Remington’s Got a New 12-Gauge Semi-Auto Firearm and New Shells

in Current Events, Firearms, HUNT365, Industry News, Max Slowik, This Week
Remington's Got a New 12-Gauge Semi-Auto Firearm and New Shells

The new V3 TAC-13 is ready for accessories and can be fit with 3-, 9- and 12-o’clock rails. (Photo: Remington)

Remington is following on the huge success that is the TAC-14 with a semi-auto V3 TAC-13 12-gauge firearm. The compact package weighs just under 6 pounds with a 5-round capacity.

While the NFA, or National Firearms Act, has regulations controlling the sale of short-barreled shotguns, this is legally classified as a non-restricted “firearm” thanks to its bird’s head grip.

It has an overall length of 26.5 inches, a black synthetic grip and forend, and matching black oxide finish on the barrel and receiver. The barrel is 13 inches long with a cylinder bore. Remington doesn’t list the chamber but if it’s like the other V3 shotguns it will chamber up to 3-inch shells.

Other features include two removable Picatinny rail sections at the muzzle for accessories like lights and laser sights as well as a hand strap on the forend for extra control. It has a simple raised, ventilated rib and bead front sight.

Because it’s semi-automatic felt recoil will be lessened. Like full-size V3 shotguns it uses Remington’s self-regulating VersaPort gas system which is built to cycle light field loads and heavy loads including buckshot and slugs without adjustment.

Remington's Got a New 12-Gauge Semi-Auto Firearm and New Shells

It’s hard not to want a 5-shot semi-auto shotgun, no matter what you plan to use it for. (Photo: Remington)

The V3 TAC-13 has a $915 MSRP which is in-line with the other V3 shotguns. The difference is that the TAC-13 can pretty much go anywhere.

See Also: New Custom Competition 1911 from Remington and Travis Tomasie

Remington is also launching their Premier Expander 12- and 20-gauge all-copper slugs for shotgun hunting. These shells are loaded with Barnes expanding hollow point slugs and use sabots for improved accuracy.

Remington's Got a New 12-Gauge Semi-Auto Firearm and New ShellsBoth 12- and 20-gauge slugs are offered in 2.75- and 3-inch shells. The 20-gauge slugs weigh in at 250 grains while the 12-gauge slugs weigh an impressive 438 grains or a full ounce.

The 2.75-inch 12-gauge load pushes slugs at 1,450 feet per second and the magnum a bit faster at 1,550 FPS. That works out to about 2,000 and 2,300 foot-pounds, respectively.

The 20-gauge loads really shine moving at 1,800 and 1,900 FPS depending on the load. In terms of foot-pounds, that’s 1,850 from the 2.75-inch shell and 2,000 from the 3-inch, which put it into 12-gauge performance territory, with less felt recoil.

All in all some cool new stuff from Big Green!

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About the author: Max Slowik is a writer with over a dozen years of experience and is a lifelong shooter. He has unwavering support for the Second Amendment and the human right to self-defense. Like Thomas Paine, he’s a journalist by profession and a propagandist by inclination.

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  • Bill April 10, 2020, 7:24 am

    Are there penetration & accuracy tests on the 3 shells?

  • David December 29, 2018, 2:10 pm

    I’ve been bothering my local gun store for the last 4 months 2 days before Christmas they called and said they’ve been allocated to of the tac-13 I took both of them Flawless out of the box at $815 a piece they better be great for backpacking
    I love being the kid on the block with the coolest newest toys this is a push for me up a few notches

  • David December 29, 2018, 2:08 pm

    I’ve been bothering my local gun store for the last 4 months 2 days before Christmas they called and said they’ve been allocated to of the tac-13 I took both of them Flawless out of the box at $815 a piece they better be great for backpacking
    I love being the kid on the block with the coolest newest toys this is push me up a few notches

  • ejharb October 14, 2018, 8:34 pm

    This I’d load with slugs for bear defense.1oz at 1400fps my way of saying not today yogi.

  • Frank S. October 13, 2018, 10:22 am

    If they would come out with one that would fire mini shells it would be perfect! Price is a bit high though. But then a Mossberg Model 930 Tactical is right at $700, so maybe price isn’t so far out of line for a Remington…

  • Mike Ross October 13, 2018, 1:24 am

    Will it function with mini shells? That would be the hot set-up. Seven or eight round capacity?

  • Scotty Gunn October 12, 2018, 7:53 pm

    $900 plus? You have to be kidding me.

  • FirstStateMark October 12, 2018, 6:04 pm

    Gotta put that little word “TAC” in there. Everybody’s a tactical gunner today. Why doesn’t it come with a SWAT uniform?

  • Peter Brown October 12, 2018, 1:00 pm

    What an incredibly original idea !!

  • Oldjims October 12, 2018, 12:15 pm

    Looks like a good way to get a black eye or a split skull the way he’s holding the piece !

  • Johnny Raygun October 12, 2018, 8:58 am

    Remington is the your dads company. I bought a new versa-max 4 years ago and had to send it back for repairs, before I got to shoot it. The manual stated “take the shotgun apart and clean it before shooting”. Well I tried, but the machining was so poor, the threads on the versa port plugs had chatter marks. I bent the supplied hex wrench trying to remove them. Remington hired an outside gunsmith to do the repairs and all he did was run the plugs in and out until the metal wore off the threads. POC gun and company. This is what happens when the Government allows mega-corporation to consolidate and control the market share. Big Green sucks.

  • Infidel762X51 October 12, 2018, 8:05 am

    It’s time to end the obsolete NFA rules on short barreled rifles and shotguns. It should be obvious to anyone that there are too many ways around them so just eliminate them. Instead add a 10 year minimum mandatory sentence that must be served consecutively for any crime in which a shotgun or rifle with a barrel less than 16″ is carried or used during a crime.

  • Luap October 11, 2018, 8:27 pm

    When is it available?