Woman Shot In Butt During MRI

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A woman went to get an MRI last summer and left with a gunshot wound to her rear end, according to a new FDA report. 

The woman went to her appointment concealed carrying a firearm. After the normal pre-screening, she entered the machine, still carrying the gun.

Unintentional Gunfire In MRI

According to the FDA report filed on the incident, the magnet in the machine attracted the gun’s metal.

While she was in the MRI machine, her gun fired and shot her in the right buttock. A physician on-site “described the entry and exit holes as very small and superficial, only penetrating subcutaneous tissue.”


The staff working the MRI rushed her to a hospital, where she underwent treatment. 

The woman is now “healing well” according to the report. 

GE Healthcare performed an investigation after the incident. 

Pre-MRI Screening Missed the Gun

According to the MRI staff, the pre-screening specifically asks about weapons. The questionnaire even asked the woman if she was carrying any guns.

The GEHC investigation reported that the woman answered no to all of the questions in the screening.

A safety manual from GEHC warns that entering the MRI room with “ferrous” or forbidden objects is highly risky. 

The FDA Report and news coverage do not share the location of the incident. Not every state prohibits concealed carrying in medical facilities, and hospitals are often required to post “gun-free zone” signs if they don’t allow firearms.

Medical Facilities and Guns

A study from the National Library of Medicine encourages confiscating weapons in hospitals and other medical facilities. 

“Weapons are commonly encountered by healthcare providers, especially in a hospital environment,” the study claimed.

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Screening programs, such as the one in the MRI incident, have been effective in lowering the amount of weapons found in hospitals, according to the study. 

Just because you have a screening though, doesn’t mean the patient will disclose that they concealed carry.

Who do you blame for the incident? The patient, the staff, both?

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About the author: Kimber Pearce is a student, an avid shooter, and a pro-2A advocate.

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