in Authors, S.H. Blannelberry

WSVN-TV – 7NEWS Miami Ft. Lauderdale News, Weather, Deco

In the wake of proposed budget cuts that would slash the number of law enforcement officers, the head of the Police Benevolent Association for Miami-Dade County said that the public may have to start taking matters into their own hands.

“If the mayor’s not going to provide security, then my recommendation, as an experienced law enforcement officer for nearly 40 years, is either buy yourself an attack dog, put bars on your windows and doors and get yourself some firearms because you’re going to have to protect yourselves. We won’t be able to,” John Rivera, president of the Miami-Dade Police Benevolent Association, told WSVN.

According to the Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez, who proposed the cuts, the county needs to make up a $64 million budget gap. To do so, he needs everyone involved to play ball. But if they refuse, the police force may take a huge hit.

“If we get no concessions whatsoever [from labor unions], then you’re looking at about 250 police officers,” said Gimenez.

About the author: S.H. Blannelberry is the News Editor of GunsAmerica.

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  • Greg July 21, 2014, 8:11 am

    Number one: I don’t think name calling is a convincing argument to change someones mind. That being said, it’s correct that the police only react to crimes that have already been committed. However, they are they ones who see to it that the criminals are locked up after having committed the crime, if the courts do not allow them to roam the streets again. How many times have we seen criminals with a really long rap sheet arrested again and again? How would you feel as an officer having to arrest the same people over and over again because they are released by weak minded liberal judges? Where’s Roy Bean when you need him?
    Number two: I am a firm believer that it is better to have a gun and not need it, than to need it and not have it.
    Number three: It’s great to point out the problem, but who is suggesting an acceptable alternative. Is it better to have no police and be preyed upon by the lawless among us. Or to try to tune up the system we have where I can carry a weapon, but never have to use it? The same people that don’t want me to carry a weapon are the same ones that don’t need to worry about crime in their elite gated communities or security staffed high rises.
    Complex problems for complex times. I believe I would like to go for the easy route. Three strikes and your dead. It sounds cruel on the surface, but tough times call for tough solutions. No more long rap sheets with a longer list of victims. No more excuses for bad behavior. Get it done and move on. Sorry for the miscarriages, it’s for the greater good.

  • Charlie July 18, 2014, 7:33 pm

    I’m not suggesting a return to “the old west” or “Dodge City”……however, I have ALWAYS thought it PRUDENT for the average citizen to have a means of protecting himself/his family/ his property….with WHATEVER he/she feels comfortable with….guard animal, firearm…baseball bat or a tire iron! It matters not what you decide to provide for yourself…and Lord knows we ALL hope it never to be necessary…..however, there ARE BAD people amongst us…to whom the concept of mercy and respect for people are absent. Therefore, it would behoove you to have a means of defending/protecting yourself, should the need EVER arise. Personally, my attitude is simple…if you put me in a situation where I have no option but to defend myself and mine….then you have made the decision for me as what measures I will take…..and I will not feel bad about what is visited upon you… I said, YOU made the decision for me, based on your actions.

    • Greg July 21, 2014, 8:07 am

      Number one: I don’t think name calling is a convincing argument to change someones mind. That being said, it’s correct that the police only react to crimes that have already been committed. However, they are they ones who see to it that the criminals are locked up after having committed the crime, if the courts do not allow them to roam the streets again. How many times have we seen criminals with a really long rap sheet arrested again and again? How would you feel as an officer having to arrest the same people over and over again because they are released by weak minded liberal judges? Where’s Roy Bean when you need him?
      Number two: I am a firm believer that it is better to have a gun and not need it, than to need it and not have it.
      Number three: It’s great to point out the problem, but who is suggesting an acceptable alternative. Is it better to have no police and be preyed upon by the lawless among us. Or to try to tune up the system we have where I can carry a weapon, but never have to use it? The same people that don’t want me to carry a weapon are the same ones that don’t need to worry about crime in their elite gated communities or security staffed high rises.
      Complex problems for complex times. I believe I would like to go for the easy route. Three strikes and your dead. It sounds cruel on the surface, but tough times call for tough solutions. No more long rap sheets with a longer list of victims. No more excuses for bad behavior. Get it done and move on. Sorry for the miscarriages, it’s for the greater good.

