Hi Point C9 9mm – A Good, Cheap Gun

in Authors, Pistols, Scott Mayer
Hi Point C9 9mm -  A Good, Cheap Gun
Being blowback-operated, Hi Points rely on slide mass to keep the action closed at the moment the gun goes off. On the C9, the slide weighs a little more than a pound.

Being blowback-operated, Hi Points rely on slide mass to keep the action closed at the moment the gun goes off. On the C9, the slide weighs a little more than a pound.

The firing pin is a simple cylindrical piece powered by double-nested springs.

The firing pin is a simple cylindrical piece powered by double-nested springs.

The steel barrel is pinned to the polymer frame and does not move when the gun fires.

The steel barrel is pinned to the polymer frame and does not move when the gun fires.

Blowback is usually used only on small-caliber handguns, but after tapping off a little gas to retract the firing pin, the 20mm Oerlikon Automatic Anti-Aircraft cannon functions as a blowback.

Blowback is usually used only on small-caliber handguns, but after tapping off a little gas to retract the firing pin, the 20mm Oerlikon Automatic Anti-Aircraft cannon functions as a blowback.

In the “safe” position, the safety lever prevents the sear from lowering and releasing the firing pin.

In the “safe” position, the safety lever prevents the sear from lowering and releasing the firing pin.

When the magazine runs empty, the follower presses up on a small tab (white arrow) and causes an internal last shot hold-open (black arrow) to lock the slide in the open position.

When the magazine runs empty, the follower presses up on a small tab (white arrow) and causes an internal last shot hold-open (black arrow) to lock the slide in the open position.

Don’t even try and compare this with a target pistol—it isn’t—but for $150 bucks you get more than your money’s worth in accuracy.

Don’t even try and compare this with a target pistol—it isn’t—but for $150 bucks you get more than your money’s worth in accuracy.

There are incredibly few parts in a Hi Point and that’s one of the reasons they cost so little.

There are incredibly few parts in a Hi Point and that’s one of the reasons they cost so little.

The Hi Point is one of the softest-shooting 9mm pistols the author has fired. The mass of the slide seems to help mitigate perceived recoil and muzzle flip.

The Hi Point is one of the softest-shooting 9mm pistols the author has fired. The mass of the slide seems to help mitigate perceived recoil and muzzle flip.

The Hi Point is one of the softest-shooting 9mm pistols the author has fired. The mass of the slide seems to help mitigate perceived recoil and muzzle flip.

The Hi Point is one of the softest-shooting 9mm pistols the author has fired. The mass of the slide seems to help mitigate perceived recoil and muzzle flip.


By Scott Mayer

There are circumstances, often financial sometimes environmental, when having an expensive gun isn’t possible, or may not be the best choice. For those instances, Hi Point offers a value-priced—no, a low-priced–line of American-made handguns that prove time and again that—almost no matter what–they can be counted on to work when you need them. That’s exactly what the company’s owners set out to do—provide a safe, reliable handgun that practically anyone can afford. So what can you expect for about $150 bucks?

My gun safe contains Kimbers and Colts, Baker shotguns and custom rifles—and a Hi Point C9 9mm semiautomatic pistol. I know it might surprise some people to read that in addition to higher end guns, I have lower end ones, too, but I am a fan of Hi Points because they are one of the best values in the gun market. Full retail on a Hi Point C9 is $179 and I see them listed on GunsAmerica “new in box” for as little as $145. Add to that the fact that they’re American-made and can take a heck of a lot of abuse and still work, and there’s no reason not to appreciate a Hi Point except for the fact that many people think they’re heavy and ugly.

Do much searching on the Internet, and you’ll generally find two types of people who comment about Hi Points: folks who think their cheap pieces of crap and wouldn’t own one; and folks who say they always work when you pull the trigger. I bring this up because almost 100 percent of the time the former group has never actually shot a Hi Point, while the later group either has shot one or owns one. I don’t know why, but more often than not it seems negative comments about Hi Points are based on perception, and not necessarily actual experience.

The C9 you see here has had the ever lovin’ snot beaten out of it. I bought it about a year ago for an abuse test that it passed probably better than many higher-priced handguns would. The abuse involved a series of scenarios that replicate possible real-world circumstances. For example, sometimes a gun gets dropped, so I dropped it repeatedly on a solid rock surface to see if the zinc-alloy slide would break. The slide has several dings now, but didn’t break.

It’s less likely that you would drive over your gun, but I placed this one on soft ground and drove over several times with a large pick up truck to see if the slide would bend or the polymer frame would crack. I even spun out on it to see if the slide would separate from the frame. It didn’t; the slide is fine and the frame is undamaged.

If stored in a tackle box or glove compartment, it’s quite possible for something to find its way into the barrel, so I’ve fired this Hi Point remotely with a barrel obstruction to see if the barrel would bulge or burst—it did not. Storage in a car’s glove box can also subject a gun to vibrations that can work things loose, so I placed this Hi Point in a wooden box on the hood of a lawnmower for a day of cutting grass—nothing rattled loose.

It functions when packed with fine powder, gritty mud or sticky flour paste with only the occasional failure to extract when grit on a fired cartridge makes a mechanical lock with the chamber walls. When the works are really gummed up, it sometimes takes a smart rap on the back of the slide to close it all the way into battery. If what I put my Hi Point C9 through is any indication, then it’s accurate to say that despite its lowly appearance and equally low price, a Hi Point is every bit as reliable and tough as a more expensive handgun.

Because of its reliability and low price, my C9 has earned a place in my kayak. If I need it, I know it will work. If I roll my kayak and can’t recover the gun from the bottom of the river, I’m only out what amounts to the cost of gasoline and food for that kayak trip. That seems like a fairly good trade-off for the peace of mind that comes with having a gun when you’re alone in the middle of nowhere with no cell service.

So how can a manufacturer make a gun in the United States for such a low price? Simple design, easy manufacture, and inexpensive materials are why. A Hi Point is elegant in its design simplicity. For example, they’re blowback-operated, so there is no “lock up” to get compromised by a glob of mud. A 1911-style pistol has a link that toggles the barrel up and down, and at the top of the barrel are lugs that have to “lock up” with matching recesses cut inside the top of the slide. A 1911 does a great job at keeping the grit out of those lugs in the first place and also giving it a place to go if it does get in there, but get enough grit into the lugs and the barrel won’t go into battery position and the gun won’t fire.

Instead of mechanically locking like a 1911, a Hi Point relies on the mass of the slide to keep the gun closed during firing. The slide weighs a little more than a pound and when closed, simply sits against the back of the cartridge when it goes off. The slide moves backward from the blowback pressure of the cartridge, and is returned forward by a return spring. The barrel is pinned to the frame so it doesn’t even move; so as long as the slide can move backward and fully forward, a Hi Point cycles.

To get the necessary mass and still keep the slide a reasonable size, Hi Point uses a dense zinc alloy that melts at a much lower temperature than steel. It’s easily die cast, which is a less expensive manufacturing process than machining steel. Because it is also “soft,” the slide has steel inserts at stress points for added strength, and that added strength goes so far that all Hi Points are rated for +P ammo.

The slide’s weight is also a subject of Hi Point criticism, however—folks think these guns are heavy and bulky–but I’m of the opinion that a lot of that criticism is more perception than reality. No doubt a Hi Point is very top-heavy. Compound that with its lightweight polymer frame and the C9 is very much out of balance compared to every other gun I’ve handled. But they’re really not significantly heavier or bulkier than guns people don’t flame as being heavy and bulky. For example, listed weights for a 9mm Hi Point C9 and 9mm Springfield XD 3.8 are within an ounce of each other, but I’ve never heard anyone condemn the XD as heavy. As for bulky, the slide on my Hi Point is 0.08-inch wider than the slide of my HK USP Compact, so there’s not much to complain about there, either. Still, the unbalance and perceived heaviness can’t be denied. I would not want to conceal carry this gun because of that, but secured in my kayak or stored bedside, the balance is not an issue.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so I won’t go into the appearance of Hi Points other than to say it has a look all its own. Despite that uniqueness, many handgun shooters will find its controls familiar. As with most handguns, the magazine release is a button behind the triggerguard. For its low cost, you sacrifice the option of having a reversible safety button, but that feature is a relatively new handgun design feature anyhow so I’m sure Southpaws have learned by now how to release a magazine by pushing the button with their trigger or middle finger.

Love it or hate it, these guns have a magazine disconnect designed to make the gun unable to fire if the magazine is removed. It’s a feature found on many handguns and I believe is intended to create at least one idiot-proofing layer—the idiot being someone who removes the magazine thinking that unloads their gun and then pulls the trigger unintentionally firing the round left in the chamber. The magazine also operates an internal last shot hold-open device that keeps the slide back when the magazine runs empty. Most guns with a hold-open feature also have a slide release you can depress to lower the slide when the gun is empty, but the Hi Point operates a little differently. It does not have a conventional slide release and you cannot lower the slide on an empty magazine. Instead, you have to remove the empty magazine, and then lower the slide. What looks like a slide release notch is actually a disassembly notch that the safety lever engages to keep the slide back while you drive out an assembly pin. If the safety lever is in that notch and the slide locked back, you cannot load a round from the magazine into the chamber by racking the slide until you pivot the safety lever out of that notch. This is one of those instances where the more familiar you are with the operation of other semi-auto handguns, the more likely you are to get tripped up operating a Hi Point. I admit the first time I tried to load the gun it was locked open with the safety lever in the disassembly notch and I tried several times unsuccessfully to rack the slide to load the chamber before I figured it out.

In addition to locking the slide back for disassembly, the safety lever functions as—wait for it—a safety lever. It’s functional, and mechanically the way it blocks the sear is another point of elegant simplicity. Don’t count on snapping it on or off with the smartness of other handguns; it doesn’t have spring-loaded detents to provide that positive “click” when you operate it. It’s also tiny and sits just barely above the level of the grip surface and I found it very difficult to manipulate from a firing grip.

Also functional are the sights—you’re not going to compete in any formal target shooting with them. That said, they’re a heck of a lot better than the “gutter snipe” often found on inexpensive blowback pistols. The front is cast as part of the slide and has a yellow bar painted on its face so it stands out. The rear is a plastic square notch unit that’s screw-adjustable for windage. It has a pair of red dots to contrast with the yellow front, but the dots aren’t that bright and essentially disappear into the black around them in all but the brightest light. The yellow front sight, though, stands out quite well. If I have a complaint about it, it’s that it’s painted just a little below the top of the front sight. My eye was readily drawn to the yellow, and with it being a little low, I found 147-grain Hornady TAP loads consistently hitting high, and unable to adjust elevation on this gun. If the yellow had gone all the way to the top of the front sight, I think it might have changed the sight picture enough for the bullets to impact at point of aim.

A way to compensate for elevation problems, though, is to simply use a load with a different bullet weight. For example, I normally have 115-grain Critical Defense in this gun because they’re accurate and the sight elevation suits them. Heavier bullets hit higher than lighter bullets because of two factors–recoil and dwell time. Dwell time is how long the bullet is in the barrel before it leaves the muzzle, and recoil is how much the gun kicks. When a handgun kicks, its muzzle scribes an arc through the air, and handguns begin that arc before the bullet leaves the muzzle. The more into the arc, the higher the bullet hits. Heavy bullets kick harder and are usually slower than light bullets, so they leave the muzzle higher in the arc. Some folks argue that you can change where on the arc the bullet leaves the muzzle by handloading to a higher or lower velocity, but when you increase velocity to decrease dwell time, you also increase recoil (and vice versa), so the effort tends to cancel itself out.

It’s probably a bit optimistic to expect itty-bitty groups from a gun that costs about $150, so don’t. I’ve read plenty of reports claiming really good accuracy from Hi Points, but I think how this one shot is probably more representative of what to expect. Offhand at 15 yards, I could consistently keep all eight shots from the magazine in a group about the size of a DVD, which is not great, but respectable. Sometimes on a semi-auto the first shot from the magazine hits separate from all the others, but I did not find that to be the case with this gun. The biggest problem I had with shooting tighter groups was the trigger. Just like with accuracy, I’ve read reports of great triggers on some Hi Points, but this wasn’t one of those. At 5 pounds pull the trigger wasn’t horrible, but for a striker-fired single-action it was long and soft—like trying to snap a wilted carrot that bends a lot before it breaks. It really forced me to concentrate on trigger discipline and follow-through. Fifteen yards is an awful long distance for a self-defense encounter though, so I’m not sure at closer range how much of a factor a trigger like this will be for someone else. But as with any gun, you need to train with it so it’s handling idiosyncrasies becomes second nature.

The Hi Point’s top-heaviness was actually something of a benefit when shooting; perceived recoil seemed a lot less than what I’ve come to expect from polymer-frame 9mm pistols. Maybe it was just perception caused by all of that slide mass reciprocating, but the gun also seemed to cycle much slower than recoil-operated 9mm handguns. Real or perceived, it is a very soft-shooting pistol.

I can’t report on longevity, because I haven’t had this pistol for all that long. It’s had more than 1,000 round through it—but not much more–and the only problems I’ve had were the ones mentioned above that occurred during the course of abusive handling. Cleaned and lubed, it’s running like a champ. Mechanically, there’s just not that much that can break, but I can’t recall ever seeing a used Hi Point for sale. That lack of used guns could indicate that folks who own a Hi Point aren’t parting with them. It could also indicate that the guns wear out before they can make it to the used gun market. I’m not convinced that’s what’s happening though because Hi Point has perhaps the single best warranty of any manufacturer in the industry. It even covers damage and normal wear and tear with no questions asked. Basically, if it breaks for any reason—EVER–Hi Point will repair or replace the gun free for the life of the gun no matter if you’re the original owner or not. Overall, that’s a heck of a lot for $150.

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  • Rick May 5, 2019, 9:17 am

    I have had my Hi Point 9 mm for 4 years and go to the range with it 3 to 4 times a year with it and run 100 rounds thru it each time. I also have a Kimber 1911 that I shoot and my feeling is that for 149.00 the Hi Point is just fine as opposed to the 850.00 I paid for the Kimber. They both work great with no issues. The only thing I don’t like about the Hi Point is that they are harder to clean. All in all it’s what you are willing to spend for the quality you get and I’m very happy with the Hi Point for the price and exceptional warranty. One other note is that people complain about it’s weight but I like that as it lessens recoil.

  • Lee McCormack June 14, 2018, 2:48 pm

    I have found that if you put a bullet in one end of the gun and it fires ok out of the other end and you have only paid around 150 buck for it ITS A GREAT DEAL!! I have worked in the prison system for over 20 years and I was in Viet Nam. I have never heard the enemy ask what make and model the gun was that shot them. Nor have I head a target ask the same question. Like everywhere else there are snobs in the gun world also. They just have to brag about how much money they spent on a gun. I brag about how money I didn’t have to spend on a gun.

  • Jim D October 27, 2017, 10:43 am

    Good article. I just bought a new C9 and the warranty now says “Lifetime Warranty expressly only for the life of the original buyer”. What a crock!

    • Roddy March 30, 2018, 6:32 pm

      I just got one and it states the warranty is good for anyone, no matter how you got it. Perhaps it’s the seller.

  • El Guapo October 6, 2016, 2:23 am

    You missed it! The rear sights are both windage and elevation adjustable. Not bad for sub $200 pistol.

  • Aaron English September 16, 2016, 8:34 pm

    I’ve talked to a former Marine who runs a local gun store, and his views on a hi point is, if you have to use it in a self defense or home defense situation and it gets taken away from you, who’s gonna look like the fool in that situation? The man with the $100+ hi point or the man who’s losing his high dollar custom piece/high dollar kimber..

  • David Caswell August 6, 2016, 10:12 pm

    I just bought the gun yesterday. Haven’t shot it yet, but I love the price!!! $119 out the door!!! It’s a little heavy, but that’s no problem. I’m looking forward to trying it out really soon!!

  • Terry Coffman March 13, 2016, 12:51 pm

    I just shot my new hi point 9mm
    And it was awesome. No regrets! I’ll put it up against anything the gun snobs bring out. I paid $ 225 out the door not $700 or more. It does the same thing the $ 700 gun does. Sorry gun SNOBS I win. Lol

    • sam seabolt October 20, 2016, 1:06 am

      I love this gun doesn’t cost over 160 got mine for 140 new in box it shoots in rain snow dirt I don’t have to group the size of a quarter if I am shooting someone 3 to 4 or 5 inch group is just fine and they are still dead it’s a great gun I don’t have to worry about a scratch it will be fine 800 $ guns are great but I am just a simple person it works that’s all u need

  • CVin TN March 9, 2016, 10:37 pm

    Have the .45 bought 9 months ago. Jcp, shot around 400 rounds so far. Needed a good lubing out of the box. Has fired accurately, and ejected EVERYTHING. Have zero complaints. Yes its heavy, but that weight works for this gun. Not for small hands. Has been reliable, accurate, and a good purchase. Lifetime warranty.

  • Mike February 29, 2016, 6:25 pm

    I have a 45, and once I found out what kind of ammo it liked it worked perfectly. It does’nt like aluminum case blazer ammo. I polished the feed ramp and that is all I did. They not the most stylish looking handgun but it more then gets the job done.

  • glenn December 20, 2015, 12:25 pm

    My C9 was the only NEW handgun I could afford in November 2012, other than a Cobra FS380, or another $100+ dollars for an Armscor, SCCY, etc. I was sold on the warranty, price & positive customer reviews. Mine has 584 rounds of fmj and jhp fired, for 12 minor stoppages – reliable enough for me. I love my C9!

    • Doran February 20, 2016, 8:42 am

      I have both that HP 380 & 9.
      Bought the 380 out of curiosity and liked it so much I bought the 9.
      Have taken some good natured jibes and not so good natured ones. Reviewed these guns thoroughly and that combined with my PERSONAL experience I am a huge fan of these. Weight is not the issue for me. I happen to like their look. I carry open but under a light jacket.
      I have around 700 rounds through the 9 with no issues at all. Accuracy at 15 yards is 3″ group. For me…good enough.
      For the record….I do and will trust my life and loved ones lives to these. PERIOD. I will not bash expensive guns as those have their own design benefits but the Hi Points are my guns of choice and I will soon add the 40 and or 45.
      See you at the range somewhere.

  • Rusty Shackleford December 1, 2015, 10:13 am

    I purchased my C9 used for $125, What a great deal. Yes I did have to open the lips on the magazines a little and polish the feed ramp, since those minor issues the thing runs like a sewing machine. Keep it clean (Like all fire arms) and you will enjoy it/ What makes the C9 great is EVERYTHING IT ISN’T; Look its not the smallest 9mm on the market, it is not the pedigree, it is not a target/tack driving pistol. The C9 is the little unsung hero on the market; Affordable, reliable, and the BEST DANG WARRANTY I HAVE EVER SEEN. Lets Say you find one for a $150 –I would rather have that affordable gun in the house or truck than a picture of a Glock I have to save up for. Just tell the bad guy you only have 2 more payments on lay-a-way when a break in happens, I am sure He will understand and leave you alone. Let me know how that works out for ya! Here is the Simple Truth, Bad Guys Can’t tell if a 9mm or .45ACP is fired from a Hi Point, Sig, or Glock, what they can understand is that someone is shooting at them. You can always purchase the pedigree pistol latter, for Now get something to protect yourself and family, thanks to the Hi-Point there is no reason you can not afford basic protection.

  • Ed pickering March 4, 2015, 3:35 pm

    I would like to know how to order a hi point 9 mm,,thanks

    • Bobby Waites September 1, 2016, 11:19 pm

      I would like to know how to get a 380 hi point hand guns cheap

  • Rob February 18, 2015, 7:39 pm

    I was looking for a cheap pistol. I bought a Jeminez 9MM and after 50 rounds and it locking up six times……it was returned. I traded for a Hi Point 9MM … It was like night and day. I have owned many pistols over a long period and I have to say regardless of the negative things heard and websites that I
    I have read…..the cheap, throw away, Saturday night special ……or whatever folks want to call it, I have put over 5000 rounds through the Hi Point with Zero issues Its certainly not the best pistol I have ever owned….. but it has yet to fail me. Its a “tacklebox” gun. But for $200 bucks…I certainly don’t have a single negative to say about its reliability Just my 2 Cents!

