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On February 7, 2025, President Donald J. Trump signed an executive order titled “Protecting Second Amendment Rights,” signaling a significant shift in federal firearms policy.
In response, a coalition of 30 Republican senators has sent a letter to Marvin G. Richardson, Deputy Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), urging the agency to align its policies with the executive order and reverse several Biden-era regulations that they describe as unconstitutional.
Table of contents
Targeted Regulations: Rolling Back Biden’s Anti-Gun Agenda
The letter highlights several key regulations that the senators want the ATF to rescind immediately:
1. “Engaged in the Business” Rule
This rule aimed to expand universal background checks, a move the senators argue violates the Gun Control Act. The State of Texas v. ATF case temporarily blocked the ATF from enforcing this rule, as it overreached the law’s original intent.
2. Pistol Brace Rule
The ATF reclassified pistols with stabilizing braces as short-barreled rifles (SBRs), subjecting them to stringent National Firearms Act regulations. This change put millions of law-abiding gun owners at risk of becoming felons overnight.
The rule disproportionately impacts disabled combat veterans, who rely on stabilizing braces to handle heavy pistols. Courts have criticized the rule as “arbitrary and capricious,” and the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas ordered it vacated.
3. “Ghost Gun” Rule
The “ghost gun” rule cracks down on hobbyists building their own firearms—an American tradition that dates back to the Colonial Era. The rule is currently under Supreme Court review, but the senators are pressing the ATF to rescind it immediately.
4. “Zero Tolerance” Policy for FFLs
The ATF’s “zero tolerance” policy led to federal firearm licensees (FFLs) losing their licenses over minor bookkeeping errors. The senators argue this violates a long-standing precedent of the ATF working collaboratively with FFLs to address non-threatening, unintentional violations.
The letter calls for restoring wrongly revoked licenses and ensuring that only willful violations that threaten public safety result in revocation.
Protecting Gun Owners’ Privacy: Destruction of ATF Records
The senators also call on the ATF to destroy hundreds of millions of firearm transaction records (Form 4473) that are over 20 years old. These records hold sensitive information about law-abiding gun owners and offer no significant law enforcement value.
The Biden administration previously prevented FFLs from destroying these records, effectively creating a backdoor gun registry—something expressly forbidden by federal law.
Streamlining the NFA Application Process
The letter also pushes for improving the National Firearms Act (NFA) application process. Despite recent progress, the process remains cumbersome compared to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).
The senators emphasize that “a right delayed is a right denied,” calling for a more efficient and transparent system.
A New Direction for the ATF
The executive order and the senators’ letter mark a clear pivot in federal firearms policy. The ATF is being urged to abandon anti-gun measures and adopt pro-Second Amendment policies that align with Trump’s vision.
While this shift is sure to face legal and political challenges, it signals renewed hope for those of us who felt targeted by Biden’s anti-gun agenda.
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Why are they urging??? Tell them to or else!!
Not even close to being good enough Senators. With all due respect this is bordering on cowardice. The NFA must be recinded in all of its form and the ATF defunded and disbanded. If you think you can limit Constitional rights in one area and pay a tax on the use of a right, then our speech and freedom of assembly can be taxed as well. Get over your fears and return it to the States if it scares you so much.
Thank you.
They were signed by Senators Edward Markey (D-Mass.), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Cory A. Booker (D-N.J.), Christopher S. Murphy (D-Conn.) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.). i want to see the shipper changes made by UPS and FEDEX argued for by these 5 rescinded. bet they never even changed their tarriffs—make it easy for individuals to ship firearms again—make US post office more gun ship friendly also.
Seems to me instead of asking the ATF they should make a law to abide by the 2A. The ATF isn’t suppose to make laws only Congress don’t that! So they should get off their Ass & make a law that doesn’t have to be interpretated by a judge!
DemoKKKRATS have thoroughly weaponized the ATF to the point that its policies REPEATEDLY violate the 2A. The ATF is a relic of Prohibition and needs to be dismantled. Other agencies could effectively enforce its presumed duties free of Leftist political and ideological bias.
good work we need someone to realize guns don’t kill people (people kill people) and if the law doesn’t change we will be all felons because criminals have guns not the legal system.
“…destroy 4473’s that are more than 20 years old…”
Love it.
Still there are states like IL that have been amassing a data base that dates back at least to the “Patriot Act” under GWB/43. The IL Govenor, Blagovich, persuaded AG John Ashcroft to allow the state to collect gun transaction data after 9/11. Jay Bob Pritzker and the ISP now hold that information to use against the citizens. Blagovich now knows what it is like to be targeted by the Soviet style Democrat party and has since reinvented himself but the harm he did remains.
Since the ATF is under the Depart of Justice, and they are under the Administrative Branch, why is letter from the Legislative Branch necessary?
if any agency has been “weaponized” in any way, shape or form it is compromised and needs to be disbanded and no former employee allowed to work for any government agency ever again.
The ATF needs to be disbanded. It’s an organization that is there to destroy the 2nd amendment.
If the Senators REALLY want to “go for the jugular” with regard to the ATF… all they need to do is completely defund/disband the non-relevant, rogue agency. The FBI under Kash Patel can absorb the “Alcohol, Tobacco, and Explosives” responsibilities. NO Federal agency needs to deny lawful citizens their God-given rights.
Defund, fire them all and permanently close the doors.
Well…they sent a letter…wow! I’m sure suppressors will be off the abolished NFA by lunchtime now! And opening machine gun books again by 1500 hrs today. 🙄🙄. How about you send them this….
“BUDGET: $1000.00” Now use that 1000 bucks to pay the janitorial staff to turn off the lights and lock the doors. You’re all fired. THEN we’ll be getting somewhere.
A step in the right direction. The ATF just needs to be abolished. They do not follow the Constitution and they do nothing but harass law abiding citizens.
Congress didn’t need to wait for Trump to block these unconstitutional laws?