Ted Nugent, Kid Rock Respond to Bud Light Controversy

in Current Events, This Week

Ted Nugent and Kid Rock have both spoken out against Bud Light’s March Madness advertisement campaign, which featured transgender social media influcencer Dylan Mulvaney,

The Motor City Madman last week blasted Bud Light for taking a “piss in the face of the people who pay their salaries.”

“The beauty of my life is that I’ve never spent one red cent on alcohol,” the guitarist said while appearing Newsmax’sEric Bolling the Balance.” “But I made sure that my entire crew and my family will never allow any Anheuser-Busch products anywhere near my world.”

“How can they possibly have a meeting around the table and come to the conclusion that they’re going to piss in the face of the people who pay their salaries?” he continued. “This is the epitome of cultural deprivation in an ongoing tsunami of cultural deprivation.”

Kid Rock shared a similar sentiment. In a recent video on Twitter, the “Devil Without A Cause” singer shot up a few cases of But Light with an MP5.

“Grandpa is feeling a little frisky today. Let me tell you as clear and concise as possible,” Rock says right before he shoots up the beer.

“F*ck Bud Light and f*ck Anheuser-Busch,” he adds, after emptying the magazine into the racks of cans.

SEE ALSO: Homeowner Shoots 14-Year-Old Attempting to Break Into Car

The controversy surrounding Bud Light’s advertisement campaign has continued to escalate in recent days, with some individuals and organizations calling for a boycott of the company.

Some critics have also raised concerns about the financial impact of the campaign, citing reports that Bud Light has lost over $4 billion in market value since the campaign was launched.

Despite the criticism, Anheuser-Busch has defended its campaign as a reflection of its commitment to promoting inclusivity and diversity.

A spokeswoman for the company said it was one of “hundreds” designed to “authentically connect with audiences across various demographics.”

What are your thoughts on Bud Light’s marketing campaign? Moreover, what do you think of Kid Rock and Nuge’s reaction?

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  • RICHARD ST JOHN July 28, 2023, 12:14 pm


  • Steven Guibord April 22, 2023, 7:30 pm

    The ATF article involving Camden County, Missouri was very interesting and enlightening. Many things (laws and rules) have taken place in the last 29 plus years which are working against law abiding citizens and infringing upon our freedoms. My question is this, why is our government so willing to go after the very citizens who pay their wages and who are law abiding? I supported these agencies, but not anymore! We have way too many federal law enforcement organizations who time and time again have proven they are unprepared, incompetent, and worthless. Cases in point; ATF in Waco, FBI botching evidence in high profile cases, IRS going after hard working people! Why are they so willing to work against us (the American people) who pay their salaries and awesomely great benefits! Why is our government so top heavy with people and paying them extremely high salaries, who is approving all of this! I know one thing is for sure, if the American people were given a chance to vote on these agencies existence, they would not exist! We live in scary times with a lot of incompetent people in government! All we can do is pray to God this stops soon, but I also believe it’s going to get worse and more corrupt as times goes by and we are going to be a very poor third world country! SEMPER FI

  • Christopher Baker April 18, 2023, 1:15 pm

    I haven’t seen the commercial nor the reactions to it by other celebrities. I don’t listen to either of the personalities mentioned above and I don’t drink beer. If the company that produces the product I do drink and have been drinking for over 40 years was to advertise for the woke side to be catered to I would probably drop them like a hot rock.
    Truth is, you are what you’re born as.
    If your genetics are XX you are a female. If you mind disagrees with that physical fact, then your mind needs healing.
    If your genetics are XY you are a male. If you mind disagrees with that physical fact, then your mind needs healing.
    No amount of bodily mutilation or modification will change those facts. Until such time as the scientists have found a way to change your genetic makeup and truly change your body to match your changed genetic makeup you will be what you were born as, and no amount of wishful thinking will change that.
    The statistics of suicides by unchanged people who want to be the opposite gender are about 40% last I heard. Oddly enough, the suicide rate by people who’ve had all the changes made so they look like the opposite gender is also about 40%. That should tell people that it’s not the answer.
    I’m just sick and tired of being brow beaten by the left that I have to accept their ideas. I DON’T and I WON’T accept their ideas because they are wrong. No amount of wishful thinking will make them right.
    Just remember Revelation 21:8 But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