  • Jim Spalten February 10, 2015, 5:13 pm

    Meant to also add I have the hi-point 45,c9 and 380. Also have the 9mm and 45 rifles. All are reliable. The rifles at one time were almost impossible to find. Actually saw them being sold by individuals for up to a thousand dollars. That’s how good they are. My favorite is my 380 HP and my S&W sigma 9

  • jeff February 3, 2015, 4:59 pm

    I recently bought a c9 9mm high point I put about 100 rounds through it and love it it preforms great the only thing that I found is it does not like federal aluminum ammo once in a while it wont cycle fully it will lock open but with Remington umc it runs fine I will be buying the hi point 45 soon

  • Slapshot24 January 28, 2015, 11:14 am

    Everyone has an opinion on the Hi Point product line. Frankly, I bought one at a gun show, because it was only $120 new in the box with a lifetime warranty. I figured I could take it out and beat the crap out of it and only be out a buck twenty if it turned out to be a piece of junk. I put 100 rounds (2 boxes of FMJ/something cheap) through it and had some feed issues, which I troubleshot . I adjusted the magazine tabs and polished the feed ramp. That was about 3 years ago. I’ve since put another 1000+ rounds (mix of JHP and FMJ) through it and haven’t had a single problem. I never planned on using it as a primary home defense weapon….(my Mossberg 500 would be jealous). I don’t use it as my primary carry weapon either, simply because it’s too big and bulky, but I do keep it loaded up with 9 JHP’s and within arms reach at night. Here’s the bottom line as far as I’m concerned and if you’re considering buying one…..Given that I know the C-9 very well and can group 9 rounds inside a 10-inch diameter, in low light, from 8 yards (which is about the distance from my bedroom doorway to the bottom of my stairs), I’m dead nuts confident that whatever/whoever would be so bold to attempt climbing those stairs, in the middle of the night, without my permission, would not make it halfway up without at least 4 rounds center mass. For any doubters, I train for this scenario at a private course…in these conditions…with this weapon. I submit that a real shooter would have the same experience, so I’m not necessarily commenting on my personal ability as much as my confidence with my own C-9….which is all I have to go on. If you’re thinking of buying a Hi Point C-9 to have as a home defense primary or back-up, I will endorse this weapon. The only caveat I offer is that you have to get to know your weapon, whatever weapon you choose. You have to put a lot of rounds through it. And most importantly, you have to train with it. Not just at the range, but in the conditions for which you may need to use it. It can be expensive to train like this, but what are your family’s lives worth? Just my thoughts.

    • Jim Peck October 7, 2016, 3:10 am

      Thank You for your input very practical

  • James Dauphinais December 27, 2014, 4:17 pm

    I bought the 9 MM Hi point Carbine. I love it. It shoots dead on the money ! For the price you CAN NOT GO WRONG.

  • Jim December 22, 2014, 3:17 pm

    I recently bought a 9mm from Cabelas for $130. About 100 rounds through it with no problems. I like it.

  • Joe September 26, 2014, 12:13 pm

    Well, I just bought one and am excited to give her a try! Might buy one for each of my kids to shoot on our little range we built, (we live out in the sticks!) I’ll chime in after we shoot! But great read on the spec.’s

  • SlickDoc1 August 17, 2014, 6:09 pm

    Matt, shut up….you are an asshole! I too own many of the guns Ralph ownes as well as Walther’s (2), colts (6), browning (3) Remington’s and proud to mention “(3) HiPoints, a 9mm, a 40 cal and a 45 cal. My choice in the 90% is HiPoint! They are a damn good weapon and I would go back to Iraq with them! So Matt..don’t talk shit unless you know what shit you are whinning about!

  • http://www.rll.cc/bookofsex14086 August 4, 2014, 4:15 pm

    I am so happy to read this. This is the type of manual that needs to be given and not the random misinformation that is at the other blogs.
    Appreciate your sharing this best doc.

  • Sarge July 18, 2014, 2:48 pm

    I would like to say one thing about a remark made by a Glock lover and it’s not needing a safety, and another about the need for cleaning for show concerning military fire arms. First, in my 23 years of service, during which time I was a infantry weapons specialist, I never saw a hand held weapon that didn’t have a safety, period… As for a military weapon being cleaned for show, ask any Viet-Nam vet that had the first M-16’s if they needed cleaning or not, most of those that would say no are probably still over there. Now, as for the accuracy of any weapon, it’s the nut behind the sights that that results in how accurate the weapon is, what you shoot well may not have the same results for the next guy, a lot is in how the weapon feels in your hands and how comfortable you are with that weapon. I taught shooting skills to a lot more young never before shooters than a lot of you so called instructors will in your lifetimes, they never had a choice in what they had to shoot, it was presented to them after they signed a hand reciept, they either learned to shoot it and shoot it well or…. Well, let’s just say there instructor was not a good one either,but I guarentee you he never told them to get a better weapon, you just learn to shoot what you have or what you can afford, nothing works better than practice with that weapon, a weapon purchased and left sitting somewhere loaded and not practised with is useless and I agree with one part of the boat anchor analogy, reguardless of the cost of that weapon, it’s best used as that boat anchor, if you are dumb enough to try to use it on a hardened criminal , he will probably take it from your hand and use it on yourself.

  • Forest June 2, 2014, 3:45 pm

    I have two Hi-Points in .45 auto. I made the purchase with a bet that if i did not like the gun I could return it for a full refund. My foster sister, her husband, his brother and my late Father and I went to the range with several different types of ammo and the expectations of returning a the gun. Everyone took a turn firing the Hi-Point and my dad even thought it was more comfortable to shoot than his 1911. I still have those guns. one is the old steel frame JH the other is the polyframe JHP. The next time I saw the dealer he asked if I wanted my money back. I told him no Iw as keeping the gun. That was back in the 90’s still have the gun.

  • to video this notropis April 22, 2014, 4:42 am

    Hey! I could have sworn I’ve been to this site before but
    after checking through some of the post I realized it’s new to me.
    Nonetheless, I’m definitely delighted I found it and I’ll be bookmarking and checking back frequently!

  • Wendell March 18, 2014, 12:59 pm

    I almost forgot, after reading all these letters; Thank you Scott Mayer for a great article!

  • Wendell March 15, 2014, 6:06 pm

    59 years young, have had a variety of hand guns over the years. Currently swear by the Hi-Point C-9! Polished the feed ramp and threw a Butler Creek medium Handal on it My sights are adjustable. No problems feeding or hitting the targets!

  • Dean March 6, 2014, 7:14 pm

    I have the 9mm model. I bought mine the first year they were manufactured. It has been my primary gun for a great number of years and never, ever had an issue with it.

    I have given a lot of thought to getting a second 9mm for my wife, who did very well with the 9mm at the range but had some limp-wristing issues with some other guns.

    So today, I stopped by a gun shop that carries Hi-Point firearms and I must say I was disappointed with the newer model.

    The hold open feature with having to dump the empty magazine to release the slide really tripped me up. I also swore the ejection port was not as big as my model.

    I bought my 9mm about 20 years ago for around $130. The new models are going for $150 and that makes me wonder why the price point never changed that much.

    I’m not opposed to ever buying the newer 9mm, but I would love to meet someone at the range someday that has one to see it in action.

  • victor February 10, 2014, 3:04 pm

    Just bought my 9mm the the other day went target shooting with my friend loved my new hi point don’t think you could buy a better gun for the money very accurate shooting.

  • Ed February 6, 2014, 10:06 am

    Bought my C9 in1996. I have had no problems with it and it is my truck gun. Cheap, reliable and tough. Can’t ask for much more for the money. Accuracy to me depends on the shooter and ammo at close range. My is loaded with Critical Defense most of the time.

  • tj January 25, 2014, 12:43 am

    I think all gun owners(lovers) should respect all guns and enjoy being able to shoot them all. I no I like to shoot what ever I can get my hands on. I do not put down any gun because everygun has its purpose to who ever owns it. also the ppl at the gun club I belong to repect the other persons gun it it is a high priced or the cheapest made. I do not have expensive guns (mainly because of wife not liking me spend money on them) but I do have 5. none are expensive tho and only one hand gun. mine are not expensive but if some one else wants a nice gun that cost more and they have them , I think that’s great but , don’t put down the ones that prefer or cant buy the more expensive ones. they will all do the same thing and that is shoot.

  • Gerald January 20, 2014, 8:22 pm

    This may be the fairest review yet of the Hi Point C9. I love mine, especially when I factor in the cost. It shoot better than the test gun and has a better trigger but only because I honed it myself to 3 pounds. It was the easiest pistol trigger to lighten of all the pistols I have worked on. As good as the C9 is the .45 JHP is even better. Ragged one hole groups at 7 yards and not much bigger at 15 yards. Ugly? I only see the groups when I look at this gun, so I just see a real beauty of a pistol. If the gun ever shoot poorly I know it is the loads and not the gun. Test many loads and find what it likes. I can see 1.5″ groups from the C9 at 15 yards and I can get 6″ at 15 yards, It inst the gun it is the loads and on a “rare occasion” me, so do not even think to bash the guns accuracy until you have given it a fair shot. (Pun intended) Great review very balanced. Love to see you do the same for the .45 JHP

  • Joseph January 2, 2014, 12:42 pm

    I have a Hi Point .45 and love it. Planning on a C9 9mm next.

  • John Henry December 29, 2013, 11:02 am

    I was shopping a local gun store for a cheap second hand pistol to keep beside the bed. I live in the country and have had rifles and shotguns but no pistols. I came across two Hi-Point guns. One 380 and one 9 mil. for $159. I purchased the 9 mil because the ammunition was cheaper and more available. I have shot 50 rounds through it and it never jammed once. I am no marksman and have almost no experience with a handgun but at 10 yards I can fill the center of a paper plate. Next week I am going to spend some time with an instructor. The gun even comes with a simple trigger lock that is easy to use. The key seconds as a tool to disassemble the gun. One word of caution, do not overlap hands when shooting. I have a little patch of skin missing from my left thumb. I am thinking that this is probably true for other semi automatic pistols as well.

  • Tech Diver December 15, 2013, 7:33 pm

    I just picked up a C9 for $135. Sent 150 rounds of PMC 124 g. FMJ through it at the range. Right out of the box the thing purred like a kitten. An ugly kitten, but a kitten none the less. Actually, I think it looks ‘cool’, but I didn’t buy it for looks. Will make a nice night stand piece with some hollow points in it. I’m totally satisfied.

  • David November 25, 2013, 7:33 pm

    I think this article speakers truth. Hi Point is a very inexpensive reliable gun. I myself own a 45 ACP the gun is very accurate and it is a great gun to learn how to shoot on (I taught my wife how to shoot with this gun) and defense. The warranty is great as well along with the customer service from the manufacturer. I am actually debating on getting mt wifethe 9mm as a conceal carry gun since it is easier for her to conceal it.

  • GRC November 5, 2013, 1:32 pm

    I hadn’t read all the comments back and forth about reliability before I commented myself, and I’m not out to flame anyone. Three things, though. One – I said I qualified on an M1911 from after WWII in 1976. Given the multiple flames about grammar, I’m going to pre-empt that by saying “in 1976, I qualified on an M1911 that was made shortly after WWII.” Two – I can’t speak to the C9. I have the JHP .45 ACP. They’re not even the same manufacturer, irrespective of the Hi-Point marketing name. Though all Hi-Points are made in the USA (Ohio), the C9 is made by Beemiller in Mansfield, my JHP .45 was made by Haskell Manufacturing in Lima, and the .40 that is mentioned in numerous preceding comments is made by Iberia in Galion:


    Three- I refer to the comments in the article about not knowing why there are so few Hi-Points on the used market. I read an article by a gun control advocate who talked about how Chicago police hate the Hi-Point because it is the “most-used” gun for criminals. That’s not only a misnomer – it isn’t because the gun is evil, which was their “point,” but because it’s cheap. Who wants to invest a lot when the police are likely to drum up just about any excuse to take it away for as long as they can? I personally think the reason for the minimal used market because it is so inexpensive to buy a new Hi-Point. Why spend $100+ for a used Hi-Point, when you can have a new one for $130? Why sell a used Hi-Point for which you won’t get offered more than the cost of a few boxes of ammunition for it? I also suspect that with the love-it-or-hate-it shown in these comments, if you see a used Hi-Point for sale, you’re going to almost automatically assume it’s one that performed poorly at Mr. Edwards’ range or somewhere similar for a first-time shooter. Why buy trouble for that small amount of difference in price?

  • GRC November 5, 2013, 1:08 pm

    I bought a Hi-Point that I then used in order to qualify for CCW. My only prior experience firing any pistol was qualifying on an M9 Beretta in 2005 (USAF) and an M1911A Colt that was made toward the end of WWII in 1976 (USN). I didn’t set any competition records with the Hi-Point, I’m most definitely not a marksman beyond basic qualification, but with less than 100 rounds through the gun before the day of the test, and several years since I had fired a handgun even once, I easily qualified with a target half the size permitted. I did better with the JHP .45 ACP than with the M9 or the M1911.

    I find the front-heavy slide on the .45 to be disconcerting, but well-suited to keeping 2nd and later shots down on target. Highly important in self-defense, in my opinion, perhaps almost as important as the stopping power that prompted me to get the .45 instead of the 9mm. It’s not that I’m opposed to head shots on a bad guy, but at the risk of stating the obvious, not hitting bystanders is important as a pre-plan.

    One other thought on function. Even though this is a huge gun (1-1/2″ wide slide), the only real problem for a large guy like me to do concealed carry is that the “grip extension” on the bottom of the magazine sticks way out, forming an ungainly bulge at the base of the grip. A customer service person told me it was essential to safe handling of the gun, but I don’t see that. The shaped grip makes it easy to hold, and adding a tang on the bottom of the magazine should work just as well to prevent damaging the magazine if it is dropped on the bottom of the grip It just seems to encourage holding onto the bottom of the free-floating magazine, and that seems intuitively to be a likely source of misalignment leading to jamming. On the other hand, I can’t figure out how to remove the huge block of plastic to see if there might be an alternative cushion or protective cover that would be better. Ideas? Anyone know how to remove the grip extension from the magazine without damaging the magazine?

    My only real complaint is the difficult to read Owner’s and Maintenance Manual PDFs that are apparently bad photoscans. I may re-write it for them gratis (by way of thanks for such a reliable product) just to make it easier on the eyes and web-searchable. I have no idea why they have two different manuals, but the printed Owner’s Manual that came with the gun is nearly unusable, and has highly inadequate instructions for disassembly and cleaning.

    In fact, if anyone knows of some high quality images on the web that match the arrangement of the images on the Hi-Point owner’s manual (http://www.hi-pointfirearms.net/manuals/45acp.pdf) and maintenance manual (http://www.hi-pointfirearms.com/manuals/JHP%2045%20ACP.pdf), I would be grateful if you would post the web address(es) so I can use them.

  • Ted October 19, 2013, 5:18 pm

    Great review. A friend recently told me about Hi Point. I could not believe the price vs. quality but everything I’ve read, such as this review has been positive. I’ve got a .45 1911 & a .38 super plus and have been looking for an inexpensive 9MM. This sounds like the answer.

    Has anyone reviewed the carbines?

  • Mike September 15, 2013, 12:29 am

    I just purchased my C-9 9mm at Cabela’s for $199. Right out of the box the gun shot flawlessly with 125 grain target rounds hitting a 4 inch pattern at 25 ft. It shot just a touch high but with a slight adjustment the gun shot a 4 in pattern on center mass at 25 ft. I moved back to 50 ft and the pattern was quite a bit bigger as one would expect, however I still hit the paper on every shot. I ran 50 rounds through it on the first time out and had good success with all shots. The recoil and kick was very minimal and would have been acceptable for my wife who is 5′ 5″. So far I am happy with this weapon and will be spending much more time at the range to get to know it better. The salesman at Cabela’s said that a lot of police officers are getting this model for back-up weapons and has gotten good feedback from everyone who has bought one.

  • Emilio August 13, 2013, 1:06 pm

    I would just like to say that I owned two hi points 1 very old one that was just haskell and not yet Hi Point.it was really used the barell was worn so accuracy was expected to be poor.it jammed lot at first but the only thing I ever did was polish the feeding ramp and it worked beautifully. I just traded in my old 45 and bought a new 45 hi point.loading the clip with 8 rounds to break in the mag and the next day I went out to the range.jammed on me once and that was the second round after that a hundred rounds went bang Chicka Chicka Bang.I used hollow and round noses. “Hi Point” if you are reading this comment please make a good concealable Carry I so would love it

  • bill.p August 10, 2013, 2:39 am

    Just want to say hello to all,
    What it is a would like to know is what is the best brand of ammo to use in the highpoint 9mm handgun.?
    Thanks for your time.

    • Gerald January 20, 2014, 8:43 pm

      I just tested Hornady Critical Defense FTX 115 grain and Barnes TAC-CPD,115 deep cavity HP in all copper. Both are accurate and both give comparable penetration in Silicon testing Gel. But once you see the performance of the Barnes all copper vs the Hornady FTX, you wont think twice. For self defense, the Barnes showed far more terminal damage to the wound channel. The bullet gave beautiful metal petals opening to the top of the copper shank. So you had a razor toothed saw blade up front pushed along by a stable all copper shank. No tumbling was evident. The Hornady had perhaps one 1″ more penetration but the wound channel was nil after the first three inches of penetration. The bullet simply mushroomed into a lump and tumbled often. As a base line I tested a handload that has always been very accurate. Berry’s plated 130 grain .356 double plated FRN. Penetration was completely thru the 16″ long ‘Ballisitically Clear’ test gel block so no bullet was available for comparison but as a double plated bullet we can assume no deformation. Tumbling was in evidence even with the pass thru. Cast bullets do fine but make sure to slug your barrel and choose a bullet that has a final size of at least .0015 over the groove diameter. Do this and you will love the ability of the C9. Keep in mind it does have a fairly short sight radius, so any target ailments are likely due to a short sight radius and the difficulty getting perfect sight alignment. Good shooting.

  • C Schmidt July 24, 2013, 2:12 pm

    We have this gun. It is junk. Jams up aall the time. Am trying to get rid of it.

  • Jerry moore July 15, 2013, 3:07 pm

    Yes the hi pointe is a cheap gun and yes the clip that comes with them are crap,But you pay 25$ more for the clip that about every gun stor carries your in good shape it even holds more bullets I don’t remember how many more bullets it holds I threw the first one away . And the hi pointe does not like cheap bullets, like for example BLAZERS.
    Seal an aluminum sell , a lil bit of science tells u when aluminum has an explosion in side of it. It will swell so they don’t like to eject they will jam, But you spend good mouney on some good ammunition like full metal jacket, and and most brass bullets. The hi-point 380, 9mm,40,45, will make beginner or an expert a good gun.
    And the new carbine rifle just strate out kick ass. And any time you can by a carbine for a 9,40,45, beats spending the mouney on a AR15 or AK. The nato rounds are just outrageous !

    • Gerald January 20, 2014, 8:46 pm

      Are you talking about the extended clip Hi Point sells or is there a after market clip for the C9. I have the shorty and the extended and both seem to work great for me. A third party clip would be interesting to test though.

  • Jim June 22, 2013, 8:14 am

    first handgun was a hi-pointe, at the recommendations of a off duty cop I met at the range for a starter, training pistol. He told me don’t listen to the $10 an hour clerks, the policeman said they were great for the money, I have shot probably 1200 rounds thru mine, has one failure on the very first clip. I know like most guns, there is certain ammo it does not like. I have not shot it in a while only because of all my other handguns. Next time a clerk tells you they would not buy that gun for $1, tell him, that’s why your a $10 or $15 an hour clerk. Same things with these clerks that get all offensive if you want to carry a 32, 25 or 22 or 22mag, please shut the heck up. I am quite sure the people know the difference in stopping power, but if they want to carry a 32, (or anything else)don’t talk down to them

  • bill June 8, 2013, 11:15 pm

    I had a Hi point (wish I’d kept it) The only time I had trouble with it was at concealed carry class. They didn’our own ammo, we had to use thiers. I’m fairly certain my problem was thier “soft loads” because thats the only problem I ever had with it. I have more expensive handguns but I will get another C-9 one of these days. Just can’t beat them for the price, and I actually like them better than some more costly weapons.

