Mossberg 20% Recoil Reduction Technology – SHOT Show 2013

in SHOT Show 2013
Mossberg 20% Recoil Reduction Technology - SHOT Show 2013
Mossberg 20% Recoil Reduction Technology - SHOT Show 2013
Mossberg unveiled a new line of recoil management guns using Mathews Harmonic Damper Technology. There are going to be seven guns in all right now.

Mossberg 20% Recoil Reduction Technology - SHOT Show 2013
Said to reduce recoil by 20%, this is significant in a fixed breech shotgun.

Mossberg 20% Recoil Reduction Technology - SHOT Show 2013
This is the whosawhatsit in the stock. It will be available in both hunting and tactical models.

Mossberg & Sons

Any fan of Mossberg pump guns will tell you, they are the greatest guns on the planet, except that they kick like a mule. When you try the 3″ and 3 1/2″ guns, meant for turkey and waterfowl, the effects can be downright punishing, and I have seen even 2 3/4″ buckshot send a 6 foot 3 inch grown man stumbling backwards. Granted, you can wield a Mossberg 500/590, or even the 835 effectively in both hunting and tactical situations, but you are going to know that you shot the gun. When someone says “eh, that .50 cal. doesn’t kick anymore than a 12 gauge,” keep in mind they are probably talking about a Mossberg pump gun. But hold the bus, Mossberg has a new product line they seem to be testing in the market that is a “harmonic damper,” built right into the stock of their iconic working man’s shotguns.

The system is made by a company called Mathews, which specializes in bows, as in bow and arrows. Somehow this company developed a “push back” technology that seems to work on something of a gyroscope methodology, turning the recoil on itself to push backwards. We are eager to get one of these guns to try, so for now all we can tell you is that there are going to be 7 introductory models, and all of them, including the tactical, will have a special stock with the recoil whosawhatsit and a special adjustable comb. The firearms community doesn’t take easily to new concepts, but it looks like Mossberg has a lot of hope for this new system, and it could revolutionize what we think of as a fixed amount of recoil in fixed breech (ie. pump and over/under and sxs) shotguns. They have a new recoil pad with this system as well, so it will be interesting to see the end result, which is hopefully the opposite of a purple and yellow shoulder after a day of shooting. Everyone’s favorite shotgun is learning some new tricks this year, comfortable ones, 100% made in the USA. There are pages in the new Mossberg catalog dedicated to these guns, so they appear to be for real, but no MSRP or availability information was available.

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  • Zachrey Unrue November 28, 2018, 5:02 am

    I’ve shot .12ga at 1000’s of clays in single sittings and the same for target practice using 3.5 magnum loads anyone complaining about their recoil would have to be made of jello. I’ve never understood that “kicks like a mule” bs that comes from so many about shotguns, they’ve never felt any worse than sitting down with my childhood gun (semi-auto .30-06) and enjoying some range time. Or maybe it’s just for arthritics.

  • Michael Valentine April 13, 2015, 9:43 pm

    I won one at a turkey federation fund raiser. Shot it today for the first time with Winchester long beard 3 1/2″ shells. I cannot tell you that it does not work because I have never fired one without the magna port, overbore barrel and Mathews harmonic damper. But I can tell you that it kicks like a Missouri mule with 5’s or 6’s and it is hard for me to believe that it could be reducing anything. I like the gun and will keep it but not because of any of the “special features”.

  • Betsy February 7, 2015, 1:17 am

    Bought the Mossberg 500 with the recoil damper. It’s visible on the stock.

  • GrandpaLarry July 23, 2013, 7:02 pm

    Administrator. I also thank you for responding to the naysayers but I do have one question. In the last picture where you state “This is the whosawhatsit in the stock” will that round object not be visible in the ‘real’ shotguns? In other words are the shotguns shown only illustrating what the recoil reducer looks like for demo purposes and on the actual guns we would purchase it will be concealed in the stock?


    • Administrator July 28, 2013, 3:55 pm

      Still haven’t seen one in the market so have no idea.

  • AK July 15, 2013, 10:39 am

    KUDOS to the Administrator for keeping the negative nancys in check. How can you complain and rip apart a new product you know next to nothing about? Sure I have my doubts as well, but would jump at the chance to try one for myself. That way when I talk about it (good or bad) I dont look like a phukin douche!(you know who you are) Any new products and advancements in this industry that we all love is a good thing.

  • Bob March 3, 2013, 10:27 am

    Go with the Edwards Recoil Reducer. Its been on the market since the 70s, it works along the same principal as the M-16 buffer/spring assembly. It is discrete, effective and doesn’t look like this…this…I don’t know what to call it. But this looks cheap and I for one would not buy a firearm with something like that monstrosity on it. I own two shotguns, a Remington and a Mossberg, I like them both but I wouldn’t have bought either with this device on it.
    Sorry Mossberg .

    • Administrator March 3, 2013, 12:05 pm

      It doesnt’ appear to be any different outwardly than a regular stock. You sound like someone who just wants to sound smart so you can congradulate yourself.

  • tony February 4, 2013, 7:53 pm

    your complaining about the recoil of a shotgun? I just bought my first 835 and was surprized how easy it was, after shooting 3″ for a couple hours. Was that a lil girl writing about the mosberg?

  • Richard January 30, 2013, 8:40 pm

    I can see this on magnum powered rifles and shot guns that can take 3-31/2″ shells.

  • George L. January 30, 2013, 7:45 pm

    It will be a great thing, IF they can make it work.

  • Unlicensed Dremel January 30, 2013, 6:30 pm

    So sick of gimmicky crap…. There ain’t no way that a bow vibration dampener will reduce recoil, when the solid parts of the stock go around it on both sides, and as a ya know, SOLID, transfer all of the recoil energy to the back like normal. “Vibration dampener” /=/ “recoil reducer”, get it? Basic physics. Not worth a squirt of warm urine. Jiminy christmas; this is what it’s come to now?

    • Administrator January 30, 2013, 6:33 pm

      Don’t you ever get tired of making negative and moronish comments here? Maybe you should give up guns and do model airplanes or something?

    • Zachrey Unrue November 28, 2018, 5:08 am

      It will definitely reduce recoil as the SOLID stock you pointed out ends up transferring a portion of its energy into the sprung load but they would have been done much better with a long heavy suspended or liquid mercury load running in parallel to the bore.