Now Is The Time To Buy American Made

in News Wire, This Week
Now Is The Time To Buy American Made
Henry Repeating Arms is reminding everyone to buy American-made products. (Photo: HenryUSA)

By Dan Clayton-Luce, Communications Director, Henry Repeating Arms

With the motto, “Made in America, Or Not Made At All,” it’s no secret that we are huge proponents of putting Americans to work making American products. From the genuine American Walnut, to the gun barrel quality steel, to the hardened brass receivers, we have made a commitment from Day 1 to assemble our rifles and shotguns using domestic materials and craftsmanship. We’re not alone in this either. While not the majority, there are plenty of manufacturers, big and small, that have made a similar commitment to keeping their production on U.S. soil.

It is also no secret that the situation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic has affected all of us. But if we stick together, we can get through this.

Chances are that you plan on purchasing something soon. It could be a block of cheddar cheese, a new car, or the lever-action rifle in .45 Colt that you have had your eye on. No matter what that purchase might be, you have a choice to make before spending your hard-earned money. Before you pull out your wallet or click that Checkout button, consider where the product is made and who benefits from your show of monetary support. Is it American made? If so, you are choosing to support American manufacturers in a time when that support is needed most, and on behalf of all American manufacturers, we can’t thank you enough.

We went back through our video archives to dig up this bit of gold, which now seems more appropriate than ever and sums it all up quite nicely.

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  • Godfrey Washington May 8, 2020, 9:20 pm

    I buy whoever builds they best product suited to my needs. For to long I’ve been told to support “American” while being thrown under the bus by America. My money goes to who supports me in my fight.

  • James Lee May 8, 2020, 11:02 am

    While talking about “Buy American,” how about use American. I suggest we stop using companies with phone centers in India.

    Secondly create American jobs by stopping your electronic bill paying. Every time you mail a check you provide jobs in the post office including mail carriers, mail handlers, trucking companies, and airlines. You also provide jobs on the receiving end for people to process checks and in the banking industry. I am sure there are more jobs that I have not mentioned. Use American. Thanks for reading.

  • Rob May 8, 2020, 8:30 am

    Unfortunately, there are too many idiots in America who buy junk like toyotas and think its better quality or think they’re being patriotic by buying them just because there is a manufacturing plant in the U.S.

    • Hendrik Joseph Haan May 8, 2020, 10:01 am

      1) Toyota is Japanese. They are civilized and don’t eat dogs and cats. 2) Toyota’s best sellers are made here. 3) Toyota is better because American car companies have most of the content made elsewhere. 4) Supporting the UAW union thugs isn’t patriotic, but foolish. They support the Dems who want to take our guns away.

      • Michael Fassari May 8, 2020, 11:58 am

        All of the car manufactures are multi-national corporations. Some have manufacturing facilities in the US and some are assembled overseas. All cars manufactured in the US utilize parts manufactured overseas. Sadly, when you purchase a car today, none can claim they are 100% manufactured in the US. Some of the traditional US Big 3 (Ford, GM and Chrysler) models are manufactured in Canada or Mexico while most of the popular ‘Foreign’ models are assembled in the US. Gone are the days of ‘Made in the USA’ as far as cars and trucks are concerned.

        • Nathan May 8, 2020, 1:37 pm

          Indeed! Watch a few Car Wizard Videos in which models to buy from which manufacturers. All manufacturers have models to stay far away from, but there’s a common theme. Ford, Honda, and Toyota have the least problems. There’s a reason Ford has stopped manufacturing cars, except for the Mustang. The Mustang is terrific and selling like crazy overseas since it’s global release in 2015, and most of there trucks are great. Just watch those oil changes on the 5.3L V8’s! Should we be buying American products? Absolutely! Now is also a time to strengthen our relationships with our Allies like Japan and Germany. Avoid Chinese products to the best of our ability. When not an option, buy from our allies. Stay safe and sane!

  • me May 8, 2020, 7:56 am

    I wrote Filson out of Seattle last week to ask them to stop making clothes in China. They used to be 100% American made. They seemed a bit put out that I would suggest they do such a thing. I have several of their clothing items, but quit buying years ago when they went to China. I can buy quality American made products for less than Filson charges.

    • Chris May 9, 2020, 5:37 pm

      Filson is way over priced.

  • Charles Beall May 8, 2020, 6:16 am

    NOW is the time for American companies to BUILD their products in America, instead of wrapping themselves up in Ole Glory, then having the Chi-Coms build for them.

    • Boss May 8, 2020, 12:06 pm

      Proly bought chicom made American Flag too.

      • Nathan May 8, 2020, 1:39 pm

        Oh, the irony. 🤪