Shooting Gallery in a Box–SHOT Show 2015

in Authors, Sam Trisler, SHOT Show 2015
More Info for the Right Now Range


You can see the little flaps that stick up to hold the clays in place.

You can see the little flaps that stick up to hold the clays in place.

The Right Now Range folks were at Range Day at SHOT Show with their new target system.  This little thing is cool.  It is a flat cardboard package that sets up to make a carnival-like shooting gallery.  The bottom part has standard round bulls-eye targets.  The really cool part is a shelf that attaches to the base that will let you set cans, clays, or about anything else you can think of on it and blast away!

Collapsed, the Right Now Range is about 32”x 24” and less than an inch deep.  When set up, it is just under four feet tall with the shelf attached.  The collapsed size will make this easy to throw in the back of the truck when heading to the range.  The “kit” comes with stakes to keep it from getting knocked or blown over and six small hangers to attach cans to the shelf area. The cans, clays and other 3D targets are not included.

Even better is that you don’t have to go to an established range.  I can think of a great spot to set one of these up close to my cabin and not have to mess with setting up stands or lugging the steel plates around for some old fashioned plinking.

Neely Burk, the founder and CEO of The Right Now Range, said that they are setting up distribution and that the targets are currently available in some Tractor Supply stores.  She said that they are ready to ship and will be hitting quarter one hard.

We look forward to getting one and seeing how many rounds it takes to destroy it.  The cardboard is nice and thick so it should hold up for quite and number of rounds. It might be kind of like a Tootsie Roll Pop though.  We will have to refrain from using a shotgun to get to the center.  The Right Now Range is recommended for rifles, handguns, BB and airsoft guns.

The Right Now Range has a suggested retail price of $29.99.


Full soda cans would make a mess on the target... but they are more fun to shoot.

Full soda cans would make a mess on the target… but they are more fun to shoot.

Neely Burks shows off her invention.

Neely Burks shows off her invention.

The collapsed targets

The collapsed targets


9 targets to shoot

9 targets to shoot

The shooting gallery in a box

The shooting gallery in a box


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  • AJ February 24, 2015, 6:08 am

    Nice design. But way too much money for cardboard. I bought a steel automatic resetting target for $15, with 4 steel targets that required cutting, heavy fabrication, welding and painting.

  • AJ February 24, 2015, 6:07 am

    Nice design. But way too much money for cardboard. I bought a steel automatic resetting target for $15, with 4 steel targets that required cutting, heavy fabrication, welding and painting.

  • Big K January 22, 2015, 5:37 pm

    I met Neely Burks at a gun show near Nashville, TN a couple of years ago. This product impressed me then and I’m glad to see she’s getting some traction. My friend and I talked to her about the Ready Range for about 30 minutes and she’s as lovely as her product is innovative. Keeping one of these on hand for impromptu opportunities to shoot fits my needs.

  • BRASS January 21, 2015, 8:06 pm

    This appears to be a cardboard box with cuts for string and printed or self stick targets. One could make this from cardboard with a box cutter and use free targets printed at home from several websites. $29.95 seems pricy unless a few minutes and little work is worth that much to you.

    • Big K January 22, 2015, 5:41 pm

      If you saw it in person, you’d realize that it’s much more than a cardboard box. There’s some really intelligent designing involved and it’s built really well. Sure you and your boxcutter can whip up something to shoot at cheaper, but if you pay yourself minimum wage from start to finish, I bet yours won’t be near as good before you run out of man hours.

  • Aaron January 21, 2015, 12:22 am

    Is anybody editing this shit???

    This review is an insult to the folks trying to get this off the ground! “Right Now Range”? Come on Sam… look at the picture of the product! It is “The Ready Range”.

    Poor Neely…

    • Sam Trisler January 21, 2015, 12:40 am

      The signage at the booth did say “The Ready Range”. However, all of the press information and the website says, “The Right Now Range”. I did not notice the two different names until I was writing the above hours later. I went with what the current information said.

      • Neely Burks January 21, 2015, 11:57 am

        Thanks, Sam! That’s 100% my fault. Tricky timing undergoing a rebrand during a major trade show 🙂 I tried to remember to tell everyone that I met with that we changed the name as of Monday (but not in time to change all the show signage). Thanks again for the great coverage!! We sure do appreciate it.

  • Sam January 20, 2015, 11:55 pm

    Whats going to stop the round

    • Big G January 21, 2015, 8:49 am

      Come on Sam, really! That’s all you can say. This is awesome, can’t wait to get my hands on one, and I’ll be smart enough to not set it up in front of my neighbor’s house!

  • Denise Green January 20, 2015, 3:20 pm

    /very cool invention.

  • Chuck Dodds January 20, 2015, 9:27 am

    I’ve enjoyed reading your outposts. The indoor “Range in a Box” looks like it could save a lot of footsteps! I’m looking forward to trying one out. I’m 77 years old and always looking for the more convient way. Thanks!