Winchester Recalling Three Lots of .38 Special Ammo

in Industry News, Max Slowik, This Week
Winchester Recalling Three Lots of .38 Special Ammo

Winchester is recalling three lots of 130-grain USA38SPVP .38 Special marked KF21, KL30 and KM52. If you have or think you have any of this ammunition, stop using it immediately and contact Winchester. (Photo: Winchester)

Winchester is recalling three lots of .38 Special ammunition. According to Winchester some of the ammunition may have incorrect powder charges. This applies to three lots of 130-grain USA38SPVP full metal jacket ammunition.

This is a serious issue whether the charge is the wrong powder, too much powder or even too little powder. Anyone with any Winchester-made .38 Special ammunition should immediately check to see if they own any of the incorrectly loaded ammunition.

From the recall warning it seems likely that the affected ammo may have been over-charged, in which case, serious damage to guns, users and even onlookers is possible, even death. This ammo is potentially unsafe to use even in firearms chambered for .357 Magnum.

Winchester has identified the lots as KF21, KL30 AND KM52. Shooters can find the lot number on the right flap of the box printed above the bar code. Other lots of USA38SPVP are unaffected.

“If you have any questions concerning this 38 Special centerfire ammunition recall please call toll-free at (844) 653-8358 or write to Winchester at 600 Powder Mill Road, East Alton, IL 62024 ‘Attention: USA38SPVP Recall’ or visit our website at,” reads the recall warning.

“We apologize for this inconvenience.”

See Also: Walther Issues Urgen Recall for Select PPS M2 Pistols

If you have or think you have any ammo from these lots contact Winchester immediately for a replacement. Winchester asks that you return the ammunition to them for examination. Winchester will arrange a free UPS pick-up for the recalled ammo.

Any incorrectly loaded ammunition can be potentially dangerous. Over-charged ammunition can rupture a firearm, flinging dangerous shrapnel. Under-charged ammunition is also dangerous as it can lead to barrel obstructions, which, if not cleared safely, can also lead to ruptures if subsequently fired.

Always use ammo as directed. In this case, gun owners are directed to send it back to Winchester.

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About the author: Max Slowik is a writer with over a dozen years of experience and is a lifelong shooter. He has unwavering support for the Second Amendment and the human right to self-defense. Like Thomas Paine, he’s a journalist by profession and a propagandist by inclination.

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  • Dave Randolph March 8, 2019, 12:43 pm

    Thank you for posting this.
    Checking mine now.