Virginia Homeowner Shoots, Kills Man During Home Invasion

in Defensive Use of Firearms, This Week

A homeowner shot and killed a man who was trying to force his way into a home in York County, Virginia, the Daily Press reports.

Shelley Ward, a spokesperson for the York-Poquoson Sheriff’s Office, reported that the man jumped a gate and approached the homeowner’s family while they were sitting out on their porch.

The family went inside their house and locked the door. The man approached the house and began trying to kick down the door. The homeowner then shot and killed the man.

Neighbors spoke out about the shooting.

“I don’t wish anybody bad, but in that circumstance, I’m glad he had a gun and I’m glad he did what he did,” Neighbor Thomas Overby told the Daily Press.

“You know, he protected his family and that’s what guns are for, to protect you if you feel defenseless, you know? You got to protect yourself [by] whatever means necessary,” Overby said.

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Another neighbor, Deborah Soderholm, spoke to 3WTKR.

“It’s just scary to think something like that could happen in the middle of the day, and that it could have happened to anyone on this street,” Soderholm said.

Overby, who lives near where the shooting occurred, also spoke to 3WTKR.

“First thing I told my wife was you need to get to the shooting range, start knowing how to shoot your gun,” Overby said.

Overby told the Daily Press that he was not home when the shooting occurred and that the neighborhood is generally safe.

No criminal charges have been filed in relation to the shooting; however, the case is still under review by the York County commonwealth’s attorney, Krystyn Reid. Stay tuned for updates.

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  • Hondo July 29, 2022, 9:54 am

    Another criminal/democrat dispatched , nice shooting.