  • Dav May 21, 2013, 5:30 pm

    What ammo fits the c-9??
    I bought 50 9mm standard rounds but they are useless because the bullet does not load,, they are too thick. Please help me with this!

    • Jim June 22, 2013, 8:17 am

      what exact ammo did you buy?

  • The Intelligent Shade Of Blue April 22, 2013, 9:25 pm

    Just an update: took my BNIB HP C9, which I just picked up Saturday, to the range for break-in today. Sent 192 rounds downrange without one single FTF or FTE, and with accuracy comparable to my last range session (which was a month ago and with a 1911-style .45 that costs over seven times as much as my C9). I don’t mean to marginalize the opinions of Hi-Point’s vociferous detractors – I highly doubt they are all lying through their teeth, but I also doubt by the same token that my pistol is some sort of nonrepresentative manufacturing anomaly somehow magically better than the C9 of everyone else here. I think it’s an excellent firearm for the money and will not be swayed otherwise, but there are a few things I feel I must mention for the sake of fairness:

    -I am a new shooter, so I don’t have much of a baseline for comparing the mannerisms of my pistol to others; however, the 1911 I used last time jammed more (three times) than my Hi-Point did (zero times)…
    -As I was sighting my pistol, I was testing the tweaks with 4-round groups. The pistol does NOT come perfectly sighted; my first group of shots was a good 8″ low at 7 yards. A couple quarter-turns of the elevation screw later, though, and I was in business. My next range trip will be to try out the included ghost ring sight.
    -Following the 4-shot groups were a few 6-shot groups to increase pressure on the spring, followed by 8-shot groups for the rest of my session to break the spring in for normal duty.
    -The ammunition I used was fresh Remington 115gr FMJ, 300 rounds of which costs almost as much as the pistol did. Using high quality FMJs is necessary considering the pistol’s heavy slide and what that means for break-in. I will continue to use this ammunition at least until I approach somewhere around the 500-round mark.
    -Don’t go 8+1, just load the mag and rack the slide. Otherwise, you will confuse this simple creature. Horribly.
    -When loading a full mag, always check to make sure the top round is lined up parallel with the other seven. If in doubt, push down on the stack, then give the mag a few brisk taps.
    -Finally, don’t assume another mag will give you the same results as the mag that came with the gun. Hi-Point’s MSRP for spare mags is a whopping $15, with shipping included

    Is it a pretty gun? Is it refined? Is it the most accurate? Will it elicit infinite recursions of passionate approbation from your fellow shooter? The answer to each of these questions is NO. This is neither a target pistol nor a show piece.

    If properly broken-in: Will it shoot with reasonable accuracy? Will it scare the ever-loving bejeezus out of the next murderer to set foot on my property? Will it defend me and/or my family in a close-range situation? The answers to these questions are, in my humble and inexperienced opinion, of much greater gravity than those I asked above, and all an unequivocal YES. Furthermore, and to be frank, I think that’s all I can reasonably ask and expect from a pistol I got for $179+tax+fees+5 pounds of Kalifornia paperwork. As a college student with limited income, I wanted an inexpensive pistol with which I could improve my firearms sapience, and which would suffice to defend myself and my family until I can afford something “better.” The Hi-Point C9 fits the bill exactly, even if it looks like a post-apocalyptic burp gun from a Mad Max installment. Bonus: if I ever DO have to blast a murderer on my property, I’m not out $850 when the cops take my pistol away. Overall, I am thoroughly satisfied and will be looking to Hi-Point for future purchases.

  • The Paratus April 10, 2013, 10:34 pm

    A very good report on the Hi Point C9, probably the best review I’ve seen. Not biased.

  • Chris March 17, 2013, 7:20 pm

    I purchased a new Hi-point C9 9mm two weeks ago. I shot it for the first time today. I put 192 rounds through it with one jam. The jam happened at the beginning of my second 8-round clip. After all the bad things I read about this gun caused me to be very nervous to fire it for the first time, but I ended up being very happy with this gun. Do not be afraid to buy this gun just because of it’s low price.

  • Ernie March 7, 2013, 9:05 pm

    OK, never mind. I didn’t buy the Hi-Point. Why? Because Cabellas is three hours roundtrip from my house, and the pricks have a policy where they won’t even tell you on the phone if it’s a normal stock item. I could spend all that time maneuvering around a-holes on the hwy just to find out that the Hi-Point on their Website hasn’t even been in the store for six months. Screw that. I bought a S&W SD9VE from Academy, and I couldn’t be happier. This is the second time I’ve tried to buy a firearm from Cabellas but ended up at Academy because of Cabella’s dickhead policies.

  • Cliff March 5, 2013, 8:31 am

    I just bought one yesterday- The manual says only the original owner can have the weapon serviced under warranty for free.

  • Ernie March 5, 2013, 2:01 am

    Well, here it is 2013, and every dealer in the US seems to be sold out of every current production semi. A local dealer here in Texas still has 9mm Hi-Points though (albeit at List Price), so that’s how I ended up here. Let me add that I’m not a gun enthusiast, just someone looking for in-home protection. I’m also new to semis, never even fired one, so I need to ask basic advice.To begin, I plan to practice plenty with this gun at the range, along with my wife. However, it will spend the majority of its time in a bio-safe next to our bed. I am not licensed for concealed carry, nor am I looking for a gun for that purpose. My primary requirement is that it be reliable, and that my wife – and eventually my daughter, who is now eight – be able to shoot it without worrying about excessive recoil or injury. I want all three of us to be comfortable with this, and particularly for my two favorite girls not to ever be in a situation where fear of the gun itself might cause hesitation in a life-threatening emergency.So, should I buy the Hi-Point now or wait for stocks of other makes and models to be replenished on the shelves? I admit to being ignorantly fond of the Ruger P95 and SR6C. They’re much more costly though, and I’m not one to spend money where it isn’t needed.The bottom line, is this: Is this the gun for us?

  • Stanley W Cramer March 3, 2013, 7:29 pm

    Hi: We are trying to find a Hi-Point 9mm handgun HC-9. My husband is licensed. Can you tell us where we can order or buy the gun. He would like to get one as soon as possible. We have tried two Cabela stores in Minnesota and two Gander Mountains. Our zip is 55044. Thanks so much for your help.

    • The Intelligent Shade Of Blue April 23, 2013, 12:22 pm

      Hi there,

      If you go to Hi-Point’s website and use their Dealer Locator tool, you should (…should…) be able to find an authorized Hi-Point dealer within a manageable distance of where you live. If I sound less than certain, it’s because I live in the eighth largest metro in the United States and still had to drive twenty miles to get mine. Rest assured, though, that I consider it to have been well worth the trip.

      …Actually, let me save you the hassle. I looked up your zip code, and apparently Ahlman’s in Morristown and The Madden Group in Minnetonka are both within 25 miles of your home. Expanding your search to a 50-mile radius gives you a good four or five other potential options. The question you must ask yourself, then, is this: how far are you willing to drive in order to purchase your next pistol? I hope this helps.

  • ghostmarine January 13, 2013, 5:47 am

    first let me say this; scott mayer has done a fantastic article on this weapon (the c9)…kudos! very informative!
    i posted a while ago (14 oct, 2012), in regards to my troubled hi-point c9…my little bullet launcher finally came back from the factory, in ohio. when i sent it to them, i included a note explaining what was wrong with the weapon…i got back a hand written note, explaining what they did at the factory, and i quote; “reamed the chamber, buffed the slide, reassembled the frame, replaced the mag release, test fired, no problems, sent extra magazine for your troubles, thanks, rocky”. what i also got back was another factory fresh mag (total of 2 factory fresh mags with my weapon), as well as the non-compliant factory trigger lock and key (the original was confiscated by my local gun shop, thank you very little local gun shop). so long story short, i now have a gun that has had the chamber reamed, all of the factory doo-dads, which i should have had in the first place, as well as a weapon which goes bang, and not click. not to mention the customer service was better than i expected. i do not place the blame for the delay in sending, and receiving my weapon on the shoulders of hi-point (4 months) total from start to finish, i put the blame squarely on the shoulders of turners…i will finally name them. why? because i had called them at almost christmas time, last year, and after 2 months, my weapon was still in their warehouse, awaiting shipment to ohio for service…when i asked them why the delay, i got back pedaling, and excuse, after excuse from the person on the other end of the phone…no excuse for that. so long story/saga over, got a fairly inexpensive weapon, which works, and does what i want it to do. would i buy one again? well…the jury is still out on that one. i’m gonna have to do some thinking about it, based upon the idea, that there are a plethora of other guns out there, which are just a little bit more expensive, and presumably more durable. if i want a weapon for concealment, then obviously the hi-point is not the one. bersa, sccy, etc., are the way to go, but if you want a beginner gun, or one that will do what you want (but might have to be tweaked, either a little, or maybe a lottle), and can take a beating, then this gun’s for you. nuff said. good luck, good shooting and as always, semper fi.

  • Angila Gaulke December 25, 2012, 11:22 pm

    Great delivery. Solid arguments. Keep up the great work.|

  • Randy Cook December 21, 2012, 2:27 pm

    BTW, Scott Meyer, thanks so much for the review and video. Very informative, unbiased and professional; a very good example of how it should be done.

  • Randy Cook December 21, 2012, 2:15 pm

    I wanted to see what all the hate was about, so Monday I bought a new Hi-Point C9 for $135 at the Fort Belvoir gun counter, and this morning I took it to the NRA range to try it out. I didn’t lube it, polish the ramp or monkey with the magazine. I fired 50 PPU 115gr. FMJ, 50 Fiocchi 115gr. FMJ, 50 Win. Super X 115gr. Silvertip HP and most of a box of 100 Win. white box (115gr. FMJ) with no problem. It did NOT like my 147gr. Silvertip HP handloads. The first two rounds took a nosedive, so I pulled the mag and took a good look. The leading edges of the hollowpoint were rubbing against the inside front of the magazine. An overall length of 1.16″ was a bit long, I think. I’ll have to try some other bullet weights and see what its limits are, but shooting 115gr. FMJ or JHP, it was 100% reliable. I don’t see what all the fuss is about.

    By the way, the folks in Mansfield must be listening, since my feed ramp was unpainted, and my magazine front lips measured 0.368″ inside, right out of the box.

  • Wade December 5, 2012, 3:44 am

    I have put over 3,000 rounds through my Hi point C9 and it NEVER FAILS! Its Ugly, Heavy, But can be counted on to do its job every time with any kind of ammo I have put in it. My wife loves the thing for the low recoil. and its very accurate. I got mine for $129.00 and I would trust my life to my Hi Point any day. I also own an XDm 9mm, a Taurus PT92 AF. and a M&P 40.

  • vmcneal December 4, 2012, 1:03 pm

    I own a Hi Point 9mm and a Smith & Wesson M&P9c among other hand guns. Two weeks ago I was shooting at a indoor range when my M&P jamed and almost at the same time the guy in the next lane had a jam with his Ruger SR9. I was able to clear my gun, but it took a few minutes. The guy with the Ruger,even with the help of the ranger officer could not clear the jam. He left the range with a jamed gun. The point is all semi-auto hand guns can jam but after several thousand rounds my Hi Point has not had a malfunction of any kind. Yes, it’s got the looks that only a mother could love and it’s heavy for a compact but the damn thing just plain works.

  • ken December 3, 2012, 11:14 pm

    Highpoint is a gun for someone who cannot afford another and thats not a crime being poor. I have like 14 rifles and the same number of pistols and then revolvers..I shudder thinking about counting all but thats not the point. I bought a high point like so many others as I am not taking a pistol worth a lot of money in a boat and subject to the elements. The C 9 I bought was like in 2008 and my friend had talk my into a High Point 9mm carbine which I sold a few laters for more then I paid for it. The problem with high point is their magazines they are worthless they cuase feed failures. The C 9 I bought works flawlessly and I let the kids shot it at the range box after box of ammo. They first need to be broken in and I have heard this company is trying to make them to fast which has made the quality suffer and thats not good with a weapon made for a little over a hundred dollars. As for California it is more part of Mexico now let them have them and all the weirdos there that think its ok to let criminals run rampet in the streets but arrest people who kill someone that breaks into their house and shoots at them put the home owner in prison for homicide…My high point works as a fishing gun and a a recreation gun for the kids.

  • paul December 3, 2012, 6:04 pm

    There might be a few cheaper guns out there that are more reliable than the Hi-Point, in 9mm or .380, but I don’t think any of those will pass the Calif drop test(or maybe the manufacturer does not want to go through that hassle. It seems that most companies only care about the bottom line, but Hi-Point and a few others seem to be on a mission. Yes, I would love to drive a top of the line Cadillac or MB, but these are rich man’s cars. Kudos to companies that go out of their way to build a gun that will go bang when the trigger is pulled and will continue to do so!
    Thank you Hi-Point, Kel-tek(for a shotgun designed to be legal in Ca with cool features) and SGworks for making a bullpup stock for the SKS that is Ca legal.
    There are many companies that will NOT sell to Californians and could care less about us. The problem here is that there are many that look to Ca as a model, so however anyone can help bypass and overturn the anti-gun laws(and other freedoms)is a hero and a patriot.

    • The Intelligent Shade Of Blue April 22, 2013, 10:26 am

      Hi, Southern California resident here.

      HP C9 is on the CA DOJ roster of approved handguns, I guess because it passed the drop test (among other reasons). I admire your perspective, and agree with you: more Californians need to get more involved with the overturning of draconian gun laws. Thanks for your input.

      -New C9 owner

      • gianni frazgotti June 8, 2020, 5:35 pm

        So Cal resident here, just got an appointment at Turners, next weekend, to specifically buy a C9. A friend owns the .380, but he bought it in Florida, I was under the impression it wasn’t sold in So Cal. I am buying it SPECIFICALLY to polish the ramp and tweak the clip, because honestly his .380 did jam a couple/few times, but a quick knock with the table or even the hand, knocked it loose for firing. I own 2 small cal semi’s, a Henry Lever action .22lr. But I also own A Ruger 1972 S. Six.357, which is my home defense. So I am looking forward to getting this 9mm on the cheap $189 in L.A. that you could beat up a bit.
        I plan to tweak it and use it. They say 9mm and .22lr are the most common rounds found in the country, every other barn has em. Apocalypse prep. (between pandemics, murder hornets and looting haha…)

        This article and the comments were excellent, The article nice and unbiased the comments helpful as well. Thank you all, I learned about aluminum ammo (blazer), that tip alone prolly saved me money and grief. I’ll be ammo conscious, for sure. Peace.

  • Dave December 3, 2012, 5:20 pm

    I bought a Hi-Point .40 cal. last year online for $105.00 + shipping new in the box. I took it out to our shooting area and I experienced some FTE’s and a few stovepipes. I did some online research and found the problem to be magazine related. I did 2 things. I loaded the mag. and left it stay that way for 48 hrs. to loosen up the spring. Then I opened up the front lips just a little and then the gun performed flawlessly.

  • Gary December 3, 2012, 8:50 am

    Ijust got my wife a C9 for the house as she is disabled and wanted a pistol for her safety . Now i looked every where to see what the best deal was as where on a really tight budget .
    And yeah you have the gun snob haters but there where more people saying great things about Hi-Point so $189 later we got a compact 9mm and a box of rounds for $20 for 100 cant beat that . Everyone had said every time you pull the trigger it goes bang and it did . Two things i don’t like about it are the grips to plastic y and i found it hard to load a mag up that was all . I also brought a 10 round mag and that felt better in my hand due to having a larger bottom .
    To anyone thats on a tight budget yeah buy one it goes bang when you want it why pay $700 to 1000 for a pistol when this does the same thing

  • John December 3, 2012, 5:39 am

    The Hipoint C9 was my first pistol. I traded it in for other higher priced pistols. I have always been sorry that I got rid of it. It always worked well, for me. It was the perfect gun to leave in the glove compartment and not have to worry about damaging its function or finish. Because of my satisfaction with the pistol, I have since purchased a 9mm Hipoint rifle to leave in the truck. This gun I also highly recommend.

  • david November 27, 2012, 12:30 am

    I will also say, for all the nasty stuff people put hi points through during torture tests, i would like to see any other gun do the same thing and not have a malfunction or two.

  • David November 27, 2012, 12:27 am

    I will start by saying i do not own a hi point, nor have i ever shot one, but i will say that i have seen many people reference online torture tests as proof that hi points are reliable or unreliable. Whatever camp you are in as far as hi points go, they are owned by many families that otherwise would not be able to afford a firearm in a “combat worthy” caliber. Try finding a .45 from any other maker for under 200 bucks. Love them or hate them, they provide an affordable alternative for many people on a budget. For the price of a glock or S&W, you could buy enough hi point pistols to arm your whole family.

  • Jason November 25, 2012, 4:32 pm

    I have a little different take on the Hi-Point firearms than many do. I was going to the range almost on a weekly basis. There I can rent any two guns I want for $10, and just buy ammo. So although I havent owned as many guns as others, I have shot more than 70 different pistols on many different occassions. My favorite was the CZ 9mm, but a little out of my price range. I have had most guns jam on me at one time or another, but that could just be dirty range guns, or range ammo, who knows. I went to the C&E gun show in Richmond two months ago and purchased and Hipoint .40 to get my CCW. Boy was I wrong. You arent going to easily conceal this thing. But I will say this. I love my HIpoint .40 and find it to be more accurate than most othe guns I shoot. Maybe due to the fixed barrel. I am not that good of a shot, but at 11 yards, I can keep all 10 rounds in the center mass of my target, which is good enough for me.
    I was leary of purchasing a HiPoint based on some reviews, but what I found is exactly what the author said. 99% of the people who speak ill of the HP weapons, have probably never shot one. At $200 for the gun, extra mag, background check and all, I could not be happier. Next week I am getting a Taurus 9mm or HP 9mm, whichever is smaller. However I can tell you this, after owning a HP, I will not let the “cheap” price bother me at all.

  • C Alexander October 31, 2012, 8:06 pm

    A C9 was my first handgun purchase 12 years. I still own it and it shoots fine. I wouldn’t carry it “on duty”, but I would take it fishing any day. The only issues that I have had have been cycling problems when the mag is loaded to capacity. With 6 or fewer in the mag, it works every time.

