We Got One of Those Cheap Amazon Red Dots and Beat the Sh*t Out of It. Here’s What Happened.

in Authors, Gear Reviews, Jordan Michaels, Optics/Sights, Red Dots
We Got One of Those Cheap Amazon Red Dots and Beat the Sh*t Out of It. Here’s What Happened.

You know what we’re talking about. Scrolling through Amazon late at night, you notice a red dot, scope, or weapons light and do a double-take: “Twenty bucks and free two-day shipping? Is that right?”

Then you see the average customer rating: “Four-point-five out of five stars with 167 reviews!? Maybe I should give it a shot…”

Your sense of patriotism probably keeps you from purchasing. These products are made in China for pennies on the dollar, and we’re in a trade war, after all!

Still, you’re curious how a $40 Chinese red dot might perform on your rifle, which is exactly why you’re here.

We were approached by a representative from one of these companies (Feyachi) who initially asked us to write an Amazon review in return for the free product (this is sometimes how Amazon companies net those high ratings). After we explained who we are and what we do, he/she agreed to send us one anyway.

We Got One of Those Cheap Amazon Red Dots and Beat the Sh*t Out of It. Here’s What Happened.
Don’t mind if we do!

Never one to pass up an opportunity to break something (on purpose or otherwise), I volunteered to put the Feyachi Reflex Sight through its paces. It goes without saying that I wouldn’t put this thing on anything that might need to save my life. But I still wanted to know – could the Feyachi sight serve as a viable tool at the range or a good option for a young shooter? Believe it or not, I think it can.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

We Got One of Those Cheap Amazon Red Dots and Beat the Sh*t Out of It. Here’s What Happened.

The Feyachi Reflex Sight ain’t exactly hand-crafted. Both mounting screws are off-center, and the cover between the sight and the rails isn’t flush with the bottom of the sight. I can actually see one of the circuit boards underneath. It’s safe to say this isn’t waterproof (Feyachi doesn’t claim it is), but that gap could also let in dirt and dust that might interfere with the optics functions. I threw it in the dirt and didn’t notice any ill effects, but I can’t speak for how an exposed circuit board might perform long-term.

The windage and elevation adjustments present a more immediate and frustrating problem. I honestly can’t tell whether or not they’re supposed to click or just rotate with resistance. Sometimes they do one, sometimes the other, which makes it impossible to tell how far you’ve actually moved the red dot. The adjustment screws do function—I used the Feyachi to sight in two separate rifles—but the process takes much longer than usual.

One final annoyance before I get to a few positives: the unit automatically shuts off after only about an hour (the instructions don’t give an exact time). This is well within the time frame most folks spend at the range, so be prepared to switch the sight back on every so often.

We Got One of Those Cheap Amazon Red Dots and Beat the Sh*t Out of It. Here’s What Happened.
Definitely not waterproof. And don’t bring it into a sandstorm.
We Got One of Those Cheap Amazon Red Dots and Beat the Sh*t Out of It. Here’s What Happened.
Windage and elevation can be “adjusted” with an Allen wrench, but the dials are so sloppy it’s hard to know for sure.
We Got One of Those Cheap Amazon Red Dots and Beat the Sh*t Out of It. Here’s What Happened.
Look at the mounting base. Notice anything weird?

There are a few good things to say about the Feyachi Reflex Sight. The unit includes four different reticles in both red and green as well as nine different brightness settings. Users control the brightness using two buttons on the right and left side (left for red, right for green), and the reticle style can be changed with a rotating switch on the back of the sight. These buttons worked exactly as advertised, even after a fairly thorough beating.

The unit runs on three LR44/AG13 batteries inserted into a compartment on the front of the sight. It comes with six batteries, and more can be purchased inexpensively.

We Got One of Those Cheap Amazon Red Dots and Beat the Sh*t Out of It. Here’s What Happened.
Users can choose from one of four different reticles.
We Got One of Those Cheap Amazon Red Dots and Beat the Sh*t Out of It. Here’s What Happened.
So many options!

Bottom line? The thing is a headache to sight in, and you’ll want to avoid dirt and water, but once you get it set up, it works just fine. While the mounting system looks janky, it held the sight securely on both AR-type rifles I tried it on and never lost its zero.

The Beating


I tried to design this test in accordance with the limitations of the sight and the real-world situations it might encounter. In other words, I didn’t run it over with a truck or throw it in a swamp because a) Feyachi doesn’t say it’s waterproof and b) most users aren’t likely to bring this sight to Vietnam. The folks who purchase the Feyachi Reflex Sight might drop it at the range, or it might get bounced around in the bed of a truck, but that’s about it.

