Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre

in Historical Guns, Will Dabbs
Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
This nondescript house in North Memphis was the site of Something Truly Horrible back in 1983.

On January 12, 1983, on a cluttered street in Memphis, Tennessee, an off-duty police officer happened upon a purse snatching. Unable to apprehend the criminal, the officer did, however, recognize the suspect. The cop subsequently drove to the man’s home in the company of two other patrolmen. Finding the house empty the officers actually contacted the suspect but were unable to understand him on the phone. They subsequently gave up, filed a report, and called it a day.

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
Lindberg Sanders had a documented history of mental illness and an insensate hatred for police officers.

At the time the suspect in the purse snatching was at another house in North Memphis along with thirteen other African American males. These men had spent the day smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol. They were all members of a nameless religious cult led by a 49-year-old mental patient named Lindberg Sanders.

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
Sanders was a Rastafarian of sorts only with a liberal sprinkling of crazy scattered across the top.

Lindbergh Sanders described himself as “Black Jesus,” and his was an odd theology indeed. His Rastafarian rites forbade his acolytes from eating pork, drinking water, or wearing hats. He had informed his followers that the world would end on January 10th, two days prior. When he was proved wrong he found himself in a foul mood.

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
The interaction between Sanders’ strange cult and the Memphis Police Department ended badly.

Amongst a bewildering array of nonsensical practices, Sanders also vehemently denigrated the police as tools of Satan. The relatively benign purse snatching query from police catalyzed Sanders’ toxic milieu. The subsequent conflagration was an epic bloodbath.

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
Patrolman Bobby Hester was a combat veteran and an experienced police officer.

Sanders had the original suspect anonymously call the police to his North Memphis house ostensibly to discuss the purse snatching. 34-year-old Vietnam veteran Patrolman Bobby Hester and his partner Ray Schwill answered the call. Once they entered the house the two white police officers realized they were both surrounded and outnumbered.

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
Officer Hester found himself at the mercy of crazed cultists.

Hester radioed for backup, and the two officers attempted to extricate themselves. The cultists gained control of Officer Schwill’s gun and shot him in the face with it. Schwill nonetheless made it to the door and safety. Patrolman Hester was taken captive. Several members of the cult fled the house and were eventually apprehended.

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
Officers used this van for cover during the subsequent exchange of fire.

The first responding officer immediately attempted to enter the home only to be thrown bodily off the porch. The second went in shooting, exiting the house to reload several times. Despite his efforts, they were nonetheless unable to reach Patrolman Hester.

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
Police negotiators attempted to establish a rapport with Sanders and his followers.

Memphis Police quickly surrounded the house and began negotiations with Sanders. Sanders and his followers had Officer Hester’s radio and used it to communicate with authorities. Sanders announced his intent to murder Officer Hester live over a Memphis radio station. He stated that he held a gun to the patrolman’s head and that any effort to approach the house would end in the lawman’s death. Neighbors and the escaped cult members all claimed the suspects were heavily armed.

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
This was the bedroom where Hester was held throughout the ordeal.

What happened next is disputed. Sanders activated the radio as his followers beat and tortured Patrolman Hester. Hester’s pleas could be heard clearly by officers outside the dwelling. His comrades pressed for permission to attempt a rescue. Concerned about Sanders’ earlier threat and still holding out hope for a peaceful solution, administrators dragged out their discourse with Sanders for some thirty hours. This fateful decision has been second-guessed countless times since.

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
When it became obvious that all peaceful options had been exhausted, Memphis police commanders gave their approval for an assault.

At 0300 on January 13th everything went quiet. Sanders refused to communicate, and Hester could no longer be heard. Microphones pointed at the house detected, “My daddy is dead. My brother is dead. The devil is dead.”  Police administrators finally gave the go-ahead for a dynamic entry.

The Assault

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
The Memphis PD tactical team led with tear gas.

The six-man Memphis TACT team deployed tear gas and flash-bang grenades before storming the house. They carried M16A1 rifles and 12-gauge shotguns. The entire operation took some twenty minutes. The tactical team was met with gunfire in the first room they entered. Patrolman Hester’s body had been placed near the front door in a vain effort at slowing their progress.

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
The TACT team officers neutralized all of the barricaded suspects despite the low light and cluttered nature of the home.

In the ensuing firefight, the tactical team fired a total of eighty rounds. Sanders and his remaining followers were killed to a man, all but one shot in the head. The suspects fired a total of twelve rounds from the two .38 revolvers taken from Hester and Schwill. These were the only two firearms recovered at the scene. Crime scene diagrams and photographs depicted the dead cult members lined up on the floor in a bedroom.

