Video Shows Pawn Shop Clerk Fatally Shooting Robber

Things happen in a flash.  One moment you’re wheeling a bike to the front of the store you work at, and then the next your being robbed at gunpoint.

The question is what do you do in that situation?  Well, if you’re lucky, you respond like this clerk did (see video below) at a pawn shop in Bountiful, Utah.

When confronted by an armed robber and his accomplice, the quick-thinking clerk managed to find cover momentarily, draw his weapon and engage the gun-toting suspect.  Fatally shooting him.

“The suspect could have left,” observed Bountiful Police Lt. Dave Edwards in an interview with “He could have left the store then, but instead he continued to pursue (the clerk), and immediately as he comes around the corner again, points the gun again. The clerk defends himself.”

It’s important to note that even after being fatally wounded the assailant continued to try to choke the victim.  Just because someone is shot doesn’t mean they’re no longer a threat.  Meanwhile, the other perp fled the scene.

“The suspect continues after the shots have been fired and attacks the store clerk,” said Edwards.  The incident happened on May 4.

The deceased suspect was identified as 40-year-old Kleydys Arbolaez-Hernandez of Denver.  His alleged partner in crime, 31-year-old Alexander Cutino Sanchez of Houston, was later arrested and indicted on 11 counts of robbery and 11 counts of using a firearm during a violent crime.  These two men had apparently been busy robbing various pawn shops throughout Utah starting back in January, according to police.

SEE ALSO: Dancing FBI Agent Responsible for Shooting Bar Patron is Charged

Sanchez is also wanted for several robberies in Oklahoma, Colorado, and Texas.

Lt. Edwards said the clerk felt remorse for having to take a life.

“Clearly, the clerk trained and prepared for this day,” Edwards said. “In speaking with the clerk, I know that he’s deeply saddened that this had to occur.”

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  • Click Bang February 2, 2021, 12:55 pm

    Justice is served with hot lead… Good ridance scum….

  • ronald d hewitt July 6, 2020, 12:11 pm

    Kudos to the lucky clerk! Also, if you take our guns, then only the worst in our society will have them. Think about that!!!

  • chumly March 6, 2020, 9:46 pm

    celebrate diversity

  • Warren Wilson February 21, 2020, 11:37 am

    The clerk did not kill the perp. The perp had been playing Russian roulette since he started being a criminal and this chamber was loaded.

  • JD Matthews November 2, 2018, 5:32 am

    All I can say is Thank God the Pawn Shop clerk wasn’t hurt in this Incident. I served in the Military six years and after the Military I was in Law Enforcement until retirement and It’s a terrible thing to have to take another Human beings life but when they give you no other alternative it’s them or you. Unfortunately with the thousands of Illegals Obama and the Demotards have already let into our Country and if they get there way we’ll have thousands more in the Country before long to further Drain our system and take away any benefits that True American Citizens may have gotten. Not to mention the increase and additional Crime that they bring. So unfortunately I think we can look forward to more of this same kind of Situation as well as many other Violent Crimes. All I can say If you do carry concealed is Practice ,Practice, Practice and be Ready Mentally and Physically to take care of Business if necessary. Good luck & God Bless to All…

  • FirstStateMark July 27, 2018, 10:05 pm

    Cheers to the clerk! Too bad he couldn’t have killed the other piece of shit thug.

  • Mikial July 27, 2018, 8:24 pm

    Scratch one scumbag. Utah is not a good place to try to rob people. Lots of armed citizens there.

  • bjg July 27, 2018, 6:50 pm

    Good! Probably some of the democrats freeloading friends.

  • PacMan July 27, 2018, 2:53 pm

    The punk got what he deserved.I agree with the chambered round.Had he NOT had the corner to go around,he might be dead. I am beyond words curious as to what ammo the
    good guy used so I NEVER buy it. I am certain that the Hornady Personal Defense and
    the Federal Hydra Shok that are in my weapons would pretty much remove enough of
    the cranium to prevent the choking scenario.That’s why you double tap.Just to make
    sure. It boggles my f’n mind why the question of “why do you feel you needed to shoot
    him 5 times?’is even asked.My answer would be,”Because I wanted to be sure the threat
    was neutralized and could do no harm.I don’t want the s.o.b. to roll over,pull a gun,and
    blow my brains out? It’s him or me.Life or death.”

    • Kirk July 28, 2018, 4:45 pm

      Hydra Shok is old tech. Federal HST or Speer Gold Dots are a better choice nowadays.

      • Scott March 6, 2020, 9:58 pm

        +1 on Federal HST. I carry the 9mm 147gr flavor faithfully. I never would have carried 147gr when 9mm became popular, because, as many LE agencies found out, the stuff wouldn’t open from 3″-5″ barrels. Bullet tech is MUCH better these days…the ballistics are impressive. Standard pressure for 3″-4″ barrels, +P for anything longer.

  • Mac July 27, 2018, 2:45 pm

    Hard to really tell what’s going on once the crook enters the back room, but one thing was clear in the last seconds before that: the clerk fumbling with his auto…either with the slide in an attempt to chamber a round and/or to remove the safety so he could fire…could have (nearly) cost him his life. With a revolver he could of had at least one or two shots off in that time.

    • Larry July 27, 2018, 4:16 pm

      Or a glock …

  • Thesteed July 27, 2018, 2:18 pm

    Pieces of shit that live by the sword, die by the sword.

