Behind The Scenes: The Springfield Armory Saint Release Event Las Vegas

in AR-15, Gun Reviews, Rifles, Uncategorized

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One of the side effects of being an editor versus a writer is that we are often forced to pass up on reviewing an interesting new product due to our own time constraints. There have been many cases where I really wanted to try a new gun out myself, but I was forced to let a writer have all the fun. And, when the release of that new product is tied to a multi-day event, our ability to attend is usually even more restricted.

The author got to wring out the new Saint on the rifle range.

The author got to wring out the new Saint on the rifle range.

With that being said, when I first heard from Springfield Armory that they were hosting an event in October to release some new mysterious product, I knew I would simply have to make time in my schedule to attend. I have been a longtime fan of Springfield’s products and have personally carried several of their firearms for many years, so I wanted to find out what this new gun was. As time drew closer, the company’s enigmatic “Saint” advertising program and its “Defend Your Legacy” theme further stoked my interest.

The first morning of the event, held in Las Vegas, had me going hands on with the mysterious Saint—a new AR-15 rifle from the company, and its first foray into offering a variant of America’s most popular rifle. I know what you are thinking … . “Yawn. Another AR?” Well, while I can certainly understand that mindset, I can also tell you that it is unfounded. The new Saint is very appealing (even in today’s crowded market), and offers both new and seasoned AR shooters a great product at a great price.

What You Get

The Saint is an M4 Carbine-style AR, priced at an MSRP of $899. For that price, you get a solidly made and well-appointed AR carbine in 5.56mm with numerous upgrades you would expect to see on a much higher-priced model. From its new Bravo Company stock set to its enhanced triggerguard to its Melonited barrel to its mid-length gas system, the Saint offers a lot of bang for the buck.

The author thought the "Popper-Palooza" event was one of the highlights of the trip. A hundred targets, 120 rounds of ammo, under a timer.

The author thought the “Popper-Palooza” event was one of the highlights of the trip. A hundred targets, 120 rounds of ammo, under a timer.

For the event, Springfield had jam-packed two days of events for us to really wring out the rifles. From CQB tactics to mid-range shooting to tactical drills, we put the Saint through its paces. I came away very impressed by the carbine, and it performed like a champ for me during the whole event. And that was in a very dusty and dirty environment with not cleaning or maintenance. For me, the Popper-Palooza” event was one of the highlights of the trip (100 targets and 120 rounds of ammo under a timer. Just plain fun!).

Take a look at the featured video to see more about the Saint as well as the event in Las Vegas. Once all was said and done, I asked about purchasing the Saint I was running—and trust me, I have more than a few ARs in my safe already! This one is a great option for a great price. Take a look and see if it is right for you as well. I have no doubt what your answer will be!

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  • Rick November 1, 2016, 4:40 pm

    I see you delete messages here that are negative or neutral feedback regarding products. The fix is in, guess it’s time to hit the gun forums and spread the word.

    • S.H. Blannelberry November 1, 2016, 6:06 pm

      No fix, re-read the comments on Clay’s review. Plenty of indifferent and critical remarks. We allow most feedback to come through.

      However, we reserve the right to delete chucklehead-ish comments that offer no value to the conversation. And sometimes, we’ll even let the chuckleheads have their day.

  • Mark H November 1, 2016, 9:21 am

    The spec-sheet would help make a ‘final’ determination. But, $899 retail..a great start for SA…in a CROWDED market. That being said, what gives it a huge jump off the line is BCM’s furniture, the Melonite barrel and “upgraded” (?) trigger, meaning an ALG ‘QMS’ probably. We’ll see…

    • Paul Helinski November 1, 2016, 9:26 am

      I don’t think upgraded is the proper word. It is just properly polished, and not made of stamped low grade steel, or MIMcast.