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
By the time tactical officers made their entry Officer Hester had been dead for hours.

The tactical team found Hester handcuffed to a chair and beaten to death. He had been viciously tortured with a variety of implements. At the time of the assault, Hester had been dead between twelve and twenty-four hours.

The Weapons

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
This was one of the M16A1 rifles used by the Memphis TACT team.

The tactical team carried selective-fire M16A1 rifles and short-barreled Remington 870 pump-action shotguns. I was seventeen years old and living about an hour south of Memphis at the time of this tragedy. I recall seeing news reports of the event.

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
I remember images on the news of the officers’ M16A1 rifles sporting heavy police flashlights taped to their forends. Configuring their weapons thusly would have made them much more effective in the chaotic darkness of Sanders’ cluttered home.

As the combat inside the house would inevitably be close range, dark, and pitiless, news reports showed that the SWAT officers had secured powerful D-cell police flashlights to the triangular forends of their weapons with tape. Observers outside the house reported hearing automatic weapons fire during the assault.

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
The M16A1 was the standard-issue military weapon for US armed forces for almost two decades.

The M16A1 is a lightweight and maneuverable assault rifle well suited for combat in close quarters. Nowadays everybody mounts tactical lights on the forends of their weapons. In 1983, however, the use of onboard weapon lights was groundbreaking stuff indeed.

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
The earliest AR15 rifles were almost identical to the new BRN-Proto from Brownells. This is a splendid recreation of those first trailblazing weapons even down to their unique 25-round straight magazines.

The M16A1 was a product-improved version of the original Stoner-inspired AR15. In 1958 the US military first conducted trials of these small-caliber 5.56mm rifles alongside the heavier .30-caliber M14. Initial reports were overwhelmingly positive.

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
The earliest M16 rifles deployed for combat in Vietnam sported a three-prong flash suppressor, a slick-sided upper receiver, and a buttstock without a trap for cleaning supplies.

As a result, in 1963 the first batch of redesignated M16 rifles was shipped to Vietnam for combat trials with South Vietnamese Army units and US Army Special Forces.

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
The M16A1 included several improvements over the previous M16.

Soon thereafter the weapon was updated to include an enclosed birdcage flash suppressor, a forward bolt assist device, and a redesigned buttstock with a rigid sling swivel and storage compartment for a cleaning kit. This improved rifle was designated the M16A1 and soldiered on until replaced by the heavier M16A2 in the 1980s.

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
The Remington 870 slide-action shotgun is the most produced scattergun in human history.

The Remington 870 slide action shotgun first saw service in 1950 and has remained in constant production until the present day. More than 11 million copies have been manufactured. The 870 is a bottom-loading, side-ejecting slide-action design that feeds from an under-barrel tubular magazine. Literally countless stock, magazine, and barrel options have made the 870 the most accessorized and customized shotgun ever contrived.

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
This was one of the shotguns used in the Shannon Street assault. Note the 12-inch barrel and custom ammo holder.

The shotguns used in the Shannon Street assault sported wooden stocks, shortened 12-inch barrels, and accessory ammunition carriers. In competent hands and at close quarters this weapon would offer overwhelming firepower combined with respectable maneuverability.

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
The tapered forearm of the M16A1 lent itself to the improvised attachment of a police flashlight.

This operation represented a very early example of the tactical use of onboard weapon lights. The trend has subsequently circled the globe.

The Rest of the Story…

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
Memphis police tactics evolved substantially as a direct result of the Shannon Street debacle.

Repercussions from the Shannon Street Massacre, as it has come to be called, resonate even today. The decision to delay the assault in favor of negotiations ultimately sealed Officer Hester’s fate. Nowadays Memphis PD tactical doctrine mandates an assault the moment there is evidence of harm to an officer or citizen.

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
Officer Schwill was later accused of taunting Sanders during their initial exchange. If true I am not justifying this behavior. However, I have worked in an inner-city ER. It is tough not to get jaded when you are immersed in violence and chaos all the time.

Lindberg Sanders’ family paints an entirely different picture of the events that led up to the bloody nighttime assault at 2239 Shannon Street. They claim that the initial phone call to the police was intended to clear up a misunderstanding over the purse snatching. They say that things spiraled out of control only after Officer Schwill began goading Lindberg and his followers with a faux black accent, something he was apparently wont to do. 

