Hi-Point Yeet Canon XL Makes Grand Master!

in Authors, Gun Reviews, Rifles, Semi-Autos
Hi-Point Yeet Canon XL Makes Grand Master!

Editors Note: Grand Master is a USPSA classification for the highest level of shooting. Only a small percentage of competitive shooters get there. Rob Leatham and Jerry Miculek are examples of Grand Masters.

The Hi Point Firearms 995 carbine, or as I call it, the Yeet Canon XL (YCXL) is a strange gun.  In many ways its bad, but in other ways its actually good; in short its confusing.  At the end of the day though, it is good enough that I shot my way to a Grand Master classification in the Steel Challenge PCC (Pistol Caliber Carbine) division using the YCXL exclusively while wearing flip-flops at every match.

It started in the Fall of 2020.  In late October the Arizona State Steel Challenge and Southwest Regional Steel Challenge were on consecutive weekends at two on my local ranges.  I was already entered in two divisions but I wanted to shoot a third.  I had not competed in PCC previously but it looked like a lot of fun.   What’s not to like about shooting high speed steel courses with a low recoiling 9mm carbine? 

Hi-Point Yeet Canon XL Makes Grand Master!
Author shooting the YCXL at the 2020 Arizona State Steel Challenge. Photo courtesy of Wendy Plumb – AZ State Steel Challenge Championship.

As you may remember, guns were hard to find last Fall and prices were going up.  I did not want to spend a lot on a PCC for what might be only two matches.  That eliminated all the AR-based PCCs and there was not much left to choose from.  Ruger makes the PC9, a very nice PCC starting at about $600.  But I was being a cheap bastard and thought that’s way too much.  I found a Hi Point YCXL at a local dealer for $360.  Perfect!  I was also amused by the challenge of competing against great shooters with high-end custom PCCs while I was using the lowest-priced PCC around.

I immediately pulled the gun apart to see how it works and to see what, if anything, could be easily improved.  As I tore it down I was surprised at the design.  It was clear that every part and the overall design were done with one thing in mind – keeping manufacturing costs down and making it as cheaply as possible.

Hi-Point Yeet Canon XL Makes Grand Master!
The Hi-Point broken down to its main components. As you can see the rifle is basically a Hi-Point pistol with a 16.5 inch barrel.

In short, the YCXL carbine is a Hi Point pistol with a fixed 16.5-inch barrel and no grip dropped into a plastic chassis.  It comes covered in rails, but not the expected 1913 spec Picatinny rails; they are Weaver rails, and they are made of a softish plastic.  The top rail covers the rear ¾ of the top and comes with a rear sight screwed on.  The forend also has rails at the 3, 6, and 9 o’clock positions. A front sight is clamped onto the end of the barrel.  I quickly removed all of these as I was going to be using a red dot sight and not attaching anything to the forend.  I had an extra Holosun 407CO lying around which would be a good fit for Steel Challenge due to the large, bright 8 moa donut reticle. 

The factory barrel is threaded ½-28 so you can attach a suppressor or muzzle device.  I grabbed a Taccom 3G 9mm compensator that was in the old parts box and installed it on the barrel to tame some of the recoil.

A unique feature of the Hi Point carbines is a spring loaded stock.  The buttplate rides on three rods which slide into spring loaded pockets on the stock.  The idea is to soften the recoil.  That’s fine for the average consumer but I was going to be drag racing on steel and did not want that movement, so I took out the springs and threw them in the trash.

The YCXL I bought was black and that just was not going to cut it.  I wanted some sort of obnoxious paint job; I was thinking pink and purple at first.  While browsing the rattle can aisle at Home Depot I spotted a can of gold glitter!  I hung the chassis parts in the Arizona sun, laid down a few base coats of metallic gold followed by a full can of the glitter and finally a clear coat so the glitter would not wear off.

Hi-Point Yeet Canon XL Makes Grand Master!
The Yeet Canon XL sparkles in the sun and would be approved by Goldmember.

With the paint dry I headed out to the range with a few of my regular 9mm minor loads in various bullet weights.  They were all low recoil loads I use for steel in pistols.  When I fired the first round I was shocked.  The recoil was horrendous, so heavy that I double-checked the ammo to make sure it wasn’t a major power factor load that I had grabbed by mistake.  I had the right ammo, the YCXL just had a ton of recoil with every load I tried including factory 9mm.

