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It’s always entertaining to see liberals claim that conservatives are having “buyer’s remorse” over electing Donald Trump. But as Washington Gun Law’s William Kirk pointed out, the real regret is happening inside the Democratic National Committee (DNC)—thanks to their new Vice Chair, David Hogg.
Hogg, a well-known gun control advocate, has quickly made waves inside the party, but not in the way the DNC hoped. Instead of rallying support for the Democrats, he’s been using his position to line his own pockets—and even some prominent liberals are calling him out for it.
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Carville’s Brutal Take on Hogg
James Carville, a seasoned Democrat strategist, didn’t hold back when reacting to Hogg’s appointment as DNC Vice Chair.
Kirk shared Carville’s fiery words (with some necessary censorship):
“I dedicated the best years of my life to this party only to see it taken over by a bunch of stupid [expletives]. Everything’s gone to [expletive]. Who are these people? This David Hogg guy and that other Malcolm Kenyatta come out of left field. There goes the male vote forever. Thanks, guys. We’re [expletive] and we deserve it.”
Now, Carville might be a Democrat, but he’s no fool. He knows when the party is making a mess of things. And in this case, he’s watching it happen in real-time.
Fundraising—For Himself?
The real kicker? Instead of using his position to fundraise for the DNC, Hogg redirected donors to his own Political Action Committee (PAC), Leaders We Deserve.
This PAC, which he started in August 2023, has been paying him a nice salary—over $100,000 per year.
Let’s put this in perspective: rather than helping the Democratic Party build its war chest for 2024, Hogg saw an opportunity to funnel money into his own PAC—and straight into his own bank account. That’s not just shady. It’s outright self-serving.
Even some within the DNC are seeing the problem. One anonymous Democrat official told the New York Post:
“It’s especially important for all Democrat National officials to focus on raising support for the party and not using their positions to raise money for themselves or their personal political PACs. It’s a stunning lack of judgment that is concerning to many people.”
A classmate of Hogg was even blunter:
“I mean it’s just very frustrating to be in a party in desperate need of increased accountability for our struggling leadership, and watch someone who is never held accountable ascend to leadership,” said Cameron Kasky, a fellow Stoneman Douglas survivor.
Seems like the Democrats are starting to realize they may have made a huge mistake.
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The DNC’s Problem—And Why They Won’t Fix It
So, why hasn’t the DNC booted Hogg from his position?
Simple: he represents exactly what the modern progressive movement stands for—civilian disarmament.
As Kirk put it:
“If the DNC had any shred of integrity left, that and that alone would get them to terminate him as Vice Chair. They won’t do it, however, simply because what David Hogg stands for, which is complete and total civilian disarmament, is a mainstay in the platform of the modern progressive movement.”
In other words, they don’t care how corrupt or ineffective he is. As long as he keeps pushing gun control, they’ll protect him at all costs.
Final Thoughts
The DNC handpicked David Hogg for this position, knowing full well who he was. Now, he’s proving to be more of a liability than an asset. The backlash from within their own ranks is growing, and if they had any sense, they’d cut him loose. But they won’t.
So, while the DNC struggles with self-inflicted wounds, we’ll be sitting back with a bucket of popcorn, watching the show.
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To Honest John
Quote——————The reason we have those in America is because of namby pamby liberals refuse to deter crime with sufficient justice against those who commit the crimes. As a testament to your dishonesty,———–quote
In reality the U,S. has more people in prison than Russia, China, and North Korea combined so imprisoning lunatics after they commit mass murder has not worked period.
You trying to discount suicides as not relevant is not being honest because studies show that if there is a gun in the home suicide is 50 times more likely especially among teenagers.
And the majority of homicides are not by strangers robbing on the street or breaking into homes but by Husbands killing Wives proving you are not safer with a gun in the home.
And your trying to claim that other countries like Japan are safer because of their culture actually demeans we Americans. Humans are the same all over the world and when you have a lack of sane gun laws the crime rate and the homicide rate and suicide rate and the mass murder rate go up.
News last week was, t ey gave him the boot, but nothing yet on paying back any that may be left of his windfall
Hogg is a spoiled little rich kid who doesn’t care about anything but himself. This is good for the democrats. Let them self destruct
The funniest thing is, is the Democrats want complete civilian disarmament. Leaving our only means of self defense in the hands of the police. While at the same time they want to defund the police restricting their ability to protect us. It just cant make sense.
he is an insult to pigs everywhere
Do not forget the phony little Hogg was not even present during the horrific attack on his campus. He is not a real survivor of the incident. He is a self-serving charlatan – perfect for dems.
Hogg has been a complete fraud from day one and nothing has changed. He’s an arrogant liar and POS deserving of prison for his current criminal antics. The DNC, on the other hand, well done. At this rate you’re never going win an election ever again and that’s perfectly okay with us!