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
Several conflicting versions of events have been proposed in the years since the assault. Note the live 5.56mm round found ejected outside the Shannon Street home.

Sanders’ surviving children point out that six of the seven cult members were killed with shots to the head despite possessing only the two captured police weapons among them. This observation combined with the orientation of the bodies at the crime scene led them to claim that the suspects were killed execution-style. The pathology report did state, however, that there were no powder burns on the bodies. This would imply that they were all shot from a modest distance.

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
Given what Sanders and his followers did to Officer Hester I find it difficult to dredge up a great deal of sympathy for them.

Most of the sources I could find referred to the seven dead suspects as victims. Given that they tortured a police officer to death I struggle with that characterization. However, in the final analysis, little of it really matters.

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
Hester’s squad car remained outside the Shannon Street home during the standoff. Relationships between minority communities and Law Enforcement remain a thorny problem to this day.

Self-serving politicians, a ghoulish media, and our nation’s affinity for remaining perpetually offended continue to fuel tension between the black community and Law Enforcement. According to those who knew him, Lindberg Sanders hated cops no matter their race, age, or gender. In 1983 eight people lost their lives in the early salvoes of a self-sustaining cycle of hatred and violence that persists today.

Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
Officer Bobby Hester was a casualty of the ongoing race-defined conflict in modern America.
Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre
Onboard weapon lights like this superb 1000-lumen Streamlight PROTAC HL-X are de rigueur today. Lights on weapons were radical stuff indeed back in 1983.
Rem 870, M16A1, & The Shannon Street Massacre

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About the author: Will Dabbs A native of the Mississippi Delta, Will is a mechanical engineer who flew UH1H, OH58A/C, CH47D, and AH1S aircraft as an Army Aviator. He has parachuted out of perfectly good airplanes at 3 o’clock in the morning and summited Mount McKinley, Alaska, six times…always at the controls of an Army helicopter, which is the only way sensible folk climb mountains. Major Dabbs eventually resigned his commission in favor of medical school where he delivered 60 babies and occasionally wrung human blood out of his socks. Will works in his own urgent care clinic, shares a business building precision rifles and sound suppressors, and has written for the gun press since 1989. He is married to his high school sweetheart, has three awesome adult children, and teaches Sunday School. Turn-ons include vintage German machineguns, flying his sexy-cool RV6A airplane, Count Chocula cereal, and the movie “Aliens.”

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  • phil Dru October 15, 2022, 11:02 am

    The Uvalde PD should have learned something from this…

  • yo April 25, 2022, 2:08 am

    is this an article about the incident or an article about weaponry?

  • KURT BATEMEN April 28, 2021, 4:55 am


    • phil Dru October 15, 2022, 11:01 am

      Struck a nerve, huh. The original suspect should never have snatched the purse. See where it leads?

  • Bert May 7, 2020, 8:08 pm

    The M16A1 rifle was first issued in 1967 with the solid rubber buttplate. The buttstock with the butt well trap was not introduced until 1971 and was not one of the features that distinguished the rifle being an M16A1.

  • Shan May 5, 2020, 4:14 pm

    Can you guys do a story about the San Bernardino shooting? We lost our liberty afterwards.

  • j walker May 5, 2020, 1:38 am

    I was living in Memphis at the time this occurred. Among the acts of torture, the assailants cut Hester’s Achilles tendons to ensure he could not escape. Leftists did, indeed, accuse the police of executing Sanders and his minions, and, of course, claimed the tactical entry by police was racially motivated.

    Most law-abiding citizens applauded the outcome except for the fact that the police waited too long to save Hester. And they would have felt exactly the same way had the perpetrators been white. Race was utterly irrelevant. The only thing that mattered was ending the horrific crime.

  • Infantry Soldier May 4, 2020, 10:42 pm

    You need to check you information on the M16A1. Having trained with one and lived with one in Vietnam, (as an infantryman), I am intimately familiar with this weapon. The butt stock on all of the A1’s that i ever saw had a solid rubber pad on it and no storage for a cleaning kit. The storage compartment did not appear on the M16 until the M16A2 model was introduced in the 1980s.

    • Bert May 7, 2020, 8:11 pm

      The buttstock with the butt well trap was introduced in 1971 and became standard on the M16A1 rifle, then continued in use with the M16A2 rifle.

