The Walther PPQ M2 5-Inch—A Born Match Gun – Video Review

in Justin Opinion, Pistols
PPQ M2 5" is like the black rifle of handguns

PPQ M2 5″ is like the black rifle of handguns

By Justin Opinion

The competitive shooting sports might just be shaken (not stirred) up by the name Walther this year. Say “Walther” to most people, and the image of James Bond’s PPK comes immediately into mind. To others it might be the iconic P38. Either way, brand association like that would be coveted by any company. But sometimes the public’s association with a brand can be so strong that it makes it difficult for the company to break the paradigm and introduce new products. Such might be the case, at least in the U.S., for Walther Arms Co.

I regularly shoot IDPA, and on any given day at a match at least one person tells me about trigger work their gunsmith did, or the new drop-in he just put into his favorite match gun. After an invited test of the new trigger, I often respond that, “if this trigger were twice as good as it is now, it would be half as good as a Walther PPQ”. And wise-guy remarks aside, that is pretty much my opinion, when we’re talking about modern polymer-frame striker-fired pistols. There just is no better out-of-the-box trigger (nor any aftermarket one that I have felt) that can come close to the trigger that Walther puts in the PPQ. Now, combine that with winning ergonomics, proven reliability, and good price – and you wonder why half the field of competitors don’t have a PPQ on their hips. All that might change when the 5-inch PPQ starts to appear in stores. It’s available in 9mm and .40 S&W. Our test gun was 9mm.

The Walther PPQ already had nearly everything to make it a great sport shooter, including the aforementioned trigger that is, in my opinion, the best stock trigger on a polymer-framed handgun. But seeing one at a match would be like a Bigfoot sighting. Why? One main reason was length. The 4” PPQ just couldn’t get noticed among all the 5” to 5 ¼” models out there by other popular brands. With a 5” barrel and longer slide, the new PPQ offers the advantages of better accuracy, longer sight radius and slightly increased muzzle velocity.

PPQ's trigger is already legendary among shooters

PPQ’s trigger is already legendary among shooters

But don’t get the impression that this is a narrow-focused gun with a single use. Far from it. In fact, when introduced in 2011, the PPQ (now known as M1) was an evolution of the tried and true P99. The P99 has been a special forces and police duty sidearm for many years in Europe. Answering the demand for a consistent trigger pull (P99 is double/single action) and other improvements, the PPQ – which literally stands for Police Pistol Quick-defense, was born. It initially sported paddle magazine catches that were incorporated in the lower rear of the trigger guard. This configuration is fairly common in Europe, though still slow to catch on here in the States. To some, it was a brilliant departure from the U.S.-style mag catch button. For starters, it was truly ambidextrous on every gun. But most people resisted the alternate style mag catch, and sales were modest. In 2013, the PPQ M2 was released to the U.S. market sporting a very familiar mag catch in the traditional location. The catch is reversible for left-handed shooters. And what a mag catch it is! Large and easy to access, it depresses like it has power assist. It also boots the magazine out of the pistol with a great positive force, instead of relying mostly on gravity, another nuance that will not be lost on the sports shooter. The 5” version was teased about way back then, but has not become a true production reality until now.

The "port holes" in the slide add a great look to the PPQ.

The “port holes” in the slide add a great look to the PPQ.

The Walther PPQ 5” is one of the coolest looking handguns I have ever held, at least in the scope of today’s fashion. It is basically the tricked-out black rifle of the handgun platform. From the squared-off pyramid-shaped slide that sports deep angled cocking serrations front and rear, down past the ambidextrous slide stop levers that are extra-long and can be operated by most shooters without having to alter their grip – to the oddly unique but comfortable backstrap of the grip – decorated in a paisley texture. The angles of the polymer frame that lead toward the front accessory rail look like they might belong on the newest Stealth aircraft. All that would be enough to qualify as “cool looking” in any showcase, but Walther had to go over the top. To maintain the weight of the slide so that the 9mm round would continue to operate the pistol reliably, it was necessary to take some weight from the front of the slide. This is nothing new, and we’ve seen Glock and Springfield Armory do the same with their long-slide match guns. Walther’s engineers cut ‘port holes’ into the top of the slide, three on each side. These oval slots in the slide reminded me of a classic old Buick Roadmaster the first time I saw one. They are there for an engineering purpose, but they turn the “cool factor” of the gun up to 11 on the dial. Finishing touches included tapering the nose of the slide in significantly where it overhangs the frame and cutting a large hole where the guide rod travels during cycling.