  • ghostmarine October 14, 2012, 2:06 am

    i took the plunge the other day, and purchased a hi-point c9 9mm pistol, from a local gun store. paid $209.00, which included the cal-doj approved gun lock, cardboard box, obligatory paperwork, and dros (dealer’s report of sales) fees…ya-ay… before, and during the inevitable waiting period, i watched all of the videos on youtube, and etc…most of the submitters beefed/whined about how much the hi-point weighed, its resemblance to power tools, how the gun is uglier than sin, and what-not. well, i have news, both good and bad.
    the good news:
    the hi-point c9 9mm pistol, does not quite resemble a cordless drill-much. the gun itself isn’t all that heavy, and is kind of smallish in design. fairly well made, in spite of the gun looking like it is plastic and pot metal almost die-cast in quality, which it is not. the looks of the firearm are different, but, to me, it is not quite as ugly on the eyes-my eyes, as most the postings on youtube would have the viewer believe.
    the bad points:
    the magazines for this line of firearms, including the carbines are weak. probably the weakest part of the whole entire weapon system. the mag feed lips tend to make every round ejected (by hand, or other-wise, or so i’ve observed) from the magazine, nose dive. no, i have not had a chance to fire the weapon-yet (which, i’ll explain more about in a moment). you can ship the mags back to the manufacturer for replacement, if they’re causing failure to feed, or failure to eject difficulties. you may get lucky, and get mags that work properly, right out of the box. but if you don’t, you’ll probably be better off getting after market mags from pro-mag, or some other company, (at a higher out of pocket cost), and not have problems…which leads me to the other part of the bad news. my weapon was shipped from the manufacturer, without a mag-release button spring…nothing like not being able to seat a magazine in the weapon, huh? so, now i have to send a brand-new weapon back to the factory, as it was shipped in a “bad from the box” condition, from the get-go. i’m glad i have a lifetime warranty with the weapon!
    soooo, if you bought a hi-point c9 pistol, and was expecting to get a glock, or some other manufacturer’s product, in terms of mechanics, ease of use, quality, and/or, some other non-sense, well then get over it!!
    if that’s what you wanted from this weapon, then you obviously obtained the wrong firearm. however, if you bought a hi-point pistol, because you want (or need) a low-cost, knock-around weapon system/bullet-launching device, well then welcome home!! this weapon is not perfect, but if you are like me, and are recovering from financial hard-ships, etc., and needed something to serve its purpose then, this is it. i’ll tell you honestly, the hi-point c9 9mm pistol is not a perfect weapons platform. in fact, it is far from that mark.
    if you pay attention to the videos posted on youtube, invest a little time, and effort into the gun. make the needed fault corrections, (rework the magazines, polish the feed ramp, the doll head, and so on), then, this weapon could be made better by the consumers-potentially far much better than it is, as it comes from the factory. several of the suggestions i have observed, are going to be done on my hi-point…just as soon as i get it back from the factory. in short, fine reader, keep this thought in mind; a bullet launcher, is a bullet launcher, is a bullet launcher, and so on, and so on. most bullet-launcher-pack-mules (bloggers, and such), can/and/or/will be rather elitist and very snobby about their choice of bullet chucking devices. many of the postings prove this, nearly everywhere you look on youtube. my bits of advice to you would be this: please, be very careful to whom you give your faith, confidence, and attention to, when it comes to their video postings, and the advice contained within them. if you even think that you’re getting in over your head, then by all means, please feel free and consult a gunsmith. have them do the work for you (such as; polishing the feed ramp, etc.).
    why mess up your gun (even if it is cheap), if you don’t have to?
    until the next posting…good luck, and good shooting!!

  • Bruce October 11, 2012, 2:32 pm

    I am not going to get into the argument here but I just wanted to share that I purchased a 9mm Luger last fall when I got my CC license. I have shot about 400-500 rounds through it and have had several jams. I haven’t experienced any FTF but it jams relatively often. Sometimes I can get through a two or three mags and other times it will misfeed two or three times in one mag. I own just the one single mag. I bought a box of the cheap russian steel case rounds and it hated that stuff. I have best luck with Federal it seems.

    Bottom line is that I didn’t buy this as a toy for the range, I bought it for home protection and I just don’t feel comfortable with something that I cannot depend on to feed correctly. I don’t think a gun should have to go to a gun smith and be modified to get it to work correctly. That should all be taken care of at the factory. It has been shot enough to be “broken in” by now so I am going to look into trading it in on something else.
    At this point, I am willing to get past the lure of the $170 price tag and move up to something more expensive and hopefully more reliable. Any suggestions?

    • vmcneal November 17, 2012, 4:15 pm

      Bruce..Buy a revolver.

    • vmcneal November 17, 2012, 4:17 pm

      Bruce….Smith & Wesson Revolver

  • nick September 29, 2012, 9:18 pm

    i have a hi point 9mm lugger its awsome butt i wish i would have bought the 45 insted the 9mm dose not have a light or a laser rail also my clip was not working well so i had to send it out all in all it is awsome gunn

  • Jimmy Futrelle September 16, 2012, 5:38 pm

    Wow. There is a little hostility in some of these voices. Why? I don’t know. Lets face it. There is not a “gun” on the market that has not failed someone at some time. We all have different reasons for our firearm flavors. I purchased my hi-point .45ACP because I was saving for a PX4 storm .45 and every time I aquired a couple of hundred dollars, something came up and I had to start over. I travel a lot and live alone. It gave me an inexpensive option, while I (to this day) build my gun fund again for my ideal weapon. Well, a Lapua .338 is my ideal weapon, but I digress. I can not say I am dissapointed with my purchase. It has been a wonderful gun thus far for my needs, and has continued my desire for additional weapons. Being one whom believes that everyone should be trained in self defense and survival techniques, I feel I can defend my life with anything from a firearm to my bare hands and anything I can place my hands upon, in-between. I have no fear that I can defend myself and my home with my Hi-point, any less than with my Baretta or my Remington. My Hi-point has jamed a couple of times. Understanding the weapon and how it functions, allowed me to clear it quickly and continue shooting. Self-defense is a skill. A skill based on knowledge, ability and adaptation. A skill that should be taught more than it is. If any weapon fails at a critical moment, you may die. If numereous componets of your car, or an elevator, or a building, fail at a critical moment, you may die. The reality is no different. I’ve saved many lives in my 26 years of service, and in all that time, dealing with death, I have learned one truth. Life is hard and unexpected, and then you die. Some sooner than others. Sometimes, Death can not be avoided. How we prepare and handle the unexpected is the deciding factor in most life and death situations. I can teach a person to defend themselves as efficently with a 2 cent pencil, as with a 20 dollar pen. IF I have someone wanting to learn to shoot, and all they can afford is a Hi-point, I will teach them everything I can about the weapon. The positives and the negatives and how to handle themselves, should the weapon fail. That education of self, is so much more valuable than the weapon they hold in their hands. No offense meant, but I trust no weapon or device, beyond my own body, completely. Weapons fail, devices break, ammo depleats, and in the end… if all else fails…all I have is me and my ability to adapt. I have faith that if all else fails, I will persevere. IF not…than I won’t know the difference.

  • upyours September 14, 2012, 4:44 am

    I love reading these ignorant internet arguments when there is actually no valid argument to be had. Plain and simple, Highpoint (and yes i spelled it wrong on purpose) makes guns that come from a bad design, are made with cheap materials, are unreliable, and ultimately are unsafe in many ways. I am sick of hearing the low price argument, its ignorant, irrational, and lacks logic. You can buy a reliable 9mm (Springfield for example) for 350$. Save your 150 and wait till your next paycheck when you have 350 to buy something that is meant to save and protect your life. The simple fact is that a HIGH percentage of Lowpoint handguns can’t go through a full clip without a failure to feed, failure to eject, or whatever other malfunction you can think of. I am not even going to say how many of them i have owned, how many utube videos there are on how to fix them, or how many articles and reviews i have read about the high percentage of malfunctions–i dont need to. Its self-evident, these pistols are garbage and if you buy one you are a moron. If you ever need to defend yourself and your highpoint malfunctions while the offender fills you full of led and you die, sorry you deserve it. 🙂

    • vmcneal September 24, 2012, 3:17 pm

      upyours…..I have a couple of higher end semi-Autos and Revolvers. I also
      have a HiPoint 9mm compact… Guess what…they all go bang everytime
      I pull the trigger. I have not had a malfunction of any kind with my HiPoint in
      over two thounds rounds….that’s my experience.

      • Gary December 3, 2012, 8:58 am

        upyours if i had $350 i would of only needed about $10 more to buy two Hi-Point’s and yes i did spell it right .

    • The Intelligent Shade Of Blue April 22, 2013, 10:19 am

      I assure you that I am not a moron, irrational, lacking logic, etc., just because I bought a cheap pistol to learn with. If you’re a new driver, are you going to learn with a Corvette Stingray or your parents’ five-year-old econobox?

      That’s what I thought.

      If your goal is to spare unwitting novice firearms owners the frustration of an ostensibly unreliable pistol, perhaps you may wish to bolster your ethos by, say…..not name-calling. Who’s going to listen to someone who does nothing but fling insults? Nobody.

  • Mike Letterman September 13, 2012, 10:30 pm

    If you are interested in selling please let me know.

  • Smoke September 10, 2012, 5:14 am

    to each his own, but I think the High Point looks different than any of the other Guns on the Market with their Copy Cat Looks. Nearly all of these Pistols look alike to me. The High Point that you guys call Ugly, is an interesting to look at “Klingon Gun” to me. Waither, Glock, Taurus, XD= all look the same to me=YAWN.

    At Least High Point is trying to spice things up on the looks dept.

  • Dave P August 29, 2012, 6:53 pm

    I bought the hi point c9 as my first gun. It is heavy and ugly but it did work great the first couple of rounds,but then it began jamming every 2 or 3 rounds. I did some research and replaced the magazine,unfortunately it did not help. siI am nuetral to the argument about this handgun but me personally I would never buy another one.

  • Chet August 24, 2012, 12:11 am

    For those that don’t like the Hi-point. If you come into my house uninvited and you find yourself staring down the barrel of either my 9mm or .45 Hi-point, are you really going to be worried about the guns value, the name stamped on the slide, or whether or not its not going to eject or feed after the first shot? Seriously. I’ve put over 1200 rounds through both weapons and never had a problem. I wouldn’t hesitate to bet my life on either one.

  • Tomas August 22, 2012, 1:06 am

    I just purchased my second HP 9mm because I was very pleased with my first. One thing to be said about the HP C9 is it sure does bring out the opinions.

  • Izzy August 20, 2012, 7:08 am

    saturday night special is what I meant in initial post. not 38 special…thats a rock and roll band I think….So is the JHP 45 something I want…Id rather loss a 140.00 gun that a 145.00 gun or a 180.00 etc. I believe after the initial break in period that it would perform.

  • Izzy August 20, 2012, 5:47 am

    My two cents…and thats probably all its worth…im stuck at the fulcrum…I OFF ROAD ALOT and recently I take a plinker for snakes. rats ,rabid lizards etc. but where I got we also have mountain lions…some parts of the US they are called cougars i think.

    Either way. I am very interested in this “not going to get my shorts in a bunch if I lose it” pistol. out on the trail unlike my little SIG… I am refering to losing the Hp in .45,,,,I dont want to take the pistol I absolutely have full 100% faith in….Wait did I just say I trust my other pistol 100%?

    I dont trust any pistol 100%

    the purpose of my rant and diatribe is this. Wether its my HK USP 45 tac or my Soon to be HP 45, a ftf, or fte is the same in both when it happens…either way your screwed when you least want to be. 1200,00 or 150.00 its still the same end game…

    Ok. did I have to sand, bend, tweak, manipulate, fold ,spindle, or mutilate the USP to function? like it seems I would have to do to the HP. NO. but…..the HP is a “toss pistol” you toss it in you boat you toss it in your car under the seat of the truck in the ice cooler. whatever.
    Its something made for one purpose and hopefully that it to shoot when you need it most…

    .I think LOOOOONG time ago we had something called the 38 special. taped grips, headspace off, a dime a dozen,etc…but if its all we could get…we got it…its seems the HP is getting the throw away gun rap of the 38 special from days gone by. Is it a great pistol…duh. Of coarse not. but to some of us Dead-beats( really deadbats? NEVER knew busting balls to make ends meet which is a priority meant someones a deadbeat.Hmm i digress)

    Accurate…Hmmm.. ok Jog in place for about 5 minutes do push ups and situp to simulate an adreline rush that may happen in a tactical situation…..then run to he table feed your mag in the well and see how good you are with the 1000.00 pistol and the 150.00 pistol

    Come on its a 150.00 m dollar pistol. I imagine that if its being sold that it had to pass some sort of tests. Im assuming this.

    OK so we are saying here is the HP in a class by iteself as being better than High dollar pistols or on the same mark…Yes both will put a very very big hole in you…if it hits its mark when its suppose to. I mean matching a HP to Higher end SIG or a HK etc.. Kimber. is like matching a BMW to a ford pinto…they will both get you to the same place …but which one would you trust to get you there.

    If you are comfortable with the HP and it feels good in your hand. if you have faith it will do it job when needed and afford it.. then I suggest go shoot one (range rent) and see what you think..

    Im on the middle of the seesaw. I dont know whcih way to go…but I do know I will buy one. HOWEVER it will be a back up…My primary is a 45/70 my secondary is a 44…but my camp gun off road woulod be this HP..I trust it at least that much…If I cant get the porterhouse I may as well settle for the t-bone.

    Ok so whTA THIS bloG ABOUT..cause I am So loST
    btw. I am not a newbie with pistols or the like…I have been around weapons my entire life..well since Rifle Team in High school. NRA since 82 97, Armed forces DS/DS veteran. and the like ,,but I trust NRA instructors and I trust LEO …Youtube? Not so much

    • Izzy August 20, 2012, 5:58 am

      sorry I re-read my comment. I have respect for NutnFancy judgement and do use youtube as a foundation….sometimes..so I apologize.

      again. if you can afford it. If you dont mind a few hurdles to get this pistol to work like you think it should…if you need to. and it fits well with your shotting abilities and style. I suggest to at least consider it. I mean you wouldnt really be here reading it if you werent right?

  • Jon B August 8, 2012, 3:28 pm

    I have one of these and it cant be beat. I’ve put over 3000 rounds through mine and have never had an issue. There have been a few failure to feeds but those were handloads I was given. I found the bullet hadn’t seated properly and caused the brass to bulge therefore preventing the feed. I have nick named mine “Miss Congeniality” because while she’s not the prettiest but she sure has a nice personality. If I hear people bashing the C9I let them shot mine or I point them to the following Youtube videos.



  • fred July 27, 2012, 11:17 pm

    very interested in your 9mm tell me wwhat to do

  • Jim K July 13, 2012, 11:29 am

    small guns will always be with you if needed

  • Jim K July 13, 2012, 11:28 am

    These are my choice. small guns will always be with you if needed

  • chris July 4, 2012, 1:00 pm

    as soon as we get moved to colorado im going to be upgrading to a c9 cause i can get ammo cheaper then for my 380 which i will be selling off after i get the new 1

  • artpaintingforsale June 15, 2012, 11:10 pm

    .We specialized in manufacturing various styles of cheap oil painting with the best quality and the most attractive price.

  • artpaintingforsale June 15, 2012, 11:10 pm

    .We specialized in manufacturing various styles of cheap oil painting with the best quality and the most attractive price.

  • vmcneal June 15, 2012, 5:23 pm

    I now have close to 1,000 rounds with my C9 without a single problem. The only problem with Hi Points is that silly take down pin. These guns are just not made to be field stripped on a regular basis, but otherwise they are good guns at a price most people can afford.

  • Pat H. June 11, 2012, 6:38 pm

    I have owned a C9 for over 7-8 years with no problems. I paid $115 for it and it is one of my favorites. I own many expensive pistols that cost much more and screw up more. I have a Kel Tec .380 that is not nearly as reliable as the Hi-Point. I will be getting the new Carbine in 9mm when one comes available (seems they cant keep them in stock) and it is a ball to shoot. I am sick of going into gunshops that look down thier noses when I ask about a Hi-Point. Guess there isnt as much profit there. Wish I had bought all calibers back then. Pat

  • IE300 June 10, 2012, 2:14 am

    Just got a Taurus PT100 in .40 S&W. Haven’t shot yet, but I love just playing with it and it’s a beautiful stainless piece. I’m looking forward to putting some fake pearls on it ’cause I’ve seen pic’s of them and I think they look real pretty like that. I know how some people feel about silver pistol’s with pearls, but I don’t care. Over the years I’ve owned probably owned close to 200 pistols, everything from a S&W Model 17 .22 Target Masterpiece to an original dead mint WWII Remington Rand Govt. issue .45, and out of all of them the one I thought was the best looking was a Star FM .22 automatic that was nickel plated with fake pearls. And it shot as good as I thought it looked. I’ve also had some guns that looked like dog’s that I loved too ’cause they shot so well.
    Point is I’ve owned a lot of guns in my time, and when it comes to guns, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. But it’s gotta work and hit what I’m pointing at; other than that who knows what might make us fall in love with a particular piece?
    Well I’ve been reading about these Hi-Points for a while, and have pretty much come down on the side that I am believing the good stuff I’m reading. Might need a little tweak here and there with the mags and maybe the feed ramp, but I believe this is probably as good as the fans say it is. So I’m gonna get one. My Taurus is in .40 S&W, and I have an Uberti 1858 Remington that I antiqued and did a full gated conversion with a Kirst Konverter, spring loaded ejector rod, and a few parts I fabricated myself, in .45 ACP. I know most conversions are in .45 Colt, but in speaking with the gunsmith at kirst, he advised me that the .45 ACP was actually more accurate in this particular conversion. So the still leaves me wuthout a .9mm, so I guess that’s what I’ll go with. Besides, the 9mm ammo is a lot cheaper than the other calibers and available everywhere.
    I have a couple of things to sell before I buy anything else, but selling a gun for $300. and buying another for $179. is a pretty easy to explain to the wife. And it’s also cheap enough that after making sure it runs well, I could have some fun with some DIY customizing. I’ve seen a few examples on the internet where people have actually polished the slides to bare metal, and even though it’s some sort of Zamak alloy, it looks like stainless when it’s in the white. Don’t know what it’s corrosion or aging would look like, but I guess you could always re-polish it or try some other metal finish on it. The handle and frame could be done up in any way imaginable with a good quality plastic paint. I did a plastic stock on a Marlin .22 automatic rifle in a camoflage pattern of my own design, and it came out great and is as tough as nails. Hasn’t chipped or worn off at all in spite of substantial use in the field and in the woods. Long as you let the paint cure for a good week or so, than give it a matt (or gloss) clear coat for some additional protection and let that also cure for another week, and I believe you have a lifetime finish. If you get tired of it, just jive it a new prime coat and start over. It’s all good; and fun!
    Anyway, I betcha I get a good Hi-Point to start with. I believe 90% of the problems with new shooters is shooting an automatic without locking their wrist. Their wrist is stealing the kinetic energy from the pistol, which needs it to cycle correctly. And people don’t like to admit that they might be shooting with a limp wrist ’cause they think that their masculinity is being questioned, so they blame the gun. Hey, how come that pistol works fine when I shoot it? Can’t wait to get my new big ugly heavy cheap pistol so I can make it look like a pistol that Andy Warhole would design. Sorry if I spelled his name wrong, but it doesn’t seem worth the time to check it for spelling. To all of you who have and love their Hi-Point’s, I can’t wait to join you. Think we should start a club!

  • Marci Towns June 4, 2012, 7:26 am

    I could not refrain from commenting. Perfectly composed!

  • klaesaxx May 30, 2012, 9:07 pm

    It’s been interesting to read all the comments. I’m a recent owner of the c9. When I bought it a few days ago, the LGS owner told me specifically not to worry about cleaning it before I shot it. I thought it was odd but he’s the expert. He’s been selling them like crazy and he said the few guys that have come back to him with FTF issues were the ones who messed with them ahead of time.

    So I took my c9 out to the desert with a couple of mags and 100 rounds of wwb. I did have 5 FTF or FTE in the first 70 rounds. I tweaked the magazine as I’ve heard people talk about, bought a big box of Remington FMJ the next day and went back out, not one problem in 150 rounds. I’m not sure if the it was the magazine adjustment or the Remington ammo, but it worked flawlessly.

    And to be honest, I just bought the c9 because I wanted something on my hip when I’m in the woods or on my boat on the big reservoirs here in AZ. Gotta love AZ, open carry or ccw with no permit. I sometimes get way out in the middle of nothing and wanted something to protect my family. But I wasn’t sure how much I’d want to shoot or like to shoot. I haven’t shot a weapon since my Army days in the early to mid 90’s. And that was on the M16 only so this is my first experience with a handgun. So that being said, as a dad of 3, I didn’t have a lot of $$ to plop down on a handgun that I may or may not use a lot. Plus, it was a lot easier to get my wife to agree to a $150 gun as opposed to a $500+ one.

    There was a little bit of a learning curve for me. The trigger pull was pretty long- not heavy- just long. I’d pull and pull and nothing would happen and finally… it’d fire. So at first, accuracy was bad as I was getting used to the trigger. It seemed like I had to hold the sight a LONG time. But after a few mags, I was REALLY enjoying it. The recoil was not bad at all, and as I gained a feel for the gun and some confidence, my accuracy improved.

    I personally don’t care what anyone thinks of the handgun I’m shooting. I had valid reasons for purchasing a c9 and did my research before buying it. It may not be the best handgun out there, but it suits my purpose for owning one just fine; a reliable/fairly accurate entry level handgun to gain experience and to decide whether I like it/want to progress further with it.