 I have briefly discussed reciprocating weight in some of my other articles here on GA and the YCXL is a prime example of it.  The internal slide is heavy, just shy of 1.5 pounds.  That’s a lot of reciprocating mass, and since it sits in a lightweight plastic chassis, there is not much weight to counteract that reciprocating mass.  That means lots of recoil.  But I knew that with some custom handloads I could lessen the recoil.

Hi-Point Yeet Canon XL Makes Grand Master!
The heavy slides weighs in at 1.45 pounds and creates a lot of recoil in the light plastic chassis.

The trigger was bad. It felt like it broke at 10 pounds, it had a lot of creep and stacking as well.  It was so heavy that on a few practice starts I thought I had left the safety on.  Nope, I just didn’t pull hard enough.  M Carbo makes a lighter sear spring for $13 and with a little tuning and polishing on the trigger components, I was able to get it down to an acceptable 5-pound break.  The travel is relatively short and the reset is fast so I knew that I could make it work for me.

I spent a couple weeks developing a softer load for it.  I wound up with a Berry’s 147gr round nose bullet, Vihtavuori N320 powder that chronoed at 640 fps for 94 power factor.  It still had a good amount of recoil but it was manageable.  With this load the YCXL was able to produce 3 inch groups at 25 yards which is plenty accurate for Steel Challenge.

If you are doing things right in the Steel Challenge you are only firing 5 shots per string to hit 5 targets.  Recoil management is done while transitioning to the next target so the extra recoil is not a major factor.  Aside from the recoil it shot well, had acceptable accuracy, pointed and transitioned fast and overall performance was decent.  While the light chassis increased recoil it also helped with speed.  Most of the weight of the YCXL is towards the rear and the barrel is a thin pencil profile so it’s light upfront.  The light front end points well and transitions fast because you are not trying to stop a lot of weight on the next target.  The front of the forend is in the perfect spot for my support hand to wrap over the top in a C Clamp Multi-Gun style grip for good control.

The plastic weaver rail I had mounted my optic to held its zero, surprisingly, so there was no need to replace it with an aftermarket aluminum rail.

Hi-Point Yeet Canon XL Makes Grand Master!
The plastic optics rail is screwed to the bolt cover. The entire assembly is removed for cleaning but it holds zero surprisingly well.

In my opinion, the controls are not well placed.  I have big hands and still have to do a major grip shift with my strong hand for my thumb to hit the mag release.  Reloads are off the clock between strings in the Steel Challenge so instead, I use my support hand to hit the mag release and change mags between strings.  The safety is also in an awkward spot that requires a grip shift to disengage.  Steel Challenge rules allow PCCs to start with the safety off so no problem.

The last change I made to the YCXL was the bolt handle.  The factory version is more or less just a hex bolt and it is thin.  That makes it hard to fully pull the action to the rear when loading.  I replaced it with a much thicker unit made from Delrin that made it easy to cycle the action.  The bolt handle and sear spring are the only parts I replaced.  The rest of the YCXL is essentially stock.

In actual competition, the YCXL fared well.  In the AZ state match, I finished 7th in PCC and had a stage win on Accelerator.  In the Southwest Regional, I finished 6th in PCC and had a stage win on Smoke & Hope.  At both matches, I shot a stage with a Grand Master time as well.  I would say that is pretty good for a sub $400 PCC.

Fast forward to March of 2021 and the Southwest Regional Steel Challenge rolled around again and this is where the longer-term problems with the YCXL showed up.  Bullets started to nosedive in the mags which caused major jams.  The YCXL does not have a manual bolt hold open that made clearing the jams that much harder; it usually took at least 5 seconds to clear.  I had jams on at least one string on six of the eight stages but still managed to finish 8th in PCC with a Grand Master time on Outer Limits.  For the 2021 match, I did upgrade from the Holsosun optic to an FTP Alpha 3 8moa dot.  I would have preferred the 10moa like I used on the Ultimate 3 Gun Rifle but they were not available at that time.

Hi-Point Yeet Canon XL Makes Grand Master!
For 2021 I upgraded the optic to an FTP Shooting Sports Alpha 3 with 8moa dot.

After the regional, I realized I only had to cut about 4 seconds from my best total time to make Grand Master.  I had already proven that a Hi Point can compete in the Steel Challenge, but now I had a bigger and much dumber goal.  I wanted to be the first person to earn a Grand Master card shooting a Hi-Point.