PPQ comes with 2 15 round magazines and 2 alternate backstraps.

PPQ comes with 2 15 round magazines and 2 alternate backstraps.

The PPQ M2 comes in a good-quality plastic case that is lockable and suitable for transport. The pistol lies comfortably in a precision-cut foam bed. There are cut-out areas for the second magazine and the loader, lock and extra backstraps for customizing the grip size.

Walther also provides you with a target demonstrating the test firing. The target is labeled as having been fired from 15 meters, with what appears to be about six rounds. This all-holes-touching-each-other group may attest to the gun’s potential, but it may never see that performance in my hand! The PPQ comes with two 15-round standard capacity magazines. Because this is clearly a model marketed to the sporting user, I would have preferred to see a third magazine included. Magazines can be difficult to find for the PPQ, and when found they are expensive. This is an inconvenience that some sporting shooters will not overlook when deciding PPQ-25Targets-1on their next match gun. And speaking of after-market support for the PPQ, holsters are almost impossible to find as of this writing. I checked with all the popular holster makers for OWB competition-style rigs, and none have the 5” PPQ available. Be advised that most holsters designed for the 4” PPQ will not accommodate the 5” model because they are not fully “open toe”. I spoke with a couple of the leading brands to verify this. Initially, it will be the small holster makers that can adjust faster to their customers’ needs that will be your best bet. I was able to obtain a holster from Multi Holsters ( that fit the pistol perfectly. On a hunch, I measured the PPQ magazine against a Sig Sauer P226 magazine, and the key dimensions are almost identical. I was able to use the P226 mag pouch for the Walther magazines.

But will the PPQ M2 be durable and reliable enough for the demands of sporting shooters? I know guys who shoot several matches before they clean their guns. Is the Walther too delicate or finicky to tolerate such abuse? I don’t have first-hand data, but let’s not forget that the PPQ is a duty gun in many parts of the world. It has, at the very least, proven itself worthy in acceptance testing.

Rear polymer sight has good visibility and is adjustable for windage

Rear polymer sight has good visibility and is adjustable for windage

The stock sights on the pistol are combat style 3-dot sights made of polymer. The rear sight is well designed for emergency slide cycling, but I don’t know how the polymer would hold up to such use. It is also adjustable for windage. Walther indicates that steel night sights are an option, but some searching on its website did not prove very successful. The stock sights are adequate, and I had good results with them. But there is a little more air space than I generally like in the rear notch.

So, why “Quick-defense”? When talking about the Walther PPQ, it always comes back to the trigger. Not only is the trigger as smooth as a baby’s butt and light-feeling as a snowflake, but it has an incredibly short and crisp reset. This short reset was designed to allow professional LE to engage targets in quick succession without having to slap a long-stroking trigger.

When it comes to performance, the PPQ holds its own very well. Being accustomed to the 4” PPQ M2 (I own a copy and like it very much), I thought some side-by-side comparisons made sense. First off, there are the obvious specifications to compare – but I noted that Walther’s website has errors where the specs are listed. For instance, I was skeptical when both the 4” and 5” barrel versions were listed with the same overall length… call me crazy. So, I measured the 5” myself and found that the missing inch is indeed there – overall length is approximately 8.1” versus 7.1” for the 4”. Similarly, I found that the 5” PPQ puts on about 2 ounces of weight, although also listed as identical to the 4”.

Trigger pull feels even lighter than the 5 lb. average observed.

Trigger pull feels even lighter than the 5 lb. average observed.

Trigger pull measures at an impressive, but still deceiving, 5 lbs. (actual was 4 lbs, 15.9 oz. on average over 10 pulls). It feels lighter than that, probably because it is so smooth. No grit, no hesitations, no feeling that you are pushing mechanical parts. Just a smooth take-up and crisp break – followed by one of the shortest resets on any handgun. The reset (I guesstimate it at about 1/8”) is also very crisp and provides good audible and tactile feedback. Once you have mastered this reset stroke (and I make no such claims personally), you can boast some very impressive split times!

