A Modern Lever-Action Scattergun? The Adler Arms A 110 – SHOT Show 2017

in Authors, Gun Reviews, Jon Hodoway, SHOT Show 2017, Shotguns
A Modern Lever-Action Scattergun? The Adler Arms A 110 – SHOT Show 2017

The author found the intriguing Adler Arms A 110 lever-action shotguns at the show, including this fascinating “shorty” model. Image courtesy of manufacturer.

For more information, visit https://adlerarms.com/en/.


Sometimes you just must stop and go, “Have I seen everything?” As I got a chance to look at Adler Arms at SHOT Show 2017, I realized that they were not another me-too company. They had shotguns for hunting, sporting and tactical purposes. This included various schemes of Cerakote, wood and all manner of bolt-on products and accessories. You could pick any length barrel you wanted from 10 to to 28 inches.

A Modern Lever-Action Scattergun? The Adler Arms A 110 – SHOT Show 2017

The A 110 is offered in a broad range of models, up to field models like the one shown here. Image courtesy of manufacturer.

These model A 110 guns have one thing in common—they are all lever actions! I sat down in the booth and began to work over the shotguns to work this out. As I did I could only come up with one conclusion — the lever action could have some advantages over a standard pump action shotgun.

The movement of the lever is shorter than that of a typical pump shotgun. The movement is not as dependent on the shooter having sufficient reach to get the full stroke on the gun. The movement of the action is also controlled by the firing hand as opposed to the support hand. Well, what do these differences mean? They could mean a faster cycle, options for people with size or range of movement issues that a pump will not accommodate.

A Modern Lever-Action Scattergun? The Adler Arms A 110 – SHOT Show 2017

The heart of the A 110 is the lever-action system of operation.


  • Chambering: 12 Ga. 2.75″ & 3″
  • Action: Short stroke lever for fast operation
  • Finish: Hard chrome bore and chamber
  • Sights: Lightweight alloy receiver with 3/8″ dovetail for optics
  • Stock: Varied, with ventilated recoil pad
  • Weight: 7 pounds


All in all, I found the A 110 shotguns really interesting. Then, I found the must-have gun of the booth for me: It was a wood pistol-gripped shotgun with a 10” barrel. I could not get a definitive answer as to this being a “gun” versus an NFA weapon, so we will have to see on this one as this develops and call it a “to be declared.”

A Modern Lever-Action Scattergun? The Adler Arms A 110 – SHOT Show 2017

Adler Arms had a wdie range of A 110 models on display at the show.


There is some buzz around the industry regarding the importation deal on these, but we will have to wait a bit longer to find out the whole story at this point. Keep an eye out here for more information and a full review when they become available.

For more information, visit https://adlerarms.com/en/.

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  • Brad66 June 4, 2018, 6:39 pm


  • Alan March 9, 2017, 12:05 am

    This one is definitely on my last to buy list!

  • Joe McHugh March 7, 2017, 9:01 pm

    Sorry, this thing looks like somebody’s nightmare. I guess I’m too used to pump actions.

  • Bad Penguin March 6, 2017, 2:59 pm

    These things are illegal in Australia because they are classified as a self loading weapon. Stupid law. And sadly that top shotgun probably is illegal to own but falls in the same category as a Mares Leg rifle. Great backpacking weapons and very reliable.

    • Static Band November 13, 2018, 2:21 pm

      No they are not, that is fake news. It and all lever actions shotguns are Cat B weapons, available on a rec hunting licence.

  • fritz bousigschouer March 6, 2017, 1:36 pm

    some will sure buy that in usa as well, say in austria where the pump action system is complete banned such a lever action 12 ga modern shotgun could be selling really well in the current dangerous situation there and many places in europe. since it is made in turkey the price should not be to bad either. but for me i stick with pump action for now.

  • Oscar Morales March 6, 2017, 12:48 pm

    Don’t knot it until you try it.

