New VRBP100 Semi-Auto Bullpup 12ga From Rock Island Armory – NRA 2019

in Industry News, Levi Sim
New VRBP100 Semi-Auto Bullpup 12ga From Rock Island Armory - NRA 2019

Rock Island Armory Imports introduced the new VRBP100 semi-auto shotgun. It’s a bullpup.

A bullpup shotgun offers more maneuverability in close quarters and competition situations. I think it’d be interesting to hunt with a super short weapon, as well, for fast target acquisition and less fatigue from carrying a long gun. Rock Island Armory’s new VRBP100 is just 32″ overall but maintains a full 20″ of barrel length for accuracy.

New VRBP100 Semi-Auto Bullpup 12ga From Rock Island Armory - NRA 2019

The action is behind the trigger group, making the whole thing just 32″ long.

This semi-auto shotgun is chambered for 2 3/4″ and 3″ 12 gauge shells and comes with two 5-round magazines, but it’s compatible with 9-round and 19-round magazines. It’s got an adjustable comb and includes three rubber shims to adjust the length of pull. The ejection port has a deflection cover to keep the shells out of your face if you’re a left-handed shooter. the charging handle is non-reciprocating, but it’s on the left side only. The safety is ambidextrous.

New VRBP100 Semi-Auto Bullpup 12ga From Rock Island Armory - NRA 2019

While it comes two 5-round mags, it’s compatible with 9-round and 19-round mags — the 19-round is pictured.

New VRBP100 Semi-Auto Bullpup 12ga From Rock Island Armory - NRA 2019

The comb is height adjustable so you can get your eye behind the sights no matter how long your neck is.

New VRBP100 Semi-Auto Bullpup 12ga From Rock Island Armory - NRA 2019

Those sections at the back of the stock are removable rubber shims to adjust the length of pull.

New VRBP100 Semi-Auto Bullpup 12ga From Rock Island Armory - NRA 2019

The deflection cover on the ejection port keeps shells from hitting your face, even if you’re left-handed.

New VRBP100 Semi-Auto Bullpup 12ga From Rock Island Armory - NRA 2019

Ambidextrous safety buttons.

The semi-auto action is run by a gas piston, and it comes with both heavy and light springs to help manage recoil from different loads. Recoil on this gun should be lighter than on traditional guns.

New VRBP100 Semi-Auto Bullpup 12ga From Rock Island Armory - NRA 2019

The action uses gasses from the cartridge’s discharge to eject the shell and load the next.

New VRBP100 Semi-Auto Bullpup 12ga From Rock Island Armory - NRA 2019

The gas piston comes with a user-changeable spring to mitigate recoil from light or heavy loads.

It includes three flush-fitting chokes — cylinder, modified, and full — which are compatible with Benelli and Berretta Mobil chokes. The 20″ barrel is compatible with compensators. It’s got flip-up front and rear sights, and the rear sight has two apertures. A full-length Picatinny rail covers the top, and there’s an accessory rail on the right side at the front.

New VRBP100 Semi-Auto Bullpup 12ga From Rock Island Armory - NRA 2019

Flip-up rear sight with two apertures.

New VRBP100 Semi-Auto Bullpup 12ga From Rock Island Armory - NRA 2019

Flip-up front sight, full-length top rail, and right side rail at the front.

The receiver is 7075 T6 aluminum and the whole firearm is finished in matte black. It’s imported from Turkey and Rock Island thinks this is a terrific option for home defense, competition, hunting, and sporting. I’ll be interested (and excited) to see how it handles in real life. Did I mention it works with 19-round mags? Sweet.

Look for the VRBP100 to hit stores this July with an MSRP of $799.  For more info, visit

New VRBP100 Semi-Auto Bullpup 12ga From Rock Island Armory - NRA 2019

The bolt release and mag release is situated behind the grip. The mag release is ambidextrous.

New VRBP100 Semi-Auto Bullpup 12ga From Rock Island Armory - NRA 2019

It’s compatible with Mobil chokes and compensators. It includes Full, Modified and Cylinder chokes.


  • Gauge: 12, 2 3/4″ and 3″ shells
  • Action: semi-auto
  • Capacity: 5+1, 9+1, 19+1
  • Choke: Mobil choke (Benelli/Berretta)
  • Barrel: contoured smooth bore
  • Overall length: 32″
  • Overall height: 7″
  • Weight: 7.94lbs
  • Finish: matte black
  • MSRP: $799

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About the author: Levi Sim Levi is an avid hunter, and an increasingly avid shooter. He strives to make delicious and simple recipes from the game he kills. He makes a living as a professional photographer and writer. Check out his work and he’d love to connect on Instagram: @outdoorslevi

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  • Blessed June 11, 2021, 7:11 pm

    The vrbp100 I’ve found out that using 3” shells with the light piston works great right out the gate, even with the 9 rd magazine.