I still had magazine feeding issues and I was pretty disappointed as the factory mag springs lasted less than 300 rounds per mag before failing.  Most of the solutions presented online were janky, as I expected.  There was one gem, however.  A post claimed that +15% Glock 43 mag springs from Ghost Inc solved the nosedive issue.  I bought a 10 pack of the springs and swapped out the terrible factory mag springs.  You have to bend the bottom coil to make its loop larger but that only takes a few seconds per spring with two sets of pliers.  I went to the range to test the new springs.  They worked great.  I would recommend any Hi Point user swap to these mag springs right off the bat.

I kept shooting club Steel Challenge matches in the Phoenix area (we have 4 per month) and clawed back a little time at most matches.  Two tenths at one match, five-hundredths at another.  I was down to 1.06 seconds left.  In mid-May I shot a full 8 stage match at Rio Salado and made no time after six stages.  I felt very discouraged and doubted if I could actually pull this stupid stunt off.  Then, on the final two stages of the match, Speed Option and Accelerator I gained .89 seconds, which left me with just .17 of a second to go.

I was excited after that match and with May having the fifth weekend there would be an extra Steel Challenge match with 5 stages at Phoenix Rod and Gun Club.  I did not gain any time through the first four stages.  The final stage of the match was The Pendulum, a stage that is normally a dumpster fire for me.  I had never shot a fast clean run on that stage.  My previous best time was 10.29 and I needed to shoot 10.12 to make Grand Master.  I did the math before the stage and knew I needed four strings of 2.53 to make it.  String 1, 2.65.  String 2, 2.52.  String 3, 2.54.  String 4, 2.49.  I did the math in my head while loading for the last string and I knew I didn’t make it.  Oh well, time to put up or shut up and hang it all out.  On string 5 I went five for five on the targets and shot a 2.36.  I had needed to gain .17 and I gained .38.  I made it! I was the first shooter to earn a Grand Master classification with a Hi Point.  The classification became official on June 2nd when scores were updated.

Hi-Point Yeet Canon XL Makes Grand Master!
Author posing with the YCXL and red Adidas flip-flops after earning a GM card. Note every stage was shot in these same flip flops.

There are no official records on who used what when getting classified in USPSA or Steel Challenge but I am pretty sure I am the only person to make GM with a Hi Point.  I also predict I will be the only person to ever do it as I doubt anyone else is dumb enough to even attempt it.  It reminds me of Happy Gilmore’s record on taking his skate off to try and stab a guy with it.  Unofficial, dumb, and at the same time awesome.

When I first posted about this moronic achievement on social media I was met with many skeptics who thought it could not be true.  Any doubters can look up my Steel Challenge classification here.

Gun owners love to shit all over Hi Point guns – especially on the internet.  But it’s a fact that the YCXL is capable of shooting at the highest levels of Steel Challenge competition.  It is also a good fit for people on a budget who don’t have $1200+ to spend on a nice AR-based PCC.  If you want a fun 9mm carbine and don’t mind snobs snickering behind your back and friends talking shit to your face, the Yeet Canon XL might be right for you.

Hi-Point Yeet Canon XL Makes Grand Master!
When the author shows up with a Hi-Point.

Video – The highs and lows of competing with a Hi-Point PCC.

High Point 995 Carbine – AKA The Yeet Canon XL Specs:

Caliber                                  9mm Luger

Capacity                               10+1

Barrel length                      16.5 inches

Barrel twist                         1 in 10”

 Total length                       31.5 inches

Weight                                 6.7 pounds

Weight as shot                  6.3 pounds

MSRP (base model)        $339


Hi Point 995 on GunsAmerica.com

FTP Alpha 3 red dot sight

Taccom 3G Compensator

Ghost Inc mag springs

M Carbo sear spring

Longshot Charging Handle

Rust-Oleum Gold Glitter Spray Paint

Rust-Oleum Metallic Gold Spray Paint

Rust-Oleum Glitter Sealer

Vihtavuori N320 Load Data

Berry’s 147gr RN

Adidas Alphabounce Slides

Learn more about The Steel Challenge or find a match

Cactus Combat Match League – Host of the AZ Steel Challenge

Sign up for the 2021 Arizona Steel Challenge

Rio Salado Sportsman’s Club – Host of the SW Regional Steel Challenge

Phoenix Rod and Gun Club – Host of Steel Challenge club matches

About the author: Matt Kartozian is a current Hi-Point Grand Master and former professional competition shooter, and gunsmith. Matt now works as a photographer and writer and can often be found on the sidelines of professional sporting events and on racecourses around the world. You can follow Matt’s adventures on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/customglock/ and https://www.instagram.com/durkadurkaphoto/

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  • Richard October 3, 2021, 2:55 pm

    They do have a bolt hold open.it’s the bolt itself. You pull it back to the circle then push in. Least the one I tried did. Might not work well with the aftermarket bolt though so idk.

