Clay Shoots the Hudson H9 1911/Glock Hybrid – First Impressions – SHOT Show 2017

in Clay Martin, Current Events, Industry News, SHOT Show 2017

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It seems like at least every other year a company says they have the new thing in handguns. The new “different” design that’s a “game-changing” or “rule-breaking: “___-killer” that “improves on the already perfect.” Most of the time that’s a load of utter horseshit. I have already loudly and vocally denounced two of the major new “revolutionary” polymer guns for the tripe they are.

That said, for once, Hudson may have actually shifted the dynamic. I only got to shoot two magazines’ worth of ammunition, but this gun may actually live up to its hype.

Hudson is a relatively new company, and they set out to fill a gap in the handgun market. The last time we really saw a paradigm shift in pistol was the introduction of the original Glock 17.


Clay Shoots the Hudson H9 1911/Glock Hybrid - First Impressions – SHOT Show 2017

The H9! Don’t hate until you shoot it!



Clay Shoots the Hudson H9 1911/Glock Hybrid - First Impressions – SHOT Show 2017

The trigger on the H9 is like a 1911 trigger with a Glock-style passive trigger safety.


The Hudson H9 is not like other handguns. While it is a double-stack, striker-fired wondernine, it’s also a steel-framed handgun with a true single-action trigger that functions like a 1911 trigger — with a Glock-style passive trigger safety.

But that’s just one part of what makes the H9 different. It also has a relocated, lowered recoil assembly and takedown lever. Hudson re-designed these components to move the bore axis as low as possible.

Other nice factory finishes include machined G10 grip panels and a G10 backstrap, checkered to match the frame, and sights by Trijicon.

Clay Shoots the Hudson H9 1911/Glock Hybrid - First Impressions – SHOT Show 2017

A fresh design from the ground up. (Photo: Hudson)


  • Chamber: 9mm Luger
  • Capacity 15+1
  • Length: 7.63 inches
  • Barrel Length: 4.28 inches
  • Height: 5.23 inches
  • Width: 1.24 inches
  • Trigger pull: 4.5 to 5 pounds
  • Trigger travel: .12 inches


Hudson says a lot of nice words about how they built their gun, but I have a simpler description. It looks and feels like a Glock and a 1911 had a love child, named the H9, and it got all the good genetics of both.

The grip and trigger do feel like a 1911, even though the pistol is striker-fired. It has unusual lines but it feels good in the hand. Most of the aesthetic oddities are the direct result of a deliberate plan to lower the bore axis.

The trade-off is that the handgun’s capacity is not as great as others. The H9 has a standard capacity of 15+1 where many other similarly sized handguns hold 17+1.

See Also: Half 1911, Half Glock … the Future of Handguns is Here

But the trigger more than makes up for the loss of two rounds. I need to shoot it more, next to a real 1911, but it feels pretty fantastic at a first glance.

If, like Hudson claims, it also retaines the durability and reliability we expect from striker fired guns these days, they have truly accomplished something. The big pistol companies had better get ready. Right now the Hudson H9 looks very promising.

Clay Shoots the Hudson H9 1911/Glock Hybrid - First Impressions – SHOT Show 2017

Keep advancing, baby!

Pricing and Availability

Hudson hopes to get these guns in people’s hands sometime this year. MSRP is a little high at $1,147 but if this gun can deliver on its promises, then that might not be too bad. It’s clear that the H9 has broken the mold.

Clay Shoots the Hudson H9 1911/Glock Hybrid - First Impressions – SHOT Show 2017

The Hudson H9, left, and Silencerco Maxim 9, right. Two of SHOT Show 2017’s most radical new handguns. (Photo: Hudson/Facebook)

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  • Borg Warner January 30, 2017, 3:44 am

    Striker fired, but is it single action? and if so, Where\’s the thumb safety so it can be carried with a round in the chamber, cocked and locked

  • Alan January 25, 2017, 12:57 pm

    I love the comment Clay, that it “makes up” for the loss of two rounds over other guns.
    I’ve always felt some guns just don’t need that many rounds.

  • UT74 January 21, 2017, 3:13 pm

    I really like the innovation…for something unique as this, I’d pay for it along with a spare mag and be done with it.