    • Greg July 21, 2014, 8:11 am

      Number one: I don’t think name calling is a convincing argument to change someones mind. That being said, it’s correct that the police only react to crimes that have already been committed. However, they are they ones who see to it that the criminals are locked up after having committed the crime, if the courts do not allow them to roam the streets again. How many times have we seen criminals with a really long rap sheet arrested again and again? How would you feel as an officer having to arrest the same people over and over again because they are released by weak minded liberal judges? Where’s Roy Bean when you need him?
      Number two: I am a firm believer that it is better to have a gun and not need it, than to need it and not have it.
      Number three: It’s great to point out the problem, but who is suggesting an acceptable alternative. Is it better to have no police and be preyed upon by the lawless among us. Or to try to tune up the system we have where I can carry a weapon, but never have to use it? The same people that don’t want me to carry a weapon are the same ones that don’t need to worry about crime in their elite gated communities or security staffed high rises.
      Complex problems for complex times. I believe I would like to go for the easy route. Three strikes and your dead. It sounds cruel on the surface, but tough times call for tough solutions. No more long rap sheets with a longer list of victims. No more excuses for bad behavior. Get it done and move on. Sorry for the miscarriages, it’s for the greater good.

  • Ab July 17, 2014, 10:38 pm

    Cops or No Cops, make’s litle difference to someone that will Do the Right thing regardless of the Manipulation, Interpretation of the Assumption of the Law in a Given situation. Someone may be a Friend Of a cop, do and be on the wrong, the Bad cop will manipulate make his report to fit and interpret in favor of his Friend or Interest. And the Innocent will be assumed Guilty.
    Like one day in January 9, 2009
    Marathon FL. After a Homo Deputy and Detective needed to cover for His Secret boyfriend and Pizza delivery Snitch.
    Screwing a Father of 3 Hard working Crhistian Never in trouble with the Law 47 at the time. For this person Makes No Difference after that.
    Cops or No cops NextTime, under the same circumstances
    Shoot First..
    I will Shoot First.

  • William Cooke July 16, 2014, 7:09 am

    When seconds count, the police are only minutes away!

    • Reid July 16, 2014, 4:37 pm

      William, there was a time when I would be behind that statement 100%. But if Miami loses 250 street officers, the police won’t be minutes away, they may never show up at all. “When seconds count, be ready to pull your weapon out.” You heard it here first, and I’m sorry I had to come up with it in the first place.

  • Reid July 15, 2014, 1:31 pm

    Sorry about the double, now triple posts. The typo in post #1; minor, but it’s “you” not “your” at “when you hear.” Forgive the much more serious error in post #2. PLEASE do not “sue” groups like GunsAmerica and the NRA; USE them! Join them! Support them! Get your friends to do the same!

  • Reid July 15, 2014, 12:24 pm

    OK, bottom line time. Complain all you want, but while you’re doing that write a check for $25 and join the NRA. They didn’t pay me to say this. Take a gun safety class or two. Become a responsible gun owner. Be prepared to eliminate the threat should it appear via smashing in your front door. With no one to protect us, we have to protect ourselves, and that includes suing groups like GunsAmerica and the NRA to thwart the fed’s stated objective to confiscate all guns from private citizens.

  • Reid July 15, 2014, 11:39 am

    Feel free to whine, moan, and complain, you Masters of the Obvious. But while you’re doing that, make out a check for a measly $25 and join the NRA. Take some classes and become a responsible gun owner. If your state allows it, get your Concealed Carry License. Empower yourself to be able to eliminate the threat when your hear your front door being kicked in. It’s all perfectly legal (in most states – sit down with a criminal defense lawyer so you know the laws and who to call if you ever need one for doing something that was probably perfectly legal), and will be much more effective than standing there telling the perp what a dirtbag he is while he rapes your wife and kills your kids. Hopefully this message will make you want to learn how to spell, and become, PROACTIVE.