  • Warren July 26, 2021, 5:51 am

    Good on you, but as a side note- flip-flops ain’t manly.

    • Matt Kartozian August 3, 2021, 1:58 am

      Gold Guns with Glitter are not either, unless you don’t care what people think about your footwear or guns.

  • EVERETT MCDOUGAL July 24, 2021, 8:59 am


  • jerry July 9, 2021, 12:04 pm

    I have one of the first HiPoint 9mm carbines. Always liked it and the price. I have the .40 pistol and it gives me a lot of fails. However, everyone I know who has one really likes the pistol. And, if you run out of ammo, you have a 3 pound club!

  • Billy Bob July 9, 2021, 11:54 am

    I watched the YEET cannon video. Dang, that’s some shooting. Dang ! You are definitely an American. An Ameri-can’t will never be able to ring steel like that. Bravo.

  • Billy Bob July 9, 2021, 11:45 am

    I love it. Great story bout a Mercan being Mercan by doing Mercan stuff. He is an American and not an Ameri-can’t. This is confirmation how and why we’ll win this one too.

  • ro July 7, 2021, 10:25 am

    HiPoint….your killing us….where are the Glock magazine compatible carbines…..?????

  • Mikial July 5, 2021, 6:52 pm

    I’ve owned several Hi Point pistols and have always defended their reliability and versatility at a rock bottom price. But I do have to admit that the carbine I bought new in .45ACP never did work right for me. I finally sold it and haven’t bought another one since then. I guess it’s time to try again.

  • Chris Bagley July 5, 2021, 4:32 pm

    It’s the Indian not the arrow, the flips flops are a master stroke.

  • Joseph V Hilbourn July 5, 2021, 1:09 pm

    I am no gun snob, I am no expert marksman I have several AR’s bought two hi point 9MM carbines at two different gun shows both used one for $110, The other for $140 the high point is a favorite of mine, the kids and quite a few folks I meet at the range. have purchased 4 after market 20 round magazines goofy looking things. Would not trade them for anything they are a lot of fun, and anyone can shoot them.

    • Jim July 5, 2021, 11:51 pm

      Keltec sub 2000. Great, low price pcc.

  • Buckshott00 July 5, 2021, 12:57 pm

    I took the recoil springs out, and wouldn’t you know it the recoil was heavier??!!??? LOL

    What I’ll never understand is people love to shit all over the Hi-Point Pistols, but they folks will give glowing praise to the carbines. Hmmmm, just saying.

  • Jake July 5, 2021, 12:21 pm

    Great article. Very informative. It also convinced me the Ruger PCC would be a lot less work and worry right out of the box. Sometimes it is fun just to accept the challenge as the author has done. Bravo sir!

  • james tucker July 5, 2021, 12:05 pm

    This is the kind of things I love. Great job man. I’m not that good but I sure enjoy when someone can.

  • Bill July 5, 2021, 12:00 pm

    Best story I have heard all month!!

    Have thought about getting the Hi point PCC in 10mm. Since anything in 10mm has gotta be cool.

    Maybe recoil will be stout. I do have some old progressive fork springs from a 1971 Harley that would fix that.

  • George Ingols July 5, 2021, 11:31 am

    Pretty is as pretty does! Great article.

  • Zupglick July 5, 2021, 10:54 am

    I have one in 10mm. Those recoil springs are staying in!

  • James Chandler July 5, 2021, 10:29 am

    Yep, and a $200 Fender Squire sounds amazing played by Eric Clapton.

    It’s not the tool, it’s the artist.

    • Zupglick July 5, 2021, 10:58 am

      Well said!

  • hugh thomas July 5, 2021, 10:28 am

    I’ve never owned a Hi-point, but I have done a ton of research on them, they are built like russian tank! From every article I’ve read the gun is pretty much indestructible. The author should have tried the gun with the springs before ditching them, all parts are there for a reason.

    • Jon July 5, 2021, 11:36 am

      Hahah! My point exactly. What is your USPSA Grand Master number please? I’d like to look it up…

  • Jon July 5, 2021, 10:10 am

    Wow. That really is awesome, and a great telling of it. I had a Beretta carbine. If you’ve never experienced the felt recoil from what is basically a brick reciprocating you don’t get to comment. What’s funny is I DID the same exact thing (with the trigger) when I started a stage once. Unbelievable (and very embarrassing), I thought I forgot to chamber a round. Ug. Also, it never ceases to amaze me how many people comment on this site who have never shot competitively. Go shoot a match and then tell me how great you and your safe queen are. Awesome job man and congrats…

  • CountryBoy July 5, 2021, 8:54 am

    ” The recoil was horrendous ” —- Ahhhhhh you took out the springs that were made to dampen the recoil.