  • Jim Farmer April 17, 2023, 10:40 am

    I never cared:
    I never cared if you were “gay“ until you started shoving it in my face, and the faces of our children.
    I never cared what color you were, until you started blaming my race for your problems.
    I never cared about your political affiliation until you started to condemn me for mine.
    I never cared where you were born until you wanted to erase my history and blame my ancestors for your current problems.
    I never cared if you were well-off or poor, until you said you were discriminated against, when I was promoted because I worked harder.
    I never cared if your beliefs were different from mine, until you said my beliefs were wrong.
    I never cared if I owned a gun until you told me I wouldn’t be allowed to. (or take the ones I own legally)
    Now I care! My patience and tolerance are gone.
    I’m not alone in feeling this way there are millions of us who do…… and we have had enough !

    • J April 17, 2023, 6:47 pm

      Well said

    • Christopher Baker April 18, 2023, 12:20 pm


    • Jeff Kyle May 1, 2023, 7:58 pm

      Pretty much hit the nail on the head. I just want to work on my HMV’s peacefully. I just want to participate in parades and military based activities. If I wish to go to a range to shoot, it’s nobody’s business but my wife’s. I don’t drink (usta drink), I don’t smoke (usta smoke), never touched a recreational substance (and I mean never). However, if I chose to participate in such activities, it’s nobody’s business but my wife’s.
      Once they figure out they need to leave me aloe, I’m sure everyone can be much happier. Well, at least, I’ll be happy. Never seen a happy lib before.

  • Retrocon April 17, 2023, 10:22 am

    This is not about LGBTQ+++

    This is about the current grooming of our children. The entire trans thing is designed for one purpose, to alienate children from their moderate and conservative parents.

    Kids in adolescence are sexually immature and confused…. They cannot make decisions about their sexuality.

    Yet, this is EXACTLY what Mulvaney, and those promoting him, want. AB is just following a social credit system, forced on them by Blackrock and Vanguard. They need to open their eyes to the real agenda, to indoctrinate our children, they need to create division in the families. That’s what the trans movement is REALLY about.

  • Ray Flaherty April 17, 2023, 9:07 am

    Like the famous draft horses used in their commercials, they now have horses arses in charge of their future.

  • Bakerc7 April 17, 2023, 7:51 am

    When I was a kid. I thought I was a log truck! Didn’t make me a real log truck!

  • BR April 15, 2023, 4:40 pm

    You are XX or XY and being borne one you cannot change to the other, that is the science. Less than 1% of people believe you can change that fact. An even smaller fraction of those folks are old enough to drink. So she is trying to increase the brand by pandering to the smallest segment of the population? Gender science deniers over 21?If I were on ABs board this this chick would be in the same boat as the woke clown that cost Disney $46B in market cap.

  • Dano April 15, 2023, 3:32 pm

    What a bunch of ammosexual, incel fascists! You know who hate(s)d gay and trans people? Hitler and Putin. Freedom is what this country was founded on, but the right wants to regulate anything they disagree with. GROW UP! I couldn’t care less how someone wants to dress because it harms NOBODY! Most of you hate mongers call yourself christians, but you don’t even follow what Jesus was trying to teach. Your talking heads in the media tell you to be upset, so you are. Trans folks have been around for decades and NOBODY CARED! Tucker Carlson tells you to be angry so now you are. Why? Because you dimwits eat up hate like your morning corn flakes. The right has lost any credibility on policies that really matter so they focus on division and making you believe something has imporyant relevance in your life. Use your brains and get back to what really matters.