I started by dropping it on the grass ten times. This isn’t a perfect real-world simulation, as the sight wasn’t attached to a rifle when I dropped it, but I didn’t feel like bringing any of my rifles along for this ride. Plus, a direct hit on the sight with the full weight of the rifle behind it seems unlikely.

I honestly half-expected the Feyachi to break after the first grass drop. But it survived, so I moved on to another ten drops on a piece of wood. Amazingly, the Feyachi survived these drops as well. The concrete was the next and final test (10 drops), and I’ll be darned if the thing didn’t keep working.

We Got One of Those Cheap Amazon Red Dots and Beat the Sh*t Out of It. Here’s What Happened.
This happened after the 12th drop on concrete from waist height. It held up longer than I expected!
We Got One of Those Cheap Amazon Red Dots and Beat the Sh*t Out of It. Here’s What Happened.
And it still works! Though it’s anyone’s guess as to whether it held zero. I’m going to guess… no.

The Feyachi almost didn’t survive the initial concrete test. I know this because the glass window had developed a small crack in the top left corner and the aluminum body was chipped and scuffed. But I also wanted to see how long the Feyachi would keep ticking, so I kept dropping it until (two drops later) the protective cover on the rear of the sight finally popped off.

The sight was still working, but the cover that came off protects a small window that reflects the reticle onto the larger glass viewing screen. One direct hit on that piece and the Feyachi is toast. I stopped there because I figured I could glue the cover back on and keep using it. No sense letting a good piece of Chinese workmanship go to waste.


We Got One of Those Cheap Amazon Red Dots and Beat the Sh*t Out of It. Here’s What Happened.

Some of you are going to ask the (fair) question, “Why don’t you just cough up another $20 and get one of those cheap Bushnell sights?”

If you can afford the slightly-more-expensive-but-still-made-in-China-but-made-by-a-MUCH-more-reputable-company Bushnell TRS-25, that’s probably a good move. Still, some gun owners can’t afford an extra $20. Living paycheck to paycheck, $20 might be the difference between a full tank of gas and walking to work.

If the Feyachi—or a similar Amazon optic—is all you can afford right now, it’s definitely better than nothing. Get it zeroed in and leave it alone, and it’ll work well enough for range trips. It may even take more of a beating than you expect.

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About the author: Jordan Michaels has been reviewing firearm-related products for over six years and enjoying them for much longer. With family in Canada, he’s seen first hand how quickly the right to self-defense can be stripped from law-abiding citizens. He escaped that statist paradise at a young age, married a sixth-generation Texan, and currently lives in Tyler. Got a hot tip? Send him an email at jordan@gunsamerica.com.

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  • B February 15, 2025, 5:40 pm

    Sorry, no reason to buy Chinese Sh!t when there are US made options out there.

  • Robert L Brashears January 20, 2025, 3:02 pm

    I have 2 of these. One on my pump action 12 Ga, and one on my semi-auto 12 Ga. shotguns. They are perfect for what I use them for. They work when I need them to, and they hold zero very well. The fact that they can take this level of abuse, simply validates my logic in going with these for my all-around fun guns. If you are a brand snob…that’s cool if you can afford it. If you want something that works…and works well…for about 1/4 the price of the big, big brand’s entry level optic, then take a close look at these. they do not suck..at all.

  • Big D February 9, 2022, 2:47 am

    My wife bought me a Black Aces Tactical S semi auto 12 gauge for Christmas. I had an Amazon gift card I wanted to use and figured why not put a cheapo reflex on my budget tactical 12…. The thing works great. It wasn’t that hard to sight in, and once it was, it kept zero so far after roughly 50 rounds of mixed shot. Can’t beat it for the price.

  • pete January 21, 2021, 3:14 pm

    nice honest review. basically, it is expensive (and possibly deadly) to be cheap…..what i especially liked was Asiongs comment on the trade (only?) war. it is a shame that patriotism has been sold out for a few bucks by the us consumers and american businesses. though i will laugh when all those (formerly) american businesses that sold out their loyal workers and company towns and now only manufacture overseas go bankrupt because they gave up all manufacturing secrets/techniques/technology to china, though a few execs will have a nice golden parachute to rely on, their kids and grandkids be damned.—boycotting chinese made goods since the 1990’s.

  • Eugene Miller August 19, 2020, 1:57 pm

    I have bought 2 of these, they seem to work fine. I have accidentally left the one on My 300 blackout turned on for 2 months and it was still working.. Same battery is still working in it now. They are a pain in the rear to get a good sight in on these.