  • Roger January 21, 2017, 2:05 pm

    I got a Kimber Pro Hi-cap 1911 .45 with poly frame by Bula. I already get ribbed for that. This is no 1911 IMHO.

  • Glenn January 20, 2017, 3:15 pm

    Good luck to Hudson – I believe they’re going to need it, especially at that price point..’nothing to see here folks, move along, move along’..Lol

    • Dino Brown January 21, 2017, 2:36 pm

      Well I have to see for myself but as for the look I don’t know it’s way too big

  • Tony January 20, 2017, 12:27 am

    I don’t understand why people keep referring to striker fire guns as Glocks.

  • Dom January 19, 2017, 8:58 pm

    Love the innovation! Started by vets, using deployment money. The American dream come true!!! I will support. Price tag? Sigs, run $800-1000, top end 1911’s, $2-3000. So what’s wrong with a $1000-1200 price tag? If it works and is quality, good on them….American owded, American made!!!! Next, skip .40, this in a 10mm and a .45 please!!!

  • Dave Emery January 19, 2017, 6:01 pm

    Thanks Clay. Very interesting pistol. By the way: Price is always relative. Hell, some folks spend $15,000 on a knife and don’t blink. (I’ll stick with my $300 Raker BOB 1 – pun intended). Remember the price of the “new” Sig 556’s? Now they can’t give them away. Wait and see or buy and find out.

  • Brent Benson January 19, 2017, 3:12 pm

    Legal in California?

  • Doug Roy January 19, 2017, 1:50 pm

    I think I will sit this one out for $1147 for a poly bottomed pistol I do not think so. I would buy a S&W 29-2 for that or a high end 1911. Look at the poly bottomed pistols that sell around $450 that are coming out today..

    • Kelly Lee January 19, 2017, 3:19 pm

      Uh, it has a steel frame.

    • mike January 19, 2017, 3:22 pm

      not a poly bottomed pistol

  • Sams January 19, 2017, 1:42 pm

    Quality costs money. Some of us can afford more expensive guns – Wilson Combat Les Baer, Nighthawk etc…

    Consider this: as a new company with limited production capacity (at this time at least) lowering prices will dramatically increase orders which they couldn’t satisfy, causing delays, irritating customers and tarnishing their reputation. I think it’s actually a smart business decision to charge higher prices (generating higher initial profits), controlling demand to a level they can meet. Also, scarcity increases demand and customer anticipation which is good for the brand as it grows.
    I would expect that price will drop once they ramp up their production capacity, assuming one of the big gun manufacturers won’t buy them out first…

    • Chris Wondernine January 19, 2017, 2:17 pm

      I said something very similar earlier in this thread. I’m glad that you get it. Preach it!

    • Alan January 25, 2017, 1:05 pm

      Yes, but to what point????
      At what point are you buying a great gun, Vs. just paying too much????
      Quality has MANY attributes, but which ones represent real world “need”, vs. just plain bling?????
      One mans definition of “quality” is another mans luxury “bling”.
      I have quality guns much lower in cost to those you named, and they have functioned perfectly, even in adverse conditions.
      Those who equate “quality” with ONLY price are often missing the mark, IMHO.
      Pun intended.

  • Morti January 19, 2017, 1:06 pm

    “I have already loudly and vocally denounced two of the major new ‘revolutionary’ polymer guns for the tripe they are.”
    Missed that. Care to share links?

    • BuzGuy January 22, 2017, 4:16 pm

      Yes, definitely a good idea. I missed that too and we all should know which of these guns to stay away from. Undoubtably these were some of the bargain priced ones but we really need to know.

  • Josh Kramar January 19, 2017, 12:14 pm

    Price, price, price…buy a gun made in China then, cheap labor!

    • Chris Wondernine January 19, 2017, 2:18 pm

      Exactly, but George Bush’s 1989 Import ban prevents that. I’d prefer to buy American, regardless of price.

      • DIYinSTL January 19, 2017, 7:26 pm

        Springfield doesn’t seem to have any trouble manufacturing their handguns in Croatia. Not that I’d buy one.