    And one more thing that I’m not sure anyone else has said…… the thing is a blast to shoot!!! I shot 150 rounds through it on day 2 and could have shot many more. I was having a blast, but had to restrain myself because that could quickly become an expensive hobby. All in all, I’m thankful the Hi-Point was there as an option for me. I’m enjoying it now. I may upgrade someday or at least buy a smaller ccw in addition, but for right now I’m enjoying it.

    • Sailerman December 3, 2012, 1:53 pm

      A couple years ago I decided that since my son in law had a 45 acp 1911 I decided I one again also but I didnt want to spend the money and since hp made a 45 that could be bought for about$200 I bought one and had it sent to a local dealer.
      Son in law came to shoot and we hung varous plow points and misc. pieses of steel out 50 ft to shoot and see dance and ring when we scored a hit. I cracked it out of the plastic box it came in, loaded up both clips with the cheepest round nose I could buy.
      No cleaning, oiling, nothing but looking down the barrel to make sure it was clear. I noticed that it shot a few inches high if I kept the same sight picture I normally used. Son in law would never waste his money on such a low cost gun. I was able to hit any thing he could hit. He would hit a target, I would follow him. He couldnt believe his eyes. I pulled the triger and it fired. Just like his did. No clip problems not one jam, not one ftf. His 45 cost 795. I could buy 4 HP s that had a far better warantee at that price and both went bang and hit what you shot at. So I bought another HP 45 and it has never been out of the box except to rust proof it. Is it safe? It doesnt cock the hammer until you are at the end of that long trigger pull, like a hammerless wheel gun. Nothing set up in there that can fire until you pull that long trigger pull. It is about as simple, fool proof as you can get and gives people here at home a job at a lower price than its compition.. Maybe if they gold plated the trigger It would suddenly get a more reliable reputation.

  • DoctorWho May 25, 2012, 7:44 pm

    That is OK, you do that, I will keep My dependable service arm, the way I always have, I rely on My handguns for My defense, and sending them off to be cleaned is not an option that works for Me….

  • joe May 23, 2012, 8:46 pm

    Never cleen your hi point just run a brush through the barrel cleen the slide ax drop of oil thousands of rounds if its dirty send it to hi point they will clean it for you try that with any other manufacture

  • joe May 23, 2012, 8:39 pm

    Another challenge a much better one you bring you so called better more expexsive guns to a manufacture quality warrenty test my hi point on the ground and your so called old reliable on the ground we give them 3 wacks with a 20lb sledge then send them back for warrenty we both tell manufacture we are not original owners and want guns repaired or replaced now for free lets see who wins I never seen a problem with hi point oh yea keep the may you will get a new one with your new replacement hi poin

  • DoctorWho May 23, 2012, 6:11 pm

    The bottom line is this, buy what you think is best, and works best for you, I have always done that, and My decisions are made considering the facts, cheap is not always bad, quality is important too, I see many defending their choice, a good choice does not need defending, I also see many attacking those that spend $ 400 – $1,000 and more for their choice to spend more on a handgun..

    I have bought high quality used handguns at great prices, however, it is hard to find quality of manufacture & good designs at around $130 – $ 150, the various Makarovs and other surplus handguns being a notable exception…..

  • DoctorWho May 23, 2012, 5:03 pm

    “i will always have my hi points……….”

    Lol, I suppose so.

  • Shonny prichard May 22, 2012, 10:32 pm

    I have a 9 g 45.both have had 1000 to 1500 rounds fired thourh them.no problems at all with the 45.had a few failure to feed.sent it to them and got it back working fine and they gave me a mag for my troubles. I also took it apart wich they say not to. I droped a spring and pln sent it to them to fix expecting. Them to charge me for my mistake. But nope free of charge.they tell me to clean the barral and if i need it deep cleaned to send it to them and they’ll. Do it free.i also own a 9 carbine hi polnt rifle it
    s always the most shot gun i bring out.kids and woman love it and so do the men. I will recommend this guns to anybody. I have other more expensive guns but

    i will always have my hi points……..

  • DoctorWho May 22, 2012, 5:36 pm

    Very interesting comment……

    However, marksmanship is not just about what a fixed or ransom rest mounted pistol is capable of, that is only one factor…….. a handgun must encompass many good traits in order to be suitable for personal defense in and out of the home, maybe it is accurate, however, that alone does not make it a good pistol to carry all day…..

  • joe May 21, 2012, 7:35 pm

    Hi pointis the best gun I ever owned. If you have a problem with yours send it back you will get a new one the comp models are the most accurate semi auto out. Period. I would put my gun up against any other for accuracy
    Vice pined using same grain shell increasing 5 yards at a time until you get of the target. Gun for gun.
    Any floating un pined barrels wanna apply. Remember gun clamped in vice to prevent human error.
    I live in pa any takers. Put your gun where your mouth is.

  • DoctorWho May 21, 2012, 6:48 am

    I don’t understand much of the hostility here, the people that defend their position on a handgun like the Hi-Point, and base price as the bottom line reason for owning one, and those that attack people for owning one.

    I personally prefer a better design, and for Me, that is a 1911, while the least expensive 1911 will be somewhat more than twice what a Hi-Point costs, between $350 – $400, a well known distributor has the RIA 1911 for around $359, the design of the 1911 is the better of the two, as someone that is on a budget, I understand that cost is indeed a factor for many people, however, as someone that has been in defensive encounters, I want the best tool I can afford too.

    I save My pennies too, and when I see a great bargain, I appreciate it, there are great bargains to be had, just picked up a Mossberg 500 shotgun at a low price, perfect for any type of defense, price is not the only criteria, quality is most important, somewhere price & quality meet, I use tools, and many times there re cheaper tools that work well, but more often, the cheaper tools are not so great and break off short.

    My guns are also tools, and I need them so I may survive, so My choices are going to be made dispassionately and objectively and within My tight budget…..

    Thanks for the article in any case Scott, I miss you on the old forum……….

  • Arji May 14, 2012, 11:42 am

    I have the .45 ACP Hi Point. I have had issues with it but only FTEs. If I buy a firearm that doesn’t already have a polished or nice stainless steel feed ramp, then I polish the ramp with a little oil and 800 grit sandpaper. This should be standard practice for any gun owner as far as I’m concerned. Needless, to say, I have never had a FTF. I also have noticed that the mags may be an issue that I have never heard anyone mention. They appear to be made of stamped metal and the feed guides are very sharp-edged. The leading edge of the mag is also the same. I believe much of the FTF issues may simply be from the casing of the round hitting the hard edge of the mag and that either slows the feed down or even stops it completely. So I got an sanding stick and gently sanded all the sharp edges of the magazine to a smooth, even glossy finish. I then followed up with a polishing wheel with my Dremel. I believe that in itself, has a lot to do with eliminating FTFs. As far as the occasional FTEs I think that may also be related to the type of round used. I have found some brands never fail to eject while others do but still it is a rare issue and since I bought the gun as a beginners 45, it’s not a major issue with me. Still, I would like to resolve that issue if I can because, of course, it’s the expensive ammo that works the best and the cheaper ones that have the occasional FTE issue. Overall, the gun is quite accurate and very reliable if you aren’t going to depend on it for self defense. Of course, the use of a Magsafe 45 ACP Super Swat rounds is a good choice for self defense and at 2260 fps and 771 ft/lbs of muzzle energy, one well placed shot would be devastating. So if the gun only fires one round and you hit on target, the potential issues with the gun are a moot point. However, with that much energy, I fully expect that follow up shots will be non-problematic. At the cost of the those rounds, I have fired only 4 in fairly quick succession and did not have any issue at all.

  • David May 2, 2012, 12:25 pm

    I purchased a c9 against the advice of several gun shop owners and my little brother. I am glad I did. It shoots well, the recoil is no more than my Ruger lc9, and it was cheap. Ad the fact that it has a lifetime warranty and is “Made in USA.” That being said, if you buy a Hi-Point because it is cheap, that is a good thing. However, my experience is that you cannot be cheap when it comes to the ammunition you use. I have tried several different makes of 9mm and it absolutely will not function with Tulammo. (You know, the one you bought a couple thousand rounds of because it was so cheap.) I can use this ammo in other guns but the c9 jut doesn’t seem to like it. I have, however, used the reloads from LAX range and never had a FTF or FTE. So, spend some money (’cause you got the gun so cheap) on the right ammo and you should not have any problems. Am currently looking for the 9mm carbine. I think that would be a kick to shoot as well. The bad thing is that I live in Kalifornia, so by the time we get a Hi-Point carbine, it is a couple hundred dollars more than anywhere else, but then again, so are other other weapons.

  • George April 30, 2012, 6:10 pm

    This has to be the longest post on the illusion of a Hi-point, being considered a firearm, I have witnessed in 40 years of carrying a firearm. It’s like comparing a Renault to a Maserati. there is no justification or reason to own a Hi-point unless you are planning on getting caught holding up a Liquor Store, and don’t want to lose one of your real guns.It’s not a matter of if the gun fires sometimes. It must fire every time. These and a few other names often don’t. If you carry a pistol for self defense, you are cheating fate should you survive an encounter when you need to use this so called gun, If you think that little about your life and the lives of your loved ones that you must purchase the cheapest piece of junk with which to defend your family, you are doing a diservice to yourself and those around you. You save money on other things maybe paint, not guns.

    • vmcneal May 8, 2012, 5:23 pm

      Well…all I can say is that after 500 plus rounds I have not had one problem of any kind with my C9…I did NOT have to bend the mag lips or polish the feed ramp etc. etc..At the range I shoot $12.00/box 115 grain Federal FMJ and American Eagle 124 grain FMJ without a problem. I’m sure at some point I will get a jam of some kind but that’s true of any semi-auto pistol regardless of cost. Heck, I’ve seen my friends $1,000 S&W 1911 jam.

  • xxMadRocKxx April 29, 2012, 4:55 pm

    I have a Hi-Point C9mm. While its a cool toy for $150, It has problems out the ass and its not just mine. I dont care about the ugly and the heavy doesnt bother me. It’s a gun you actually have to get work done to it so it will run smooth. The mags are way crappy you have to take almost every mag and bend the lips around with pliers just to get them to feed properly and most of the time it doesnt even help. The rounds just dont seat properly in the mag. You have to get the feed ramp polished or do it yourself so it works properly and that doesnt even work sometimes. Jam, double feed, stovepipe, FTeject, etc……. My rounds pop straight up and down in the chamber and get stuck once or twice every ten rounds. No limp-wrist crap. I have researched these problems to find a fix and tweak the magazine and feed ramp is all you can do really. Its better than nothing though, if you dont have a real gun.
    Fun for target practice not so fun for a firefight.

  • Lyle April 23, 2012, 5:02 pm

    In the space program, when you run into a problem, you stop to take a step back and re-evaluate everything that lead up to the problem to them come up with a corrective action. They do this because you are dealing with people’s lives and very expensive property. You seemed to have had problems, put the gun out of sight for a while, then pulled it out and continued to have problems, then put it away, then pulled it back out and had a catastrophic failure. The only change you described was the ammo. But that was thin on a description.

    In what you described, I see no fault but your own. You did not practice a good troubleshooting and safety protocol.

    You do not describe the types of ammo used along with the position of rounds when they failed to feed. The only troubleshooting appears to be different ammo. But no word on the ammo being brass or steel primed, boxer or berdan primed. Did you do the pencil eraser test on the firing pin? Did you happen to measure your rounds to check the poorly feeding ones were not out of spec for the length? HP or round nose bullets? How were the rounds seated in the magazine? Did your feed ramp possibly have something that the round was hanging up on or bouncing off of? Did you clean it once you started having feed issues? Adjust the mag lips?

    I just picked up a C9 this weekend and before I have a round through it I’ve researched it and I know of all the common failure modes and corrective actions for those.

    You seemed to have had too high of expectations for the C9. I’m expecting a problem or two in the first few hundred rounds while it’s getting broken in and with each and every problem I’ll be implementing a corrective action. Maybe not that day at the range but in-between sessions.

    It sounds like you are a firearms instructor being you mention you use the C9 to show what a squib load looks like. I would take a second look at what you teach/practice when a failure with a firearm occurs. Not stopping an taking a serious look at any firearm that has a FTFeed/FTFire/FTE is what will get you or a student hurt or killed.

    • Shawn April 26, 2012, 6:16 pm

      Lyle, for the sake of brevity I left out a lot of information. You got the abridged version. Research was done, ammo evaluated, etc. I own a number of had guns from cheap Rolm revolvers to high S&W’s. I have had guns that have had to be tweaked and those that have shot fantastically out the box. I have been shooting for 40 years and I have not even come close to experiencing the problems that I experienced with the Hi-Point.

      If you have to do as much tweaking, researching, and breaking in with a Hi-Point as many have to do, it is not worthy of being considered for self-defense. There is simply too much variability in the performance of the the Hi_point for people who are simply looking for an expensive firearm for protection. They do not know how to do the research and testing to which you refer. They are not looking to become gun experts or gun enthusiasts. They simply want I gun that will go bang when it is supposed to and work as it should.

      I am not a fan of the Glock and will not own one, but it does what it is supposed to do when it. You pull the trigger, it goes bang. The Hi-Point shoulld strive just to do the basics, pull the trigger, go bang.

  • Shawn April 21, 2012, 3:21 pm

    A Hi-Point will get you killed or injured.

    In 2005 I started hearing about the Hi-Point and decided to look into it. I heard good, bad, an indifferent comments about the Hi-Point. I figured for $150 or so, why not give it a try.

    A bought a Hi-Point 9mm. As always I disassembled, cleaned, lubed, re-assembled and went to the range. I three or four rounds, then I got feeding failures. I figured the issues would resolve once the gun was broken in a bit. I went through three magazines worth of rounds continuing to clear failures. In the meantime, another issue emerged. I would squeeze the trigger and nothing happened.

    I saw an indent where the striker hit the primer but nothing. Okay so I tried another brand of ammo, samething. I tried another brand of ammo, samething. So at this point I am not only having feeding issues but failure to fire issues as well. After a frustrating session a couple of hundred rounds, I packed up and went home.

    A week or so later, back to the range, with different brands of ammo. Still experiencing feeding and firing failures. Put a 100 rounds or so through.

    A couple of months pass and I am back at the range. Different brands of ammo, still having feeding and failure issues. Then I good to rack around and notice my gun had been blown apart. With all of the failure to fires, I did not notice I had had a squib load.

    The one good thing I can say about the Hi-Point is that it is built ruggedly enough that it protected me from an event that could have ended badly.

    I have kept the Hi-Point and have used it in my classes to show what can happen if you fail to notice a squib load. I did not bad mouth Hi-Point because the damage was ultimately done by a squib load. But and this is a big BUT, the failure to fire problems was a major contributing factor to this event occuring. I will not ever buy a Hi-Point product again.

  • bill c April 20, 2012, 10:52 pm

    just bought one , 9c , selling locally for 139 .95

  • Wade April 19, 2012, 10:18 am

    I have owned a total of 7 HPs including pistols and carbines. I still own the 3 carbines (995 w/ATI stock, 4095 w/Planet of the Apes original stock, and the newer 4595TS), and a NIB C9-Compact 9mm pistol. I have had great service out of all guns fired, though one of the carbines did have to go back for repair after a bad reload KB’d in the chamber. There was no injury or catastrophic failure, only the ejector needed to be replaced. And not only did the owner repair the gun himself, but sent me back extra mags and some ammo to boot with the repaired rifle which has functioned perfectly ever since! I have also ordered and replaced a worn out firing pin on the first C9. This part was sent promptly to my door with NO CHARGE! You cannot beat HP’s customer service!! My first c9-Compact 9mm was almost singlehandedly reponsible for getting me back into the shooting sports after many years of not shooting since my teen years. From the purchase of the C9 in 2005 I have grown a fairly respsectable collection of weapons and ammo. Some of these are in the very expensive range and perfomr no better than my HPs. I joined and participated in IDPA and 3-gun matches and now even reload. I have loaded well over 60K rounds in the last 4 years on my little Lee turret press. I owe this all to that purchase of my first C9 in 2005. It served me well, and after selling it to a cousin who was in need of a cheap tool, is still going strong! I bought another C-9 a couple of years ago, just for sentimental reasons, which has yet to be fired. I have found the weapons to be not only very serviceable but accurate as well. I cannot dispute that some have experienced troubles with HP weapons, but I can’t name a single brand that I haven’t read about or seen afailure in as well. Even the H&Ks and XCR’s and Glocks of the world have malfunctions. So IMHO I have to report an all-in-all great experience with the HP line, as well as with the owner and people at HP firearms. A good American made firearm with a fair price tag. This gun makes it possible for people on a tight budget to have protection and to enjoy the shooting sports. The HP has added me as another in the fight to keep our 2nd Amendment rights safre from the tyranny that is always knocking at the door. So I for one have to give HP a big thumbs up overall. As always YMMV.

  • Amira Bene April 14, 2012, 2:14 am

    Hi you really ought to check this out while its still here!!

  • Matt April 7, 2012, 12:20 am

    I have owned my Hi Point now for about 6 years, have put about 700 rounds through it in that time, the only time I have ever had an issue with it on the range is when I bought some reloads at the gunshow a few weeks ago. Not sure if they had too much powder or not enough or the bullet not seated right but the brass would eject and the new round would get jammed. I know other people that use the same guy to buy from and dont have an issue with the rounds that use S&W Sigs and Glocks, hence I am leaning to not enough/cheap powder that wont cycle the 1 lb slide correctly. However the gun up to and after I switched ammo has performed flawlessly, for some reason I shoot better with it than my Ruger 9mm. I will however be taking it out of service due to the safety/catch on it, I just had the gun slam forward on me while trying to remove that ridulous take down pin in the back (and no I wasnt using a hammer to bash it out). I found under closer inspection that the “catch” was bent and realizing that the catch is that “weak” will not be utilizing it again. I love the gun and it served its purpose for me and my family, but will not purchase another one until they “beef up” a few things.

    • Wade April 19, 2012, 10:22 am

      Feel free to send that thing to me. J/K. 🙂
      Send that thing in! They will either repair it or replace it with a new one at NO CHARGE!!! Forever!!!

  • Chuck Nasty April 6, 2012, 12:00 am

    Whoa whoa whoa… Ok I have 2 Hi points and like them both. However, do not compare a Glock to a Hi Point… two completely different classes of weapon.

  • vmcneal April 3, 2012, 4:40 pm

    First, let’s get the ugly thing outa the way. In my opion Smith & Wesson revolvers are good looking. Hi Points and Glocks are not good looking guns. I own a C9 and I have not had one problem with it. It goes bang every time I pull the trigger and I hit what I’m aiming at. My gun shop charges $199 for the C9. There are all kinds of snobs but gun snobs are the worse and Glock snobs at the very top of the snob list. The Glock snobs pay $500-$600 for a ugly plastic pistol that cost Glock maybe $50 to produce and then the nerve put down Hi Point?????????

  • Jay March 22, 2012, 5:14 am

    Nothing like a Hi-Point article to start some lively conversation. BTW, I hear HP has real good customer service but I can’t speak to that because I’ve never had to find out. Unlike my S&W 22A, Kel Tec P-11, CAI WASR 10, IAI 30 carbine, Savage 93F and a Mosin, my two HP’s have never needed service. Oops, almost forgot the Taurus with the broken takedown pin.

  • J.smith March 20, 2012, 6:06 pm

    I bought a used 9mm carbine from a buddy, had it about a year before i even cleaned it, it was filthy and i became apprehensive when i slapped the first mag in it. I let the first round slip, was a bit high, adjusted for it, round two, still high, adjusted again, and that third round was in like flynn. Ran about 50 more rounds thru it no prob, then my cuz handed me his kahr .40 first mag had 2 stove pipes. I asked for my hi-point back.