  • Bill July 20, 2020, 8:54 am

    That Bushnell referenced isn’t not $20 more for a total of $40. It’s now listed at $99! That’s quite a bumper!

    How about a red dot $40-$50 for us po’ folk how still want water/dust safe red dot?

  • Dan April 21, 2020, 10:22 pm

    Thank you for providing a fair and honest review of this sight! I’ve watched several positive Youtube reviews of cheap Chinese scopes, and then gone to Amazon and saw individual reviews that ran completely counter to the guy with the Youtube channel.

    I don’t think they’re necessarily being dishonest, but I’m sure they know that if they give negative reviews, their source of free items to keep their channel going may dry up, and even those who are committed to providing unbiased reviews may be receiving hand picked items whose reticles don’t go out after every shot, or lose zero constantly like I read so much of on Amazon.

    Personally, I have had Chinese sellers contact me after posting negative reviews on Amazon, and offer me money to delete it. Sad F***in World!

  • Frank August 14, 2019, 4:37 pm

    Mine shut off every shot. I suppose the circuit voltage was interrupted by the recoil of an 223. A capacitor of sufficient capacity would have prevented that but I guess that would add a precious .05 cent to the production cost.

  • Asiong August 14, 2019, 4:24 pm

    Trade War is on and for real! (I’m told).
    US side:
    Corporate Execs a. I’ll sell out these inherited trade and manufacturing secrets to an honest communist producer,
    b. have their manufacturing technologies used to build the products in exchange for communist producer’s domestic markets,
    c. what communist consumer? Their money is just as good, ain’t it? Let’s worry later if they’re cheating communists,
    d. bring the cheaply-made products back on US soil,
    e. pocket all the profit windfalls from Uncle Sam,
    f. there’s a lot more but who cares to read?
    Enemy’s side a. I get your manufacturing and technical know-how and you get my promise to compete fairly,
    b. by the way, I will also give you unrestricted access to my vast markets for your products,
    c. I also promise to respect the environment, give workers living wages, respect human rights and comply with all prevailing International Laws,
    d. not true. My government does not subsidize my business operations,
    e. More? yes, but, what do you care?
    US Consumers a. hey, it looks like a good product and it’s C-H-E-A-P! (What could be wrong?). I want one,
    b. communist manufacturer? What communist manufacturer and who cares?
    c. my now unemployed next door neighbor will find another manufacturing job
    d. unemployed next door neighbor a. kids, Dad’s just got laid-off. Dollar Tree shopping is all we can afford nor for all your toys. As for Dad’s toys, Harbor Freight,
    e. what is a dead “vertical-business paradigm” model again, you said?, is it one of those Robert Stein things?
    f. my world’s greatest military force will protect me, a US citizen, if invaded by weak, but rich, foreigners,
    Politicians a. global market is great for the US economy and for all Americans,
    b. Trickle-down economy will create more American jobs with corporate profit reinvestments,
    c.We’re on a recess, don’t bother us. Just make sure our paycheck arrive on time,
    d. If Ch****a doesn’t like it, we’ll just develop another communist global manufacturer, Vie***am!
    e. I’m NOT a Politician-I’m a Lobbyist.
    Joe Blow-Isn’t life great?

    • Dan April 21, 2020, 10:00 pm

      When our Supreme court decided that corporations have the same rights as humans, our destiny was sealed!

  • Darrin August 13, 2019, 11:07 am

    Thanks for taking the time to review this red dot. I’ve been curious about them but didn’t want to waste $20. Sure, Amazon would let me return it but that’s a hassle for everyone involved.

  • Mike Cornett August 12, 2019, 7:33 pm

    Thanks for taking the time to do this review. This will be a good sight for my young son.
    I would rather not spend $200+ for something that will not be taken care of properly.
    On his 22 single shot…..he will be master of his domain. And the safest rifle in the world.
    (Ever notice how your accuracy increases when you only have one shot.) THAT’S THE LESSON.
    Everyone has their price point.

  • Patrick Murphy August 12, 2019, 2:42 pm

    Glad I read this ,I find good used Sights n scopes on e bay for great prices helps keep gas tank full so can buy the best when I like to,

  • Mike Nadler August 12, 2019, 2:13 pm

    Looks interesting.
    On the TRS25 red dot, FORGET IT ! I am on my forth one. The last one was supposedly hand picked at the Bushnell repair center. The red dot looks more like a kidney shape. It’s almost impossible to get through to Bushnell by phone and they don’t respond to emails.
    Too bad, I have a couple of older Bushnell scopes that are great. The new stuff doesn’t appear to be up to snuff.