    • E April 15, 2023, 8:56 pm

      Hammering on Christians? YOU say, “Embrace the [abomination]”. God says to hate it. So, should I listen to you? Or should I listen to He who created me?

      Btw, I don’t consider myself either left or right. Both sides have [had] good ideas, and ideas I can’t agree with. However, these last few years, I agree with the right far more than the left’s lack of wisdom & forethought. Your complaint against the Right has no weight. And your complaint against Christians… well… I suppose we were warned to expect that, as well.

    • Hondo April 16, 2023, 9:03 am

      Found the circus clown they’ve been looking for, what a sanctimonious wind bag you’re Dano. Piss off you loser.

    • Jim Farmer April 17, 2023, 10:40 am

      Someone likes to take it in the behind . . .

  • bobsyouruncle April 15, 2023, 1:02 pm

    Another diversion. LOOK! at the border, cowboy overseers whipping slaves. get it?

  • Rodney Steward April 15, 2023, 9:06 am

    The queer BS has gone far enough in this country, if a man wants to be a woman, he must 1rst be castrated, then we go from their.

  • Patrick April 15, 2023, 8:12 am

    Hope Alissa stands with her transgender woke beer I’ll never drink again, sad to see a company make a statement like that

  • Todd White April 14, 2023, 7:09 pm

    staying with the gun theme here, I think we should be promoting safe gun practices. no? shooting towards a pond as a backstop? There is already a ton of Knuckleheads using firearms poorly, this video shows another knucklehead doing the same. We responsible gun users and hunters who are truly trying to preserve our rights to firearms and hunting with them would rather knuckleheads not video themselves and then post it for the world to see how unsafe you are.

  • Anjp April 14, 2023, 4:46 pm

    AB is counting on this shit show to eventually go away. Vote with your money switch to Miller Coors or other brands of light beer. This woke crap is out of control in this country, the leaders have no moral compass. Time for a bigger push back.

  • Paul April 14, 2023, 3:50 pm

    Exactly my thoughts butt light and anhouser Bush league, go woke go broke! It’s not even good beer, it’s crap! Medical conditions now prohibit me from any alcohol consumption as well as soft drinks, which is fine because coke went woke years ago and I wouldn’t drink their swill either. There are plenty other things to drink and last I checked water isn’t woke! All my support Ted and Kid Rock!

  • Justin April 14, 2023, 3:35 pm

    I support Nugent and Rock on their stance with boycotting anheuser-busch. For the lack of respect of their largest customer base. I will no longer buy any of their products and will continue to share this story.

  • Rick Enochs April 14, 2023, 3:17 pm

    I think Kid Rock has the right idea. The best use of a can of Bud Light is target practice. Actually, that’s the best use of any can of light beer, but Bud Light is now the top of the list for that purpose. That’s my personal opinion.

    Bigger picture: Corporations should refrain from taking a stance on political or moral issues. Any stance will cost you business, because you’ll offend somewhere around half of your customers no matter what stance you take.

  • Charlie April 14, 2023, 2:34 pm

    Somehow it doesn’t surprise me that a woke woman is behind this transgender ad for Bud.
    Could it be that she has a desire for the other “side” or is she still in the closet?

  • Jay Fisher April 14, 2023, 1:45 pm

    I don’t drink beer, but if I did, I wouldn’t buy it! I won’t lay down for the “woke” dumbassacraps! Starting with the man that has caused our once great nation to become the laughing stock of the world. FJB! POS! Traitor!