  • Mike July 27, 2018, 12:16 pm

    So just curious. Given the results of this video, the robbers would have been wiser to instead of (Holding up at gunpoint), the clerk. The robbers would have been wiser to just shoot the clerk initially, then rob the register, or steal whatever it is they were after. So the threat of armed clerks pulling a gun, might put future armed and unarmed clerks in danger. I mean the robber (Had the drop) in the clerk initially, but didn’t pull his trigger because he didn’t want to kill. If he thought the clerk may have been armed, does that up his willingness to shoot first rob second?

  • KurtW July 27, 2018, 10:56 am

    Remorse? WHY?!?!?!?

  • Zupglick July 27, 2018, 10:49 am

    I remember a quote from Robert Heinlein. “An armed society is a polite society”

  • Dan July 27, 2018, 10:16 am

    Good for those who are using their right to protect themselves. The scum that has infiltrated our country illegally and have no right to breath our air let lone commit a crime, deserve to have their lives extinguished! Keep one live in the chamber. The moment to act is here.. They get what they deserve…

  • Chastran July 27, 2018, 10:04 am

    These poor robbers need a “GoFundMe” account set up to buy them clothing. Having to wear the same clothes to multiple robberies is not only unhygienic, but it also enabled the police to link them to previous robberies. Totally unfair!!!//sarc off//

    • Larry July 27, 2018, 4:18 pm

      Good one!

  • Gary July 27, 2018, 9:58 am

    Maybe after one of the Dems Governors or senators or mayors of one of those states or cities loses a loved one to one of them illegals they may change their mind. Wake up America your President is not even taking any pay what do you think he is doing he is standing up for people in this country If he was not president he would be making millions of dollars he is losing all kinds of money to try to help you Unbelievable the last president put the country in more debt than all other presidents combined it in history Why would you think he did a good job look at the real truth and records if you think about it truthfully what did he do that help you in any way

    • BR549 July 27, 2018, 10:24 am

      Well, you know how they define a Liberal ………. a Liberal is a Conservative who hasn’t been mugged yet.

  • L River July 27, 2018, 9:46 am

    Dindo Nuffin—Perfect – that is exact and clearly to the point – thank you.

  • Marc July 27, 2018, 9:36 am

    That’s why training is so important if you carry. The good guy won because he train as stated by the police offer.

  • Willard July 27, 2018, 8:29 am

    These criminals may have been among the other illegal aliens (called “undocumented immigrants” by the damned Democrat Leftists/Progressives/Socialists, the major SUBORNED leftists’ media now in the USA). Whether or not, the shopkeeper was entirely right to protect himself and his business. His first shot also blew a piece of paper onto the floor and possible evidence. Not mentioned is the second cloud of another possible shot while he was being strangled. Now the above mentioned Demos, etc. want to have totally open borders so they can get voted in by the illegals who already can vote in too many States by merely having a driver’s license. The same States are not allowed by Demo-passed laws to question citizenship, get licenses, or they may be prosecuted for “discrimination” and “profiling”. Police can not even ask about citizenship of an unidentified suspect! The damned Demos are doing all they can to get back on top, in power, and are willing to ignore and destroy the laws, the Constitution, and America. Sanctuary (read the definition) is legal for churches only, not cities and not States. Seattle, WA passed a law to fine gun owners up to $10,000 if any gun is not locked up and is stolen and used by anyone. NRA and SAF are in court in WA now! Time to assert our Rights and demand that all FCC licensed media tell the factual truth of news events, not editorialize, not raise the talking head’s critical eyebrow, and stop their SUBORNED Demo fake news or face revocation of the licenses to broadcast or print, in the public good. Suggest that many times to our President. Thanks.

    • Bobr110 February 21, 2020, 10:29 am

      Nowhere does it say the robbers were undocumented aliens .

  • Heywood Jablowme July 27, 2018, 8:11 am

    Bountiful and Davis County at large used to be the safest community in the country. We never used to lock our doors and kids could play outside unsupervised. Thanks to all the animals coming from down South, it has all changed. Watch the Davis County jail website inmate roster. It is constantly filled with “amigos” being charged with immigration violations and then rape and other shit like this. Let this be a message, we Utahns like our guns and will use them.

  • darryl July 27, 2018, 5:52 am

    you can see the victim having rack the slide on his pistol, this is why you always have one in the chamber ready to go so you don’t waste time. good he was still able to take care of one of the robbers and glad the other got caught and put in jail. one we don’t have to pay for at least. like the cop said here even when shot they can still try and take your life so it’s shoot till your sure they can’t come at you.

    from the names seems as we have more of the mexican bad guys who rolled across the border to do harm to american citizen’s.

    thanks all you liberal trash that just want to let more of them in our country so they can keep this up.

  • Justin July 27, 2018, 4:09 am

    OH NO! How can we help this poor man and his family?

    I’m talking about the guy that actually has a job and life that these shtbags have affected…

  • Dindo Nuffin July 27, 2018, 3:32 am

    When I carry a gun, I don’t do so because I am looking for a fight, but because I’m looking to be left alone. The gun at my side means that I cannot be forced, only persuaded. I don’t carry it because I’m afraid, but because it enables me to be unafraid. It doesn’t limit the actions of those who would interact with me through reason, only the actions of those who would do so by force. It removes force from the equation… and that’s why carrying a gun and using it to cull one of two of the herd of attacking sub-saharan-nibians is a civilized act

  • Dr Motown July 24, 2018, 3:55 pm

    Just a couple of misunderstood “dreamers” getting their lives cut short by our lax gun laws….(sarcasm emoji)

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