    • Dude March 6, 2017, 5:11 pm

      This is stillborn from the start. Cry your tears, take it out back and bury it, it’s going nowhere…

  • Jake March 6, 2017, 12:04 pm

    Pretty neat shotguns. They are just novelties in my opinion but if a guy likes the old 1887 Winchester this might be the ticket. I would still prefer taking a 930 JM Pro with 10 rounds of 3″ mag Buckshot to a gunfight.

    • Ken Reilly June 15, 2017, 7:43 pm

      I totally agree, I live in nys so at the time I wasn’t allowed to own the JM Pro thanks to Mr Cuomo, so I bought the CZ 712 and put a 3 shot Nordic on it along with a oversized charging handle and a truglo sight. I like it’s just as much as my friends JM Pro ( if not more) . That being said I think the Adler would be fun shotgun and a nice piece to own.

  • VA mtn MAN March 6, 2017, 9:15 am

    What in the world were (are) they thinking??? If this was a car, it would be the Edsel. Show someone totally unfamiliar with shotguns this Rube Goldberg against an 870 or 590. Unless they’re smokin’ somthin’ I think the choice is obvious. Can’t imagine this thing in a stress fire situation. I can see the expressions of the machinists and assemblers when marketing laid this one on em’

    • Brian September 12, 2019, 9:33 pm

      I’ve read that these were invented to circumvent Australia cracking down on semi and pump shotguns. Apparently they’re quite popular there and have been found to be good guns.

  • Alan March 6, 2017, 9:04 am

    Pistol grip short shotgun. In a lever action.
    A pump has a very distinct advantage in it’s natural motion in this configuration, whereas the lever has a very distinct DISadvantage it the fact one must let go the grip to reload.

    • Rich Z. March 6, 2017, 3:19 pm

      All you detractors of the efficacy of a lever-action shotgun should visit a Cowboy Action Shooting match some time, and watch the people using 1887’s and replicas thereof. No problem at all keeping the gun up and pointed at the targets while levering in a new shell. And fast!

      • Alan March 7, 2017, 4:17 pm

        Reread my post Rich. PISTOL GRIP SHORTY.
        When you let go the grip to lever the next round, your other hand has to hold the gun up and resist the natural leverage of the reload.
        There is no shoulder anchor point to stabilize as in a regular lever gun.
        I have several levers, and can actuate them without taking my cheek from it’s weld. But with out a stock, I would rather have a pump in a pistol grip. More stable IMO.

  • Jeffrey L. Frischkorn March 6, 2017, 8:18 am

    An interesting piece of, well, questionable need; and more gimmick than anything else for the American shooter… The wood on the shotgun in the top frame is very nice but I cannot help but think that unless a person does a good bit of practicing with the tool that the individual will drop/lower the shotgun in order to cycle the action… Contrast that with even a slide/pump shotgun which pretty much demands that the firearm be kept at the shoulder… I’d certainly like to try one.. But buy one…? Sorry, I seriously doubt it…

  • Infidel7.62 March 6, 2017, 7:36 am

    They have been selling these is Australia for years with a big fight there being over mag capacity.

  • Pseudo March 6, 2017, 5:34 am

    What is that butt ugly thing in red suppose to be? Why must some folks think that guns need to be made to resemble toys. Just more fodder for the antigunners. Yammer at me all you wish, but there are just too many people who do not practice gun safety, teach it to the children, or enforce gun safety in there homes.

    Lastly your video lead in audio is now much better in my opinion.

    Just my nickel! (Twocents)

    • Rich Z. March 6, 2017, 3:22 pm

      As for using the shorty pistol-gripped model, did you ever watch “Josh Randall” using his Mare’s Laig Winchester on TV. Again, no problem using it – and fast! Shooting from the hip takes a lot of practice, though, although at in-the-room home defense ranges of a few feet, it’s not nearly as difficult.

      • Pseudo March 6, 2017, 6:47 pm

        I did not make any comment about the shorty or other configurations. I just stated the red thing is butt ugly.

        As to Josh Randall that was TV, hell he may not actually shot or hit anything. TV editing.