    • bob April 18, 2023, 1:06 am

      Jay fisher,
      I am neither a fan of Donald duck or Mr magoo,
      my ? for you is ,have you ever worn a uniform did you ever serve my country? I did n have for 23yrs. and if believe that what took place on Jan 6 was fine! you tell every man that layed down his /her life defending n dying for the United States of America. N I am talking about every damn war . you think it’s OK to piss on the Graves who defending this country against ” in my oath”, anyway ,against all enemies whether foreign or domestic. see you may claim to be proud ,proud to follow the most arrogant, lying treasonous president I find you to be as domestic enemies are , no backbone . Explain to your family why it’s okay to attack the constitution, to attack the bill of rights. for the reason of “you were told to”, by a pussy who said loud n proud I’ll be right there with ya, all while he sits his fat ass out of way of this . tell your family the truth you treasonous sob. N then take your family to your nearest national cemetery n piss on a TRUE AMERICAN GRAVE. N REPLY BACK::;SONG BIRD

      • Hondo April 18, 2023, 8:41 pm

        Bob you’re a brainwashed buffoon, stop with the bullshit, by your post you’re nothing but a sniveling democrat, piss off with your woke TDS.

  • KMacK April 14, 2023, 1:42 pm

    And the Anti-Woke silliness continues. These mental “giants” would be up in arms if someone dissed them they way they are dissing a so-so beer for using someone in a commercial that they don’t like. How childish. How silly. Granted, Bud Lite isn’t the best light beer, but it isn’t that bad. What these “pillars of freedom” don’t see is the fact that they themselves are acting contrary to the Rights they claim to love.
    Seems Hypocricy is still rampant in some areas…how sad.

    • Hondo April 18, 2023, 8:43 pm

      Okay groomer. Lol

  • Sherrill High April 14, 2023, 1:42 pm

    Thank God for outstanding Americans! They said what the rest of us would like to be able say! God Bless America!

  • Stephen W. April 14, 2023, 11:49 am

    There is almost no words! And at the same time there is a million words! Let me just try and put a couple together to stand with the millions of other NORMAL PEOPLE who can’t believe all
    of the absolute nonsense that is infiltrating almost every aspect of our culture nowadays.
    First off she says they have to attract young drinkers to survive the brand, ok that is a normal move for any company BUT YOU DON’T BY, LIKE TED NUGENT SAID, “PISSING IN THE FACE OF THE PEOPLE THAT PAY THEIR SALARIES”! DISRESPECTING THE MILLIONS AND MILLIONS
    It’s light and fun and we don’t really pout that much thought into it, it’s just humorous advertisement.
    But when you come out of left field with ABNORMAL, ABSOLUTE WEIRDNESS?! WHOO!
    Now you got our attention! BUT I THINK KID ROCK SAID IT BEST! AND YES, VERY CONCISE!
    So for 171 years everything was going just fine with your brand and in 10 minutes YOU came
    in with your nonsensical bullshit and RUINED EVERYTHING ABOUT IT! Only in these distorted
    Thanks to Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, and Travis Tritt for standing up and staying up for what is right
    and passing on the good words for the millions and millions that believe in the same way!

    • KMacK April 14, 2023, 1:48 pm

      Please. Unless things have changed – a LOT… This country is open to all people, all ideas, all opinions, not just your own. What you have done with this post is to define your group of Bud-light drinkers as a bunch of bigoted, hateful, angry people…and I suspect you are anything but that. Please, think. It may upset you, but it may also attract others to the brand (which I’ve tried, then went back to my Guinnness).

  • Kuby, MS-EET(ret) April 14, 2023, 11:41 am

    I find most celebrities will say anything to further their brand/$$$. Hence, I never take celebrity advise. I look at the issue and what the issue is forcing upon me/many.

    I do not like this issue and will not support it. I support ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ and keeping sex behind locked bedroom doors. This in-your-face and you-better-love-gayness is schm*t; I find this movement immoral. AND sexual topics are not allowed for children under 18 except in avoiding pregnancy. Any/all sex/hormone changing cannot be performed on children under 18.

    Hence, my only small method of exerting my will for change is to boycott purchasing rogue company products – lost sales gets attention.

    I will never buy an InBev/Bud, Miller, Coors, Heineken, Adams product again. I never bought Strohs after they announcing their anti-2A position in the 70’s.
    I’ll boil my brats in PBR beer.