  • dave July 14, 2014, 10:58 pm

    There are a number of things to consider here. I have been a member of a municipal union, which are more akin to company unions of the ’30s than an actual one. This is the fastest growing type of union today; as Willie Sutton stated when asked why he robbed banks, “Because that’s where the money is!” and there is really not a choice about joining.
    They do some advocating for their members, but mostly they are more a rubber stamp; since most public workers are forbidden to strike, they have no real power and are primarily window dressing. If you think union salaries are high, take a look at the bureaucrats and what THEY make per year. Nepotism, political favoritism and graft are rife throughout this city and have been for the 40+ years I’ve lived here and are so convoluted, complicated and ingrained that they are near impossible to eradicate; it’s a tough town and consistently ranks in the Top 10 for murders per capita in the nation. Police act like an occupying army to the point that a judge appointed an overseer to run the department after there had been insufficient response (for 10 years!) to a court order.
    After I worked there for a while I got to know some of the Police Officers and found some quite likable and people I had a great deal of respect for; there were also those that belonged in jail and should have been there. The real problem was that only 2% of them lived in the city, and they put on a stony guise when they went on duty and didn’t take it off when they left for the day. I firmly believe that they feared for their lives and this was how they were ordered and trained to behave. It is NOT helpful.
    Police brass are generally politicians and are firmly on the side of gun control. Street cops (off the record) will mostly recommend that citizens take the time and trouble to arm and train themselves as they know they can only pick up the pieces after the fact.

  • Jones July 14, 2014, 4:27 pm

    My my. What a bunch of vaginal cramps we have on this blog. All of you dumbass white boys would wet you panties if ever one of you had to defend yourselves or your family. And by family I don’t mean your parents who’s basement you live in. You vaginal cramps would have to become men first, actually leave Mom’s basement and talk to a real women before even thinking about having a family. Prefers my posterior. More like preparation H club members!

    • Russ July 21, 2014, 4:15 pm

      You have no idea who your talking to.
      But (WE NOW KNOW) your a clueless and insecure white man hater that fanaticizes with becoming a Homosexual.

  • BRASS July 14, 2014, 3:15 pm

    This is nothing more than extortion by the cops and their union, it’s not even an original ploy. This tactic has been used by police and fire unions for years, but especially now that public employee salary and benefits packages are bankrupting local and state governments. In 2011 the city of North Las Vegas, NV police union put out large road signs on major streets informing the public that due to cuts the cops could no longer protect citizens. It was pure unadulterated and unashamed extortion using the publics fear of being victimized.
    When municipalities, counties and states are technically bankrupt and taxpayers are revolting against more increases public sector unions expose themselves for the corrupt organized crime units they are by resorting to threats and intimidation of those they are sworn to protect.
    Don’t fall for it, check the history of salary and benefits with those departments as well as their current levels and you will likely find facts that will make you madder than hell. There may be some exceptions and I’m not personally not knowledgeable of Miami but they likely are not one of them.

    • Alzononaz December 2, 2016, 7:59 am

      Absolutely correct – “…unadulterated and unashamed extortion using the publics fear of being victimized.”
      Citizens of mettle quietly prepare… they keep their chin up and their powder dry… until, God forbid, they must act.
      A patriot doesn’t advertise, they exercise critical thinking… on guard against complacency or being lulled into a false sense of security.
      I prefer possessing a locked and loaded battle rifle hanging over my hearth, gathering dust so to speak, than any alternative one can offer a free-born human being.

