Sig Sauer’s MPX Copperhead – SHOT Show 2019

in SHOT Show 2019, SHOT Show Archives

Sig Sauer's MPX Copperhead - SHOT Show 2019The new Sig MPX Copperhead is a tiny 9mm pistol complete with integrated collapsible pistol brace. As you can see it’s not a traditional pistol but is based on Sig’s wildly popular MPX PCC complete with a short-stroke gas piston.

The barrel is only three and a half inches long but excellent ergonomics made it easy to hit steel at 50 yards. The gun is extremely small especially when the brace is fully collapsed. The gun can be fired with the brace collapsed and is surprisingly easy to shoot. This pistol brings new meaning to the term, “concealed carry.”

One of the major differences between this and the MPX is that it is a monolithic upper and has no handguard. The barrel has a built-in muzzle brake/flash suppressor but it is compatible with other MPX barrels.


CALIBER 9mm Luger
OVERALL LENGTH 14.5 in (368 mm)
OVERALL WIDTH 2.4 in (61 mm)
HEIGHT 8 in (203 mm)
BARREL LENGTH 3.5 in (89 mm)
WEIGHT 4.5 lb (2 kg)
MSRP $1835
Visit SIG for more information on the MPX Copperhead by clicking HERE.

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  • I Love Liberty January 21, 2019, 10:34 pm

    I bought my own AR-15 conversion in 9 millimeter Luger for about $890. It has thirty and twenty round magazines. I also bought a .300 AAC Blackout conversion upper for about another $400. I am about $500 less than this $1,800 short barreled rifle that is waiting to be banned by the next President who has anti gun administration with a new bureau rule.

    • Akfolder January 22, 2019, 10:49 am

      I think you mean THIS President. HE is the one who says take the guns first, worry about Due Process second. HE is the one who instituted the TRUMPSTOCK BAN. The TRUMPSTOCK BAN is a re-write of law, which sets a DANGEROUS precedence for the future. Not only at the BATFE, but at every Federal Agency.

  • Chris January 21, 2019, 4:26 pm

    “Compatible with other MPX barrels”…what other MPX barrels. This is effectively a gen 3 MPX and there still are no other barrels available for the gen 1 or gen 2. We were promised different barrel lengths and different calibers from day one and now years later they still have not been made available. This is another Sig Sauer advertisement that they have no intention of fulfilling. I bought the gen 1 with the 8” barrel when it was first released intending to convert it to the shorter barrel. Still waiting.

    • Steve Friedman February 12, 2019, 11:13 pm

      yes, i got the same song & Dance , with telling me I would B able 2 switch calibers & Barrel lengths . Still waiting . I have also asked & have not got an answer , what R the numbers on the thread size On Sig weapons / Is there 1 size 4 all threaded barrels / 9mm Pistols, my P320ca-9-Tacops & my Sig 9mm MPX will they both have the same thread size , just installing the Piston 4 the 320 & no Piston 4 the fixed barrel MPX , both have a Metric left hand twist ?

  • D Dunbar January 21, 2019, 3:15 pm

    It’s neat and I’d like to shoot one but it’s basically like a g43 in a roni stabilizer. I think an extra inch of barrel would have been a good thing.

  • Mike in a Truck January 21, 2019, 11:17 am

    I think the tube ( artillery term-never call it a barrel) on this is way to short.I get it -concealed carry. No I have no use for this but an MPX with longer barrel would make a nice bedside gun.Or shop gun.Or truck gun.Im sure those with the scratch will just have to get this pistol.

    • Cam January 22, 2019, 6:58 am

      Ditto, sig where is the 357 sig and 40 cal conversions? Years latter and you have produced zero but this garish POS.

    • Akfolder January 22, 2019, 10:53 am

      Concealed Carry? I wonder how successful and speedy your draw will be coming from an IWB holster?? Oh, you just need a 2 sizes too big Cowboy Duster to Conceal it. That shouldn’t be inconspicuous!!!!

  • Jeff January 21, 2019, 10:01 am

    A fixed muzzle device?
    My suppressor will get lonely so I’ll have to pass.
    Thanks though.

  • Steve January 21, 2019, 8:36 am

    Why do these reports at a range when there is no intent to actually fire the weapon? You are wearing
    ear protection because there is gunfire around you, but your microphone picks up every shot. I would
    think that one goal of the interview would be for folks to actually hear what you are saying.