  • The Whole Truth... April 14, 2023, 11:22 am

    The chart at the top is misleading and would indicate that BUD is really taking a hit. The financial history tells a slightly different story.
    From macrotrends.net the market cap was $121.41B on 14Mar, $134.33B on 31Mar and $127.58B on 12Apr.
    BUD is still +~$6B from a month ago so the poo isn’t nearly as deep as media would have us believe.
    My question is what drove the MC up ~$13B through the end of March?
    If the reports of how pissed off their consumer base is true, there will be continued repercussions.
    Now, don’t take it out on the Clydesdales, it’s their marketing VP who’s the nag.
    I just hope George Dickel doesn’t go woke on me!
    Ted doesn’t drink? At all? I’d like to hear his story. At least DJT has one to tell.

  • Ed April 14, 2023, 10:55 am

    Bud, the Queen of Beers. Or queer beer for short.

  • Larry Maxwell April 14, 2023, 10:53 am

    It is amazing to me that a company would consider spending marketing/ sales dollars on a 1.5 percent of the American population when they used to already have almost 11% of the 340 million person market.
    I would never spend my valuable marketing dollars on a portion of the market that ultimatily not consume my product – they probably like their wines and soft drinks anyway.

  • Chris Nichols April 14, 2023, 10:40 am

    Those two are doing nothing more than trying to retain their diminishing relevance.
    The lengths that they will go to for some publicity are truly laughable.

    Trans people are totally harmless and want only to be left alone.

    • Joe Hernandez April 14, 2023, 11:07 am

      Chris Nichols, you are either living under a rock, don`t have access to news, or, are just plain Stupid! Harmless? Who entered a Christian school and shot little defenseless kids? A Trans person. Who was caught with blueprints and a plan to shoot up a school? Another Trans person. Who is posting threatening photos and videos on social media claiming, “respect, or else” showing what the nut leftists likes to call “assault rifles”? Trans people!!! Harmless much !!!

    • DS April 14, 2023, 11:14 am

      Totally harmless…like the psycho chick that shot up a private school in Nashville, huh?
      More like, they/them (we’re using pronouns to describe people now right?) already have cognitive issues discerning what is biological FACT!
      Most of us are perfectly OK with leaving them alone but they should stop with the ongoing demanding of recognition and preferential treatment as a minuscule portion of society (less that .5%). Do what you want to do, but I do not have to condone or accept perverse behavior!

    • DS April 14, 2023, 11:17 am

      Yep…Totally harmless…like the psycho chick that shot up a private school in Nashville, huh?
      More like, they/them (we’re using pronouns to describe people now right?) already have cognitive issues discerning what is biological FACT!
      Most of us are perfectly OK with leaving them alone but they should stop with the ongoing demanding of recognition and preferential treatment as a minuscule portion of society (less that .5%). Do what you want to do, but I do not have to condone or accept perverse behavior!

    • DS April 14, 2023, 11:18 am

      Read reply in following post…went to the wrong commentor

    • Big Al 45 April 14, 2023, 11:36 am

      Your comment is rife with total nonsense.
      People who want to be “left alone” do NOT put themselves out ‘there’ seeking acceptance.
      You speak to “lengths that they will go to for some publicity” on some while ignoring that that is why we are here in the first place.
      To establish Trans as ‘normal’.
      I don’t care about the rest of that group, per se.
      But to TELL me that physically changing ones outward gender is NORMAL is a damn lie.
      And that’s what they are doing, TELLING us, and if we refuse WE are the wrong ones, and they will persecute us for it.
      It’s blatant fascism, Orwellian control at it’s worst.
      And they already have you indoctrinated.

    • Mike April 14, 2023, 11:48 am

      I agree that Trans people are harmless.
      And people should be free to live anyway they believe is best for them.
      And they shouldn’t be unduely discriminated against in the work place or in public.