  • Michael March 10, 2012, 2:15 pm

    I just bought my 1st HP 9mm yesterday. We have a .38 LCR for home defense but wanted a semi for plinking fun. I bought HP c9 untouched, I just pointed to it, said I wanted it, and went to do the paperwork dance. Getting it home was the first time I touched it. Very first thing I did was to clean and oil it. This is a new weapon, mind you, but a little oil goes a long way. Probably racked the slide 100x at least before going outside and testing it out. First mistake was loading 8 rounds at a time. I suggest loading 7 for the first 100-200 rounds or so. Very first round FTF because of the 8 rounds. Put 50 rounds through it in short order with just 2 more FTF moments (both of those were seating one in the chamber, pulling and loading the 8th rd back in the magazine 8+1), then went back to the gun store for more ammo! I spent all afternoon plinking away at varying distances from 5-150 feet. Even at 150 ft I can put all rounds in a 6″ pie plate, which is pretty good for someone who hadn’t ever fired a semi before.
    Now that I have 500 rounds through it, everything appears to have broken in nicely and I’m going to say that for the price I paid, I’ve got no complaints!

  • Gary March 8, 2012, 1:54 pm

    I bought a 955 9mm Carbine from a friend for $100.00. It was an older model that had seen better days. It would miss fire 80% of the time. I stripped the carbine and located a bent fireing pin and a few other worn parts. I called the Mfg and asked for the parts needed and i would fix the problem. The Warranty Repair Dept. supervisor said they would send the parts I needed but why not send it to HP and they will go through the intire weapon and replace all worn parts and we’ll bore site it for you and even throw in an extra 10rnd clip for the compinsation of postage. (US postage=16.45)
    (new clip = 17-18.00) So I sent it in. 1 month later a brand new carbine was sent to me. I really injoy taking the 955 to the range now. After dialing it in, I’m hitting the 3 inner black rings on the target at 150ft. I get some heads turned wondering what i’m shooting with. Since,I traded my used 22mag Tarus revolver for the new HP semi-auto 40cal hand gun and never looked back. Yes, I’m there greatest fan. I’m buying the Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22 only because HP doesn’t make a 22cal or a .223cal weapon. Shame!
    PS. The only problem I had with my HP’s was me! (Long funny story).

  • Bill March 7, 2012, 6:46 pm

    This is my second C9. The first i bought at a gun show in Warner Robins-Ga in 2001 and sold in 2008 when I had an overseas assignment. Concur with many of the comments. Soft, heavy, reliable. If they made a compact for concealed carry, i’d get in line for one at twice the price.

  • Demo March 4, 2012, 11:59 am

    Hi-points have a way of starting these thread wars! Im starting think HiPoints behind some of them j/k. These guns do seem to polarize a room. I must say for $140 in my area Im gonna pick one up and try it!! The cost is justifiable even if it just turn out to be an ok range plinker. Its the cost of a dinner and a movie. The warranty is huge plus!

  • Clok March 3, 2012, 11:14 pm

    New gun owner, seeing if i have more then fleeting interest in the sport. I did some research, not overwhleming but talked to several gun owners and was at the range and watched some. The biggest thing I noticed, Owners of Hi-point seem to like the gun, and the “know a guy with one” or “always see um jam”, etc.. People who dont own one but sure dont like um people. Saw one jam at a the range, but must have seen 20+ over time with many rounds shot through um. Of course i saw other guns jam too.. Also heard alot of Under breath behind the back “junk” comments ..but none of the guys owned one whene i asked why they where, once again it was all (and I DO MEAN EVERY ONE) “saw it happen” statements. As I havent shot my first round I cant say anything yet, so who know maybe I will hate it or love it, only time will tell. But a thread like this sure is not a good one for new users.. there are Several well thought out PRO and CON argument.. but far to many “its junk” with no reason givin.. as a Car person.. I know this type of “it sucks if i dont like it” comment all to well.. Thanks for the review.. it along with several other “simple but works” reviews have been enough to make me test the waters with this gun. I may invest in more pricy guns down the road.. and I sure wont judge the sport harshly if thie gun doenst live up to .. $140 (what i paid for mine new).. i see people spend that on dinner for the family.

  • Ridge1 March 3, 2012, 9:01 pm

    Just my two cents. My first carry gun was a Ruger P95. Pretty gun. Unfortunately mine seemed to be finicky on ammo and i had many FTF problems no matter how tight my grip. And if you are wondering I have been shooting since I was 11 and I am 40 now. I sold the ruger and decided to try a Hi- Point. First the 40 and later added a C-9. To date I have had 0 problems with feeding, firing, or ejection with either. Each gun has approx. 300 rds through it. If I couldnt trust these guns to protect my life at crunch time then there are no trustworthy guns out there. Good accuracy (for a pistol) and great reliability with a even better price. Not the best looking gun made but I wont give a $*#@ when I need it to protect me or my family.

  • SnubbedNose March 3, 2012, 3:54 am

    And the winner is…..the guy who buys the Hi Point, takes the time to clean it, break it in, adjust the bugs out (if needed) and learns to shoot it properly. For the DIY guy this makes perfect sense. We’ve been doing this for years.
    Take the car to a garage and have new brakes put on = $325-$450
    Learn how and do the work yourself = $65 for pads and 1 to 3 hours of your time.
    Both ways of replacing the brakes on a vehicle results in a perfectly good, working brake system.
    The guy who can afford to have it done would be hard pressed to say that doing it yourself is just as good as paying a mechanic do it. The guy who does it himself knows better because he knows what steps are required and knows he can do those steps to a high standard of quality himself. The DIY guy would probably never say a mechanic can do better work.

    Buy a 9mm Beretta for 600 dollars + clean and oil the gun = dependable firearm
    Buy a 9mm Hi Point for 130 dollars + do the extra work (if needed) = dependable firearm (and if you can’t fix it – send it in to be repaired for free). Yes this may take patience, include a process of learning about the gun, and a break in period before you can run clip after clip without a problem. But that’s OK. It costs $130. And once it’s dialed in, its a rugged, fairly accurate, dependable pistol. This is probably not the best option for someone who’s not mechanically inclined or doesn’t have the time/patience to learn all the tweaks; but if they have a DIY friend maybe this gun would still work out.

    Are they the same? Absolutely not. Do they appropriately fill different prescribed needs – absolutely.

  • Lyle March 2, 2012, 12:04 pm

    Wow! The gun snobs are out in force against this article. I have had many dealers turn me away when I asked for a Hi-Point 4595 although they would all love to put me in an AR, AK or SKS for two to three times the money. I did finally manage to get my hands on one and it has performed flawlessly on the same ranges where the managers refused to carry it for a year and 1000+ rounds now. That carbine is so fun to shoot, I take it any time we have more than my wife and I on a range trip just so they can play with it and the groupings are tight. I also selected a Taurus PT 145 for my everyday conceal carry piece against the advice of these same gun snobs that wanted to put me in a Glock G30 for twice the money on a larger, heavier gun that could not fit in a pocket holster. That weapon has also performed flawlessly with 500+ rounds through it to date. I also created a tactical shotgun out of a dirt cheap Mossberg Maverick 88 for about $300 total and that is the sweetest looking last gun some idiot breaking into my house will ever get a peek at. I discount any reviews where the user either fired the weapon out of the box without a good cleaning or had some obvious grip issues and that seemed to account for almost all the bad reviews on both the Taurus and Hi-Point products. Having said all of that, you are right, a Hi-Point is not a Glock, but the dead bad guy on the other end will never know the brand name stamped on your weapon. Buy what works for your budget/reliability tolerances and learn how to use it and clean it. Tell the gun snobs to pack sand and practice getting the rounds out of your ugly cheap guns on target. I’d rather be successful in defending myself with a cheap gun, than miss the target because all my range time budget was eaten by the purchase price of the weapon.

  • Greg March 2, 2012, 12:11 am

    I have the C9 and the 9mm Carbine. They both function great and are accurate as heck, I love the alternative “ghost ring” sights it comes with (I am natural at shooting which helps).

    I have put about 1000 rounds through my C9. I have not had a single misfeed since I figured out it does not like the Winchester 9mm “white box” ammo. I don’t know what the deal is, but that is the ONLY time I ever had an issue with it. Remington, Federal, reloads (even Winchester reloaded brass) all cycle PERFECT. FWIW, the 9mm Carbine I have does not have an issue with the Winchester ammo….I had almost 100 rounds of it left so I had to get rid of it somehow 🙂

    Don’t be a gun snob. Try it out for yourself.

  • pissedoffredneck February 29, 2012, 6:03 pm

    hi-points like hot ammo and a decent amount of break in period.if something is wrong call hi-point.i had a hi-point and only had one jam that i can remember.also reference nutnfancy’s video.

  • Danny Flucke February 27, 2012, 7:11 pm

    Add another satisfied C9 to the group.

    I’d bet green money 99% of the FTF/FTE issues are from ” limp-wristing” shooters.

    I purposely used an incorrect grip and duplicated the FTF/FTE issues –

    Both with my C9, Walther PPK, and Glock 50GI.

    My 1911’s (.45ACP and .30 Carbine / NOT a typo…) don’t seem to care.

    Claiming Hi-Points are inferior is naive and ignorant.

    BTW – My Hi-Point Carbine in .45ACP is more reliable than my 6.8 SPCII AR.

    Carry on…

  • Bucky Lawson February 27, 2012, 7:07 pm

    I have two Hi Points, a .45 JHP and a C9 Comp and they both shoot great. Well worth what I paid for them. I’ve had gun snobs tell me how bad they are, but I’m just not seeing it.

  • Irv L. February 27, 2012, 12:07 pm

    I used to have quite a few guns, handguns, rifles, and shotguns, but ran into some financial difficulties and ended up selling all of them. When I was able to afford to start building my collection up again, the first gun I bought was a Hi-Point .40 SW, and reason I bought it was the price. Price was the main reason but I went on the internet and read many, many comments and reviews on the gun. As with this article and comments, there were people who liked the pistol and there were those who hated it but the majority truly liked it. Since my budget dictated that I start out my purchasing on the low end, I bought the Hi-Point.
    Another point that swayed me was the fact that the Hi-Point is an American made firearm. This was also very important to me. I have since purchased two long guns. A .22Mag Henry Golden Boy Lever Action, and a .22LR Henry Lever Action. These are also American firearms. I have never had any malfunction of any kind with any of the three. I like my Hi-Point and I like my Henrys and although I disagree with those of you that say the Hi-Point is a piece of junk, I will defend your right to say it.

  • Frank February 27, 2012, 1:51 am

    Loyal Hi Point shooter here.. came upon them completely by accident… Went looking for a gun… local pawn had a C9 in the case.. price was GREAT… walked out with it… Since then.. over a year ago.. I have added another C9, a JHP 45acp, and a 995 carbine.. All bought used… to date… the handful of failures I have had.. maybe a dozen in total for all 4 guns… All the failures where either my fault.. Limp wristing..or ammo related.. bought a box of WWB and 4 rounds where so far out of spec that they would not even chamber… Not the guns fault.. Accuracy has ranged from GREAT to TERRIBLE… With the right ammo.. holding 2 to 3 inch groups at CQB distances is the norm.. I get a few snickers and downward looks at times from people at the range.. but i figure everyone is entitled to an opinion… My Hi Point do as I want them too.. and to date they have done it everytime I asked them too.. Dont know what more a person can expect…

  • jesse February 26, 2012, 8:00 pm

    i have a c9 you can adjust the elivation and windage on mine has shot EVERYTIME the trigger is pulled but i dont shoot “cheap”ammo i heard they doo not like weak loads

  • PatM February 25, 2012, 12:57 pm

    O K
    A very real comparison for reliability and accuracy is AK47 vs Hi-Point. Although the AK is a rifle it has many of the same reliability and accuracy features! Goes bang every time and does not object to abuse and really likes most if not all ammo.
    Thanks and have a safe and fun time shooting!

  • unbiased February 25, 2012, 4:46 am

    i did run across a youtube video where a ranked shooter in the ipcs? or something like that, took a fresh out of the box c9 and finished 5th out of 48 shooters and took first place in accuracy…so apparently the gun isnt the problem

  • unbiased February 25, 2012, 4:42 am

    150 dol gun or 1500 dol gun, i dont want to get shot at with either!

  • Professor Wagstaff February 25, 2012, 1:16 am

    I don’t own a Hi-Point and have never shot one. I think human nature is at play here. Some people are just more frugal (nice way of saying cheap) than others. People of the frugal mindset convince themselves that their choice makes perfect sense. I have a friend who will look me in the eye and argue until the cows come home that his Drillmaster drill he got from Harbor Freight for $19.99 is just as good as my $199.00 Dewalt. He will swear up and down it meets his every need, never fails him, and will drill holes all day long. He insists it is every bit the drill that my Dewalt is. As is the case with Hi-Points, I don’t need to handle his drill, try it, or run it through any sort of scientific testing to know the truth. You see where I’m coming from? Ask one of these Hi-Point guys to see their cordless drill!

  • dave9969 February 24, 2012, 9:43 pm

    As a hi-point owner, and owner of other brands of pistols as well.

    I have to say the range instructors, nra this an nra that’s who believe it is the fault of the manufacturer that a pistol was taken new an uncleaned to a range to shoot having NEVER BEEN CLEANED of the packing grease that is typical of every pistol in production today, would be like claiming it is GM’s fault your car needed an oil change an you didnt get it, so it must be their fault you ruined your motor.

    I own and carry a Magnum Research Desert Eagle(baby eagle II actually 9mm) as my EVERY DAY carry. I also own a Hi-point 9mm C9. I got it new, took it apart and cleaned it PER THE MANUFACTURERS instructions, and every single shooting instructor I have ever met insisted be done with any gun before and after shooting. IF YOU TAKE A GUN AND SHOOT IT IS UP TO YOU TO VERIFY ITS IN PROPER WORKING ORDER FIRST!

    To claim as an “instructor” you have “banned” them from “your range” is beyond silly. It demonstrates your bandwagon mentality and lack of any clear education or training in proper firearms use or training. I would further question your ability to safely run a range if you are so easily swayed in your opinion.

    I purchased my Hi-point with the intent of it being a truck gun, where I was going to leave it for long periods of time unattended, and not a huge pile of cash sitting in my glove box if it was stolen. I’m sorry if my opinion offends any here, but its foolishness to believe because a gun doesnt cost a fortune it can’t be a decent gun.

  • Olla February 24, 2012, 1:50 pm

    Why, so many insults flying around ! C’mon, gentlemen, just agree to disagree, would you ?

    I personally think that if you can’t afford to spend $200 more – given the price of ammo, which is going to exceed that amount fairly fast if you shoot your gun at all – not being able to afford a gun that’s more than $150 is either pure BS, or may be you’re in such financial trouble, you need to invest in some training, not firearms.

    That said, everyone’s entitled to their opinion. Mine is, a Hi Point is a curiosity, and may well be a great value for a casual plinker, but unless you got one that shoots reliably for you, I wouldn’t bet my life on it. I do have a friend with C9 that is somewhat reliable – that is, one can shoot a mag full and get maybe 2 FTFs. I also have a friend with a Taurus Millenium that is a total jam fest. It doesn’t mean I am going to say all Taurii are junk, but I can guarantee you I will never buy one.

    There’s a large selection of fairly inexpensive, yet still very reliable pistols on the market – used Glocks, mil-surp Maks of various origins (some are even cheaper than Hi Points), even S&W Sigmas – although I dislike them for horrendous trigger and so-so accuracy, they are as reliable as the gun they were design to mimic. So there’s an equally inexpensive alternative to Hi Points.

  • Jason February 23, 2012, 5:04 pm

    If everyone so worried able reliablity, just buy yourself a wheel gun.

  • Cyrano February 22, 2012, 3:56 pm

    I have been intrigued by the C-9 for awhile now. However,as you noted they do not show up used in the gun shops, and no gun shop I frequent is willing to order one. It seems to be a “face” thing. Model 995s, 4095s and 4595s, yes; the carbines are acceptable for some reason. But the pistols? No way. And I am not willing to pay shipping and a transfer fee on a gun I don’t know and have never has a chance to handle.

    If I get the chance to buy one used, I will take it. But as you said, they simply don’t show up in the used gun cases here.

    • Wade April 19, 2012, 10:47 am

      There’s a reason they don’t show up used in gun shops. The people who buy them KEEP them!!! They keep them, because they like them! Some may be embarrassed to admit that they’ve shot and like HPs, but that a mental thing, not a gun thing. Beauty or lack thereof, is in the eye of the beholder. And I think a LOT of the bad comments toward HPs come from those who have never owned or shot one. I have owned 6 HPs and still have 5 of them! The one I sold to a cousin is still going strong.

  • Noelekal February 22, 2012, 2:24 pm

    Nice article! I’ve not owned a Hi-Point but have shot several belonging to other folks. They did have decent trigger pulls and grouped pretty well. Appearance is subjective but the Hi-Point pistols are not any uglier than the run-of-the-mill GlockSIGXTMH&KSteyrP4M&PKelTec one encounters everyday and he is only fooling himself if he considers any of them more attractive than a Hi-Point The whole lot looks more like cordless drills than real guns.

    Best wishes!

  • JD Price February 22, 2012, 8:29 am

    I was given the .45ACP Hi-point for Christmas. I do not intend to “conceal” this but rather keep it by the bed side or take it with me when I’m hunting as a back up. I have run a few boxes through it and have not have any issues. It is what it is, a cost effective hand gun with ample stopping power. While I prefer a 1911, mostly because of me being a “old Marine”, I do not shoot enough to go out and purchase one. I purchased a S & W .38 revolver for my wife to conceal and carry since she does not shoot much. Point and click technology is what some need.


  • Mike S. February 21, 2012, 7:45 pm

    The first hand gun I ever bought was my Hi-Point C9 back in 2005. Since then I have put
    countless rounds through it, and never once cleaned the action. I have never had a jam
    or any other cycling problem. Now that I am a FFL Dealer it is one of the most purchased
    hand guns that I carry.

    Mike S.
    S and S Sales

  • Danny February 21, 2012, 6:40 pm

    I just had to say something about my experience with Hi-point. I currently own a 4595TS, 995TS, and a .45ACP and have never had a single problem of any kind. I have put several hundred rounds through each of them with no failures what so ever. My first Hi-point I owned was a well used .380 that could be cocked by simply shaking it with one hand,yet it never failed to work once. My new .45 kept a 6″ pattern at 50′ out of the box with no sight adjustments. I am not a competitive shooter,just a weekend warrior, but I won’t buy anything else when these seem to do the job just fine.

  • Dan February 21, 2012, 6:36 pm

    I own two of them .380 9mm , my sister owns 3 .380 9mm 45acp , I also own a glock 21 sf I have had more problems with my Glock then I do with my hi points they just work plus they have adjustable sights right out of the box my Glock don’t my Springfield don’t my star compact 45acp does , my glock cracked the pistol frame from a bad round of cci 45 ammo not guns fault , bad round won’t use cci any more because of it my hi points trust them with my life and I guess thats all that needs to be said , hey you can throw it in the back of your truck and bounce it around all week , and It still shoots at the end of the day. didn’t buy it for looks just needs to work

  • Casey Friggin Ryback February 21, 2012, 6:25 pm

    I love seeing GLOCK vs Any-Pistol-on-the-Face-of-the-Planet discussions whenever there’s an article written about a pistol.

    GLOCK fanboys are the worst!

    someone who owns a GLOCK and thinks nothing of it

  • Charles February 21, 2012, 5:26 pm

    My sister lives in southeastern Oklahoma. She raises goats. She has only fired her Hi-Point C-9 one time. There are a lot of feral hogs running loose there. One night she heard a commotion from her goat pin and she saw two large hogs killing one of her goats. She went inside and grabbed her pistol and ran back out . By the time she got to the pin, the hogs had already killed two of her goats. She said she was so mad, that she just pointed it at them and pulled the trigger. The gun leaped out of her hand, but she killed one hog and the other one ran off. She said she was so mad, she didn’t even realize she had dropped the gun! It was the first pistol she had ever fired, and has never fired it again since. She said she will stick to her shotgun, since she knows how to use it.
    Just thought you might like this story, since it is a true statement of how the C-9 saved her goats. By the way, we now call her “Pork Poppin’ Polly!
    Chuck, if you will contact me, I can help you with your weapons identification. Charles

  • Terry Brooks February 21, 2012, 3:29 pm

    I had a High Point 9mm while working for a prison in South Carolina. I even took my concealed weapon training with it and did very well. A former Marine I loved my Hi Point. Because of 6 strokes and 2 heart surgery I sold it. I want to eventually get another one. I now now on disability.

