JPFO: America Has Too Many Homicidal Maniacs, Not Guns!

Just Count The Vicious Criminal Outlaws—


We’re fed “saturation coverage” whenever they explode

It doesn’t matter if they set fires, start wildings, crash cars, poison drugs or murder

It’s already well known that, despite incessant media bleating, there are no more “guns on the streets” of America than hammers, both potentially lethal, both equally available. Decades of so-called “gun control” laws haven’t made a dent in the armed criminal population or crime. We don’t suffer from an excess of weapons—crucial tools to defend lives, homes and freedom—we suffer from an excessive supply of psychopaths on the streets. Why is that? Before background checks and so-called “gun control,” America was very heavily armed, but lacking homicidal maniacs.

Murderers (rarely called that in “news” reports) are valuable to the left, because they can be hyped and misdirected for collateral attacks on our wholesome American right to keep and bear arms. Without murderers running free, demand for gun control would wither and die. “If media reported accurately about guns, gun control would end,” JPFO president Alan Gottlieb has noted.

SEE ALSO: Deputy Unintentionally Shoots Student During ‘Bad Guy’ Drill

FBI statistics, reported and analyzed by numerous experts, show we have a horrible excess of blacks murdering each other, facts mass media obscures. Guns surely aren’t the core issue there. All murder rates are abysmally high. Any murder rate needs to be lowered, but why so many at all? And because the murders are overwhelmingly male against male, women need to be removed from the equation, as extraneous a factor as guns. Females have equal access to non-existent “guns on the street” as men do, but don’t act out. The sexist term “gunman” should be dropped, even though the culprit is more likely testosterone, sometimes called the most dangerous drug on Earth.

Disinformation (deliberately misleading data used to advance an agenda) makes the problem worse. You’ll hear about one lunatic (now from Colorado Springs) for weeks while blacks continue getting murdered every day. Conclusion: Black lives don’t matter. Reporting is beyond unethical.


Support JPFO, speaking truth to power:

“Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, has been educating the public, mass media, and promoting the fact that guns are why America remains free since 1989, when Aaron Zelman, the son of Holocaust survivors took up this torch of freedom. We are shomrim, the watchers, concerned with safety and deterring tyranny. JPFO recognizes that ‘Never again!’ is a verb, requiring active support and available arms. So-called ‘gun control’ doesn’t disarm criminals and doesn’t control criminal behavior. It’s a deceptive effort to disarm the innocent, leaving them helpless in the face of criminals, tyrannical governments and genocide. JPFO speaks with the moral authority and tenacious commitment of survivors of persecution, and knows that surrendering your personal and family safety to government protection invites disaster.”

You don’t have to be Jewish to fight by our side, you just have to love liberty.

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  • Dano November 25, 2022, 2:03 pm

    Talk about a illiterate and racist opinion! There is so much wrong with this I really don’t know where to start. However, what really takes the cake is how the opinion writer, like many who think easy access to guns doesn’t increase gun crime, never offers a single solution to address the problem of crimes using guns, including mass shootings.

  • SuperG November 24, 2022, 9:21 am

    They take away the mental health laws that used to protect us, then shutter the institutions that used to treat the mentally ill, and then they blame the guns. I’m wondering just who is the most crazy.

  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment November 24, 2022, 4:17 am

    Hey if the bad guys are killing each other, I’m all for that! Any collateral damage rests solely on the left and their “advantage criminals” policies.

    • Kb31416 November 25, 2022, 9:51 am

      Your point is well taken. I have minimal interest or sympathy when crip A is shot by GAngster disciple B who in turn is shot by Crip C; rinse, lather and repeat, good riddance, taking out the trash. The problem is all of the indiscriminate shooting and resulting stray rounds that end up hitting innocent people.
      It would probably improve safety if the criminals were given some formal firearms training, instruction and target practice. Then there wouldn’t be so many innocent bystanders caught in the crossfire by their stray rounds

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