Bodycam Footage: Suspect Ambushes Officers Three Times Before Fatal Takedown

in Police State, This Week

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Sparks, Nevada turned into the scene of a dramatic police chase on March 29, 2024, reports PoliceActivity. Around 1:39 p.m., a Sparks police officer stopped a Ford Expedition on Greenbrae Drive. The car lacked license plates.

As the officer neared the vehicle, the driver pulled a handgun. He shot through the window, hitting the officer in the shoulder. The gunman then sped away, soon crashing into another car at Greenbrae and Rock Boulevard. He fled on foot, leaving the wreck behind.

Reports came in of a man leaping fences along Greenbrae Drive and Prospect Avenue. Sparks, Reno, and Washoe County officers joined the hunt. The suspect broke into a home but was chased out by the resident.

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The chase continued. At another house, an elderly woman answered the door and immediately dropped to the floor. From inside, the gunman fired at the police, injuring a Washoe County deputy and another Sparks officer.

The suspect then invaded another home, hiding out as police swarmed the area. SWAT teams and negotiators from three agencies worked for hours, trying to coax him out. Despite their efforts, the standoff ended violently. The suspect shot at police several times before they returned fire.

The standoff concluded just after 10 p.m. Police entered the home and found the suspect dead. He was identified as 34-year-old Anthony Wade. Wade was armed with a .40 caliber semiautomatic handgun.

The injured officers and deputy were treated and later released. The community remains shaken but relieved the threat is over.

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  • Frank April 24, 2024, 12:40 am

    Well, SHIT!! I was out of town this past weekend, and missed the pissin’ match (below). I do love me a good pissin’ match!

    As a side note, this POS, Low-Life, Thug obviously knew a thing or two about putting rounds on target. Seems he winged three LEOs before the standoff even began. I’m not criticizing the officers… after all, this time Justice wasn’t delayed very long. Speaking from firsthand experience, many officers could benefit (as could we all) from more time at the range.

  • dave April 21, 2024, 5:07 pm

    Paul, u called me a one of U People, what the heck is that?? C I live by what is best for all of us, which includes me and you, so if U meant Us, all of Us in our one USA fine, but I am guessing your idea of U People aint Inclusive. What we seem to have lost is The We in We The People and it appears We now believe in what is best for just those that follow our line of thinking. I really don’t think u have a clue what calling me a U People even means. Now if u wrote that I must be a We People U r right on. Our USA is made up of all of us, and I am a Patrioatic that loves our country. I do not follow any party as I have always voted for the issue or the person that I believed would be the best For We The People. At times I was correct and other times I was wrong, but I will keep doing it my way. Now everyone has a slant in their views of what is best for all of us, but our multi party system is there to work out what is best for our USA as a whole. I figure most people have the best of intentions, but when they rant about what is wrong with one group of us, they want what they want and the heck with the rest of us, and that simply splits us more. Good Luck

    • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment April 21, 2024, 5:35 pm

      quit the liberal commie bs we know exactly where you stand……….we the people is not what you think is right for the rest of us, so go scurry back to where you got your education and demand your money back!

    • Kane April 22, 2024, 10:28 am

      “…u called me a one of U People, what the heck is that??”(Passive Dave)+”..U R A Nut Job, I do not even know U”(Aggressive Dave)=Clown Act Dave

  • Jim April 19, 2024, 12:33 pm

    The cop that stopped the Suburban first is waaaay too trusting. Windows are completely blacked out, and he walks right up to the window. He almost took a round to the face. Sparks is a nice, quiet community, and that may have contributed to his too-relaxed approach, especially considering the vehicle had no plates and was likely stolen. “Lower the window, let me see your hands!”

    • Brian Miller April 20, 2024, 5:50 pm

      The opposite is a cop approaching a vehicle as if everything’s a threat and trampling on the civil rights of an otherwise law-abiding citizen, to include shooting them for no legitimate reason. The question is, are we as a society ok with civil liberties being protected or are we ok with the occasional oppression…wait, don’t respond, the answer is already apparent. Folks like Blue boot leather.

      • Jim April 21, 2024, 11:21 pm

        Brian, apparently, in your world, it is “either, or”, with no in between. Too bad for you, because there are always other circumstances, and answers. But, to stay on the topic….The vehicle was blacked out and HAD NO LICENSE PLATES!!!! If you do not consider that significant enough to ask the driver to lower the window, and show his hands, then you need to have assistance everywhere you go, because you are not able to make a reasonable decision in non-normal circumstances.

        I have had that very request made of me, and I complied without angst, or concern. If you think that request is equal to a Jack-booted thug ordering you to do something out of the norm, then go back and re-read the last sentence above, and heed it.

        Answer this if you want, but I will not waste another minute of my time addressing a fool.

        • LAMan April 22, 2024, 11:11 am

          Big “thumbs up” to you, Jim.

