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Anti-Gunners Urge Florida Governor to Veto Legislation to Arm Teachers

Anti-Gunners Urge Florida Governor to Veto Legislation to Arm Teachers

“It allows the good guys to stop the bad. The bad guys will never know when the good guys are there to shoot back,” Rep. Chuck Brannan (Lake City), a retired law enforcement officer, told Time Magazine. “The guardian is the last line of defense. He or she will be there when a police officer is not.”

Trump Backs Out of UN Arms Trade Treaty: ‘We are taking our signature back’

Trump Backs Out of UN Arms Trade Treaty: ‘We are taking our signature back’

“We will never surrender American sovereignty to anyone,” Trump said during his NRAAM address. “We are taking our signature back.”

Appeals Court Upholds Massachusetts 'Assault Weapons' Ban

Appeals Court Upholds Massachusetts ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

The First Circuit Court of Appeals sided with Attorney General Maura Healey and upheld the Massachusetts “assault weapon” ban.

Live at NRAAM 2019!  Watch President Trump Speak!

Live at NRAAM 2019! Watch President Trump Speak!

President Trump speaking live at the National Rifle Associations Annual Meetings and Exhibits in downtown, Indianapolis, IN.

Bill Would Legalize Gun Ownership for Medical Marijuana Users

Bill Would Legalize Gun Ownership for Medical Marijuana Users

A new piece of legislation introduced earlier this month in the U.S. House of Representatives would allow medical marijuana users to purchase and own firearms.

The bill, dubbed the “Second Amendment Protection Act,” was introduced by West Virginia Rep. Alexander Mooney and states that an individual “shall not be treated as an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance based on the individual using marijuana for a medical purpose in accordance with State law.”

Committee Defeats Alabama Constitutional Carry Bill

Committee Defeats Alabama Constitutional Carry Bill

The Senate Tourism and Marketing Committee in a 6-5 vote opted not to advance the bill, known as Senate Bill 4, to the Senate floor for the chamber’s full consideration.

Kamala Harris Vows Executive Action to Force Universal Background Checks

Kamala Harris Vows Executive Action to Force Universal Background Checks

Democratic presidential hopeful Kamala Harris told a crowd at a CNN town hall on Monday that, if elected, she plans to use executive action to implement universal background checks, revoke the licenses of firearms dealers who break the law, close the so-called “boyfriend loophole,” and prohibit people with arrest warrants from buying guns.

Citigroup CEO: We’re not attacking Second Amendment rights!

Citigroup CEO: We’re not attacking Second Amendment rights!

“We are not threatening people, and we are certainly not threatening the Second Amendment,” said Citigroup CEO Michael Corbat at the company’s annual shareholders meeting on Tuesday.

“What our policy seeks to do is not put restrictions on gun ownership, but really try and institute a series of best practices that have, hopefully, a chance of keeping guns out of the wrong people’s hands. We’ve worked with a number of retailers to come up with what we think some of those best practices are.”

Alabama Supporters of Constitutional Carry Have ‘Mental Problems,’ Says Lawmaker

Alabama Supporters of Constitutional Carry Have ‘Mental Problems,’ Says Lawmaker

“Particularly, with all the gun violence that is happening, to allow a person to be able to get a gun who has mental problems – to me that says the person who’s pushing that has some mental problems. They don’t understand why people with mental issues shouldn’t have a weapon.”

Tucker Takes a Stand Against Gun Confiscation: ‘I would never give up my gun’

Tucker Takes a Stand Against Gun Confiscation: ‘I would never give up my gun’

 Tucker Carlson is not going to give up his guns. In a recent debate with “The Collective PAC” founder Quentin James, the Fox News host made his position with respect to confiscation very clear. “I would never give up my gun, under any circumstance. I wouldn’t. If I have a firearm in my house [...]