  • David January 19, 2017, 12:09 pm

    Is Clay hyped up on red bull or something? He seemed a little discombobulated in the video compared to normal. I love his other videos but maybe he was out of his element in this one.

  • Rickey January 19, 2017, 11:23 am

    I’m like many of the others here. While I like the designs that Hudson is coming out with, and I have no doubt I could sell a few of these to 1911 fans, I won’t be stocking any because of the price. It’s much harder to sell a gun they can’t feel unless like Kimber or Glock you’ve been around for so long that almost every gun lover has held or shot, or seen one. You have to have it on hand, but unless Hudson is going to give one heck of a deal, your word alone, no matter how much we respect you, will not sell many of these New Style Guns. They need to really cut the price to get their foot in the door, this isn’t the Pharma companies where we need the product and have no choice, there are a lot of cheaper choices like the Walther Creed that fires like a dream at under $400..

  • Robert January 19, 2017, 11:08 am

    Personally, I find the MSRP a bit off-putting. It’s decidedly odd looking, good luck finding a holster, and if sales tank, the after-sale customer service will dry up in no time. Too weird for me.

  • Chris Wondernine January 19, 2017, 10:52 am

    I find it hilarious that as soon as a new service pistol costs more than a $179 Hi-Point, the “experts” all tell us the gun won’t sell because it’s too expensive. High tech costs high dollars. Making revolutionary technology in the USA makes it even more expensive. If you can’t afford the gun or the Ferrari or the Miami Beach house, don’t bitch. Good shit is expensive.

    • Chris Wondernine January 19, 2017, 10:57 am

      The “experts” think that R&D on brand new technology from a small company with limited production capacity is cheap or free. Their economics teachers must have been Democrats.

      • Alan January 25, 2017, 1:11 pm

        Yes and no guys.
        Cad/Cam and other innovations have actually lowered production costs on many items.
        We can’t say what the actual cost is, but facts are that producing guns is NOT as expensive as it once was.
        Now, if we were to talk such stuff as liability issues and “Red Tape”, many of you would be surprised at how much cheaper firearms COULD be.

  • Whyawannaknow1 January 19, 2017, 9:45 am

    If you want drawings, look here:

    The barrel lockup is interesting, and down in that front area that isn’t a LASER.

    Myself, I like the low bore axis. One of the reasons I want the H&K P7 family to be re-issued. (with factory tritium sights, please).

  • Pete P January 19, 2017, 9:44 am

    More hype about something not really that new, not really that different, not really that unique, not really that … anything. Even the price is not that different – way over the top like most “new” stuff. I’m reminded of the cell phone commercials making fun of the new IPhone – “WOW! Look where they put the headphone hack!”

  • briscoe January 19, 2017, 9:22 am

    34oz? No thanks. At that weight I’d just go with a scandium framed 1911 OR a Sig (P22x series of your choosing).

    • Fred Zilliox January 19, 2017, 9:40 am

      Ok! GUN Makers! keep the price real please! 500.00 too 700.00 FOR ALL HAND GUNS !!!!

      • Chris Wondernine January 19, 2017, 2:19 pm

        Right! Let’s just stifle innovation and make all guns cheap!

  • djltx January 19, 2017, 8:49 am

    Hmmm…do not understand why the recoil spring and rod needs to be lowered so much? I also do not understand the beaver tail. I was under the impression that the beaver tail grip safety was to prevent hammer bite, something non existent in a striker fired pistol.

    • Scott V January 19, 2017, 9:48 am

      The beavertail is also there to prevent slide bite. By lowering the bore axis it increases the chance of slide bite in shooters with beefy hands.

    • essdeedee January 19, 2017, 9:50 am

      As explained in the article, the recoil assembly is lowered in order to get the bore axis lower, which will reduce muzzle flip.

      The beavertail is indeed superfluous. Looks as if it could be shaved off without any issue.

    • Joel B January 19, 2017, 12:35 pm

      You’ve obviously never had a slide bite your thumb webbing and ruin your day/week. This may be a little extreme compared to something like a M&P but others don’t have enough for me.

  • Raymond January 19, 2017, 8:18 am

    Unless it will drop the price to $599-it will not ne competitive. I’ll wait until really good competitive shooters try it and report back about the recoil.
    It is still plausible that stagnated handgun market received some new ideas implemented in life.

