Gear Review: Handy AR-15, 1911 and Shotgun Micro MultiTools for under $20

in 1911, Accessories Misc., AR-15, Columns, For Shotguns, Gear Reviews, Gunsmithing, Max Slowik

The Real Avid set of Micro Multi-Tools for shotguns, 1911s and AR-15s offers shooters a handy, pocket-sized set of tools for their favorite firearm.

Real Avid Micro Keychain Gun Multitools

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Real Avid has a wide range of cleaning and maintenance supplies and as part of our Midsouth Shooter’s Supply giveaway we got to play with some of their keychain multitools for firearms. These pocketable gun gadgets are inexpensive and a nice way to get a basic set of tools in a small package.

The three Micro Tools we received were the shotgun tool, 1911 tool and AR-15 tool. Real Avid also makes an AK-47 Micro Tool. Each one includes a set of universal features as well as gun-specific functions.

Real Avid’s Micro Tools are built with stamped stainless steel bodies and components and have a short, flexible cloth strap attached to a key ring.


Shotgun Micro Tool Functions

  • Universal choke wrench: .410 bore and 28-, 20-, 16-, 12- and 10-gauge chokes
  • Scope windage and elevation adjuster
  • Hex wrenches: 4mm, 5mm, 1/4-inch and 3/8-inch
  • Pin punch
  • Bottle opener
  • Cutter
  • 1-inch ruler
  • Carabiner

1911 Micro Tool Functions

  • Barrel bushing wrench (with spring plug stopper)
  • Pin punch
  • Screwdriver
  • Bottle opener
  • Cutter
  • 1-inch ruler
  • Carabiner

AR-15 Micro Tool Functions

  • Bolt tail, face and firing pin scrapers
  • Hex wrenches: 1/8-, 3/16-, 1/4-, 5/16 and 3/8-inch
  • 5mm bit driver
  • Screwdriver
  • Front sight adjuster
  • Pin punch
  • Bottle opener
  • Cutter
  • 1-inch ruler
  • Carabiner



Each has gun-specific functions.



As well as universal features.


Each of these tools’ gun-specific functions are nice and convenient. It’s also clear that some of these functions are there to round out the numbers. Features like the 1-inch rulers don’t need to be there but hey, why not. And a bottle opener isn’t going to come in handy at the range — not until the shooting is over, anyway.

But other features like the shotgun Micro Tool’s universal choke wrench or the AR-15 Micro Tool’s front sight adjustment tool can be lifesavers. As long as they have the necessary functions the extras are just nice to have. Everybody has been in a situation where they needed something to pry with, screw with or generally improvise with.

That’s the basic idea behind these Micro Tools — they do a specific job well enough but might also come in handy in a pinch. And since they don’t weigh much you take them with you wherever.

Plus these Micro Tools are a great way to show your love for shooting. They are keychains after all, they’re bound to start a conversation or two.

The 1911 Micro Tool from Real Avid packs in a bushing wrench, pin punch, screwdriver and many more handy tools.

The 1911 Micro Tool from Real Avid packs in a bushing wrench, pin punch, screwdriver and many more handy tools.

In use we found that one of these tools really stood out — and one could use a little improvement. Let’s be clear: these aren’t intended to be the best tools ever made. They’re the best tool you always have in your pocket or bag or day pack.

That said, the 1911 tool still came up a bit short. The stamped steel body was not linished after cutting and it has some sharp corners — right around the barrel bushing tool. They are on the back side of the tool, however, if a user accidentally uses it upside-down — which is easy because it’s reversible — the tool could easily scratch the finish on the 1911.

And the 1911 Micro Tool only has a standard screwdriver. For anyone using hex head grip screws the tool won’t help them take their grips off. Still, the pin punch design is solid and locks open with a liner lock-style mechanism. A detent holds it shut. And of course the other tools are still better than nothing.

The Shotgun Micro Tool’s universal choke wrench performed as advertised. While it’s no substitute for a drum choke tool with long grip handles it did the job well enough. It takes a little more attention to keep it timed with the choke cuts but if you needed to change chokes in the field it will work.

The Real Avid Micro Shotgun Tool features handy tools such as a pin punch, hex wrenches and a universal choke wrench.

The Real Avid Micro Shotgun Tool features handy tools such as a pin punch, hex wrenches and a universal choke wrench.

