mini-14s less scary looking than AR-15s? SKS-es are specifically exempt (so long as they have a fixed 10 round magazine), are they not weapons of war? The Marlin Camp Carbines and the old Ruger carbines (once and future on these, I suppose) are specifically exempt but Hi Point Carbines and Beretta CX4 carbines are specifically banned? I also find it odd that M1 Carbines are specifically on the allowed list – are they not weapons of war? I remember seeing several pictures of assorted gang/domestic terrorist types from the 70s toting M1 Carbines.
    This is all academic anyways. I doubt that even in the current spirit of bipartisan cooperation for common sense safety measures that this could pass right now. Maybe in 2019, though. 😉

  • Sepp W February 27, 2018, 11:03 pm

    These arguments are nonsense. These people don’t even understand the distinction between a semi-auto and auto rifle. The anti-gun zealots have conflated the two that any semi-auto that has the appearance of a military service rifle or machine gun are one in the same.
    The irony is the majority of law-abiding gun owners with an “assault weapon,” which is not even an accurate term, don’t obtain them with the intent to kill people. So any law that does restrict or ban this type of forearm will only harm law-abiding citizens. The end state for the democrats and liberals is outright abolishment of the 2nd Amendment and confiscation of all firearms because in the liberal dystopia there is only crime and no criminals.

  • Jaque Bauer February 27, 2018, 10:14 pm

    “And a military style feature.” WTF. I thought our lawmakers were intelligent Clearly anyone with a desire for power and control can be a lawmaker. There is no legal definition for “military style features”. Does it mean black. If it does there is a subset of population that meet the definition. Does it mean a picitinny rail? Or flash hider? Or handguard?

    Democrats are still trying to overthrow the elected government of Donald Trump in a coup and at the same time ban and confiscate our firearms. Its clear they fear something and it’s not guns pointed at students. Its guns pointed at them.

    • Blue Dog February 28, 2018, 11:30 am

      The military style features are spelled out pretty clearly in the text of the bill, the PDF of which is linked in the second paragraph of this article. They vary from the style of firearm, from pistol to rifle to shotgun, and are pretty clear as to what they qualifications are, even though they are never listed under the heading or otherwise described as “military style features”. It is a pretty standard list from this sort of assault weapon ban, with only a few changes since the 1994 ban, things like forward grips, folding or telescopic stocks, barrel shroud, threaded barrel, rocket or grenade launchers or such. The 1994 ban had a two-feature test, where the firearm in question would be banned if it featured a detachable magazine and two listed military style features, and a common aspect of the more modern assault weapon bills is a one-feature test, banned if it had a detachable magazine and one listed feature.

      • SeppW February 28, 2018, 2:55 pm

        The FAWB didn’t yield anything then, so why would it be any different now?

    • The Truth March 2, 2018, 6:55 am

      Dear: Anti-Gun/2A Violators
      1- Of course not “one” legally responsible gun-owner 99.9% wants One” child shot! Common Sense.
      2- It’s fine that a “You” (Adults) are protected with firearms, Banks, Staff, Jewelry, Malls. Why did it get to that point? “Times Have Change” Common Sense Dictated “Change With The Times”
      3- Why is this different? “It’s Our Children” Common Sense! No law will change a Criminal, Mentally Unbalanced Human, or Evil Person. THIS IS NOT A PERFECT WORLD AND WILL NEVER BE ONE! YOU CAN’T GET “PERFECTION” FROM “IMPERFECT” PEOPLE.

  • Bobs yer uncle February 27, 2018, 4:14 pm

    Years ago in Europe, there was a law abiding group of people that turned in there weapons,willingly, when their government asked, many of these people had served their country in previous wars/conflicts with distinction, it ended, predictably bad for them, my guess is that, had they known the outcome of compliance they would have taken the opportunity to change their minds and keep their fire arms, they would have then at least have had a chance. THOSE THAT HAVEN’T LEARNED FROM HISTORY ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT IT. That is exactly why Americans need AR’s.

    • Dewey February 27, 2018, 8:53 pm

      Years ago there was a hurricane named Katrina. The government came to take everyone’s guns and you know what happened? The people handed them over, just like all of you keyboard commando sunshine patriots will do when it comes to your town. You will do nothing, regardless of what weapons you may own but keep talking tough. You’ll be just like the “tough guy” in this video at 1:02.

      • SeppW February 28, 2018, 3:09 pm

        True, however the US District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana ordered the City of New Orleans to halt confiscations and the return of confiscated firearms to owners. Also the HSAA prevents that from ever happening again and many states have emergency powers law provisions that prevents seizures during a crisis.

        • Flip March 2, 2018, 3:52 am

          I call bullshit! They never returned the Katrina guns 90% were lost or damaged less than 10% we’re returned or even found again. Have fam in Luisanna

      • trevor_phillips March 2, 2018, 3:07 am

        lmao… whatever you say

      • Bob Johnson March 2, 2018, 5:45 am

        Go lick boots

      • Patriot March 2, 2018, 9:51 am

        listen to this DEWEY,,clueless twit,,might want to loosen your tin foil hat,it\’s cutting off the flow of oxygen to your pea brain..
        good luck with your confiscation conspiracy, it\’s pretty hard to confiscate something when you dont know who has them and what they have and where they are,,LOL.good luck with that,,and if you seriously think in this day and age that gun owners would just hand over their gun because some anti-gun chicken shit write a law, have a srew loose,