  • Don Guertin February 21, 2012, 3:24 pm

    I do have to say it is nice to hear a “good” review on the Hi-Point guns. Due to retirement and the now lack of extra money I think this may just be what I need. I bought a Kel-Tek P11 to carry but I think this will my new bedside gun. Thanks so much for a really great review and all the information. Enjoy

    • Fref Flintstone October 28, 2013, 5:04 pm

      Wouldn’t your existing gun also work as a bedside gun?

  • Mike Murray February 21, 2012, 1:42 pm

    The NRA and those with NRA certifications are not perfect and neither are police. I have seen more than my share of instructors of all kinds (NRA, POST, and others) with poor gun handling skills and the same goes for police, sheriffs and federal agents. Remember the infamous DEA Agent who shot himself in the leg? How about the Las Vegas Metro PD (sheriff) who almost shot another officer and a suspect with a negligent discharge? (Both are still on YouTube.)
    Please do not expect every single Instructor (or cop) to be a Massad Ayoob or Jeff Cooper…there has been only one of each of them. Please (also) do not equate the NRA’s promotion/donation machine with the fitness of the training, their defense of the 2A, or the membership. Those annoying flyers bring in millions of dollars each year, almost all of which goes to NRA/ILA and other NRA causes. (There are very few paid employees.) If you don’t like the stuff, throw it away!
    The NRA is (like it or not) still the gold standard for instructor certification. In order to teach CCW classes in most states you must have an NRA ­or equivalent certification. My suggestion to you is to help improve the ranks of NRA Instructors by becoming one. If you don’t like what you see, change it! Be one of the GOOD Instructors. You do not need to be a member to take the classes and become certified.

  • scott February 21, 2012, 1:23 pm

    I have looked at the HiPoint C9 before…

    The one that I picked up and played around with at the local un shop was allright weight wise (probably lighter than a 1911), and yes a little top heavy, and yeeesss holy cow affordable.

    The one I looked at though was hard to get the slide to full back or hold open. The shopkeeper said it does go to hold open but he couldn’t get it there (he’s elderly and has some grip issues, I lost patience with it, it wasn’t what I was there for that day). My questions are as follows:

    1.) After fired a bit, does the slide spring loosen up at all?
    2.) When empty and if the slide is foreward, do you have to get to the same point as full back or hold open (if there is a HO, I don’t think I ever got the one I looked a to HO, it might have been an issue with the only one he had, display model you know…) to cycle the first round?

    Could a smaller frame (like my skinny little wife, or younger daughter) chamber a round in one of these after they are broken in if they had to? I don’t know that they could with the one I saw a the local shop as it was.

    Don’t get me wrong, I may one day get one as a tool box gun regardless of if the missus could chamber a round. With the mag safety, I could get the first in for her and leave it that way, or it we have others for her to use… They do look pretty stout and well engineered for a buck fifty, and I do like a good tool box gun…


  • Delbert February 21, 2012, 10:32 am

    I don’t have a C9, but I do have a HP40 that I love. Yes, it’s bulky, and I use it as sidearm on the farm, but I didn’t purchase it for conceal carry. I have a Bersa380 or a 32cal Cimmaron Derringer for that. As to FTF or FTE, you need to look to the type/brand of ammo you’re using. Your gun will let you know with reliability and accuracy as to what it likes. It doesn’t necessarily mean the cheapest works the best in your gun, but if it does, you’re the lucky one. You must also give these guns a “FIRM HAND” and not limp wrist, or you’ll jam every shot. Also, YOU MUST, seat the ammo to the back portion of the magazing after loading, but before inserting magazine into gun with a sharp whack into the palm of opposite hand and make sure 1st bullet in magazine is aimed slightly upwards. If you do this, the gun will work. If it doesn’t, then the magazine requires a simple magazine lip tweaking which is very easy with a pair of needle-nose pliers. I took my CCW class with my HP40 and it had a slow slide on a couple shots, but it never FTF or FTE or stove pipe any ammo. I’ve seen Glocks, S&W’s, Kahl, Rugers, 1911’s jam someway or another. Don’t tell me that just because they cost 3 times more, that they’re any more reliable. I’ll admit, I wouldn’t mind having a great Ed Brown Custom 1911, but I’ll stick with my $125 Hi-Point, that might one day save my life reguardless of cost or ugliness. By the way, I also have an old 60’s model High Standard 22LR, that people say is made by a great American gun maker. Guess what, if you use “hyper velocity” ammo(stingers or CCI) the frame WILL CRACK over a short period. How’s that for being such a dependable gun? NO!! I’ll never sell it as I inherited it from my Grandfather and I only use cheap regular 22LR ammo.

  • Knitepoet February 21, 2012, 9:59 am

    I’ve known Scott, through a firearms forum we both frequented, for a number of years.
    After seeing the video of the torture tests he put his hi-point through, another forum member and myself met at my range with a pair of Glocks to run a similar battery of tests. My Glock 19 had more failures than Scott did in his tests with his C9. Yet I still have complete faith in my G19 as a defensive weapon

  • Chuck February 21, 2012, 9:04 am

    Where do you buy tis Pistol. Also need some prices on weapons I have and can’t find in a Gun Book.

  • Jeff February 21, 2012, 8:42 am

    I also have the CF-380 and my only complaint, if you can call it that, is the single stack magazine. 8 rounds will hopefully be plenty in a fight, but 12 or 16 rounds sound better. I did find two 10 round mags for it but, honestly, they don’t seat as well as the original 8 round mag does.

  • Dennis February 21, 2012, 7:51 am

    Unless you really can sound like a pistol cocking and firing to scare criminals away, best buy something that will hurt the bad guy and not your wallet

  • Ron Fountain February 21, 2012, 4:04 am

    I found this article and the eye opening points about the Hi Point C9 to be very revealing. There frequently times when I don’t carry because the likelihood of loss of the firearm is greater than normal. Fishing, boating, etc. are examples. I have seen these weapons at shows and in gun shops but turned away from them because I found them cheap looking and unsightly. No more! Thanks for making me see things in a more realistic manner.

  • Earl February 21, 2012, 3:35 am

    I have a Ruger Blackhawk .357 Magnum single action and when it goes off its a cannon, but, my 9mm Highpoint I would shoot all day long, Yeah its top heavy, but again like so many others said it isn’t for target practice, its for defense and or might I say learning. I paid $105 for mine at a gun show and it was worth every penny, on top of that it was brand new!!!! Never jammed on me, hasn’t fallen apart or exploded and it’s AMERICAN MADE!!!!
    So for the price I’d recommend it to anyone looking for a well made low cost defensive weapon.

  • Frank February 21, 2012, 2:47 am

    Bought a used Hi Point almost 10 months ago… not sure what its round count was then, looked almost new, but to date I have put 457 rounds through it… I have had 5 problems… 2 FTFeed… 1 FTE…. and 2 FTFIRE… I believe the failure to fire were bad primers because those rounds would not fire in a buddies G17.. Thus.. Not the guns fault… All these failures happen to me within the first 100 rounds… I am not.. nor have I have been… am expert pistol shot… out past 20 yards and its pretty much a crap shoot for most of the time without a scope. Now at combat distance.. I believe the FBI says 7 to 10 yards… I can make a nice fist size group in most any target in front of me with a mag full… and do it in an expeditious manner. Personally I do not feel any “AVERAGE” handgun shooter can, or for that matter should, ask for anything more…

    Last comment.. and this is pretty much off topic… But when did the title CERTIFIED NRA FIREARMS INSTRUCTOR” become a title that means something? I, just like anyone else that has the $$$, can become one of those. I have seen these certified instructor make the same kinds of mistakes as a person new to the world of handgun shooting. Not checking to clear a weapon.. pointing a weapon in an unsafe direction… finger inside the trigger guard before they are ready to fire… Just to name a few of the safety issues I have witnessed. I have not been a member of the NRA for over a decade now.. no plans to join anytime soon either. Seems to me that they are more interested in the size of my wallet then doing what they claim to do.. Defend our 2nd amendments rights. To this day.. Over tens years after I stopped renewing my membership… I STILL get at least 1 piece of junk mail a month asking me.. AS A MEMBER… to donate to their cause… A business.. and it is a BUSINESS.. that is so screwed up that it can not keep their membership records straight does not deserve my hard earned cash… To anyone new to guns… not just handguns… Remember this… Just because someone claims to have some sort of certification from a well known organization it in no way means they actually KNOW what they are doing… Do yourself a favor.. If you have questions about safe handling of a weapon.. Pistol.. Revolver.. Rifle.. or Shotgun… Go to your local Sheriff or Police department… Ask them… I am almost 100% positive they will be able to direct you to a person who has the skill set and knowledge to instruct you correctly. Now this person may have some sort of NRA title… Then again… They may not…

  • Sparky February 21, 2012, 12:02 am

    Reading he pros and cons, it appears that there are two camps of thought with regard to the Hi-Point’s reliability record:
    1. Those that have had good “luck”, and whose experiences were positive,
    2. Those whose have had bad experiences.
    I want to like this firearm, because of the price point, their great warranty and that they are made in the USA, and I appreciate the author’s efforts to back up his comments with real-world observations. My conclusion, however, is that there are too many occurences of problems from people that know there stuff (spelling, grammatical errors and attitudes aside) for me to want to purchase or recommend this firearm. And the failures are being reported in a manner which suggests that poor performance is unlikely to be due to technique or maintenance issues.
    In the end, it sounds like a situation of “YMMV”, but when there is so much variability with so much at stake, I’ll pass. Thanks to all who were able to voice their opinion and enlighten us without injecting nasty comments.

    If someone has one that works reliabily for them, great

  • Alton Moore February 20, 2012, 11:12 pm

    I read about half the comments, right down to where people started mentioning Glocks, and I just have to throw this in. When I worked at the Border Patrol some years ago, all of the agents were running out and getting the newest Glocks — and having jamming problems. Turns out that if you just hold the things firmly, the problems go away. Sounds like the same problem some people have with Hi-Points.

    I have the Hi-Point 995 carbine (9mm rifle) and it was cheap and works great. I have heard the same about the pistols. When you are thinking about leaving a gun in the car, would you rather that be a $900 Kimber or a $150 Hi-Point? For that kind of money you can have one in the car, one in the boot, one in the belt, and still have half left over.

  • Badman400 February 20, 2012, 11:01 pm

    I’ll have to meet somewhere between the author , Ken’s negative take and my own experiences with Hi-Points over the last 6 years. While I’ll admit right off a certain bias for the C-9, I have also owned the JHP-45 pistol. I sold the first C-9 and for sentimental reasons, bought another that is still NIB and unfired. Later I sold the JHP-45, but neither was for any operational troubles. I also still own a 995 9mm HP carbine with the ATI stock, the 4095 in .40 S&W and the new 4595TS. I have had some FTFs with most autoloaders, and I have purchased well over 60 in those last 6 years. The HP C-9 is what got me started back shooting after a long layoff since my childhood and squirrel hunting days. Now I’m back with a vengeance and have ran such goodies as H&K and DSAs through the ringer. I own 6 XDs that are admittedly my favorites pistols, but I stand by my own opinion that HP are at the very least a helluva value and that many more than not, are reliable. Most who have actually owned HPs will tell a different story than the occasional LGS owner, gun snob, CWP guy or the RO, who saw one FTF before it had its first dozen rounds through and failed in the hands of a novice shooter. Most problems with the C-9 have to do with a weak magazine which needs a good slap on the palm to get all rounds pointing up. Otherwise, the American made HPs more than hold their own with much more expensive pieces. I’ve seen Glocks, Kimbers, DSAs, S&Ws, Berettas, XDs and yes even Colts, suffer a bump or two as well. And HPs CS is second to none. Many gun makers could learn a lot from Tom and the good folks at HP, the service they give and the weapons they make.

  • larry February 20, 2012, 9:58 pm

    The hi point is an excellent firearm for the price. When I got into conceal carry training I did’nt have much money to spend on guns, I bought a used hi point for about $30.00 and the first class I took I out shot the other 15 people with that gun. I did graduate up to Glocks and smiths, But I still like to shoot that hi point. Larry

  • Chpub February 20, 2012, 9:14 pm

    I am not a stranger to guns, grew up around them and was taught to shoot from my Father ( who served 4 yrs in Marines, then 40 yrs in Law Enforcement) around age 7. We hunted quite a bit mainly for small game with a 22 LR and a 4/10 shot gun. When I turned 18 my Father gave me his side arm when he was a Sergant in the Marines which if I remember correctly was a fairly rare Browning 9mm, and also encouraged me to get my concealed weapons permit. I did that, and was really lucky to be able to go to firing range quite a bit, since Dad at that time was Lt. with admin duties for the range, the range was also used for U.S Marshalls, D.E.A, FBI etc..so I was extremely lucky to watch and absorb intense range work. Yet I made the awful mistake that I do regret everyday to this day of selling that pistol, and just carried a little Phoenix Arms 25 for personal protection. I needed more protection from that gun than any bad guy needed!!! I had become lazy and abused the gun, and didnt keep it clean etc..I finally matured in my late 20’s and was living in the beautiful PNW at the time and we camped a lot durin the summer. We preferred getting way, out in the Cascade mountains, and needed protection in case of bears, big cats etc. I bought a wonderful Winchester 30/30 lever action for $100.00!!!!!! From a neighbor that didnt want it in her house since her divorce. I loved that rifle soo much, not much later got a 2nd gen Glock and it was a really nice and reliable handgun, and I always felt safe at home and in the deep woods with it. I guess long story short, I got to where I took guns for granted. I had a good career, and it wasnt a problem saving up $500 for a handgun, or charge it, whatever the case may have been.
    Fast forward appr 12 yrs or so and sufferred a life changing health crisis that left me disabled, and had to go through all my savings etc just to survive until disability got approved. My family is wonderful and helped me out as much as they could, but i went from $3500 a mnth to nothing over night. With 2 yrs fighting to win my disability, savings, 401k, home, car, atv, guns, watches, a very nice and cherished knife collection along with my rifle and pistol all had to be sold just to be able to survive.
    I am not bitter, I am hopeful that I will be able to get back to work at sometype of capacity within 3 yrs, and feel proud and grateful that we live in a great country that has a program (although not perfect, but does provide enough to survive on) that enables a person as myself to continue to live. Now living on $1000 a mnth is an extremely difficult thing to do in America, but it can be done, and can be done with dignity.
    Sorry for the long story but hopefully it will make sense. I have no way possible to save money. there is no extras in my life right now, although I am very proud and grateful for what I have. I have a wonderful fiance’, a outdated but modest 2 bedroom apt, in a decent neighborhood, a $1000 car (1993 Chevy Lumina) that is ugly as sin, yet is like driving around in an 1985 living room. I have replaced pretty much everything on the car, a lot of times from a junkyard, but I have no problem driving 250 miles to visit my folks, and have done so prob a dozen times. Furniture and clothes aren’t name brand at all anymore, most of it comes from thrift store, but you take care of things, and usually they take care of you. Life finacially will improve, finace’ got laid off but is back in school full time to get her rn degree. Like I said my goal is to go back to work, hopefully within 3 yrs.
    So even though we live in a decent neighborhood, there is still a great deal of crime around, and even though I’m gonna dissapoint anyone that tries to rob me, cause their take wouldn’t net them much at the corner pawn shop. But I have felt naked by not having a firearm to protect my Fiance’, myself, cat and our possesions. So I had to get a handgun, and was going to do so legally, so on my budget I was extremely lucky to have an extra $200 last month( problem with apt, landlord reduced rent for a month). So my search for a reliable handgun began at that time.
    After much research my options appeared to be buying any number of what used to be called “Saturday night specials” from the lower level display cases of every gunshop I went to, these weapons was anything from 25’s to 38’s that looked like something that came directly from a brown bag from a robbery as a throw away gun. No warranties, what you see is what you got. Option two was returned service weapons, which for the most part looked funtional, but 90% had no magazine and or grips included, again no warranty. Option three was all the Russian/Polish made handguns, which again seemed very functional, these did include a magazine and clip, but no warranty, and ammo and extra magazines are not as easy to find and can get pricey. Option four, Hi-point 9mm with a 8 round magazine, holster, and a lifetime no BS warranty, for $138.00 seemed to good to be true. So did alot of research on the net about this, and came away from the impression that from the majority of people that actually owned the gun, they liked them , and said they was very reliable, and pretty accurate. People that didnt own them bashes the hell out of them, maybe because they knew people that owned them, saw them fail at the range or that there is no way that a $140 hangun could compare to their $700 handgun. Reading reviews of Hi-point reminded me being in elementary school hearing all the “my brother can beat your brother up”, “well my Dad will beat your daddy up anyday”, kind of stuff. What I’m saying is that its all silly and immature talk.
    I am in a position where the Hi-Point obviously seemed like the best choice for me. now if I had $500 to spare, would I have picked it? I probably wouldn’t have, time will tell though. If my HP C9 fires whenever I expect it too, and is fairly accurate, and is durable as it seems, maybe I would. I haven’t even had a chance to fire it yet. Buying ammo is a luxury for me, it means going without something, I would really welcome any recommendations on properly breaking this gun in with 200-300 rounds? What mods should I do if any to this gun right now, before I shoot it? Any help is appreciated, and please don’t tell me to use it as an anchor, or that my finace’s life is only worth $140 bucks, because thats all i’m willing to spend to protect her. You do the best with what you got, and it certainly seems like a lot of people say that the C9 is a joke, so I already know its not the best, I’m not in anytype of competition, just making do, and so far without even shooting it, I feel good about the C9. Any company that offers the warranty they do, means they do believe in their product. And I do know almost for certain, unless Hi Point among a lot of other people are lying, Hi Point does in fact stand stand behind their product, and to me, in this day and age that means a lot. I’m sorry for being long winded, but wanted to show another side of chosing Hi point. I do certainly wish everyone the best, please be safe, respectful and blessed. Again would love any suggestions!
    Chris L

    • Randy February 21, 2012, 8:51 pm

      Hi Chris, Sorry to hear of your misfortunes. I have been through similar just not from a health problem. I’m in college for the first time at the ripe old age of 55. Anyhow, There are a few things you can do to start off right with your C9. First off, get a small punch in the 1/16th inch range. learn how to take the gun down for cleaning. It does need cleaned believe me, regardless of what the manual says. Plus this will let you get familiar with it inside and out. Scrub the spring channels out with a brass brush to get all the machining scrap out of them. Clean the springs. Pay attention to flashing in the slide. Re-assemble with a few drops of oil on the slide grooves. Sand the inner edges of the mag ears till smooth. Load the mag full. Notice how the top bullet sets in the mag. It should be near to the same angle as the top of the ears. Make sure the slide is locked back. Insert the loaded mag. Tap the bottom and hold it up as far as possible in the well. There shouldn’t be very much play. If there is, I don’t know how to address that. Look in the ejection port. Notice how close the firing pin is the top of the top round. There HAS to be at least 1/8″ clearance there, if not remove the mag clear it and readjust the ears and repeat the process till it’s right. No matter how hard the bottom of the mag is slapped it shouldn’t let the top bullet get near the firing pin. It’s not a good idea with these guns to cycle live rounds because the FP is used as the ejector. If you can find a reloader to make you some dummy rounds that would be cheaper than buying the preferred snap caps. Have him de-prime the rounds before he crimps a bullet in. Then get a couple of .22 rounds and pull the bullets out and use the lead to fill the primer pockets or just use a black powder round ball(preferred). This isn’t as easy as it sounds. I used a pair of crimping electrical pliers to form a cylinder out of the lead that just fit into the primer pocket. Then I tapped it down tight with a tiny ball peen hammer. Scrap the excess off and you have a dummy round that can be used indefinitely by re-arranging the lead every few rounds back into the pocket. This should get you shooting with few if any malfunctions. And working on the gun is fun to boot. BTW- I personally used WWB to break my C9 in. I suggest using brass cased ammo at any rate for break-in. Just my opinion. YMMV.