The universal choke wrench has a toothed side and a smooth side. This ensures that the toothed side has a solid shoulder to twist with on one side and a “good enough” shoulder on the other side. Think of it as a well-loved, broken-in choke wrench. It’s a little finicky but it’ll do.

The AR-15 Micro Tool is the best of the lot. It’s also built to a higher standard. The tool body is nearly twice as thick as the 1911 and shotgun tools and the rotating punch/front sight adjustment tool/scraper/cutter tool uses a much heavier detent locking system.

The scrapers aren’t sharp but they’ll get a stalled rifle up and running no problem. And the screwdriver is shaped precisely enough to use as a scope adjustment tool as well.

Unlike the other tools you could easily use the AR-15 Micro Tool as an improvised striking surface — which is probably not what Real Avid had in mind when they made this thing, but it would work just fine. Its hourglass shape was designed to be used with force, that much is clear.

The AR-15 tool packs in a bolt scraper, hex wrenches, front sight tool and many more.

The AR-15 tool packs in a bolt scraper, hex wrenches, front sight tool and many more.

The AR-15 Micro Tool costs a little more than the other at around $20 — the other tools run $10. But it is definitely worth the extra money. Even if you’re looking for an AR-15 multitool on a budget — not just a lightweight alternate multitool — it’s the real deal. Simple, cheap, but still a real AR-15 multitool.

The other Micro Tools are more like highly functional keychains. Take them to work, find the other people who recognize a bushing wrench and talk about going shooting. They are also fine, inexpensive gift ideas. Some gun owners think they own everything — but do they have a keychain multitool for shotguns?

For the price all of these are worth consideration for your range bag or your everyday carry kit. The AR-15 Micro Tool in particular. Don’t think of it as twice the price — it’s just $10 more. And it’s worth dropping a few extra bucks for it.

Midsouth Shooter’s Supply sent us one other little gift-y product: an Orca Rocket. If you aren’t familiar with the Orca Rocket, that’s fine. It’s a space koozy.

Koozies from Space

The Orca Rocket is a stainless steel vacuum-sealed copper-clad beverage container. The design accommodates 12-ounce cans and bottles and keeps them cold to the last drop.

The Orca Rocket is a stainless steel vacuum-sealed copper-clad beverage container.

The Orca Rocket is a stainless steel vacuum-sealed copper-clad beverage container. The design accommodates 12-ounce cans and bottles and keeps them cold to the last drop. It is robustly built and very solid in construction upon close inspection.

The Rocket can be used as-is as a can holder or with the “nozzle” deployed for the carry and transportation of bottles. The nozzle comes apart like a Russian nesting doll that screws together in reverse as a suit of armor for your glass-bottled drinks.

In bottle mode the nosecone of the Rocket offers a loop that you can use to hang it off a pack or belt loop — all you need is a carabiner (maybe a multitool with a carabiner function?) and just clip it on.

The Orca Rocket is the most expensive of these but it’s still less than $40 and as far as conversation pieces go, it tops the list.


The Orca rocket is double-walled and vacuum sealed. The base houses a twist top key and bottle opener. The top two components fit together to create a drink base in can mode.

The unit’s base houses a twist top key and bottle opener. The top two components fit together to create a drink base in can mode.



The Orco Rocket is a two-in-one, 12-ounce bottle and can holder that takes your icy cold beverage and keeps it that way.

The Rocket is a two-in-one, 12-ounce bottle and can holder that takes your icy cold beverage and keeps it that way.


2016catalogMidsouth Shooters’ GunsAmerica Giveaway

Midsouth Shooters is a great resource for products like the above pieces at great prices. The company is offering you the chance to win one of the items covered in this and future GunsAmerica articles on Midsouth’s products. Just click the link, and gain tons of entries right up until the giveaway scheduled for 11-23-16. In addition, you can receive a free copy of the 240-page Reloading and Shooting Supply catalog from Midsouth Shooters! For more than 45 years, Midsouth Shooters has provided reloaders and shooters top-quality supplies and great prices. Click on the link and sign up to receive your free copy. See why so many shooters across the country shop at Midsouth Shooters.

To enter the Midsouth Shooters’ GunsAmerica Giveaway contest, click this link:

To purchase the products reviewed in this piece, click these links:

About the author: Max Slowik is a writer with over a dozen years of experience and is a lifelong shooter. He has unwavering support for the Second Amendment and the human right to self-defense. Like Thomas Paine, he’s a journalist by profession and a propagandist by inclination.

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  • Donald Welch October 27, 2016, 11:50 am

    Good idea.