Students Ratify ‘Bill of Rights’ for Schools Complete with Safe Spaces, NFA Regs for ARs

Students Ratify ‘Bill of Rights’ for Schools Complete with Safe Spaces, NFA Regs for ARs

Part of the students’ plan to stop the next school killer is to “support marginalized communities by educating and recognizing systemic and institutional oppressions…” (Photo: SGVS/Facebook)

Over the weekend a group of around 100 teens convened in our nation’s capital to ratify a Students’ Bill of Rights for School Safety.

The resulting 15-point plan contains a laundry list of mandates, everything from ensuring access to safe spaces to “recognizing systemic and institutional oppressions” to regulating modern sporting rifles under the National Firearms Act.

Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg funded the three-day summit, which was held at Dunbar High School in Washington, D.C.

Among the attendees was Parkland survivor Jack McLeod. He spoke with about the need “to do something” in the wake of the February tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School that left 17 dead and 17 others wounded.

“When you experience gun violence, there’s a certain obligation within you, I think, to do something,” said McLeod.

Along with expanding the NFA to cover “military style weapons, bump stocks and other accessories…” students called for requiring gun dealers and owners to report stolen guns, mandatory 10-day waiting periods, criminalizing private transfers, banning adults under 21 from purchasing firearms, expanded licensing for gun ownership, safe storage laws, and red-flag confiscation orders for those deemed an “extreme risk.”

Eighteen-year-old Briana Spainhour told The 74 that part of the students’ mission is to quell the fears of those who may view the declaration as an infringement of the 2A.

“When they actually know what we’re talking about, they know we’re not trying to take away guns,” said Spainhour, a California native who now attends college in D.C. Spainhour indicated that when it comes to confiscation, it applies to individuals who fit a certain category, e.g. convicted domestic abusers.

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While the students mentioned funding for “school-based safety and security initiatives” and “violence intervention programs” there was no explicit plan for arming school personnel or increasing the number of student resource officers.

There was, however, a demand for “immediate access to qualified counselors in safe spaces” and encouraging “all school personnel to foster positive relationships at all levels of education.”

Missing from the Bill of Rights was any estimation of cost, both in terms of hard dollars and manpower to ensure that these programs are fully and successfully implemented.

Lily Eskelsen García, the president of the country’s largest teachers union, the National Education Association, applauded the teens for taking action.

“You are the legacy of civil rights champions who did not wait for someone to save them. They organized. They had leaders who came together, ordinary people who did extraordinary things for their times. These are extraordinary times. What you’re doing is saying this thing that seems so special, shouldn’t be special. It should be what we do every day,” García said to the students on Saturday.

Along with Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety, NEA sponsored the event.

Looking over this new Bill of Rights, do you believe it will be effective in reducing violence in schools or stopping a potential mass killer?

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  • Dano October 29, 2018, 5:47 pm

    Perhaps we should find a school that will teach these students the difference between “Rights” and Demands

  • brad October 29, 2018, 12:44 pm

    Personally I don’t trust anyone under the age of 30 to vote, drive, join military, own anything, or have an opinion. (PERIOD) That being said I do believe that these great child “leaders” should be publicly spanked at their school along with the people responsible for taking them to waste time and money, not to mention my time having to read about it. Learning about our country and its history is important along with many of the subjects that are no longer taught in school. For students today to pass a 8th grade exam from 1900, most would be in school until they’re 30. What has and is happening to this country is everyone’s fault . It is a matter of personal responsibility and self respect, and unless we can find that again I believe we are doomed.I still love this country and pray that its not to late. Ive raised my 5 children with my belief’s and we will stand to defend it “against all enemies foreign and domestic”

  • DBC October 27, 2018, 11:57 pm

    The aberrant behavior shootings make up a very small percentage of gun crimes, while inner city incidents make up the majority!
    Put the blame exactly where it belongs, oh, that’s racist, never mind!

  • MJ October 27, 2018, 2:58 pm

    Are these the same schools that liberalize and dumb down the future of America? If these children are so
    important, fortify all campuses so it’s a deterrent. Every bank, courthouse, theme park, prisonl, sporting event and celebrity already knows this, why are the so called unified school districts so disjointed.