  • Arleane May 4, 2020, 10:37 pm

    I’m not sure what the purpose of stories like this is for…entertainment? I think it’s unfortunate that all these people died…I’m struggling with believing this is what really happened . Black people dont do ” cults”. I dont see a bunch of black men listening to one crazy black man convince them to murder a police officer & sacrifice there lives to do so. I find it hard to believe the called the officer back to the home with intent on murdering him…the what? Most black people k ow that an altercation with the police will most likely result in there death. So why invite it? I’m sure in the 80s they didn’t care for the police most likely at that time for good reasons. I’m just open minded & I dont believe everything I read or hear. Sometimes you review the facts and use common sense. These people were doomed from the beginning. Purse snatcher…they knew him from the neighborhood…they went back after giving up….then all these people end up dying? It dont make ANY SENSE! Hate I read it by accident. Seems like some stereotypical racism stuff to me.

    • Big Al 45 May 5, 2020, 9:39 am

      “Black people don’t do “cults””?!?!?! This statement alone is enough for me to totally dismiss your opinion as completely uninformed.

    • Shan May 5, 2020, 4:12 pm

      Yeah you’re right they must be racist because your a moron.

    • Jason May 6, 2020, 7:01 am

      Black people don’t do cults? Humans do cults, regardless of race. Black Panthers? That is a cult. Regardless of what it was called, movement or whatever, it is a cult.

      So yes people of all races do cults.

    • James February 12, 2022, 8:45 pm

      Black people don’t do cults? Seriously? Have you ever seen pictures of the dead at Jonestown?

      Pick up a book and have someone read it to you…

  • alex May 4, 2020, 5:05 pm

    good story,can you do an story on the standoff in philly i think in the 80’s where a group barricaded themselves in a house with steel plates,they ended up burning down the entire block of homes,it was a real f-up,that would be a good tell,thanks.

  • Michael A Keim May 4, 2020, 1:46 pm

    It is too bad Hester was killed. As far as Sanders and his band of assholes are concerned, they got exactly what they deserved.

  • Russ May 4, 2020, 1:30 pm

    Not allowing comments on this one? Pathetic. The truth is not racist, it’s the truth. Why allow the article if you won’t allow comments? Well it’s your site and you get to do what you want too I guess.

    • DumDum May 26, 2021, 11:26 am

      Are you willfully obtuse? There’s clearly the ability to leave a comment since you very OBVIOUSLY were able to leave a comment. keep up, genius.

  • Russ May 4, 2020, 1:21 pm

    All I can say is that the animals that tortured and beat that Officer to death got what they deserved. R. I. P. Officer. The criminals are not worthy of anything more.

  • Pat J May 4, 2020, 12:59 pm

    My M16A1 sits by the back door, the perfect ranch and truck rifle. Never in a safe, always in sight.
    When I see a picture like that picture of Sanders my first thought is “guilty”.
    He earned his place in a pile of bodies.

    • Arlene May 4, 2020, 10:54 pm

      d In the King James Version of the Bible the text reads: For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: … For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with whatever measure you measure, it will be measured on to you.

  • Kenneth Jamin May 4, 2020, 12:49 pm

    I have no sympathy for the offenders in this incident but why is it that you and other journalists nearly always state that the “good guys” (aka police) “neutralized” the offenders but the “bad guys” (aka offenders) “killed” the police/victim? Killing is killing, regardless of who is doing it or why. Doesn’t anyone have the guts to call it like it is?

    • Mike V May 12, 2020, 8:57 am

      Probably because he doesn’t think killing is killing.

    • Tim J December 23, 2020, 3:43 pm

      Do you understand justifiable homicide (defense) versus deliberate murder of an innocent person (the cop)? If someone is assaulting a person with the likely outcome of inflicting death, you are justified in eliminating that threat. This is so elementary a child could understand it. How sad and inept people have become due to brainwashing.

  • Reticent Rogue May 4, 2020, 12:24 pm

    Another excellent “Lest We Forget” piece, Will. I have seen a few fresh crime scenes and would have to say that in a small room like the one pictured, it is not unusual for bodies to be aligned that way because cover like the short wall to the left causes them to huddle in the same area. It is also not uncommon for SWAT teams and investigators to search for weapons to secure and move bodies before forensics can take the pictures–this is indicated by the shirts of the perps being pulled up in back. The best intelligence at the time from the community was that the group hated cops and were well armed. None of this supports the notion of an execution. If you want to see a great speech listing the ways we can mend the community/police rift over the objections of the media pot stirrers, watch Trey Gowdy’s convocation speech at Liberty University on YouTube.
    Thanks, Will.

  • Maduece50 May 4, 2020, 12:19 pm

    Another great history lesson thanks.