PPQ-25Targets-1Accuracy is excellent with the 4” PPQ, and I did observe a slightly tighter group with the 5”, but not enough so to draw conclusions.  At 25 yards rested, the 5” produced a group of about 2 ½ inches versus closer to 3 inches for the 4” – but I had to call that a tie. I found that with “real” shooting during an IDPA match, the 5” put the hits exactly where I held it – out to about 15 yards. Recoil management is good with the 5” PPQ despite the higher-than-average bore axis. A heavy recoil spring, heavy slide and aggressive grip angle all contribute to keeping the gun flat. Speed reloads feel like they are on steroids with the oversized mag catch that is very well located and easy to press and the strong spring-assisted ejection of the empty magazine. A flubbed reload can cost upwards of a second on the clock, so this is a strong plus.

 Disassembly latch is easy to locate and use, and blends in well.

Disassembly latch is easy to locate and use, and blends in well.

Takedown for field cleaning involves Glock-like slide lock release above the trigger, and it comes apart easily and smoothly using the same familiar technique.

Walther’s modern ergonomics are an acquired taste for some – but I find the pistol to be very well designed and thought out from a controls and grip perspective. The ambidextrous slide stop levers extend way back, allowing a sweep of the thumb to operate the control without altering the grip. The grip angle is aggressive and throws the web of your hand deep under the grip tang.

The PPQ has been around since early 2011, getting some heavy duty use in Europe. It might still be too early to say, but durability and reliability seem to be non-issues. Whether the 5” PPQ becomes a big success is up to the sometimes fickle sporting community, but I’m betting on it to succeed. I shot a match with this gun and found it to be the most natural feeling “new gun” I have ever used. In fact, I really didn’t have any conscious thoughts of the gun while shooting it – just front sight and trigger. I took first in my category and second in overall match accuracy with it. You won’t hear me complain, and it is welcome on my hip at any match!

The five-inch PPQ should be trickling into stores any time, and prices should be similar to the four-inch.

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  • Wally Nussbaumer April 3, 2015, 7:13 am

    I have the PPQ M2 in 9mm, shoots just fine, but I would not call the trigger smooth, better than a Glock, but not smooth, Pull measures about 5.5 lbs. One question I have is I noticed a ring on the ejected brass just before the mouth of the case, On checking the barrel I noticed the identical ring just before the forcing cone, this ring appears to be on all the 5″ barrels I have inspected, but not on the 4″versions. Anyone have an answer? Walther has not responded

  • El February 28, 2015, 8:02 pm

    Nice review, I have both 4 and 5 inch and really like them both, shooting the 5″ tomorrow but seriously like BOTH PPQ M2 in both lengths.
    I may even CCW the 4″ in the future.

  • graham walker July 28, 2014, 6:26 pm

    I have three Walthers in my collect a P5 a P99 and a PPQ M2. The P5 is old but great fun to shoot The P99 looks near identical to the PPQ but thats where it ends,the PPQ an amazing weapon,namely accuracy and trigger pull and reset.BUT my favourite is a SIG P210. This gun runs rings around all of them I reckon. The trigger is unbelievable and accuracy as well. I shoot both these weapons every weekend it is so cool to change from one to the other. For competition though I use the Walther as the trigger on the Sig scares me a bit when I an drawing it fast(well as fast as this dude does).

  • Mark Yonjof May 4, 2014, 9:36 am

    I just received 2 of the 5″ PPQ’s. Think I would like to keep one for myself. The rear posts were also my only criticism of the PPQ 4″. I do own the PPX and would like sights more like this… Has anyone addressed this and have a recommendation? Thanks,


  • r.allen March 6, 2014, 1:28 pm

    Just purchased the PPQ-m2 because of your great video showing all the highs and low. I’m using a black hawk size #6 nylon holster and it works just fine and holds a extra mag, too. Right out of the box I was hitting shotgun shells at 15 yards. It now replaces my Beretta 96-A1 as my favorite handgun. Can’t beat the fantastic trigger or feel. It’s not my first Walther nor my last.

    • Justin Opinion March 18, 2014, 9:00 pm

      r.allen – That’s quite a compliment, and thank you. That’s a good point about the nylon holsters that come in various “generalized” sizes. Because I was so focused on using the gun as a competition gun I had tunnel vision for that type of speed holster. Thanks for adding that suggestion, and I hope you enjoy many years of fun with the PPQ!

  • Brian Thurber February 11, 2014, 7:32 pm

    First of all. Great Review! I have held these guns a few times. It’s a must have on ergonomics and trigger alone. Throw in the good looks and you can’t go wrong

  • Jerry Reicher February 11, 2014, 10:19 am

    I handled one of these pistols at the SHOT show in Las Vegas and the minute I handled one I knew I was interested in buying one. This review just sealed the deal for me. Thanks for the great review and the thorough video. More video reviews please!