  • Deveron October 27, 2018, 1:22 pm

    First, the document is entitled a Bill of Rights, but much of what is in it are not rights at all. All must understand that no one’s rights can supersede or take precedence over anyone else’s rights. That concept is often lost when people are expressing their own rights.
    Second, with respect to even the most intelligent and articulate 100 teenagers in the country, I would have to seriously question whether that document was composed by them. In fairness, the article does say the children simply showed up to ratify the document. It does, however,imply they wrote it by referring to “The resulting 15 point plan.”
    In the end, I imagine they were just pawns.

    • Ed October 28, 2018, 1:44 pm

      I agree 100%, and to think that children that age with no real life experience’s can actually come up with something as good as this peace of nonsense without some coaching and direction from the lift wing is unbelievable to say the least.

  • nate2244 October 27, 2018, 9:21 am

    Gun Violence. Guns always get up by themselves and say I hope I shoot someone today. This is George Soros funded crap to try and stop our 2nd amendment rights. These gangbangers are using FULL AUTO guns(not legal to buy). Anyone really think these gangbangers are going to the local gun store having their ID’s checked for 3 days before being able to purchase. Legal gun owners, we have to fight to protect our rights! Fight on.

  • Glenn61 October 27, 2018, 4:39 am

    “Those who trade liberty for security have neither.” John Adams

  • Altoids October 26, 2018, 8:48 pm

    ““When they actually know what we’re talking about, they know we’re not trying to take away guns,” said Spainhour, a California native who now attends college in D.C. Spainhour indicated that when it comes to confiscation, it applies to individuals who fit a certain category, e.g. convicted domestic abusers.”

    We know what they’re talking about – making firearms restrictions so overbearing and onerous that no one will bother.

    The effect is the same as banning guns.

  • Anthony D Wixon October 26, 2018, 7:40 pm

    I wish there was something that could be done about Blumberg. It’s pitiful and slimy for people like him to use these kids to push their agenda. I know there are about equal number of students on both sides of this. The media should HAVE to give equal time to those kids that support the 2A.

  • Ted October 26, 2018, 6:09 pm

    Just one more reason that my “modern sporting weapons” will never be Illegal, only “undocumented…
    The only thing missing from their document, is the signature of Stalin at the bottom…

  • Ken October 26, 2018, 3:11 pm

    If a person at age 18 isn’t mature enough to purchase a rifle or shotgun for hunting, target shooting, etc. then they ARE NOT mature enough to vote or join the military.

  • Thomas Emonds October 26, 2018, 12:54 pm

    Gun violence is a failure to take responsibility problem. It can be boiled down two four clean measures or student rights, battle cry needs:1. The students questioned actually told teachers, police, FBI, and other authority figures, that the one person to be a school shooter would be so and so. No one listened or heeded the clues that peers of the odd ball person were all talking about. Same, same with gang members in the wrong section of town. Everyone knows who the threat, or the troubled, person is, but no one knows what to do about it.2. Gun violence is a health care issue. Many people, even those with health insurance don\’t know what to do with a troubled child who is obviously weird. Insurance companies do not want to deal with that issue because it could interfere with their profit. So what do people do who cannot afford anything to do with doing something about the problem. Health care must be a single payer, not for profit system. All tax payers, companies and Corporations must pay .04 % of their taxable income into the National Health Care Fund. They then get a Health Care Card/Policy that covers everything people need Period. If Corporations are individuals then the system will work and outfits like Apple, Amazon, and other really great companies can take up the slack and actually help their country. No more for profit health care companies, Medicare for all with private insurance program where first visits to doctor have to be paid by individuals. If not via health care mini insurance, then health care savings accounts.3. Gun violence is a tax problem. A straight flat tax of 15% for all individuals and 20% for all Corporations would work. Tax code could be reduced to 15 pages. Tax forms reduced to post card size.4. Make gun safety a national grade school course where all 8th grade kids must understand how to be safe around guns and also have shooting clubs for shotguns, rifles, and handguns. This would pay big dividends
    Universal background checks and national standards so people who pass background checks with all medical problems of note listed, and you actually have to pass an ability to hit with weapon of choice test. This then becomes a universal right to carry, use, and cross state lines permit. It is duly noted on a drivers license. National gun laws, illegal to use a gun in a crime, illegal to straw buy, or sell guns without a FFL.
    No state or local laws trump the simple national standard gun rights law.

