Mega-Capacity Shotgun Systems & New Gear from X Rail – SHOT Show 2017

in Authors, Clay Martin, SHOT Show 2017

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To purchase an X Rail on, click this link:


The X Rail crew are some old friends, and I was happy to catch up with them at SHOT Show. The original X Rail changed the way people thought about shotguns for competitive ventures, and the became the go-to, must-have shotgun add-on for open class shooters. Essentially a rotating drum magazine that goes on the end of your shotgun, it upped capacity to 22+1 with 2¾-inch shells. Mark told me he also made a special run of 3½-inch shell models for the local goose hunting crowd.

New for 2017

New for this year, X Rail has teamed up to create a new competition bag for your 3-Gun kit. Most bags on the market won’t support a 12-round tube extension, which is pretty much the normal now. Mark has stepped in to help correct this problem. Rather than having a sleeve that sticks out the side of the case, and offers almost zero protection for your race gun, this new options is actually big enough to put it inside. Plenty of padding is used to separate your rifle from your shotgun, and keep both safe. Add to that generous pockets for magazines, bullets, and spare parts, and this is sure to be a success among the 3-Gun crowd, or with anyone else that needs to carry two long guns.

Mega-Capacity Shotgun Systems & New Gear from X Rail – SHOT Show 2017For more information, visit

To purchase an X Rail on, click this link:

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  • Shawn April 7, 2017, 4:56 pm

    Come to ontario canada 3 1/3 for geese and ducks. But only 3 shells.

  • Archangel March 14, 2017, 10:05 pm

    How about a kit to make shooting those aguila short shotgun shells?
    Increase the capacity and the gun is no bigger!

  • Charlie BROWN March 14, 2017, 9:16 pm

    Ya know the lefties just love when we disagree with one another, as I often see on this sight and all others.This new technology has completely split not the country, every one foe themselves. Hey folks we MUST be tolerant with our little 5 yr. old disagreements and be liberal (the old meaning) toward one and other or I can give you this guarantee, the enemy will prevail.I know a lot of you have been in the military,and that is one fact that always stuck with me, cover your mates back.

  • Darryl March 14, 2017, 12:46 am

    i don’t think heard him once has how the monster shell holder worked? not that i would get one anyway because who wants to carry that much Wt. at the end of a barrel at least i don’t. all i heard was I, I, I and me, me, me and all the stuff we have and make nothing about how it works. plus needed more and better pics of the shotgun. you are trying to see this stuff right and you should want to show it off and how it works. to me this kind of stuff is for people that have extra $$$ to burn and don’t need it for anything else. my 2 vents and it don’t mean nothing.

  • awesome bill from dawsonville March 13, 2017, 9:11 pm

    For all the doubters, late season snow goose has no round or bag limits.

  • Edward D Ireland March 13, 2017, 11:51 am

    Hunting? Really this is what you think the intended application of this tool is? Looks like a serious competition powerhouse. I would surely love to have one.

  • Will Drider March 10, 2017, 4:08 pm

    Wisconsin Waterfoul hunting regs limit shotgun maximum capacity to three shells. Sombody is blowing smoke. Lol