    I bought one way back when they sold for about $99 and it still works like a champ.

  • Frank S. July 5, 2021, 7:22 am

    The only problem is you have about $360 in the gun, and $360 in the sight and compensator. Ok, you had those lying around, but many don’t. I’ve got a $55 NcStar reflex sight I picked up to try on my Mosin-Nagant with a scout mount, and it works, and would be more like it budget wise for a HiPoint carbine. Don’t know if it’s good enough for your challenge, but having more money in parts to make the gun work is kind of defeating the purpose. (I didn’t add the Glock mag springs, but found them for $25 a 10 pack… cheap!).

    Now you know what those springs in the stock are for!

    I suggest you at least make a couple practice runs with a cheap red dot/reflex sight, leave the springs in, and no compensator. $50-60 seems to be about as cheap as you can get a muzzle brake/compensator for 9mm. I guess that’s not too much to pay to improve the cheap gun. $60 for that, $60 for a reflex sight, $13 sear spring, and $25 for mag springs… $160 and some time to make a $360-400 gun shoot well is within reason. That still puts you just a few bucks short of a Ruger PCC, but you still have to add a sight to that. Depending on your sight choice, you might still be better off with spending a couple hundred more and getting the Ruger or shopping around for a better PCC. PSA has a blem up right now for $599 (normally $899). But running with a budget site would be a lot more reasonable on a budget gun.

  • Chris S McLaughlin July 5, 2021, 6:46 am

    I don’t take advice from anybody that wears flip-flops on this or any other topic.

    • Jackpine July 5, 2021, 9:30 am

      Even sun-bathing?

    • Matt Kartozian August 3, 2021, 1:56 am

      Think you can beat a guy in flip flops at a Steel Challenge match?

  • Richard Cane July 5, 2021, 6:44 am

    I’ve had one of the original Hi-Points and shoot reloads that are suspect or old or mixed and never had a jam, eats them all. So always have confidence that it will fire compared to some other more expensive carbines

  • Dave July 5, 2021, 6:44 am

    Wasn’t sure until the bus\train photo.
    You nailed it!

    • Matt Kartozian August 3, 2021, 1:56 am

      hahahah thanks

  • SteveH July 5, 2021, 6:35 am

    Now I have a good story for the range snobs when shooting my 995TS.

    Not sure I would have gone the same way on the point job but, ugly is as ugly does. And a Hi-Point starts out ugly.

    Thx for the tip on the mag springs.

    • AJ July 8, 2021, 1:10 pm

      Amazing accomplishment. I was intrigued throughout your story.
      Having shot steel plates in the late 90’s, I understand the need to improve clock times, minimize reliability issues, and accessorizing the firearm to feel like it was made for me. Unless someone actually performs in these venues, they do not understand what it takes to compete.
      So for someone to say why not just buy the next level up firearm, does not understand that all firearms can fail. It’s not just the firearm.
      Accessorizing takes place for all firearms. At least with all my firearms. And in some cases, the accessories exceed the price of the firearm itself, and some half the cost of the firearm.
      I’ve had the Hi-Point 9mm pistol and carbine. Never had an issue with either one. I had to sell both due to medical issues years ago.
      I had a Ruger PCC 40. Accuracy was same as Hi-Point except when it heated up. The stock hold down bolt to receiver would loosen when firing, causing accuracy to suffer. I would tighten the bolt, but it would continue to loosen. Even with blue locktite and new star washer, the bolt would continue to loosen after firing about 50 rounds. I’m not bashing Ruger. They have great firearms. My Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan cannot be beat by any other. After owning so many firearms, and competing in plates, so called…good or bad…all makers have issues. I’ve learned to give their service departments an opportunity to repair defects.
      Great review of the Hi-Point, and what a so-called bad firearm can achieve, and more so the determination of the author. This review reminds me of the carbine I had. I’m now looking for one of these again. Maybe not in gold metal flake tho.

  • Fred Jones July 5, 2021, 5:48 am

    Thanks for sharing . . . great story!

  • Robert B Webster July 5, 2021, 3:54 am

    I have one of these and never had any problems with it? Never had a jam etc.