    • James October 26, 2018, 1:15 pm

      Sounds like socialist/communist ideas to me.

    • Darryl October 27, 2018, 12:48 am

      some of what you say is already on the books, most of what you say is just the way communist start out before they come and take all of the guns. free health care, no such thing not even in the countries you think are free and want us to copy them. their taxes are so high that is the way it’s paid for plus you get in line to see doctor. no matter how bad off you are.

      we have all the laws we need on the books now to do all you want and still DA’s let criminals walk or cut the charges they against them so as to move things faster through the courts

      those who are willing to give up freedom and rights for a little security deserve neither. as was said by the founding fathers all those many years ago. they knew days like this would come and is the main reason the 1st and 2nd amendment’s were put where they are.

      as far as these kids doing what they’re doing their only doing it because bloomberg paid them to. Michael Bloomberg funded the three-day summit. i’m also sure the schools gave them free time during school to waste their time too.

      these are the same kids who bully kids to the point that they what to shoot up a school. look at most of the school shootings and you see the ones who did it were picked on by others who now say we want a safe place to go to school, BS. these kids are just being played by communist pigs like bloomberg and the others is all thats happening here.

  • Thomas Emonds October 26, 2018, 12:54 pm

    Gun violence is a failure to take responsibility problem. It can be boiled down two four clean measures or student rights, battle cry needs:

    1. The students questioned actually told teachers, police, FBI, and other authority figures, that the one person to be a school shooter would be so and so. No one listened or heeded the clues that peers of the odd ball person were all talking about. Same, same with gang members in the wrong section of town. Everyone knows who the threat, or the troubled, person is, but no one knows what to do about it.

    2. Gun violence is a health care issue. Many people, even those with health insurance don’t know what to do with a troubled child who is obviously weird. Insurance companies do not want to deal with that issue because it could interfere with their profit. So what do people do who cannot afford anything to do with doing something about the problem. Health care must be a single payer, not for profit system. All tax payers, companies and Corporations must pay .04 % of their taxable income into the National Health Care Fund. They then get a Health Care Card/Policy that covers everything people need Period. If Corporations are individuals then the system will work and outfits like Apple, Amazon, and other really great companies can take up the slack and actually help their country. No more for profit health care companies, Medicare for all with private insurance program where first visits to doctor have to be paid by individuals. If not via health care mini insurance, then health care savings accounts.

    3. Gun violence is a tax problem. A straight flat tax of 15% for all individuals and 20% for all Corporations would work. Tax code could be reduced to 15 pages. Tax forms reduced to post card size.

    4. Make gun safety a national grade school course where all 8th grade kids must understand how to be safe around guns and also have shooting clubs for shotguns, rifles, and handguns. This would pay big dividends
    Universal background checks and national standards so people who pass background checks with all medical problems of note listed, and you actually have to pass an ability to hit with weapon of choice test. This then becomes a universal right to carry, use, and cross state lines permit. It is duly noted on a drivers license. National gun laws, illegal to use a gun in a crime, illegal to straw buy, or sell guns without a FFL.
    No state or local laws trump the simple national standard gun rights law.

  • bilker October 26, 2018, 12:42 pm

    these little twits are spoon fed their ideas by anti Constitution, anti Bill of Rights left wing socialists judging by the manifesto. You want to make them safe then jail criminals for long periods of time, take away their rights for life or execute them. You make the game to expensive to play they won\’t play. When imprisoned criminals are given TVs, gyms, comfortable quarters they will not change their ways when released from their very short sentence.

  • Riverwolf October 26, 2018, 12:00 pm

    There is no such thing as “Gun Violence” There is also no such thing as a Violent gun. This is just a liberal talking point that fools get caught up in that allows them to focus the discussion on an inanimate object they want to control. They are masters at projection and controlling the talking point. Refuse to play. Have real discussions about addressing the real problems in this Country. They will immediately retreat to their “Safe Spaces” or call you a racist, or some other thing. It’s all they got.