  • Bayou Boys August 12, 2019, 1:44 pm

    Great Review keep it up Brother

    • Jordan Michaels August 12, 2019, 7:23 pm


  • Greg August 12, 2019, 11:48 am

    Chinese optics have come a very long way.. probably because they hijacked all the technology. That said, most optics are made there now like (some of) the excellent vortex stuff. Some of the big names are made there, or Philippines, or Korea. Many with Chinese parts. Would love to buy American, all things being equal, but what matters is function.

    • Jordan Michaels August 12, 2019, 2:25 pm

      Good point. Lots of well-known American companies have their stuff made overseas. It all depends on quality control. I’d trust most of the stuff from those American companies, but it can be hit-or-miss with Amazon sellers.

  • PHILIP C SALLEY August 12, 2019, 11:24 am

    I also yielded to the attractive price point with similar result though did not do any drop testing. My 22 rifle inventory now wears one of those on each. Plus mounted one on two two 22 pistols with good results. The ARs and other center fire here wear better sights that are clearly sealed to the elements, and marked for associated recoil. Time will tell how the low budget units compare over time and usage.

  • David Fontaine August 12, 2019, 11:10 am

    The mounting screws are offset on purpose so it can be mounted on rails that are not picatinny standard rails. Leatherwood has used the same technique on there Camputer scope mounts. Unless you are using it on a real recoil bruiser, one cross bolt is sufficient for a scope this light.

  • Rudolph Steffani August 12, 2019, 8:50 am

    I’ve got Feyachi red dots on six different .22 plinkers for the grandkids with no issues. Always figured they’d be throw aways. 2 years or more and still running fine. Just put one on a PSA KS47 until I decide what I really want. Didn’t fall off or quit working after initial 300 round break in.

  • Frank S. August 12, 2019, 7:29 am

    I’ve been using a similar cheap reflex sight on a Mosin-Nagant rifle for the range. A friend had installed a small AR type scope on his M-N using a scope mount that replaced the flip-up rear sight — just drive the pin out and remove original, use the pin to install the scope base rail and a pair of set screws to keep it tight and level. The mount kept working loose from shock. Some Loc-Tite on the adjusting screws helped, but IIRC it still eventually worked loose. We determined part of the problem was the weight of the scope, even though it was a rather small one. I decided to get the scope base and stick a cheap reflex sight on as an experiment. No Loc-tite on the screws, and it help up well! I haven’t tried tossing it around like you did, but it’s help up well in the gun cabinet and transporting in a soft case or just lying on the back seat (I live in a rural area just a short distance from a range on my dad’s farm). It’s MUCH better than the original iron sights and easy enough to adjust to the distance I’m shooting (100 yards). Makes shooting the old M-N much nicer, and easy to put the original sight back on if desired. I know someone will say it’s not “right” to do this to a collectible military rifle, and/or you don’t get the real “experience” with it, but the original sights are designed for much longer range and just aren’t all that good. With the better sight it’s a pleasure to shoot! I remember talking to a Brit WWII vet and he said the only way you learned to shoot well with an Enfield was lots of practice with the same gun — the one you were issued. Pick up another and it took a bit to really get the feel of how it shot, but you could generally hit a man sized target at 200 yards, and that’s all the Army really cared about — not exact accuracy, just be able to drop the guy… dead was preferred, but wounded was acceptable. Most armies of the time were the same way.

  • John Speer August 12, 2019, 7:23 am

    I’ve done reviews for both of the Fayachi scopes pictured for Pan, yheir owner.
    704 Tactical (Youtube) reviewed them before me. He subjects them to a beating for more severe then you did.
    Excellent budget scopes (the red dot one is water proof. The reflex in not.)

  • William Davis August 12, 2019, 6:30 am

    Great review! Thanks.

  • Will Drider August 11, 2019, 9:29 pm

    Thanks for the eval. Many folks, myself included; just ignore these “inexpensive” optics. As mentioned there is a use for them on fun plinkers. I’d do a bit of pre-emptive silicon sealing. The Q is: if you had a rail and just Irons/MBUS would you use it on a SHTF primary gun? Hmmmm? I decided yes, with iron backups. Your mileage may vary.

  • Richard August 11, 2019, 8:46 pm

    Thanks for that. I’m not interested in buying one, but I appreciate and fair and balanced review and the sense that your conclusions make. It’s refreshing to see an impartial review of a product that clearly wasn’t generated through a paid-for process.

    • Jordan Michaels August 12, 2019, 2:18 pm

      Absolutely. This was a fun one.