State AGs Defend U.S. Gun Makers from Mexican Lawsuit

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Current Events, This Week
Backing AG Knudsen is New Hampshire’s AG John Formella.

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Montana’s Attorney General Austin Knudsen spearheaded a movement with 26 other states last Tuesday, defending American firearms manufacturers in a pivotal legal battle. They are fighting back against claims that these companies should be liable for gun violence in Mexico.

Knudsen and his coalition are pushing the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) to overturn a lower court’s decision that might let other countries like Mexico challenge U.S. Second Amendment rights through American courts.

The Mexican government argues that gun makers are partly to blame for violence south of the border, saying these companies know some of their guns end up there illegally. Despite this, a federal law (PLCAA) passed in 2005 protects these manufacturers, aiming to preserve American gun rights while preventing criminals from getting firearms.

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“American firearms manufacturers should not and do not have to answer for the actions of criminals, as established by the commonsense federal Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA). Mexico’s bad policies created the country’s gun violence problem,” stated AG Knudsen. 

“Rather than take responsibility, Mexico and anti-gun activists are trying to blame and bankrupt American companies that follow the law,” he continued. “The appeals court erred in their decision and the Supreme Court needs to correct it.”

A Massachusetts federal judge initially dismissed Mexico’s lawsuit in 2022. However, the First Circuit Court surprisingly revived it, suggesting Mexico might fit a narrow legal exception to sue. This decision, according to Knudsen, undermines the PLCAA.

The attorneys general are insisting SCOTUS needs to intervene because it’s up to Congress, not the courts, to manage the firearms industry. They argue that Mexico has other means to control its border issues rather than infringing on Americans’ rights.

The legal brief also highlights Mexico’s choice to keep its borders open and its attempts to seek financial help from the U.S. for border management, which shouldn’t impact American gun laws.

The Brief States:

Mexico could simply close—indeed, militarize—its border with the United States if it chose to do so. Doubtless the closure would be painful, and Mexico has chosen to do otherwise. Indeed, Mexico has flung its border open and sought to extort billions of dollars from the United States to even attempt to manage the resulting chaos. Mexico should not be permitted to exert de facto control over the rights of American citizens to alleviate the consequences of its own policy choices.

Attorneys general from states including Alabama, Alaska, New Hampshire, and Wyoming, as well as the Arizona Legislature, have joined Montana in this legal challenge, making a strong statement in favor of protecting American firearm companies and gun rights.

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About the author: Larry Z is a seasoned outdoorsman, lifelong hunter, and the kind of guy who’d rather track whitetails than scroll social media. As an editor for GunsAmerica, he’s got a sharp eye for spotting both solid gear and bad gun laws. Whether he’s deep in the woods or deep in editorial deadlines, Larry brings a no-nonsense, tell-it-like-it-is approach to firearms, hunting, and the great American tradition of self-reliance. If there’s a hot debate on gun rights or the latest in hunting tech, you can bet Larry’s got an opinion—and it’s probably backed up with both facts and field experience.

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  • Viet Vet May 31, 2024, 2:31 pm

    Screw Mexico. That corrupt Gov. and bribe taking officials and officers has the nerve to sue the gun makers. That country has caused more harm to
    this country with their cartels and ignoring the flood of illegals crossing the border.

  • Dave May 31, 2024, 12:32 pm

    Quote from the article; “The Mexican government argues that gun makers are partly to blame for violence south of the border, saying these companies know some of their guns end up there illegally.”
    It would be most appropriate then, to say, It is time to hold the Mexican government liable for it’s people, who end up in America illegally, to blame for untold acts of violence in America and against the American people!
    Come on Lopez Obrador, still wanna play?

  • Kole May 31, 2024, 11:14 am

    The fact is, that there wouldn’t even be this problem, if the us government wasn’t in bed with the cartel’s. They are business partners plane and simple. This is just media BS. If we wanted to end the cartel’s it would take SF a month to smoke every leader and put a complete stop to all violence. Instead they blame us and try to attack our constitutional rights. If we can find a terrorist taking a shit on a sand dune in the middle of bfe we can get to any cartel. They make too much money to put a stop to this. Where do you think most of our off the books black money comes from? This lawsuit is nothing more than propaganda, it will change nothing.

    • Kane June 2, 2024, 11:55 pm

      Yes, the CIA (Criminals In-charge of America) teamed with “Los Pepes” (Colombian members of a rival drug cartel to Medellin Cartel) to eliminate Pablo Escobar. Probem over. The CIA is like that, turn of former partners like Norriega, Hussein, President Diem and his brother et cetera. The list is long and the pattern undeniable, only the players change from time to time but the game continues.

      Norriega was probably put in a iron mask and thrown in a bottom less pit but it was for a good cause. Remember? As we were told, “Operation Just Cause” was where the US was determined to stop the global drug trafficking through Panama. Now China controls Panama and the flow of every type of narcotics are flowing unabated through our opened Southern border. The CIA believes most of the citizens of the US are apathetic and stupid, are they wrong? The black book budgets don’t need Congressional approval. Your government wants you dead and China and Mexico are pitching in to help out.

  • James May 31, 2024, 11:05 am

    Without reading the article my first thought was, “Great, now it is time to hold the Government AND the Country of Mexico LEGALLY responsible for facilitating and PROFITING from the sale of illicit drugs, the costs relating to the invasion of 10,000,000 plus Mexican citizens including lost wages, medical costs, theft of wages, reduction in standard of living, defamation of character and pain and suffering.

  • Floyd Solano May 30, 2024, 1:14 pm

    I was reading the article on,”State AGs Defend US Gun Makers from Mexican Lawsuit. It instantly reminded me of Obamas “Fast an Furious” fiasco that did make slot of us furious.

    • Clint W. May 31, 2024, 9:51 am

      I also read an article about crime in Mexico where they tracked the firearms, and found out that many came from Barry Soetoro’s ‘Fast and Furious’ program, but it did not seem catch anyone’s eye in the media. Go figure.

  • Kane May 29, 2024, 9:22 pm

    I would support a narrowly taylored law suit against the fake POTUS (genuine POS) and his down low POTUS Barry Soetoro plus AG Eric Holder on illegally running guns into Mexico. Maybe then the records from the operation “fast and furious” could be unsealed. Texas should sue Mexico and China and the domestic enemies in the WH for trafficking fentanyl into the US.