Mega Arms Compact Frame .308 AR – SHOT Show 2017

in Authors, Clay Martin, SHOT Show 2017

Make sure to visit the Mega Arms website for more information.


Mega Arms Compact Frame .308 AR - SHOT Show 2017

The SF Maten .308 weighs just 7.4 pounds!

Mega Arms teased us with a small frame .308 last year known as the SF-Maten .308. This year they promise it is coming to a store near you.

What is the big deal with a small frame? The weight man, the weight! This .308 rifle with 16-inch barrel configuration weighs just 7.4 pounds!

How did they do that? Magic mostly. Truth is, I have no idea. But I want to find out. Every extra ounce seems to have been removed from this rifle.  Yet, it still feels sturdy.


  • Weight: 7.4 pounds
  • Barrel Length: 16 inches
  • Caliber: .308
  • MSRP: $3,200


The other great advantage with a small frame .308 is that 70 percent of the parts are interchangeable with its AR-15 counterpart.

The AR-10/SR-25/.308 AR market has always been a cluster of epic proportions because there is no standard. An AR-15/ M-16 is a military weapon, which means standard sizes. The M-110/ SR-25 wasn’t adopted until much later in the game, which meant the .308 market was the Wild Wild West. You want that in DPMS pattern or Armalite?

Well, this small frame .308 from Mega Arms should solve most of those standardization problems.


Mega Arms Compact Frame .308 AR - SHOT Show 2017

Chambered in .308.



Mega Arms Compact Frame .308 AR - SHOT Show 2017

MSRP is $3.200.


Price and Availability

The MSRP on the SF-Maten .308 is $3,200.  It should be shipping by the end of April.

Make sure to visit the Mega Arms website for more information.

Mega Arms Compact Frame .308 AR - SHOT Show 2017

Also from Mega Arms, a hot seller in the PRS market. The Mega Arms Orias Chassis system for Remington 700 series rifles. This is a really cool chassis, and surprisingly affordable. Sure to be a winner in either short or long action.

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  • John Kenderesi March 9, 2017, 2:12 pm

    I must say that I have shot .308 DPMS rifles and Mega rifles. Both were issued to me as a SWAT sniper. The Mega was superior to the DPMS in every way.

    The support from Mega was far better than any company I have ever worked with. We looked at FN rifles and they wouldn’t even talk to us because of the small amount of rifles we wanted. (32).

    I now own 2 Mega rifles personally and would not consider another brand. While in the Army I shot FN and Colt. Don’t even compare to the Mega.

    $3200 is a chunk of change I do admit. The regular MATEN is quite reasonable.

    Just my 2 cents.

  • Jon March 4, 2017, 10:48 am

    The MINDLESS HYPE on GunsAmerica knows no shame.

    The propagandist blurps, “Well, this small frame .308 from Mega Arms should solve most of those standardization problems.”

    How does it solve it? The implication is for STUPIDS to buy this prohibitively expensive, unproven toy concept, and give it all of your existing and proven market options to the Armalite, DPMS, or DPMS G2/Rem R25 platforms, and lock yourself into their standards that have ZERO aftermarket parts and options related to their proprietary design (30%) of the rifle.

    BTW, the DPMS G2/Rem R25 design has been on the market for the past few years, It has a steady growing track record of accuracy, durability, and reliability as owners attest and YouTubers report. The base models weigh 7.25 lbs and it is competively priced in the marketplace with some models being offered under $1,000 on some internet sites. Occasionally, Remington (who now owns DPMS) offers a nice sized rebates when buying a DPMS/DPMS G2 rifle.

  • Mike Watkins March 3, 2017, 2:25 pm

    Interchangeability might have some importance, but really, are most of us constantly trying new barrels, new hand guards, new stocks, new bolt carrier groups?

    Not really. We look at what’s available that fits our platform, decide on the item we like best, and from there on we don’t change a lot.

    For me weight is also a non-issue. A couple more pounds just helps soak up recoil. But I do recognize that smaller persons might be more affected by a couple of pounds than me.

    And as others have mentioned, price on this Mega is way out of line for most of us. Guess this AR is for the guy who owns a Jaguar rather than a Mustang.

  • George York March 3, 2017, 2:18 pm

    What is the Rpm at Musial the distend or fringe rang for a acrid’s and rpm at 250 yard , of a 308

  • TJ Reeder March 3, 2017, 11:41 am

    Anymore before I read the hype for the latest Blowchester I scroll down to see the MSRP… And then I stop reading. A $3200.00 AR 10? never for me.

  • Dan March 3, 2017, 9:50 am

    Let’s help standardize the .308 AR market, by introducing a 4th model….. Now when you ask for a .308 AR, you will have to specify Armalite, DPMS, DPMS g2, or mega SF?

    Let’s cure cancer by giving everyone cancer too….


  • Ari March 3, 2017, 9:34 am

    How does it compare to the Remington R25 which is also a “small frame ” 308?

  • Will J March 3, 2017, 8:43 am

    How does this compare with the DPMS G2 series of “small-frame” AR .308’s? Anybody?