  • 44 mag July 14, 2014, 2:45 pm

    He is merely stating the obvious. I don’t count on the local police for protection. EVERY home should have a firearm for protection. When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

    • Russ July 14, 2014, 4:55 pm

      +1 what 44 mag said

  • goldstar1963 July 14, 2014, 2:43 pm

    The cops get to the crime scene as soon as possible so that they can take statements and fill out their reports. If they feel that by making an arrest while at the scene will help them look good, then someone is going to jail. They earn their living on arrests, not convictions, and they love going to court and earning overtime. They get paid a 4 hr. minimum for a court appearance. Yes, arm yourself to deal with the criminals that want to do you harm, and then survive long enough till the police show up to write his report. Cops, what a JOKE!

  • Lopaka Kanaka July 14, 2014, 2:26 pm

    All law inforcement agency in this country man power is very low and can not respond to ever event that takes place in your home town and it is up to ever citizen to arm yourself with guns to protect your family and yourself. It takes my local sheriff 20 minutes or more to help anyone out in this county that call 911 for help. As you can see you can shoot the criminal that plan to harm you or your family in less then the time it takes for law inforcement to arrive to help anyone calling for there assissance. My advice to all cocerned is buy the hell out of every gun you can purchase and stock yourself with enough ammunition to start a war with all criminals in this country. My Sheriff Chief said buy all you can so you don’t run out before they stop anyone from purchasing guns and ammunition in this USA. Congress, and State goverment can pass all the laws they want on gun control, and ammunition but try and stop us in this country. We are ove 200,000,000 strong and ready to fight for our 2nd Ammenment “Right to Bear Arms” Come and get it if you can stop us all in the USA.

    • Stuart August 10, 2015, 6:42 am

      I find it funny when someone says the police need more manpower, when i drive the highways and i see them sitting on the side of the highways, every couple miles looking for speeders?? so they can search their vehicles. There are way too many police in this country already, stop with this need more people bs…its already a police state.

  • Russ July 14, 2014, 2:06 pm

    I like cops in general.
    But they are people, so you get good and bad.
    The one’s that break their oath and come for your guns will be the bad guys.
    I like one thing the Chief said; “get yourself some firearms”
    The rest may have been directed to the clueless and misinformed.
    I like it because gun/ammo sales will boost the economy and make up for cuts.
    Family 1st, take care.

    • Russ July 14, 2014, 2:12 pm

      Sorry, for misspeaking -> Head of the Police Benevolent Association/ Not Chief.

  • July 14, 2014, 1:15 pm

    The average response time for cops who are fully staffed and funded is over 11 minutes while violent crimes are committed in a few seconds so, when is his advice to protect ourselves somehow more true now that they aren’t staffed and funded?? Right, it’s not.

  • Vega51 July 14, 2014, 12:29 pm

    Do the police really think it’s their job to “protect the people”? Seriously? Any attack that happens is over well before the police get a call. If you think the police is your only defense you are dead already.

  • Dennis B July 14, 2014, 11:01 am

    As a long time union member during my working years I recall a time when our local was working to organize a county sherrffs department in western Nebraska. Our Local President made the comment at a meeting that cops are the biggest whinners he had ever tried to work with. Seems that they tend to be mostly concerned with ole number 1.

  • Dennis B July 14, 2014, 10:46 am

    As a long time union member during my working years I recall a time when our local was working to organize a county sherrifs department in western Nebraska, Our Local President made the comment at a meeting that cops are the biggest whinners he had ever tried to work with. Seems that they tend to be mostly concerned with ole number 1.

  • Mike July 14, 2014, 10:08 am

    This is a propaganda BS news story about government refusing to raise taxes and the union representing the Miami Dade police, nothing more! And btw, that “40 year cop” is a freaking union boss for the Police Benevolent Association, not a police chief.

    When did we lose our [collective] ability for critical thought?

  • Mike July 14, 2014, 10:07 am

    This is a propaganda BS news story about government refusing to raise taxes and the union representing the Miami Dade police, nothing more!