      But, having the trans lifestyle rammed down your throat leaves a bitter taste.

      If what you say is true, “they just want to be left alone,” then having a national campaign built around this particular lifestyle hardly seems the right way to go about it.

  • Louis Lambson April 14, 2023, 10:40 am

    Really, about time people start to stand up to the sick insanity of today. Always respected Ted and the Kid for their musical ability and willingness to say what they believe.

    • Hondo April 14, 2023, 11:02 am

      Is that what happened in Tennessee? Buy a clue these weirdos are mentally I’ll.

    • DS April 14, 2023, 11:12 am

      Totally harmless…like the psycho chick that shot up a private school in Nashville, huh?
      More like, they/them (we’re using pronouns to describe people now right?) already have cognitive issues discerning what is biological FACT!
      Most of us are perfectly OK with leaving them alone but they should stop with the ongoing demanding of recognition and preferential treatment as a minuscule portion of society (less that .5%). Do what you want to do, but I do not have to condone or accept perverse behavior!

      • DS April 14, 2023, 11:16 am

        Intended for the comment previous

        • Hondo April 14, 2023, 5:50 pm

          Likewise, my apologies

  • Aletov April 14, 2023, 10:08 am

    It is in plain sight that there is a schism that divides our country between those whose neurons are propey interconnected, and those whose brain cells have a difficult time finding it’s neighbor.

  • Scott April 14, 2023, 9:38 am

    I agree with Ted and Kid. I also wonder when Mulvaney walks into a bar and orders a light beer, does the bartender ask: “Anheuser Busch?” or does he ask:”And how’s your dick?”

  • Bill Z April 14, 2023, 9:26 am

    Woke is way out of control.

  • Todd April 14, 2023, 9:06 am

    Take a close look at the (idiot) VP- looks like a man to me

  • Sasha Jezi April 14, 2023, 8:20 am

    I only have a problem with people who think make believe is real and become a danger to others. I also believe that they shouldn’t own a gun. That includes all religions since there isn’t any scientific proof that god or gods exist.


    • Hondo April 14, 2023, 9:50 am

      We are where we are because godless people running this country in to the ground, now go away.

      • Thunder April 14, 2023, 10:20 am


  • Ronald W Gudlin April 14, 2023, 8:11 am

    Thank You Ted & Kid !!!

    • Bella April 14, 2023, 8:53 am

      So glad I don’t drink beer anymore. When I was in my 20s and 30s, I drank enough for 10 people but I grew out of it. I just lost my taste for beer. It’s amazing the things you see when you’re sober that you never saw when you were drunk all the time. It’s amazing how much clearer life becomes. Nature becomes much more clear as well. things when you have time , and the clarity ,to pay attention
      All you have to do is look out the window.
      Tell me , how many animals you see procreating male with male and female with female??
      How many birds in the yard do you see that are homosexual? Or bisexual?
      Fish, ….plants?
      If the animals , and nature , can figure it out, what the hell is wrong with people??
      Doesn’t matter if you believe in God, or not. Homosexual, transsexual, bisexual whatever the hell you call it it is not normal, or natural!

      The next time you go to buy a puppy at the puppy mill, what’s the first question you’re going to ask the dealer?
      When your kids are sitting there, watching your female dog, give birth, what’s the first question you ask about the puppies?
      Come on, you know the answer! “Is it male or female”? Dumbasses!

      How about when you go to purchase livestock like chickens for food? Or laying hens ? I don’t know if people know this, but roosters don’t lay eggs and you can’t milk a bull!!
      People have forgotten, or have just plain disregarded, the basic laws of humanity and nature. But it’s all for a POLITICAL agenda, which is 100% BULLSHIT!!!
      Just because you like playing dress up , or make-believe, doesn’t make it reality !!!

      Sorry to burst your bubble. Reality is reality. If you feel like a man, but you’re born a woman, you’re not a man, you’re still a woman and vice versa.

