Although more visible to the human eye than red lasers, green lasers use more power and generate more heat. Until now, that is. LaserMax, specializing in industrial and scientific lasers, has developed a solid state green laser based on those used in micro recorders. It’s a case of one consumer industry generating sufficient sales to bring the cost of the technology down for other uses. The new solid state green laser uses less energy to produce a brighter light that is even more visible to the human eye than the old pumped green lasers. An added benefit is that battery life is now on a par with that of red lasers. LaserMax calls the new technology Native Green. Guide rod lasers are completely inside the gun so they don’t change your holster fit. There’s no sighting-in required either; just install them in place of your existing guide rod. LaserMax patented guide rod lasers 20 years ago and it’s still the only company that makes them. Prices for the New Native Green guide rod laser sights run from $349 to $449, depending on gun make and model.

I just purchased your sight for my Glock 17 I wish I would of known about this before Saturday I guess the Gkock distributor wants to sell out of what he had on hand I feel I was taken advantage of this Glock dealed travels to all suncoast gun shows Im in florida Can I update to your green sight? let me know
Thanks Bill