Missouri County Refuses to Work with ATF, Calling the Agency ‘Unconstitutional’

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Current Events, This Week

Have you ever thought that some government agencies, particularly the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives — aka the ATF — are unconstitutional? Or maybe they are overstepping the Constitution and infringing on your Second Amendment rights? 

If yes, you certainly are not alone, and Missouri officials in Camden County will be the first to agree with you. Well, when it comes to providing zoning information, at least.

ATF agents were after the zoning information they needed in order to complete the applications for four people who wanted to open gun stores in Camden County, Missouri.

Camden County presiding commissioner Ike Skelton wrote a letter to the ATF office in Kansas City and cited a 2021 ordinance, the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA), banning county employees from working with the ATF.

“Under the Anti-Commandeering Doctrine, Camden County was the first county in Missouri, and possibly in the country, to pass an ordinance prohibiting any county employee from assisting your unconstitutional agency in violating the rights of our citizens,” Skelton said. 

The letter to the ATF was signed by Skelton and two of his colleagues, along with county attorney Jeff Green, county sheriff Tony Helms, and county treasurer Kendra Hicks, KCUR reported.

“We are in lockstep with this thought process,” Skelton told KCUR. “Any and all federal firearms laws, so-called laws, in my opinion, and many others’ opinion, are unconstitutional.”

The Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) has been very critical of the ATF for a number of years and has repeatedly called out the agency for its infringing habits. FPC’s message is simple: “The ATF is an abusive and oppressive government agency that enforces unconstitutional, anti-gun regulations.”

SEE ALSO: What should a cop do when someone refuses to exit a vehicle?

Regarding the Camden County case, ATF spokesman Jon Ham has said that the agency is trying to help people open gun stores, not take them away. 

“We use that information to put people in business, not to take people out of business,” Ham told KCUR reporters, adding that he had never seen a county refuse to provide such information. 

Currently, federal law requires the ATF to check on local zoning and other laws before granting a Federal Firearms License, according to Ham. The ATF needs to make sure someone isn’t opening a gun store on property zoned for housing.

Last month, a federal judge ruled the law, referred to as SAPA, was unconstitutional and said it violated the standard that federal law trumps state law.

The Missouri statute is an “unconstitutional (violation of) federal law and is designed to be just that,” U.S. District Judge Brian C. Wimes wrote. “SAPA exposes citizens to greater harm by interfering with the Federal Government’s ability to enforce lawfully enacted firearm regulations designed by Congress for the purpose of protecting citizens with the limits of the Constitution.”

For now, the law is still in effect while the state appeals Judge Wimes’ decision.


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  • JonsOn April 17, 2023, 3:04 pm

    Isn’t the ATF antithetical to the 2nd amendment? What part of “Shall not be infringed” does the AFT and the person who created it not get?

  • John Taylor April 17, 2023, 1:54 pm

    God bless America! – God bless or infinitely wise founders, and those who wish to preserve FREEDOM!

  • FJB April 16, 2023, 2:01 am

    “i cant say what i want to say” but when the government no longer is for the people and by the people, they in fact should be abolished and top tier management put in prison for life

  • citizen April 14, 2023, 12:18 pm


  • Big Al 45 April 14, 2023, 11:48 am

    Well, ever see an ATF ‘Agent’ with a jacket that says ‘Police” on it??
    That IS unconstitutional, a FEDERAL police agency, in defiance of the Tenth Amendment.
    The ATF was intended as a REGULATORY office, NOT a police agency.
    They have well superseded their authority, but our elected Reps don’t care.

  • Hondo April 14, 2023, 7:58 am

    Good F The ATF!, let’s do away with these rogue alphabet agency’s. Time to stop trampling on our constitution.