  • Jeff Sartain January 19, 2017, 7:56 am

    It looks like a pistol from Battlestar Galactica.

    • Jonathan January 19, 2017, 10:53 am

      That actually makes me more likely to buy one. 😀

  • Lou Szabo January 19, 2017, 7:49 am

    Well someone finally got it: 1911 Trigger, Striker fired, Heaven. Forget the >0.75″ trigger travel and the arc the other triggers travel through – straight back, short travel, light pull = straight shootin’. Bravo – what took so long. I’ll bet a .45 is up next. Can’t wait to see it in the showroom, then in my gun bag.

  • Beavis January 19, 2017, 7:36 am

    I’ll take 2

  • Dan January 19, 2017, 7:21 am

    What caliber is this designed for? Neither the article nor the Web site give an indication

    • Mick January 19, 2017, 8:44 am

      “…it is a double-stack, striker-fired wondernine”
      Chamber: 9mm Luger
      Capacity 15+1
      In all fairness, they did only mention it twice in the article.

    • Zach January 19, 2017, 9:02 am

      Well it is called the H9, he refers to it as a wondernine, and 9 x 19 is written on the barrel ejection port on the gun drawing. I think that makes it a 9 mm.

    • David Roberson January 19, 2017, 9:02 am

      The “Specifications” section above and the website both say that the gun is made in 9mm.

    • Peter Cosgrove January 19, 2017, 9:11 am


    • Peter Cosgrove January 19, 2017, 9:12 am


    • Rowdie January 19, 2017, 9:24 am


      Chamber: 9mm Luger
      Capacity 15+1
      Length: 7.63 inches
      Barrel Length: 4.28 inches
      Height: 5.23 inches
      Width: 1.24 inches
      Trigger pull: 4.5 to 5 pounds
      Trigger travel: .12 inches

    • Cliff Latham January 19, 2017, 9:24 am

      THey said 9mm now with 45 probably coming next

    • BuzGuy January 22, 2017, 4:24 pm

      Yes, I’m with Mick on this one… all you had to do was read the article instead of writing such a dummy question.

  • Capt. Tom S January 19, 2017, 7:20 am

    I’m sorry, it’s fuggly.
    I’ve owned a number of 1911s, one double stack, and a Glock 21. I don’t own the Glock anymore for several reasons. Among them being the trigger safety and lack of thumb safety. My prefered carry condition is cocked and locked, if the only safety is the trigger I don’t feel comfortable with that (probably the #1 reason I am Glockless)

    Between the Aesthetics and the price, I see a single action “Glock” with a 1911 grip as having a very limited market.

    • Shaun Hopkins January 19, 2017, 9:31 am

      It will be available with thumb safety.

    • mike January 20, 2017, 3:08 pm

      safety…haha idiot

  • William Fairfax January 19, 2017, 7:11 am

    The problem I think they’re going to have is the price. If this is “a cross between a Glock and a 1911 ” you can purchase either for less money. Yes it seems like a cool idea and as somebody who shoots both striker-fired and 1911’s it sounds like the best of both . Though I can’t justify paying more for it just because it’s new and somehow I don’t see it becoming enough of a fad to drive the price down to a competitive level.Until it’s a choice between buying another Glock or a Colt Competition $1150 is just too much for a gun that isn’t likely to be on sale unless/until stores can’t sell them.

  • Roady January 19, 2017, 5:55 am

    What the hell did you accomplish with this video? A couple of fat cats talking about a gun without showing a picture close enough to see a damn thing. I don’t watch a video to hear some asshole talk. A video is to show images. If you aren’t going to show what you’re talking about, I’d rather see a voluptuous woman talking about it instead of a couple of spare BILs exercising their privilege.

  • Eric jones January 19, 2017, 5:50 am

    Interesting design. At first I thought it had a laser sight built in. Wish it had. Now if you do want one it’ll stick out like a sore thumb. Not good. With a price tagTHAT high it should. NOT worth it.

  • Charlie J Boudreaux January 19, 2017, 5:48 am

    I really want to see the internals or a drawing, got my attention.