Field of Chaos in the Desert – Tannerite, Cars, Zombies, Garden Gnomes & AR-15s

in Gun Reviews, Rifles

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I have been to a lot of product introductions over the years. From rifles to pistols to shotguns, I like to think I am a pretty seasoned industry professional that has seen it all. Well, I can honestly say that Springfield Armory threw me for a loop on the introduction of the Saint rifle.

thumb_pa131484_1024I and several other writers and editors were invited by Springfield out to Las Vegas for the introduction of the Saint rifle. For two days, we put the AR through its paces in both CQB and mid- to long-range distances and in a variety of tactical training environments. As the second day was drawing to a close, we all assumed that the event was winding down. Well, we could not have been more wrong.

After dinner on the second day, we were taken out to the airport and hustled onto helicopters. After a brief (but exhilarating) sweep of the Las Vegas strip, we were whisked out to the Pro Gun Club shooting range. As we moved to the shooting bays, we spotted what was a nearly indescribable display of lights and movement. It was the “Field of Chaos.”The writers were lined up side-by-side at a table with a seemingly limitless supply of loaded magazines and our Saint rifles, and we were looking downrange at what looked to be a field of zombie gnome figures, Halloween-themed inflatables and two cars at the very end. We were told that the targets were packed with Tannerite (including the two cars at the end), and that it was our job to take them out. Needless to say, no one turned down the mission!

thumb_pa131476_1024The writers were lined up side-by-side at a table with a seemingly limitless supply of loaded magazines and our Saint rifles, and we were looking downrange at what looked to be a field of zombie gnome figures, Halloween-themed inflatables and two cars at the very end. We were told that the targets were packed with Tannerite (including the two cars at the end), and that it was our job to take them out. Needless to say, no one turned down the mission!Take a look at the video to see how it went. The Saint performed like a champ, and very few of those zombie gnomes made it through the evening!

For more information, visit

To see Springfield’s video of the event, watch it here:

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  • Jonny5 December 3, 2018, 6:24 pm

    That was pump.

  • Tripwire November 1, 2016, 10:55 am

    Only part worth watching was the hottie in the Yoga pants, the rest was a dud, Demo ranch does it much better!

  • Andre November 1, 2016, 5:06 am

    Waste of time to watch . They promoted the helicopter ride more

    • Paul Helinski November 1, 2016, 6:41 am

      +1 on that! This video crew was a disappointment. The event was really cool and the tannerite created a lot of smoke so it made it difficult, but the finished product should have had more of the shoot itself. At least we get the flavor of the thing they made. It was really creative and a lot of fun for a new product launch which is usually pretty ho hum.

  • Andre November 1, 2016, 5:04 am

    10 shots and the video ends ! What a waste of time!

  • Lance November 1, 2016, 3:39 am

    The video was a joke, didn’t show squat. What a waste of my time even to bother viewing it. Started out like it was going to be something and then the writers went to shooting, a few small explosions up front, some zombies hit and then that’s it, end of video. Whoopie.