High Threat Concealment Quick Response System: P320 X-Five with 84 Rounds On Tap

in Authors, Clay Martin, Concealed Carry/EDC
High Threat Concealment Quick Response System: P320 X-Five with 84 Rounds On Tap

Photo Courtesy: High Threat Concealment

Several years ago, the first article I wrote for Guns America was about the VTAC Brokos Battle Belt. In a full tactical scenario, that model is hard to beat. But it does have limitations. The bulk that makes it comfortable with full up armor and the weight of charges and hand grenades are fine for an assault roll, but it is way too much for trying to stash under an Armani jacket. This week, I got a chance to try out its low profile spiritual successor.


High Threat Concealment

  • Type: OWB Quick Response System
  • Materials: Bolatron
  •  Concealment Clothing: Jacket; button-up shirt
  • Fit: P320 X-Five with Crimson Trace Rail Master Pro
  • Features: Blowout kit; 4 pistol mag pouch; 1 rifle mag pouch; 2 interchangeable belts
  • MSRP: $395
  • Manufacturer: High Threat Concealment

High Threat Concealment Quick Response System: P320 X-Five with 84 Rounds On TapThe system we are talking about is the Quick Response Belt from High Threat Concealment ( HTC). High Threat Concealment was founded by former U.S. State Department high-threat security personnel detail members, James Overton and Adam Garrison. HTC is a company founded by veterans, everything about this kit is made for working in hostile environments. They created a lightweight belt that is completely customizable and could be concealed underneath a sport coat or untucked button-down shirt. The idea was to create a belt system that offered enough hardware on tap to deal with grown sized problems, that also didn’t print like you were trying to hide an RPG in your prison purse. In that regard, they have succeeded.

High Threat Concealment Quick Response System: P320 X-Five with 84 Rounds On TapThe kit consumers can order has options, lots of them. You can choose a rifle in 5.56 or .308, AR-15, AK-47, sub guns, and a lot of other long guns styles. The mag holders offer flexibility to go rifle heavy or pistol heavy. I opted for pistol heavy, the capacity to carry four spare pistol magazines and one rifle magazine. I chose this because I tend to use redi-mag systems on my rifles, so they start out with two. And rifle magazines are also easy to supplement with a chest rig. The heavy dose of the pistol mags on the belt offers a lot of firepower, in environments, I am more likely to be using a pistol anyway.

The accessory pouch in the back also features lots of options. I picked the small GP pouch, it will hold a blowout kit of the size I generally need. A larger, full blow out kit pouch is also an option, as are radio, cell phone, and handcuff pouches.High Threat Concealment Quick Response System: P320 X-Five with 84 Rounds On Tap

The holster is my favorite part. HTC offers more variety than I have seen anywhere else. Stepping away from the standard of only offering a few flashlight options, HTC embraces all models of SureFire, Inforce, & Streamlight. Happily, for me, they also offer the Crimson Trace Rail Master Pro, my current favorite. They hadn’t built a mold for my Sig P320 X-Five and Rail Master Pro, so I had to wait two weeks. That isn’t an industry favor, it’s the standard lead time if you stump them on one. I was more than happy to wait such a short time on a holster built to my preferred setup. Arriving last week, the holster fit was perfect. Enough tension the gun doesn’t fall out if you get froggy, it still allows lighting draws when you need them. One of the major differences between High Threat Concealment and many run-of-the-mill battle belts is that their holster and spare mag holders are not made of Kydex — they’re made of Bolatron. Bolatron is a higher strength thermo-plastic substance that is supposed to be impervious to cracking and heat.High Threat Concealment Quick Response System: P320 X-Five with 84 Rounds On Tap

High Threat Concealment Quick Response System: P320 X-Five with 84 Rounds On TapThe belt system itself is very well put together. The panels are screwed together at the factory, making them less likely to slide during use. Thought has been put into the hardware, as a quick disassembly shows. Anyone that has used Kydex and screws knows how fast that can rattle apart. HTC puts Locktite on every screw, to keep shenanigans to a minimum. They also use thick rubber washer in construction. This both keeps the Bolatron from cracking if you gorilla the screwdriver, and keeps tension on the bolts if they do start to come loose.

The belt offers two options for securing it. The outer belt is a thick nylon job with a cobra buckle, the standard for quickly donning one. The cobra belt has Velcro on the inside, attaching to one of two inner belts. Option one is a thinly padded micro grip rubber belt, that grabs onto your pants nicely. I used this option for quite a while, and it will hold a lot of weight without dragging you down. Option two is familiar to competitive shooters. This inner belt is outward facing Velcro, that fits through your belt loops. Take off the rubber inner belt from the system, and the outer belt grabs the inner all the way around. As anyone who has shot 3 Gun or USPSA will attest, this is a very comfortable way to carry a lot of bullets. I shot the P320 X-Five through its paces on the range with Federal’s new Train + Protect ammo and I walked away impressed.

Article Continues Below

The HTC system is well done in every regard, and worth a look if you are in the market. It could easily be used as a dual purpose competitive and tactical rig, perfect for production or limited class shooting. Even with four 21-round SIG Sauer mags and my full-size sized P320 X-Five, I barely noticed I had it on. Under the bed for in case or on the job for a PSD, this is a great piece of gear.

For more information about High Threat Concealment, click here.

For more information about the SIG Sauer P320 X-Five, click here.

For more information about Federal’s Train + Protect ammo, click here.

For more information about the Crimson Trace Rail Master Pro, click here.

To check out holsters and gun leather on GunsAmerica, click here.

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  • David Bonomo October 7, 2017, 5:18 am

    After using HTC kit at work, I would never recommend anyone betting their life on it.

  • gsf1200 October 2, 2017, 11:23 pm


  • Dewey October 2, 2017, 8:21 pm

    Role, not roll.

  • Nobody October 2, 2017, 7:09 pm

    Batman called, he wants his belt back.

  • Bill in Lexington, NC October 2, 2017, 5:46 pm

    Where can I find a St. Mattis print?

  • ROBERT TOLSON September 26, 2017, 5:14 pm