  • GreyFox72 February 11, 2014, 12:07 am

    I have owned a PPQ for almost two years. I use it as a self defense piece in my vehicle. Veridian makes a combo laser/light combo which works well up to about 50′. As the above review describes the trigger is so much better than almost anything else I’ve ever used you may not believe it. Believe it. No need to work over the mechanics of the PPQ to reach an minimally acceptable functionality. I don’t expect any carry piece to shoot tight groups all the time, but the PPQ just might do it. I do expect a piece to allow me to shoot up to MY potential w/o every master gunsmith in the USA having to rework it.

    As for my suggestion it is “try it you’ll like it.

    • Shooter February 12, 2014, 9:14 pm

      The Veridian light/green laser combo looks like it was made for the 4″ PPQ when mounted. I absolutely love my PPQ and I’m so glad I have an M1 because I like the “weird” mag release. In fact, everyone I’ve ever let shoot mine also loves it. It’s one of my “never sell” guns. It inspired me to buy more Walthers, so now I also have a P22, which very much feels like a baby PPQ, and I carry a PPS every day. I love it, too, even though it’s trigger can’t quite compare. I’ll have one of these 5″ PPQ’s at some point to add to my collection. If they’d make a PPK/S 22 with a more reasonable trigger pull I’d have one of those, too.

      • the original----->Russ December 29, 2014, 5:01 pm

        Welcome to the club Shooter!
        The agronomical innovative design of the paddle mag release is one of the main reasons it’s called a PPQ.
        PPQ = Quick Police Pistol
        There’s no quicker way to operate a magazine release, period.

        I own many different types of firearms, and in it’s category, my PPQ M1 .40 is superior to all.
        The M2 is backwards in design to appease the old school shooters that can’t change muscle memory.

      • Russ December 29, 2014, 5:03 pm

        Welcome to the club Shooter.
        The agronomical innovative design of the paddle mag release is one of the main reasons it’s called a PPQ.
        PPQ = Quick Police Pistol
        There’s no quicker way to operate a magazine release, period.

        I own many different types of firearms, and in it’s category, my PPQ M1 .40 is superior to all.
        The M2 is backwards in design to appease the old school shooters that can’t change muscle memory.

        • William eichfeld December 29, 2014, 10:15 pm

          I Liked the PPQ so much before I bought 2 of them before they called them m1 both in 40 cal. But I agree that the trigger does seem lighter than you think and is short but I am used to them. I like the walther but have a problem with the spring in the mag.
          But a great trigger

  • curtis spencer February 10, 2014, 8:05 pm

    yes I would like list of prices walter ppq and what come in cal.and 9mm 0r .45 thank you.

    • Steve February 10, 2014, 9:17 pm

      I believe $749 for 9mm.

  • Grey Beard February 10, 2014, 3:34 pm

    If it’s “A Born Match Gun” as said, why is it NOT offered in .38 Super?

    • Wilbur August 26, 2016, 4:28 pm

      Because Walther is a German company, 38 super is primarily a American round. The primary consumer for Walther pistols is police, who often don’t screw with odd calibers

  • Jeff Gibson February 10, 2014, 2:44 pm

    Glad to hear it comes in 40. Is the magazine bottom plate t
    not made of plastic. You said all steel mag but the bottom looks like plastic.
    good review.

    • Justin Opinion February 10, 2014, 5:17 pm

      Jeff – The baseplate of the magazine is polymer, a detail I didn’t call out. Sorry for any confusion there. I have a habit of thinking only of the tube. Thanks for asking that.

  • rappini February 10, 2014, 2:42 pm

    Okay, but I’ll wait for the 45acp.

  • Mike February 10, 2014, 12:56 pm

    Re: Blade Tech holster

    I bought a similar 4 inch holster made by Ghost for my M&P Pro 5 inch but I couldn’t use it because the front sight would hang up on the holster in the draw. Just a FYI.

  • Jerry Bruss February 10, 2014, 12:24 pm

    Congratulations ! One of the very best pistol reviews I have ever seen.
    Love the looks and design features of this new pistol. Can hardly
    wait to handle one.

  • Rodney Downs February 10, 2014, 10:48 am

    I talked to Blade Tech and although they dont make a holster specifically for the 5″ yet they did make me a 4″ holster and left it open-ended instead of closed. No extra charge.