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Levi Strauss CEO Goes Full Anti-Gun, Paying Employees to 'Volunteer' for Gun-Control Organizations

Think Tank Poll Finds that Levi-Strauss’ Anti-Gun Corporate Activism Likely Hurts Bottom Line

evi’s CEO Chip Bergh bravely took a stance against the “gun violence epidemic.” It may have cost his company big time.

Exclusive: New York Judge Issues Red Flag-Style Gun Confiscation a Full Month Before the Law Takes Effect

Exclusive: New York Judge Issues Red Flag-Style Gun Confiscation a Full Month Before the Law Takes Effect

A former town judge in New York has been the victim of a personally and politically motivated gun confiscation scheme a full month before the state’s new red flag law is set to take effect, according to the judge’s lawyers at 2AWNY.

Renowned Criminologist: When Media Can’t Demonize Guns, It Ignores Mass Killings

Renowned Criminologist: When Media Can’t Demonize Guns, It Ignores Mass Killings

A photo of the arson attack at an animation studio in Kyoto, Japan killed 34 people and injured at least three dozen more. But because the killer used gasoline instead of guns the massacre received comparatively little attention in the states. (Photo: Wikipedia) Here’s an astute observation for you.  When the mainstream media can’t vilify [...]

NSSF: Study Forgets Differences Exist Between Toddlers And 21-Year-Olds

NSSF: Study Forgets Differences Exist Between Toddlers And 21-Year-Olds

Through a series of deliberately terrible study design choices, the authors conclude that there are fewer children dying from firearm-related causes in states with more gun control laws.

Now-Retracted Yahoo News Story Links Chris Pratt to Guns and Racists

Now-Retracted Yahoo News Story Links Chris Pratt to Guns and Racists

Hollywood actor and outspoken outdoor enthusiast Chris Pratt woke up on Tuesday to an article linking the Guardians of the Galaxy star to both gun enthusiasts and racists.

Nationwide Summer Reading Program Indoctrinates Children to Hate Guns

Nationwide Summer Reading Program Indoctrinates Children to Hate Guns

There’s always a catch, right?  If something’s too good to be true it probably is, as the saying goes. Take, for example, the ongoing, six-week summer “Freedom Schools” program being offered by the Children’s Defense Fund in 87 cities (in 28 states) around the country.   Ostensibly designed to help children from rough and poor [...]

NJ Gun Stores Must Now Sell Smart Guns

NJ Gun Stores Must Now Sell Smart Guns

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy signed legislation Tuesday that forces firearms dealers in the Garden State to sell smart guns.

Marine Vet Convicted Under NY SAFE Act Has Case Dismissed 'With Prejudice'

Marine Vet Convicted Under NY SAFE Act Has Case Dismissed ‘With Prejudice’

The first man convicted under the New York SAFE Act has been cleared of all charges, and can never be retried for the same charges.

'Progressive' Private School Suspends Student for Three Weeks for Airsoft Gun Pic

‘Progressive’ Private School Suspends Student for Three Weeks for Airsoft Gun Pic

An eighth-grade student in Maryland was suspended last week after administrators at his small private school discovered a social media post in which the young man posed with an airsoft gun.

While PA Argues, UT Arms School Teachers

While PA Argues, UT Arms School Teachers

While PA lawmakers debate wether their school administrators can carry guns at school, UT teachers are attending the sheriff’s training academy.