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SAF Defeats St. Louis Public Housing Gun Ban to Protect Rape Victim’s 2A Rights

SAF Defeats St. Louis Public Housing Gun Ban to Protect Rape Victim’s 2A Rights

“This isn’t the first time we’ve had to challenge such a regulation,” Gottlieb continued. “It is simply unacceptable for citizens living in public housing to be denied their basic right to have a firearm for personal protection, and in this case, it was unconscionable.”

EPIC FAIL: Anti-Gunners Call for Gun Control During Ohio State Knife Attack

Colorado Gov. Signs ‘Red Flag’ Law: Everytown Gloats, Sheriff Vows Non-Compliance

Colorado’s governor signed the state’s new “red flag” law last week, and anti-gun activists couldn’t be happier. Coloradans will be able to have their housemates’ firearms confiscated beginning January 1, 2020.

Texas Constitutional Carry Bill Stalls Amid Activist Controversy

Texas Constitutional Carry Bill Stalls Amid Activist Controversy

Two key Texas legislators have vowed to kill the state’s constitutional carry bill after a pro-gun activist appeared at lawmakers’ homes in Austin to protest their non-action on the legislation (HB 357).

First State to Ratify Constitution Now Wants to Abolish It: Anti-gun Bills Are Back in Delaware

First State to Ratify Constitution Now Wants to Abolish It: Anti-gun Bills Are Back in Delaware

Legislation like this is spreading from state to state, funded by Bloomberg and others like him. Your country is literally being bought and sold underneath you. Stop looking at the national level for threats to your freedom, because while you are, it is being taken from you by those in your own backyard.

David Hogg Praises New Zealand Gun Ban, Chides U.S. Government ‘Owned’ By Gun Makers

David Hogg Praises New Zealand Gun Ban, Chides U.S. Government ‘Owned’ By Gun Makers

Linking to an article announcing that the New Zealand parliament, on its third and final reading, passed The Arms (Prohibited Firearms, Magazines, and Parts) Amendment Bill by a 119 to 1 vote, Hogg said, “When your government is not owned by gun manufacturers.”

California Dem Running for President Says Confiscating 'Assault Weapons' is a Top Priority

California Dem Running for President Says Confiscating ‘Assault Weapons’ is a Top Priority

“I’m the only candidate calling for a mandatory national ban and buyback of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons,” he recently wrote in a Chronicle op-ed.

House Approves 'Violence Against Women' Bill that Ends Gun Rights for Certain Misdemeanor Offenses

House Approves ‘Violence Against Women’ Bill that Ends Gun Rights for Certain Misdemeanor Offenses

The House of Representatives on Thursday passed legislation that would end gun rights for certain misdemeanor offenses.

Pittsburgh Tries Tricky Legal Strategy to Control 'Assault Rifle' Use within City Limits

Pittsburgh Tries Tricky Legal Strategy to Control ‘Assault Rifle’ Use within City Limits

The all-Democratic Pittsburgh City Council voted 6-3 this week to ban the “use” of some semi-automatic rifles along with a total ban on magazines capable of holding more than ten rounds of ammunition and all armor-piercing ammunition. The Council also voted to enact an ordinance allowing the court to seize firearms under an “extreme risk protection order” requested by a family or household member.

New Zealand Gangs: 'No,' We Won't Get Rid of Our Guns

New Zealand Gangs: ‘No,’ We Won’t Get Rid of Our Guns

“Will gangs get rid of their weapons? No. Because of who we are, we can’t guarantee our own safety,” explained Sonny Fatu, the leader of the Waikato branch of the Mongrel Mob, in an interview with Stuff.

JPFO Condemns Jewish Calls to Disarm

JPFO Condemns Jewish Calls to Disarm

After outrageous mass murders in New Zealand—and deadly acts of similar sociopaths in recent memory—too many Jews around the world, among other thought leaders, are again screaming bloody murder to disarm innocent people who didn’t do anything.