  • Richard Dettmer June 6, 2020, 11:41 am


  • Phil August 1, 2019, 5:03 pm

    Ordered one Armscor VRBP100 bullpup last week for home Defense purposes. I believe this model offers a level of compact quick easy handling in a small package while offering a full length barrel. I find the small length of this piece can be necessary when seconds count towards success or failure. Not realizing till after payment of this piece, that this particular model may offer NO reduction of felt recoil, as is case with most semi auto weaponry, I am now put before the course of finding a effective muzzle break / recoil compensator that qualifies for use with this piece. Since this particular model is a Bullpup, the recoil from this piece is straight back, with no muzzle rise. Most other recoil reduction compensators are designed to not only reduce recoil, but as well push end of barrel downward. I am to imagine that muzzle break / compensators designed for conventional shotguns may not be applicable for this model. As well, this model should have accommodations for a fore grip. As I learned with the Maverick 12 Ga. Bullpup shotgun, having a pistol grip, along with a fore grip aided greatly in reducing recoil to my shoulder. I weigh 120 Lbs, so every little bit of dispersing the shock of recoil can be a good thing. If an effective muzzle break / recoil compensator is not yet made for this model, then possibly an after market fore grip may be available?

    • Robin Wolf February 15, 2021, 9:19 pm

      Hi Phil, have you found a muzzle brake/recoil compensator for the VRBP100? If so can you share what make and model it is? I want to reduce the recoil on the 12 ga as well and would love some recommendations. Thank you, RW

  • JamesWWIII July 2, 2019, 2:38 am

    Someone explain to me why this would be a better purchase than the Panzer Arms BP-12, which is also made in Turkey and sells for nearly $300 less.

  • Lloyd Dumas April 30, 2019, 1:05 pm

    Gotta have one!!

  • Bob April 29, 2019, 10:23 pm

    Can’t wait until Chuckie Schumer parades this gun with the 19 round mag in front of Congress after the next church shooter. It is going to be very difficult to explain to the public why that 19 round mag is not over the top insane (won’t matter how many rounds). I can just hear it now, “why would anyone need that to hunt?”
    I like mean looking guns but this 19 rounder appears more like a joke.

  • Shaun Bowler April 29, 2019, 5:06 pm

    Where can I read more, and purchase a VRBP100?
    I can not find a Rock Island Armory Web Site?
    Please advise.

    • S.H. Blannelberry April 29, 2019, 6:11 pm

      Won’t be available until July. Shop on this summer.

  • Jason Coffey April 29, 2019, 12:47 pm

    I know many are thinking how ridiculous that 19 rd mag is, it reminds me of them goofy triple neck guitars of the 80’s. But let us be thankful we have so many new things and freedoms to have em! It’s always a good thing when companies keep can afford to design stuff even it’s outlandish.

  • Alan April 29, 2019, 9:54 am

    I hope “Clay”, (Off The Reservation), does a video using the 19 round magazines. Be a real selling point, if it cycles flawless in both 2 3/4″ and 3″. It would sell me.

    • deanbob April 29, 2019, 1:31 pm

      Was thinking along the same lines. An inside the home defense weapon with the same capacity as many 9mm’s, but more pattern coverage and less “over penetration” than the average JHP. Will look forward to seeing the discount price and a demo,

    • Greg April 29, 2019, 3:46 pm

      Because of the bend in the 19rd mag it only will work with 2 3/4 shells. The 9 round and the 5 round mags will work with both

  • Louis Ringe April 29, 2019, 8:06 am

    The mag is just too @%^&*(. For those of us who are in our right mind (left handed) there are several bulpup’s
    out there. Gas operated? something else to go wrong, I would perfer a pump anytime.

  • Cyrus April 29, 2019, 7:46 am

    The 19 round mag is stupid! 9 round looks perfect but I will still stick with my Mossberg Persuader!

  • Lon April 29, 2019, 7:26 am

    Full 20″ barrel for accuracy? uh…. maybe for a little more velocity, but we all know….
    Interesting ‘pup, if the mags are easy to get and aren’t too much $$$, I might have to try one on.