We all know what is required. The problem is, that us law abiding citizens will not fight the unConstitutional laws on the only ground left to us. The grounds our forefathers framed for us in The Bill of Rights. 2A, in specific. Until this happens, nothing will change. I sure as Hell ain’t doin’ it alone, am I?
And we expected what else from that swine ?
Awesome move appointing hogg you idiot dems, way to go! Now be good little blue sheep & stand behind him no matter what- He’ll be great at exterminating even more dems like the cockroaches they are from America.
For prison?
In reality Hogg makes the perfect poster boy for sane gun control in the U.S. because of what happened to his fellow students during a school massacre. People relate to him as a lifelong victim of gun violence and the criminals of the NRA who have blocked sane gun control laws that all other civilized nations have had for decades. These gun laws have proven that they work as they have kept the mass murder rate and homicide rate far lower in foreign countries than the wholesale daily slaughter that goes on in the U.S.
People in Europe and Japan own guns but do not have the mass murder we do proving how well their gun laws have worked.
The Majority of Americans and even the majority of American Gun Owners realize we have a serious problem with the wrong kind of people being easily able to purchase second hand guns in the U,S. or building their own from Ghost Gun kits which are pure insanity. No other civilized country allows such utter madness.
The Gangster Criminals of the NRA have been supported by only a minority of paranoid Far Right Lunatics who have financed the NRA who in turn have bought off corrupt Republican Congressmen who prevent any and all gun control proposals from being passed that result in a sea of blood and carnage in the U,S. on a daily basis.
Even a retarded Neanderthal would come quickly to the realization that 45,000 gun deaths a year including 1,600 of which are children is not only pure madness but must stop if we are to survive as a civilized country which today we certainly are not.
If you like Europe so much, move there. Until then, it’s a complete waste of your precious time on Earth posting BS lies and fake statistics. The reason Japanese and Europeans don’t have the wholesale murders we have in America is because in their culture, they consider murder a crime. The reason we have those in America is because of namby pamby liberals refuse to deter crime with sufficient justice against those who commit the crimes. As a testament to your dishonesty, FBI crime statistics show that a huge percentage of gun related deaths are from SUICIDE and not mass murders. BTW, the last several ‘mass’ murders were conducted by biological females pretending to be males and you liberals promote this insanity, which also is a major contributor to the suicide rates. To further refute your homicide ‘statistics’, the USA doesn’t even rate in the top 10 nations for murders and to further demonstrate the lunacy of your gun control obfuscations, the UK is now implementing knife control. Yeah, since it’s so difficult to get firearms in UK, the people who own them abide by the law so the criminal element has resorted to killing people with knives to the point the government is enacting knive control laws, which btw, won’t work either.
To Honest John
Among the Industrialized Countries of the world the U,S. is at the top with homicides and mass murder by firearms.
And you mentioned Britain. When the London Bridge Incident occurred a few years ago the Terrorist tried to buy shotguns and were refused when they were vetted. If the Terrorists had been in the U.S. they would have simply bought used guns without paperwork and killed many, many people but in Britain they failed because they tried to do it with knives in a Tavern and the Tavern people fought back with broken beer bottles and chairs and beat the heck out of the Terrorists and they were arrested. That shows you how effective Britains gun laws are and how well they work.
I might also add even with Japan’s super strict gun laws you can indeed buy a semi-auto high powered rifle or semi-auto shotgun and they do not have the homicides and mass murder we do because they thoroughly vet all gun purchasers. It has nothing to do with their culture. As a matter of fact Japan has a huge number of imported minority workers living in Japan and they also do not commit mass murder or homicides with firearms.
To Honest John
Jerry Johnson · Just now
Blue States with Blue cites have lower homicide rates than Red States with Red Cities.
Red States Have Higher Gun Death Rates Than Blue States. Here’s Why
Researcher John Lott falsely claims that two-thirds of peer-reviewed literature shows concealed carry laws reduce crime.
Lott’s false claim relies on obsolete work and studies in which right-to-carry (RTC) laws are not the variables of interest.
Most studies with a national scope published since 2005 find that RTC laws increase crime, particularly aggravated assaults. In short, more guns in public means more crime.
GVPediaGVPedia arms policymakers, advocates and the public with facts and data so that gun violence prevention policy is based on research and reason.
MYTH: Most studies show that more guns mean less crime
Researcher John Lott falsely claims that two-thirds of peer-reviewed literature shows concealed carry laws reduce crime.
Lott’s false claim relies on obsolete work and studies in which right-to-carry (RTC) laws are not the variables of interest.