  • D.J. October 26, 2018, 11:59 am

    It seems a bit early for neocommunist snowflakes to fall
    in Washington , does it not ?
    Must be having an early winter this year .

  • Rob October 26, 2018, 10:58 am

    Ok, so are they advocating for restricting drivers licences, auto purchases and cell phones to 21? Because we know that the most prone to be in a car accident is teens! If those that are under 21 aren’t responsible enough to purchase/own a firearm, then there’s no way they are responsible enough to own/purchase/operate a cell phone or car. National statistics prove this throughout the history of our country

  • OKHunter October 26, 2018, 10:32 am

    Just more proof that children shouldn’t be allowed to run anything because of lack of real world experience.

  • ivo roberts jr October 26, 2018, 9:57 am

    No where in the bill of rights points to the responsibility of these young people to report anyone on their social media who might be talking or thinking of using a gun to hurt someone. They will not hold themselves responsible and liable for the death or shooting event in which they had some fore knowledge of such event. In most of these events there were some real “RED” flags pointing to the shooter not the gun. No real mention of hardening the school access in the bill. Just like most of the political world this makes good press but when someone asks where do you get the funds they change the subject.

  • Davis October 26, 2018, 9:51 am

    I read that falderal and found nothing useful or meaningful. Nothing about enforcement of today’s laws and a lot of repetition about programs that already exist. A school should nowadays be as secure as a courthouse.

    • Martingard October 26, 2018, 1:26 pm

      You nailed it, Davis.

  • TexDad October 26, 2018, 9:48 am

    Bill of… Rights? It’s a bill of restrictions. Is oppression of the rights of others a right?

  • Dan October 26, 2018, 9:38 am

    Will they have chocolates in the safe places?

  • joefoam October 26, 2018, 9:37 am

    Yeah, right. And who organized and paid for the field trip to DC. I’m sure the little snowflakes didn’t do car washes to fund it. The kids at my daughters HS are more concerned with the prom.

  • AJ October 26, 2018, 9:29 am

    And this is why we don’t have impulsive children (outside of Democrats) writing legislation. I didn’t even bother to read the thing. The fact of the matter is, no one has the absolute right to personal safety. No matter how cruel that is it is a law of nature itself and can’t be regulated.

    However, with that being said, students do have the right to a safe learning environment. That’s about the end of it. That safe learning environment is supposed to be provided by educators. But if anyone was paying attention after parkland, most educators do not believe it should be their responsibility to protect other people’s kids. There are a few that stepped up to that challenge but the vast majority seems to have the “I’ll trip your kid to get away” mindset. All because they believe they aren’t paid enough to throw up a premade PowerPoint and sit at their desk assigning homework.

    All in all this is a fool’s attempt by the left to sway people using youth. Incidentally Hitler did the exact same thing.

    I wish fuckberg would use some of that money to start organizations committed to stopping the kidnapping and sex trades. But hey, priorities right? They gotta keep the product safe so they can continue to fly to Thailand and Mexico to use it.

  • Jay October 26, 2018, 8:45 am

    “The resulting 15-point plan contains a laundry list of mandates, everything from ensuring access to safe spaces to “recognizing systemic and institutional oppressions” to regulating modern sporting rifles under the National Firearms Act.”
    Their little summit for Bill of Rights is quit cute and cuddly for themselves to stew on. Not enough brain power present in the whole lot to understand, It’s at the cost of being the oppressors for law abiding citizens! Ya, that’ll work out real well!

  • joe October 26, 2018, 8:42 am

    Can Bloomberg pay to have them tour a Uigher reeducation school in China to see if they have safe spaces? Or to see what happens when people dont have guns?

  • Mark October 26, 2018, 8:40 am

    They need to spend all that money on school security, gates, metal detectors, and resource officers. Criminals, terrorists, and the mentally ill dont care about LAWS, murder is already illegal. Not one of those proposed laws will ever stop a crazed person from doing harm.