        • Brian Miller April 30, 2024, 10:38 pm

          Meh, sticks and stones. I’m a libertarian, one of the reasons why I firmly believe in the 2nd Amendment, as well as the 1st and others, e.g. the 4th. I don’t have an in-between when it comes to officers abusing their authority, demanding identification without reasonable suspicion that a crime has been/is being/will be committed (and simple suspicion is not a reason), and very much so yes, drawing down and at times shooting innocent people. When someone’s a hammer they only see nails, and right now we’ve way too many cops who think they’re hammers.

    • Kane April 22, 2024, 10:32 am

      I was impressed on how the LEO stayed in the fight after being shot. Most people would think about blood loss and laying down.

      • Jim April 22, 2024, 10:41 am

        So was I, Kane. Most would have gone to the car, called it in, and sat a spell. Speaking of the car….he did leave it behind and hoofed a long ways to the intersection. I was almost laughing at how far he had to run to get there. Could have driven, but he was in “chase” mode, and stuck with it.

  • LJ April 19, 2024, 11:08 am

    The thing is, in this day and time of our revolving door justice system and no-bail releases, this guy probably wouldn’t have received more than a traffic ticket. Even if he was wanted for murder, he probably would have been back out on the streets in a day or two. Thanks Demon-crats, for creating a lawless society full of BLM POS thugs.

  • Kane April 17, 2024, 2:39 pm

    The fake POTUS (genuine POS) claims that “White supremacy … is the single most dangerous terrorist threat in our homeland.”

    The fake POTUS also says, “And I’m not just saying this because I’m at a Black HBCU. I say this wherever I go.”

    Where is the proof? FBI stats? Those same stats that include “Hispanics” and “Whites” together in all crime stats? Are ME terrorists counted by the FBI as “White.”

    The fake POTUS makes race an issue, where ever he goes, in the relatively rare cases of terrorism. So then, Blacks should be accurately labeled as the single most dangerous violent crime and economic crime threat to our homeland.

    When will this perverted, senile, greedy, environmental terrorist, war mongering low life pay for all his crimes? I cannot believe that the Demsheviks found someone to put in the WH even worse that Barry Soetoro, Willie Jeff Clinton and Jimmy Carter combined. .

    • Tip Tover April 19, 2024, 8:20 am

      Well said!

    • dave April 19, 2024, 10:56 am

      Kane U R A Nut Job, I do not even know U, but what U wrote tells me U R someone I Do Not Want 2 Know. If u take every bad thing u wrote about u ever u r blaming and put them behind ur own name, you just discribed ur self. Get some help or I am guessing you r going hurt someone just because you are Nuts.

      • Jim April 19, 2024, 12:27 pm

        Dave, while some of what you say may be correct (or not), I think this is one way Kane lets off steam. Many of us do it, generally not as direct as Kane, but it sometimes helps. Interestingly, much of what he said is correct. His delivery could use a tune up, but he was pretty much right.

        • d April 19, 2024, 1:02 pm

          Jim, u can defend him and u may or may not b correct. I have to wonder why anyone simply blames anyone that does not walk lock step with them. Our Old School NRA used to attract young gunners and even old ones, but in todays world Attraction is not even tired. We r all about blaming and pointing fingers and like it or not it is what our So Called Leaders are using to gain power for themselves, yet not for US. Now Kane drank the coolaid so they are happy with him. If he needs to blow off steam maybe he should try to determine what is best for all of us in Our USA, and not just a one sided rant about what is good for him and them, and the heck with the rest of USA. I have had a Free Mind for 46 years of voting in Our USA, and I have always looked at both sides of the issues. Kane ain’t in the frame of mind to be able to do that. Free Your Mind. Thanks for ur reply

          • Kane April 19, 2024, 9:55 pm

            “… u can defend him and u may or may not b correct. I have to wonder why anyone simply blames anyone that does not walk lock step with them….” -dave

            “Our Old School NRA used to attract young gunners and even old ones, but in todays world Attraction is not even tired.” -dave
            Hard to argue with that.

            “We r all about blaming and pointing fingers and like it or not…” -dave
            And of course dave never points fingers.

            “…it is what our So Called Leaders are using to gain power for themselves, yet not for US.” -dave
            how profound

            “Now Kane drank the coolaid so they are happy with him.” -dave
            That’s right, I’m just the government lacky while dave speaks truth to power. No wait, you never say anything that matters.

            “If he needs to blow off steam maybe he should try to determine what is best for all of us in Our USA, and not just a one sided rant about what is good for him and them, and the heck with the rest of USA.” -dave
            Got me again. I was just trying to sell the US out so me and my family could line our pockets, pretend like I care about Blacks to get their votes while race mongering, blow up the Nord Stream pipeline and get 13 service members (11 Marines, 1 Navy Corpsman, 1 Army soldier dozens gravely injured) killed in a horrible evacuation of Afghanistan only to jump into another proxy was with Russia. Of course, you never post about those kind of details, why not dave?

            “I have had a Free Mind..” -dave

            “…for 46 years of voting in Our USA, and I have always looked at both sides of the issues.” -dave
            I remember you dave. You told P–l that he was what was wrong with the USA. Do you remember? I also remember what I said to you. I have figured your clown act out dave.