    And btw, that “40 year cop” is a freaking union boss for the Police Benevolent Association, not a police chief.

  • michael c. July 14, 2014, 10:04 am

    I witnessed the Police Brutality At FTTA In Miami November 18-20, 2003. Pigs out of a job? Good riddance! Go find real work, you donut sucking, bull horn, yo yo, pot bellied, jerks.

    • Jaime July 14, 2014, 12:21 pm

      You said what I wanted to say, just much more concisely!

  • bill July 14, 2014, 8:04 am

    Labor unions? In police work? What could go wrong.

    • Harry July 14, 2014, 11:48 am


  • Jaime July 14, 2014, 8:04 am

    I saw the Miami police in action -up close and person during the FTTA meeting November 2003. I saw them unleash their arsenal of riot control gear on a an absolute perfectly peaceful demonstration. I saw their unchecked Police Brutality in full motion, Listen, every American should be armed and properly trained in order to effectively avoid being a victim – (balance of power is the only way) – because the police do not provide protection unless you hire them to monitor your event or Supermarket, or what have you. Otherwise, they are there to investigate crimes already committed and to look for the perpetrator who already initiated your home invasion and terrorized your family or who broke into your car or stole it, etc. Please, 40 years experience in law enforcement and you’re trying to sell your fellow Americans on police protection? I think you need to go back to tasing restrained Americans if you’re going to try to sell us a bill of goods. Less police equals longer response time to a crime committed, but the upside is fewer incidences of police brutality, which I witnessed I found utterly disgusting. FTTA:

    • Jaime July 14, 2014, 12:23 pm

      Sorry about all the typos – I was in a huge hurry and didn’t have time to proof!

  • Mark Shean July 14, 2014, 7:33 am

    This is simple grandstanding on the chiefs part. The police have a tough job but part of that job is not to sit at the foot of your bed all night and guard you. When something happens you have always been on your own, the police are the ‘clean-up’ crew, they come after the fact. People should have been armed long before the ‘message’ from this chief, or any other chief.

    • matt July 15, 2014, 3:03 am


  • TeXan1111 July 14, 2014, 7:04 am

    one officer doesnt quite mean the police dept

  • Bucky July 14, 2014, 4:40 am

    Having more police does not mean more law and order. Some police are the problem. Some think that they are above the law and are the law-breakers and troublemakers.

    • oldfuzz695 July 14, 2014, 8:26 am

      Always a cop hater raises his ugly head. Stay in Miami. Don’t be a halfbacker and join the rest of us. You belong in that disgusting Yankee state!

      • Dan July 14, 2014, 9:41 am

        Except that Bucky is right. Now that their jobs are on the line they support the right to keep and bear arms, or attack dogs I guess (take a wild guess how much one of those costs everyone). Cops are out of control and turning into para-military civil rights abusers not acting like “peace officers” as they should be. And again, police have fought in court and WON the cases that they have NO duty to protect you. I love law enforcement, and have several law enforcement friends that are righteous guys and gals, but the ones requesting MRAPS and full auto weapons to knock down doors on pot raids while saying I don’t have a right to carry a gun during an evacuation (Florida Sherrifs Association scum bags) scare the hell out of me!

        • DR-T July 21, 2014, 3:25 pm

          You got that right,, I over heard cops at a match bitching that they missed their chance to blow someone away because they were on vacation when somthing went down.( VA Beach police) Best excuse they always use, I jumped infront of the car and they almost hit me!!! so I machine gunned them and then reloaded and enmptied the next mag.

      • Juneko M July 14, 2014, 9:59 am

        As opposed to you being a cop boot-licker. Just crawl on back to your precious donut shop, and kiss your fat ass pig’s butts. That’s the disgusting state you belong in. Our Republic WILL out live you freedom hating jerks. Count on it!

    • sc July 21, 2014, 12:45 pm

      The right to defend yourself is YOUR responsibility. Do not expect anyone to save your life unless you are willing to do it yourself by taking lethal action.