    • Michael Keim October 26, 2018, 11:05 am

      Well said

    • KimberproSS October 29, 2018, 3:20 pm

      Agree. Waiting periods and age limits do nothing to stop a sick human from doing the deed. Most of these mass shootings are premeditated, planned. No problem adding a week to the plan if a waiting period is invoked. So the 18 yr. old steals the gun, buys it illegally on the street, or has someone buy it for them. It is all illegal and they still can execute the plan. Additional comprehensive background checks do stop a sick human from killing of getting a firearm if that is needed to carry out the plan. If thee laws are so effective, take the security away from Federal buildings and important individuals once these laws are passed. If they aren’t willing to do that, then focus on the real solution.

  • Joe October 26, 2018, 8:25 am

    Is a safe space a place where snowflakes won’t melt?

    • Wayne October 26, 2018, 9:46 am

      Yes, the Antarctic. Is there a snowflake travel fund to contribute to?

  • Calvin Don Blumhorst October 26, 2018, 8:05 am

    Hand-picked useful idiots to serve as Bloomberg\’s minions in his war on the Constitution and civil rights. It\’s a sorry time in which we live when intellectual midgets like this are chosen to represent the current generation of students and then applauded by, what passes for, educators. Fortunately, there are young people in the country who have not yet succumbed to the entreaties of Democrat-Socialists in their war on traditional American values. As responsible adults, it is our duty to go d the latter and nurture them so they can serve as emissaries in the generational struggle to return sanity to America\’s education system and remove the influence of leftists from government indoctrination centers.

    • David C October 26, 2018, 9:00 am

      Well said. Some people looking at this would think, “wow, look at those students organizing like that.” Having been that age once, I know for sure they couldn’t organize their way out of a wet paper sack, especially not without the help of deep pockets and a bunch of adults with an agenda. Oh, and they’re not midgets, they’re just little people… 🙂

  • Calvin Don Blumhorst October 26, 2018, 8:04 am

    Hand-picked useful idiots to serve as Bloomberg’s minions in his war on the Constitution and civil rights. It’s a sorry time in which we live when intellectual midgets like this are chosen to represent the current generation of students and then applauded by, what passes for, educators. Fortunately, there are young people in the country who have not yet succumbed to the entreaties of Democrat-Socialists in their war on traditional American values. As responsible adults, it is our duty to go d the latter and nurture them so they can serve as emissaries in the generational struggle to return sanity to America’s education system and remove the influence of leftists from government indoctrination centers.

  • Mark October 26, 2018, 7:41 am

    If Pelosi and Feinstein had offspring together, I’m pretty sure they would be like this. These kids know what “incrementalism” is for sure. In other words “how to boil a frog”.

  • andy October 26, 2018, 7:32 am

    The time for action is to come up with a plan before you get attacked. In peace time, prepare for war. But with moron politicians (Bloomberg and pretty much EVERY DEMOCRAT) who believe the world works on some 9-5 schedule and always whine and say, “the unthinkable has happened again”, every time a mass shooting takes place AGAIN, what kind of leadership do we really expect from civilians? When the focus of saving lives is never really in focus what do we expect? I know what I expect to see… more kids killed as a result of inaction by bureaucrats and politicians. You can’t wish away violence. You can’t make a rule or group think away violence. Being that all the liberal solutions don’t stop anything, how about adopting the “Good Guy With a Gun” technique. But wait, how about an additional measure… a good guy with a gun that isn’t a fat piece of cowardice crap that is retiring soon? To think that some fat out of shape deputy was Parkland’s sole Guardian that day who was expected to take on mass shooters is the dumbest idea ever contrived. But that is what happens when a bunch of stupid civilians are in charge. It’s like the homeowner who buys a gun and keeps it in the safe, unfuckingloaded.

    I’m just glad there is actually a “Bill of Rights” to protect us from these stupid democrat demagagues like Bloomberg from manipulating already stupid kids to coming up with their own bill of rights for me.