            “Kane ain’t in the frame of mind to be able to do that..” -dave
            Well maybe we should wait and see about all that dave.

            “Free Your Mind.” -dave
            Good luck on selling that one dave.

      • Kane April 19, 2024, 8:11 pm

        So lets break this down with facts.

        In a confusing and sloppy reply, “dave,” you stated ” Kane U R A Nut Job.” What qualifications do you posses to conduct a psychological evaluation and make such a serious determination? Your unsophisticated choice of terminology strongly suggests that you have no relevant qualifications to evaluate anyone, prove me wrong.

        You stated, “I do not even know U, but…” Yeah, that’s a problem because for some strange reason you suggest that I am, “going hurt someone just because you are Nuts.” That is a very serious charge. Do you believe that a stable and reponsible person would toss around a reckless statement of potential violence without any basis whatsoever? Explain that remark and back it up with specific examples of what I stated in this post or in any other post. If you really believe in the words you wrote, then call your local Law Enforcement and report me. That’s what a stable and rationale person would do and you seem to believe that you are in a position to make such a determination. You do believe that you are stable and rationale? Or maybe you are afraid that slightly below the surface you are a fragile emotional wreak? He is the test, either make the call to LE without hesitation or hang you bloated head in shame.

        I make more than my share of typos, my wording could use an upgrade from timt to time and of course my spelling could often be improved but usually the meaning is clear enough. Having said that, dave, you are a real hopeless mess. I have no idea what you were trying to say in sentence 2 of a 3 sentence post. You state, “If u take every bad thing u wrote about u ever u r blaming and put them behind ur own name, you just discribed ur self.” That’s just weird.

        I try to always include relevant material when I am making a case and if clarification is needed then I will provide more info. Not once did dave make a specific point, just vague emotional ramblings. In the original post above, I included a quote where the fake POTUS made a statement at Howard University. Apparently, dave, is OK with that guy in the WH making race an issue with Whites supposedly being the greatest terrorist threat in the US but dave gets made when the script is flipped. To question the guy in the WH or FBI stats is the basis for dave stating “Kane U R A Nut Job.”

        Does dave care that the guy in the WH was acused by his daughter of molested her when he would take showers with when she was little? Nope, that’s OK with you dave. It’s also with you dave that the FBI made that all go away but you say that I am the “Nut Job.”. You, dave say that, “…you r going hurt someone…” Then you know what to do dave. I say you are a fraud dave and this one post should prove either your case mine. Go ahead and drop the dime. Come back here and post how your phone call with LE pans out. Whether you like it or NOT, you set the standard dave, now I will hold you to it.

        • dave April 20, 2024, 2:27 pm

          Man u spent a lot of time, energy, anger, and nutiness sending this to me. I skimmed it guick as I have esp and already knew what you would say. I wasted enough time, Enough Said. Good Luck 2 U

          • Hondo April 20, 2024, 3:03 pm

            Good run along ya goof ball

          • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment April 21, 2024, 3:06 am

            dave for all the diversity, inclusion, intelligence, and forgiving nature you people have, you sure seem to act like the ultimate authority for other people……wtf is with that?????

          • Kane April 21, 2024, 7:37 pm

            So, dave, since you are so clueless, I gonna a explain what you thought would happen, what actually did happen and what will certainly happen.

            First, what you thought would happen.
            You thought you were going to act like some outraged old timer throwing around strange insults that would somehow assist you while conducting a successful character assassination on a someone with totally differant value system than you. You were hoping for a very angry and vulgar response from me. You have tried this before and thought it would eventually work. You doubled down with a second post and brought up even more unrelated issues like the NRA because you are pretending to be someone you are not. Bad call since you are incredibly limited person.

            What happened instead.
            Like a normal person, I defended my reputation and challenged you to support the insults you directed towards me. Anyone with the slightest sense of honor would either make their case or retract their dishonest statements. Not you dave. Instead you made a third post where you said, “Man u spent a lot of time, energy, anger, and nutiness sending this to me. I skimmed it guick as I have esp and already knew what you would say. I wasted enough time, Enough Said. Good Luck 2 U” You never once made a specific charge against me or quoted anything I stated. Instead, you keep trying to label me as violent, angry and nutty because you are a shameless liar and then you disengaged from what you started since your efforts were unsustainable.

            What will happen soon.
            Soon your feelings of disengaging will be replaced by a foolish urge to re-engage. Do what you want, but remember this, you are the most foolish clown I have ever run across, EVER. You will never shed that label and can only dig a deeper hole by chirping up again. You are a cheap shot lying lefty, it’s just a matter of time before you starting thinking again that you pull off a smear campaign, right dave?

            Just a happy thought.
            I’m really glad that these posts went out on the weekend instead of Monday and so many fine folks got to read what a lefty like you has to say. How about you dave, you happy too?

            BTW, dave, hang on to your “Good Luck,” your gonna need it for yourself. .