      You can tweak yourself, cut yourself and do whatever the hell you want to do to yourself, but you’re still the gender you were when you were born.

      People that have MENTAL ILLNESS and believe that they’re something they’re not, need help, Not glorification!
      And they should certainly not be allowed to influence anyone else.

      If such people cannot determine what gender they are, or what bathroom to use, how in gods name can they make any conscious, moral or ethical decision?

      Honestly? This is dangerous and it’s a threat to the whole WORLD!

      The only reason the politicians and corporations, (which are, now , all owned by your government)are jumping on the stupid bandwagon is to make money and further own political positions.

      They know damn well it’s all a bunch of crap but they’re exploiting it for every last time they can get and every ounce of power they can get.
      People are their own worst enemy because everybody’s trying to get rich off of some stupid BS, and young people, and those who are trying to be “hip “follow along with this crap and kowtow to it because they think it’s “cool “ or that it will make some asshole like them better. Seriously people? Do you see yourselves? It’s OK to be kind but when it comes to defying the laws of nature and common sense, that’s where you have to draw the line.

      Well, the older you get, you’re supposed to get wiser. By the time they figure out the error of their ways, it’s going to be too late for them and the country .
      Any corporation that is pushing this anti-human, evil crap on the masses, needs to be shut down, their assets seized, and their officials arrested. It’s not even a joke.
      And our government officials with them!

      It’s time to cut the crap, straighten up and fly right before we lose the country and the world falls into total chaos.

  • Greg Johnson April 14, 2023, 8:06 am

    I do not Know how that VP of marketing made it to VP, She should have known that this add campaign would piss off their core customers, at this point Anheuser-Busch should just change their logo to the gay pride flag and do away with the Clydesdales. Then pray the LGBTQ community actually drink enough beer to pay all their ridiculous salaries.

  • Ron H April 14, 2023, 7:57 am

    Will not be buying any Anheuser Busch products. My favorite beer but cannot support a bunch of faggots

  • Donna Tarter(Brandon Tarter) April 14, 2023, 7:39 am

    I stand with both Ted & Kid Rock.. F@ck Bud Light & F@ck Anheuser-Busch.. Youngsters nowadays drink Seltzers, Not Bud Light! I wish Everyone would drop & cause them Bankruptcy!!! 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼

  • Roger Tierman April 14, 2023, 7:22 am

    As the Kid says “F*ck Bud Light and f*ck Anheuser-Busch”!!!!

  • Let's go Brandon, FJB April 14, 2023, 7:07 am

    The degeneracy from the left should be stopped.

  • Stan d. Upnow April 14, 2023, 7:03 am

    I still can’t fathom that major, iconic American companies are diving head-first into the shallow water of this twisted Leftist crap. These are virtually all publicly traded corporations. What is wrong with senior mgt., the board of directors, and the shareholders?
    Ya know, the Commies once said that America will defeat itself, we don’t have to fire a shot. Their prophesy is coming to fruition.

  • Hondo April 14, 2023, 6:39 am

    Budweiser is Clydesdale piss, who would drink that crap? Keep your tranny fluid I’ll pass.

  • Anthony Wixon April 14, 2023, 6:21 am

    I think the reactions are reasonable. Woke is going way too far

    • F.D.T. April 14, 2023, 7:24 am

      I agree with the gentlemen in regards to Anhauser Busch.

  • Paulo April 14, 2023, 6:10 am

    In decline? Your brain is clearly in decline! So far Bud’s lost 8 BILLION in value. How’s that working out for you?

  • Michael April 14, 2023, 5:09 am

    I will never buy from this company again. That simple.

  • Kane April 13, 2023, 10:46 pm

    Dick Cheney’s lesbian daughter was bought off years ago by her father to stop being an anti-war human shield with a do nothing marketing job with Coors. What a deal an one of the war monger families. Heinerscheid should have insisted on a better product instead forcing a culture war on the shlubs that drink a second rate product.

    HA HA