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Switzerland Caves to EU, Imposes Slate of New Gun Laws

Switzerland Caves to EU, Imposes Slate of New Gun Laws

Switzerland has voted to impose a slate of new gun laws that align the country more closely with the European Union, state media reported on Sunday.

Holocaust Survivor Laments Teens Hijacking 'Never Again' Mantra to Push Gun Control

Holocaust Survivor Laments Teens Hijacking ‘Never Again’ Mantra to Push Gun Control

These children, led by kids from a victimized Florida high school are being manipulated by adults pushing familiar so-called “gun-control” themes. They mislead people into believing that psychotic slaughter of school children can be affected by disarming (or “subarming”) the general public.

John Paul Stevens Peddles New Memoir by Calling Heller the 'Worst Self-Inflicted Wound in the Court’s History'

John Paul Stevens Peddles New Memoir by Calling Heller the ‘Worst Self-Inflicted Wound in the Court’s History’

The former Associate Supreme Court Justice is back in the saddle, peddling a new memoir and rehashing the same failed arguments he’s been making since the historic D.C. v. Heller decision affirmed the constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

Kamala Harris Will Ban Importation of ‘Assault Weapons’ via Executive Action

Kamala Harris Will Ban Importation of ‘Assault Weapons’ via Executive Action

2020 presidential hopeful Kamala Harris is doubling down on her campaign promise to deliver gun control via executive action.

LAPD, ATF Seize Over 1,000 Firearms from Los Angeles Man Accused of Illegal Possession of Assault Weapons

LAPD, ATF Seize Over 1,000 Firearms from Los Angeles Man Accused of Illegal Possession of Assault Weapons

LAPD and federal agents seized over 1,000 firearms and “thousands of rounds of ammunition” from a man living in a mansion in the Holmby Hills neighborhood in west LA. Authorities said they also found a large amount of firearm-manufacturing equipment and tools, according to the LA Times.

New Lawsuit Claims Colorado's Red Flag Law Is Unconstitutional

New Lawsuit Claims Colorado’s Red Flag Law Is Unconstitutional

Republican state representatives in Colorado have joined forces with a gun rights group to sue the state’s Democratic governor for what they claim were unconstitutional actions during the passage of controversial “red flag” legislation.

Exclusive: When Seconds Count, Armed Teachers Offer Unique Advantages Over Resource Officers

CPRC: Data Shows Schools with Armed Teachers Are Remarkably Safe

Shannon Watts said on Twitter Tuesday, “Soon, NRA lapdogs will say that the teachers in Highlands Ranch should have been armed. Shame them. Shun them.”

Sen. Feinstein Proposes Age Limit for 'Assault Weapons' and 'High Cap' Mags

Sen. Feinstein Proposes Age Limit for ‘Assault Weapons’ and ‘High Cap’ Mags

U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein reintroduced this week a bill that would raise the minimum age to 21 for anyone attempting to purchase an “assault weapon” and or a “high-capacity” magazine. The California Democrat introduced the same bill last year in the Senate, but has decided to try her hand again in the wake of a murder that took place at a San Diego synagogue last week.

Disarmed Venezuelans Lose Momentum After Days of Conflict

Disarmed Venezuelans Lose Momentum After Days of Conflict

Interim President Juan Guaidó of Venezuela is admitting that the populist push to remove the Nicolas Maduro regime from power is losing ground.


Black Guns Matter Activist Maj Toure is Running for Philly’s City Council – He Needs Your Support!

“Maj Toure is running to address the blatant disregard for the will & ideas of REAL people. We know that innovation & fresh ideas always come from the grassroots, boots-on-the-ground voices of Solutionarys. We don’t revolve around the problem. We implement solutions,” says his campaign website.