Most studies with a national scope published since 2005 find that RTC laws increase crime, particularly aggravated assaults. In short, more guns in public means more crime.
quote———————-The US has similar suicide rates to countries like Sweden, Finland, Belgium, France – South Korea has a higher suicide rate. Guns don’t cause suicide – people will figure out a way. Access to a gun does not triple the rate of suicide.———quote
The U.S. has the highest suicide rate of any wealthy nation. Suicides account for 14 deaths per 100,000 people in the U.S. This is double the suicide rate of the United Kingdom. Potential factors that contribute to the high U.S. suicide rate include a high burden of mental illness, a lack of mental health screening, inadequate investment in social services, and the inability of many people to pay for mental health treatment. In recent years, Americans have experienced an uptick in “deaths of despair,” which include suicides and deaths related to substance use and drug overdoses.
The U.S. spends more on health care than any other high-income country. In 2018, the U.S. spent 16.9 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP) on health care – almost double what the average OECD country spent. In contrast, New Zealand and Australia devoted only 9 percent of GDP to health care. U.S. health spending now totals more than $10,000 per person. Private insurance costs (premiums and employer-sponsored coverage) drive much of this spending in the U.S. The amount of public health care spending in the U.S., meanwhile, is similar to many other countries.
New International Report on Health Care: U.S. Suicide Rate Highest Among Wealthy NationsThe United States spends substantially more than any other wealthy nation on health care, yet it has a lower life expectancy and a higher suicide rate than its peer nations, according to a new Commonwealth Fund report. The report, U.S. Health Care from a Global Perspective, 2019: Higher Spending, Worse Outcomes , compares the United States to 10 other high-income nations in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD): Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Commonwealth Fund researchers examined U.S. health care spending, outcomes, risk factors, and quality relative to these other countries. They also compared U.S. performance to the average of all 36 OECD member nations. Among the key findings: The U.S. has the highest suicide rate of any wealthy nation. Suicides account for 14 deaths per 100,000 people in the U.S. This is double the suicide rate of the United Kingdom. Potential factors that contribute to the high U.S. suicide rate include a high burden of mental illness, a lack of mental health screening, inadequate investment in social services, and the inability of many people to pay for mental health treatment. In recent years, Americans have experienced an uptick in “deaths of despair,” which include suicides and deaths related to substance use and drug overdoses. The U.S. spends more on health care than any other high-income country. In 2018, the U.S. spent 16.9 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP) on health care – almost double what the average OECD country spent. In contrast, New Zealand and Australia devoted only 9 percent of GDP to health care. U.S. health spending now totals more than $10,000 per person. Private insurance costs (premiums and employer-sponsored coverage) drive much of this spending in the U.S. The amount of public health care spending in the U.S., meanwhile, is similar to many other countries. “This study demonstrates yet again that while the United States substantially outspends every other wealthy nation on health care, we don’t get our money’s worth. Americans are living shorter, unhealthier lives because our health system is not working as well as it could be. We can do better, and we should start by assuring everyone can get the care they need, when they need it.” David Blumenthal, M.D. Commonwealth Fund President The U.S. has the lowest life expectancy. Despite spending more on health care, Americans have the lowest life expectancy – 78.6 years, a full two years lower than the average for other wealthy nations. People in the U.S. die five years sooner, on average, than people in Switzerland, which has the highest life expectancy in the OECD. Americans visit the doctor less frequently but use expensive technologies and procedures more often. The average American has only four physician visits per year – approximately half as many as the Dutch and Australians. But the highest rates of MRI scans and hip replace
“This study demonstrates yet again that while the United States substantially outspends every other wealthy nation on health care, we don’t get our money’s worth. Americans are living shorter, unhealthier lives because our health system is not working as well as it could be. We can do better, and we should start by assuring everyone can get the care they need, when they need it.”
David Blumenthal, M.D.Commonwealth Fund President
HOGG/AOC 2028!
HOGG/AOC 2028!
For prison?
hogs are easily manipulated and what is why we have bacon. but i doubt this pig would make good bacon or good anything except food for other pigs. just an opinion
I can prove Carville is a demon-rat, and I can prove he is a fool. His wife is the real shining dumbass in this equation… S T U P I D
Stupid, Thank you for signing your post so all know what to call you now.
the demon-rat platform. Hitlery Rotten Clinton did it. Camela Harrass stole & wasted $1.2 billion. IT is what communist do (& kill people).
What is the problem? He is acting just like a democrat.
The Democrat party has become a mirror image of the Chinese Communist Party. They want to have total control forever. They want total civilan disarmament so their government has no resistance. They have been feverishly importing and funding massive numbers of people whom are used to living under a corrupt totalitarian government because that is what they have been runming with their fake president Biden.
Note to self; start my own PAC and start fleecing IGNORANT democrat voters using idiotic policy positions, relentless self-promotion, and quazi-association with questionable organizations.
Got it.
I was thinking the same thing.
Wall Street has a saying: Pigs get fat, Hog(g)s get slaughtered.
just wait til the idiots get to the end of the anchor chain and then try to turn Hogg away and there isn’t any money left.