A Featherweight AR from Tippmann Arms — SHOT Show 2024

in Mitchell Graf, SHOT Show 2024

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

We got a chance to hang out with Jason, the owner of Targets USA and a brand ambassador for Tippmann Arms, who introduced us to the latest addition to the M4-22 Tippmann Arms’ lineup—the RCR-24.

Jason gave us the skinny on what makes the RCR-24 stand out. The rifle sports a 16-inch steel barrel with a fluted magnesium sleeve, making it incredibly lightweight at just over 4 lbs.

This newest model replaces the previous aluminum sleeve with magnesium to enhance its feather-light design. Another standout feature is the threaded barrel with a thread protector, allowing users to easily suppress the M4-22 RCR-24.

Fluted magnesium sleeve legally making the M4-22 a rifle, while also featuring threads to mount compensators or suppressors
Fluted magnesium sleeve legally making the M4-22 a rifle, while also featuring threads to mount compensators or suppressors.

Tippmann Arms RCR-24 Features

The aluminum handguard, an upgrade from the predecessor’s plastic version, now includes a bolt catch for convenient bolt manipulation.

Also, Jason demonstrated an MP5 esque “slap to charge” move, showcasing the rifle’s user-friendly design

The Tippmann Arms RCR-24 can chamber rounds using either the side charger, or a standard charging handle (both are built into this rifle)
The Tippmann Arms RCR-24 can chamber rounds using either the side charger, or a standard charging handle (both are built into this rifle)

To complement this rifle, Tippmann Arms has released a speed loader, designed with efficiency in mind.

Additionally, it is compatible with various 22-specific magazines. This speed loader comes equipped with a feed tray and an oiler to facilitate seamless ammunition loading.

Tippmann Arms 22lr speed loader
Tippmann Arms 22lr speed loader.

With a price point of approximately $800 (excluding optics), the Tippmann Arms M4-22 RCR-24 may be a compelling option for plinkers and competitive shooters.

True Pearce shooting a quick stage with the RCR-24 at the Tippmann Arms booth at Staccato Range Day
True Pearce shooting a quick stage with the RCR-24 at the Tippmann Arms booth.

To get a first look at the M4-22 RCR-24 in action, check out the video (embedded abvoe) showcasing its rapid-fire capabilities.

For more information and to explore the full range of Tippmann Arms products, visit their website at tippmannarms.com

Let us know in the comments what you think of this featherweight AR.

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  • Peter January 24, 2024, 7:41 am

    When somebody makes an AR-15 that fires .223/5.56 and weighs 4lbs, THEN I might be interested. But, for one that only fires .22LR and sells for $800, you can count me out. I’ll be sticking to my CMMG adaptor which allows me to plink with the same weapon I have for HD