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Standard-Capacity Magazines are Flooding California Following Landmark Ruling Striking Down Ban

Standard-Capacity Magazines are Flooding California Following Landmark Ruling Striking Down Ban

Call them mags, clips, clippazines or extendos, magazines are flooding into California following a monumental court ruling on Friday.

Bank of America Will Still Stop Lending to AR Makers Despite Giving Loan to Remington

Legislation Would Stop Big Banks from Defunding Gun Makers, Sellers

“It’s not a bank’s job to create policy. They need to leave the policymaking to Congress,” said Sen. Kennedy in a statement. “Banks should not be able to discriminate against lawful customers on the basis of social policy. The banks should keep in mind that these lawful customers are the same hard-working taxpayers who bailed them out during the recession.”

Watch as 60,000 Bump Stocks Are Destroyed

Watch as 60,000 Bump Stocks Are Destroyed

“I fought for these rights,” Grisham, a retired Army 1SG, continued “I fought for the rights to keep and bear arms. If I’m going to fight overseas for those liberties, I’m sure as heck not going to give up and home and not fight for them.”

Tenn. Bill Would Give Concealed Carriers a Pass for Violating ‘No Firearms’ Policies

Tenn. Bill Would Give Concealed Carriers a Pass for Violating ‘No Firearms’ Policies

A state lawmaker in Tennessee wants to give concealed carriers a pass when they accidentally enter a business with a “no firearms” policy.

Sens. Toomey, Coons Push Bill to Stop ‘Lie-and-Try’ Gun Purchasers

Sens. Toomey, Coons Push Bill to Stop ‘Lie-and-Try’ Gun Purchasers

U.S. Senators Pat Toomey (R-PA) and Chris Coons (D-DE) are drumming up support for their bipartisan bill that aims to stop “lie-and-try” gun purchasers.

Missouri Considers Banning all Federal Gun Control Laws within the State

Missouri Considers Banning all Federal Gun Control Laws within the State

The Show Me State has made headlines in recent years for its aggressive support of Second Amendment rights, but the legislature is now considering the ultimate protection: nullification. The Missouri legislature has reintroduced a bill that would nullify all federal gun control laws within the state and bar any federal law enforcement official from enforcing said laws.

Face 10 Years In Prison If You Don't Surrender Your Bump Stock in 90 Days

BREAKING: Appeals Court Denies Effort to Block Nationwide Bump-Stock Ban

GunsAmerica has learned that in two of those four cases, the courts ruled to grant injunctions to the plaintiffs in the suit but not to the hundreds of thousands of bump stock owners nationwide. In the D.C. Circuit Court and the 10th Circuit Court, the judges ruled to give the named plaintiffs a stay but denied the request for a nationwide injunction.

AOC Applauds Nationwide Gun Confiscation in New Zealand, 'This is What Leadership Looks Like'

AOC Applauds Nationwide Gun Confiscation in New Zealand, ‘This is What Leadership Looks Like’

New Zealand has decided to pursue a nationwide gun ban, and Freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, like, loves it.

State Firearms Registry Being Considered in Pennsylvania

State Firearms Registry Being Considered in Pennsylvania

A bill making its way through the Pennsylvania General Assembly would require gun owners to register their firearms, notify the state police of any firearms transfer, and impose a yearly fee to renew a valid firearms registration card.

NRA Alert! Florida NAGR Scam Hits Alabama!

NRA Alert! Florida NAGR Scam Hits Alabama!

In short, D.J. Parten heads up a sockpuppet operation – a fundraising organization that has no real presence in a state except for a shell game of addresses to rake in contributions.