    If anyone hasn’t figured it out by now, what is taking place in America is that kids are needlessly dying without a fighting chance in America. Plain and Simple. The threat has been identified and not only is nothing being done but in some cases, these stupid bastard civilians are coming up with more rules and legislation that ban guns from entering their school even by the adults that work there. Is that America? Well that is what we have in 99% of the country. And instead of actually rebuilding schools with steel doors and REAL plans to take action against 1 or 10 shooters, we just allow the kids to be slaughtered and all that happens is the media comes in and sets up everywhere. More consideration is taken after a shooting as to where the hundreds of media tents can set up than is taken to protect the kids. More consideration is taken after a school shooting to come up with a protection plan to protect the school shooter in custody and in court hearings than is taken to protect the kids in school. Pay now or pay later… that is one of the most ignored concepts in human history. But even so, the politicians and bureaucrats don’t pay anything when the UNTHINKABLE happens… only the kids pay the price.

  • David Telliho October 26, 2018, 6:51 am

    I`m now, absolutely convinced, the Socialist`s will take over our country with hardly any resistance…….if any.

  • merlin999 October 26, 2018, 6:48 am


  • george clark jr. October 26, 2018, 6:39 am

    where’s the hogg? they need media freak hogg. oh that’s right he’s with nancy p. poolside in foolifornia looking at scripts for his new upcoming move “fool on the hill”.

  • Alkemyst October 26, 2018, 6:27 am

    This isn’t a Bill of ANY sort of Rights. This is a leftist wish list of how to invade the rights of every law abiding citizen in the country, to say nothing of how to flambe the Constitution in a gasoline soaked rag of “it makes me feel good”. THIS is why children do NOT make policy. Also, I’d like to know what “child” wrote this. There are at least 3 policies in this “bill” that have already been proven not to work. This had better never happened.

  • Dan October 26, 2018, 5:51 am

    Do I,in my heart, believe that ANY new gun laws or legislation will stop any gun violence; my answer is…NO.

  • Lon October 26, 2018, 5:13 am

    NFA only means wealthy people will be able to afford the. So, who’s being oppressed?

    • srsquidizen October 26, 2018, 7:34 am

      Yeah Americans who obey the law can still have a full-auto…if they are able to spend the price of a luxury SUV for one firearm. The NFA was classic pro-rich legislation signed into law by a do-gooder aristocrat president who thought he knew what was best for the masses. Not unlike quite a few of the same persuasion today.

  • Will AKA Mr.Grumpy October 26, 2018, 3:46 am

    Oh joy, more bloomburg short-bus sock puppets…
    Every single one of them looks like a ‘special needs’ case dealing with some life threatning exostential crisis, like finding pants that fit properly…
    But it’s all ok… No matter how poorly they do, our schools are no longer allowed to fail them. You pass just for showing up… at least untill they make that optional as well.

    My only problem with ‘mass shootings’? Poor target selection.

  • Michael S McIntosh October 26, 2018, 3:17 am

    Good luck snowflakes. Try just staying in freaking school and educate yourself about the Constitution!!! Pathetic kids, well I can promise you I will never REPEAT never allow my firearms to be confiscated. I would rather face the Lord.

  • Michael S McIntosh October 26, 2018, 3:14 am

    Good luck snowflakes. Your efforts are wasted. You were better off studying for exams and playing little teen games of house, pathetic kids just pathetic!

  • Ton E October 24, 2018, 4:56 pm

    Demand in one hand and crap in the other see which one fills up first……..

  • Mike V October 24, 2018, 2:44 pm

    Hmm, this could be a more dangerous approach. By requiring MSRs to be placed under the NFA, they get to say that they don’t want a ban. How many go the NFA route now, or ten years from now? Basically a ban over time. If you don’t already have one, why would you put yourself through that process.
    Ten years from now 90% of gun owners would be fudds.

    • Ted October 26, 2018, 6:17 pm

      It is worse than that. Just look what they did in 1986 with the NFA. They made a BAN on any future made full auto for civilian sale. SO, lets say that they decide that no weapons made after a certain date can be civilian purchased, or that you have a few hundred dollar “tax” on each transfer, then what ? It takes MONTHS to get a tax stamp now for legal transfers of the limited amount of things that can be transferred . Can you imagine if regular AR, or AK style weapons need a stamp, it would be YEARS to transfer a weapon.. HELL NO ! I will NEVER register my rifles….

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