    • George February 24, 2012, 7:54 pm

      Hi Chris,

      I hope everything turns for the better for you.

      Rather than giving you a long and still incomplete answer to your questions I would refer you to the Hi-Point firearms forum. It is a wealth of information and will help you get your firearm in tip top shape without firing a round.


      Best of luck!


  • Spcl4cc February 20, 2012, 9:03 pm

    I have been in the LEO field since 1988, to the current and present date, both Private and Federal. With that being said, I have two Hi-Points in .45 cal, two in 9mm ( one’s a carbine), and use to have a .380. I have used them when hunting, fishing, and even as a back up. I’ve never had a problem with any of my Hi-Points. I gave my mom the .380 and she adores it. I have many of firearms to choose from when carrying concealed, but when out and about on quick runs, 90% of the time, it’s 9mm Hi-Point. I’ll be buying another one of their latest carbines soon. High-Points are very easy to clean. They are GREAT firearms for the price and realiability.

  • dumpsterdog February 20, 2012, 8:29 pm

    you can put lipstick on a pig & it’s still a pig. No matter how you cut it this gun is a throw away.

  • Dave February 20, 2012, 7:42 pm

    Be careful. I bought a used C-9 and it slam-fired when I released the slide to chamber a round. Freak accident or not… I will never trust a Hi-Point firearm again.

    • Aaron February 20, 2012, 9:05 pm

      Did you properly inspect your used C9?

      • Dave February 20, 2012, 9:11 pm

        Apparently not. The guy who sold it to me said he only ran one box of ammo through it. I function checked it and cycled 10 snap caps through it.
        After the malfunction, I called the company and they sent me new springs and a firing pin. The old parts were extremly weak and worn. I put the new parts in, had it inspected and got rid of it.

  • rumcrook™ February 20, 2012, 7:13 pm

    through the years one thing Ive noticed with consistency is gun snobbery.

    I dont own a highpoint but over the last 35 years I have been on the receiving end of it and its always consistent.

    and the people dishing it out can never quite understand why your whoopin thier butts with “junk”

    when I was 12 I started shooting trap at a gun club father joined and we were of modest means so I started by using a 50 dollar single shot shotgun when I went up to the line all the older guys would make fun of it, it wasnt a 1,000 dollar over and under from italy

    guess what I laid waste to those guys with that ugly little 50 dollar shotgun

    later I owned a makarov 9mm which again garnered hoots of derision but ive never had it fail to fire or stove pipe and it is more accurate than my glock

    I got a cheap (in cost) cz 85 surplus 9mm a few months back and it is awsome, same story people naturally want to tell you how and why you wasted your money.

    if I had a dime for everytime someone came to me and graciously gave so unselfishly and with out reserve of their opinion about my guns I would be rich. while they are talking I usually smile and think about the perfect scores I racked up as a 12 year old shooting trap competitively with that 50 dollar shotgun against 40 and 50 year olds who had guns I still cant afford and dont own.

  • InBox485 February 20, 2012, 6:09 pm

    Gotta say, I don’t own a C-9. I actually own two of them. They are painfully picky about what ammo they will digest, have had numerous failures and jams that were not operator induced, and all around they suck. If $165 is the absolute most you can afford and you get a C-9 and a box of ammo, fine. But don’t BS yourself into thinking it is every bit as reliable as… well anything reliable. IT ISN’T. NEVER WAS, PROBABLY NEVER WILL BE. If you intend to ever invest enough ammo to get a proper amount of training, don’t waste $150 on a POS handgun. Get the decent handgun you will get later anyway, and spend the $150 on an extra case of ammo. As far as the break in period… mine was so-so for the first 100 rounds, worked pretty well for about 1k after that, and has absolutely sucked the fat one since. I might send it in for factory service, but after the shipping and transfer fees, I could throw the stupid thing away and come out on top.

    • Wade April 19, 2012, 11:14 am

      InBox, all you have to do is simply send those two pistols in to HP for repair or replacement. They are guaranteed for life, no matter which owner! There is no excuse to have a non-working HP, unless you’d just rather have something to whine about. That seems to be the case with some people. You will find that the people at HP are great to do business with and will stand behind their products with the BEST customer service in the entire gun industry! I have a varied collection from very expensive, down to the inexpensive, but reliable HPs, and I have never seen better CS from any other gun company! So send them in for repair. If you don’t give them a chance to make it right, then you really have no right to complain. No gun maker is perfect, and all have made lemons or guns with problems and malfunctions. It’s really what a company does AFTER a problem that defines their true merit as a company. Good luck.

  • rex baltas February 20, 2012, 6:08 pm

    I just got a Hi-Point 45 ACP for about the same price, have only put about 50 rounds through it so far but like it alot.

  • charlie February 20, 2012, 5:50 pm

    i had a 8mm hi point, i shot the living s… out of it. i never had a jam… after about a thousand rounds out of it, i wiped it down with wd 40 and sold it for 75 bucks. i got a h-k p2000 double only. wow, what a truly great pistol!!! in my support of my daughter living way out in the country, she now has my hand k 9mm. in the top drawer, next to my bed is a very impressive hi point 45 cal. wow!! heavy, ugly, lousy sights,heavy pull on the slide, trigger sucks. ya know what???? it is loaded, one in the chamber, im safe, for all it isnt, for a lousy 189 bucks, i know it will fire every time and wont jam. we feel sorry for the poor sob that breaks into our house!!!

  • freddie February 20, 2012, 5:42 pm

    i bought a hi point 40 cal,,,the gun is cool i put a laser light on it,,,everyone that sees it says is that a glock,
    and i say no but close. works flawlessley…great gun for the price

  • ken February 20, 2012, 5:31 pm

    I have several 1911 style 45’s and the Hi-point for the money is a great gun. It is definately not the best but to spend $160.00 on a 45 you can’t beat that for a good cheap self-defence weapon to have around the house. I bought one,shot it and went back and bought 2 more. To cheap to pass up.

  • Jerry February 20, 2012, 4:51 pm

    Okay, so I think the biggest trouble a lot of people have is trying to compare the Hi Point to a Kimber (example only). They are a world apart in features, bang for the buck, etc. Flat out against a Kimber or a Glock, Sig, etc the Hi-Point will lose on looks, appeal etc. Compare them to the market they are targeting for, the Jennings, the Jimenez, and a Cobray; against those, the C9 stands alone at the top.
    Yes, they are ugly bricks. I own two ugly bricks and enjoy shooting them. I also have a Taurus and a Ruger. Have owned others as well. My daughters were allowed to go thru my cabinet of pistols and one at a time, taken to the range, each of them asked to decide which one they liked after a good bout of shooting. Without them talking to each other or knowing the prices of guns, only how that gun shot, how it felt, and how safe they felt with a gun, they all picked the C9. So, dad will go out and buy 3 new c9’s, polish the ramp up…tweak it so to say. and will not worry about their safety. As they all are gun savvy.

  • steve February 20, 2012, 4:03 pm

    I have never shot the Hi-Point pistol, but I do have a 9mm Hi-Point carbine, and I love it. You can believe this or not but the carbine is a shooter. Target was about 10″ tall and 6″ wide, at 113 yards, 10 round clip hit the target 7 out of 10 shots. If the pistols are anything like the carbine, I would have one in my truck. 150 bucks is cheap. I also understand the clips are interchangeable, nice feature. Would be nice on the trail, my everyday cary though is a Sig 9mm Blackwater, now called Tacops.

  • Jim Iken February 20, 2012, 3:59 pm

    C9 owner here. Actually I’m not too surprised to hear all the bad experiences instructors report above. Just took my concealed carry class 6 months ago. There I observed at least a quarter of the class were beginning shooters that had bought a new handgun and brought it to class unfored, or having fired only a couple clips through it.
    I researched the blogs before buying my C9, and one item that came up repeatedly was that HiPoints need a break-in period of 200-300 rounds. Mine was no exception. First couple hundred rounds it was quite finicky…had a stovepipe almost every clip for first 50 rounds, then gradually fewer as things broke in. I’m guessing fit and finish suffers a bit when you pay $135 for a new gun. I did notice that roughest area are the magazines… edges are rough and springs are stiff and you can feel them binding up inside as you load them. A raw beginner, or someone not mechanically inclined, will not know what to do with this situation. I have about 300 round through the C9 now, and like everyone says, it goes bang every time and have zero other issues with it.

  • Nick Alexander February 20, 2012, 3:30 pm

    I don’t know about sub-caliber Hi Points, but I purchased one for my brother in 2007 in.45 ACP. We combined resources and bought a Lee press, He fired more than 1500 factory rounds and over 3500 rounds of military spec reloads without any problems. We examined it one day and the Poly frame had swelled and set back from the frame. He sent it back to Hi point and they replaced the pistol. I have no doubt that the pistol was again good for another 5.000 rounds or so. I paid $139 for that pistol and my brother still uses it as a anti-carjacking device. If you want a good, inexpenssive pistol with enough power to stop an assailant I recommend the Hi-Point in .45 ACP. because of its spring in spring recoil spring and subsantial grip it is no harder to shoot than the lighter 9mm.

  • sixthsense February 20, 2012, 2:59 pm

    Not only am I an Instructor, I am a NRA Training Counselor and Ohio Peace officer certified. Hi POINTS are great Guns for the money. I have four that I use for students who don’t have thier own Gun. They run like clock work, if you understand how they function. Any Gun is a good Gun if it works,and they do. I carry a Springer 1911 daily but would not hesitate to carry the C9 if needed. To deny a student the 2nd Amendment right because he has a Hi-Point is total Bull. I have offered many people to shoot for pink slips, my Hi Point for yours. No one will take me up on it. In Training over 2,000 students and Instructors over the years, The most failures on my Range are not with Hi-Points. I’m not a fan of Plastic Guns to begin with, but if I’m gonna buy Plastic, it will be USA made in Mansfield ,Ohio. It’s kind of funny that if you have a Barrel throated, Feed Ramp Polished, or customize a 1911 for reliablity on a Smith, Springfield, Kimber, Sig, and yes, even GLOCKS jam,it’s no big deal. But God forbid a Hi Point problem and it’s a piece of junk. In my Training experiance, I find most people are afraid of what they can’t rationalize, so they lash out at it. Meaning a good reliable Gun for a small amount of money. If I hear one more time ( how much is your life worth buying a Hi Point) I’m gonna scream. These folks have probably never been in a situation that needed a Gun to begin with. But then again, opinions are like A—Hs, everbodys got one and this is mine.

  • Dens February 20, 2012, 2:25 pm

    Got two Hi Points, a 9mm pistol and a 9mm carbine, I like em.

  • Don February 20, 2012, 2:07 pm

    I gotta admit that I’d never heard of Hi Point till I read a review of one that said much the same thing as this one, although in less detail. So I figured, what the heck, and bought a .40 S&W. It’s great, and for $134, made in the U.S. of A., and a lifetime warranty, how far wrong could I go?! I love the sights and the trigger pull, as well as the accessory rail, although it’s narrower than others so my slide-on lasers don’t fit – which neither of the reviews I’ve read mentioned. That’s my only criticism, both of the gun AND the reviews. I thought rails were standard size on full-sized guns, but I guess not! Failing that, it would be nice if Hi Point offered some sort of adapter or laser/light of their own that would fit, but I don’t see any such animal.

    The only other thing that took a bit of getting used to was the was magazine lips, which have a slight inward curl to ’em that makes me use my Uplula loader a bit differently, but that’s it. Although I’ve only fired about 200 rounds so far – of different ammo, including my own reloads – no failures of any kind have occurred, in spite of what Ken & Dale said in their reviews. I’ll be getting the .45 next, and the 9mm after that!

    • Randy February 21, 2012, 8:05 pm

      [Quote] – “Failing that, it would be nice if Hi Point offered some sort of adapter or laser/light of their own that would fit, but I don’t see any such animal.” – Don -[quote]

      They do. Go to their homepage. It’s there. At the top. Accessories. .40-.45 laser and mount. Remember that there are two sizes in the Hi-Point line up, the .40(JCP) -45(JHP) and the C9 and .380.

  • Mike Murray February 20, 2012, 2:01 pm

    As an Instructor I have had many (student) experiences with Hi-Point and other inexpensive firearms. Are they perfect?
    Do they have sometimes have problems with failure to feed, failure to extract, or failure to eject etc..?
    Would I recommend them as a gun for a hard use tactical class?
    Is anything made or used by the hand of man perfect?
    HELL no. And neither are the shooters.
    If a “cheap” pistol is the what a person can afford would I recommend a Hi-Point before other comparable guns?
    They are (in my opinion and experience) a far better choice than a Jimenez, Jennings, or Cobray.
    All the name calling, innuendo, and my-way-or-the-highway-you-idiot stuff is not germane to the discussion and is why many people (including me) usually avoid the gun blogs.
    No single gun, grip, stance, sight, caliber, training school, training technique, target, holster, or anything else is “right” for everyone. It is part of my job as a teacher to find the right fit for the student. If that involves a private class where I can better deal with all of the above issues, so be it. If that involves demonstrating that a particular gun etc. has issues, GREAT.
    How would I feel if I turned someone away and later found out they had been killed through lack of training?
    My personal motto:
    “I’d rather be corrected in private than prayed over in public”.
    My experience:
    NRA Instructor, NRA Training Counselor, NRA Law Enforcement Instructor, NV and UT CCW Instructor,
    Former USMC- Weapons Platoon Sergeant, and 50 years as a shooter.

  • Charles February 20, 2012, 1:45 pm

    I guess the question is:

    “if someone can’t afford a gun that costs at least twice if not three times or more as a High Point, is it better that he

    (a) Go without any firearm protectionuntil his poor, deadbeat self CAN afford to purchase a (insert fabulous gun of choice here cited as ‘the bestest gun ever made that never fails’) and pray for the time he gets to demonstrate both his mastery of the gun and its famous reliability as “the gun that never fails” because the mere sight of his (in)famous “bestest gun ever made that never fails” will cause the the bad guy to soil his clothing, throw down his weapon and turn his life over to Jesus on the spot.

    (b) Buy a High Point, practice with it, assure himself of its functional reliability, and hope never has to use it ’cause the bad guy might laugh at him-?

    Okay the last little bit of option (b) was facetious because I doubt anyone who has a gun pointed at him bothers to take the time to evaluate the economic clout/buying power of the person holding the gun.

    Since many people have talked about their observations of this gun, that shooter, those people, etc. and touted their observations as the proof du jour, I’ll jump into the fray.

    Observation 1: As one who has had many guns pointed at him, even more rounds fired at him and even a few hit him, I know that I never scoffed about the “lethality to frugality factor”. In other words, I felt just as endangered, just as scared and JUST AS SHOT irrespective of the cost of the gun held by the bad guys.
    Observation 2: I have observed a correlation between people who quote their century of experience ‘as a (insert organization of choice) certified firearms instructor’ when bad mouthing guns like the High Point and -similarly- a professed infatuation with the .45 or “at least nothing smaller than a .40 S&W”. In other words, pomposity is rarely restricted to just one small area.

    BTW: my standard disclaimer when defending the right of ‘cheap deadbeats’ to own a gun for self protection even if it’s NOT “the bestest gun ever made that never fails”: I own over 100 handguns but don’t and wouldn’t own a High Point…not if I can help it… because I’m egotistical enough to not want people to think that’s all I can afford. I suspect when reading all of the H.P. bashers’ posts on this page that I’m not alone in that character flaw; I’m just honest enough to admit it.

    God bless, have a nice day, peace be upon you, yada yada ya, blah blah blah…

  • David February 20, 2012, 1:05 pm

    With the price of things now I would love to have the money to buy any Hi-Point!

  • paul February 20, 2012, 12:53 pm

    I do not know a lot about guns, but my Hi Point shoots every time I fire it. as for drop safety, the state of Calif allows the sale of the C9 and the CF.380(the same frame). Check the Calif state handgun list and you may not see your favorite handgun listed. The manufacturers have to submit and pay a fee for the test, some won’t, but losing the money from Calif sales(as well as not supporting Californians who do own guns) is not good business. I think that most manufacturers that are not on the list are not there because they know that their handguns will NOT pass the drop test.

    As anal as Calif is about handguns(the test was designed to keep cheap guns off the market), I would guess that this handgun is a safe one when dropped.

    • Nagmashdriver December 3, 2012, 9:51 am

      As a former resident of The People’s Republik of Kalifornia, I can tell you that the OSTENSIBLE reason for the test is to keep cheap guns (read unsafe) off the market.

      The REAL reason is to limit handgun sales as much as legally possible, and at the same time make some more money for Sacramento to squander. This is just one of the reasons that I picked up and moved to Arizona in spring of 2012.

  • Reaper 351 February 20, 2012, 12:52 pm

    I own and shoot high quality expensive handguns. I am a certified law enforcement academy firearms instructor. I have shot just under 50 different Hi-Point weapons/handguns. The guns are ugly, heavy and feel cheap…but, they work. The Hi-Point is affectionately known as “the brick”. The weapons I have shot were “combat accurate” and reliable. I do not think I would carry one as my primary defense weapon or if I did I would not with the chamber loaded, but it would make a nice secondary or recreational shooter. Taking the weapon out in the field on a day hike or leaving in the vehicle as a “trunk gun” would suit the purpose of having a emergency weapon. Would I use it as my primary defense weapon? No. Would I pump thousands of rounds through it? No. Would I use it in the capacity that if something happened to it I would only be out $150? Yes.

  • Bernie E February 20, 2012, 12:48 pm

    Thank you for all your great comments. I have been shooting weapons for more than 40 yrs. I have owned and shot pistols, handguns, rifles, shotguns, etc… I am a veteran and have had the opportunity to shoot everything at my disposal and did so. I am grateful for this great forum, however one thing that concerns me is the total lack of respect and attack against one character that is the overwhelming theme only 2nd to the actual article. No, I am not thin-skinned, however there are way too many people attacking Americans in the world today that we do not need to be attacking ourselves. I served our great country to protect the freedoms for us to say what we want to say but these freedoms are being attacked and taking away by people who don’t want us to be free. Can’t we get along on this great forum without attacking the character of our friends who are writing in this forum? We need to be the examples for everyone who reads these forums and see that respect for America and her people still exists and it is alive right here on this forum. Thank you to all who have served our country and all those who stood by us. God bless…and please keep the articles coming….

  • Lopaka Kanaka February 20, 2012, 12:16 pm

    I purchased a C9 December 2011 and for the $159 it was a great low price gun. I watched a U-tube review on how to make the gun from jamming. And followed the instruction on ploshing the load ramp and the firing pin channel in the slide and removing the powder coating. I also worked on the magazine and fixed the angle of the bullets feeding. I fixed the angle of the hooks that the bullets load into the magazine. It has made the gun shooting with no hick-ups. I have fire 400 rounds of 115g CCI FMJ bullets and have no problems with it. Cleaning and oiling does make a different on your shots. I have 1911 45acp and 357 mag guns and I would purchase another Hi-Point with out a problem. For the $$ its a great starter semi-auto gun for anyone.

  • James February 20, 2012, 12:12 pm

    How about field stripping and maintance? Nothing was mentioned?

    • Scott Mayer February 20, 2012, 1:14 pm

      James, there is no traditional “field stripping” of this gun. Disassembly requires a punch, and then the slide pretty much lifts up, forward and off. I generally don’t disassemble and instead just flush it out with carb cleaner and then a spritz of lube. Mine’s not picky about being clean or not.

  • Ed H. February 20, 2012, 11:42 am

    I am sooo glad you wrote a fantastic review on the C9. I am a retired and severely disabled veteran so I can’t afford much of anything when it comes to high end firearms, but when I had a few bucks to spare one month, and after reading a TON of negative reviews about this gun,,I said what the heck and got mine at a pawn shop and looked like it never been fired. I thought I just wasted what little money I had to spend and reluctantly took it to the range. With the adjustable sights on mine,,I adjusted the sight after first few shots and now it is THE most accurate pistol I own. The only problem I had was feed problems but HighPoint Rep told me to use certain brands of ammo only…so I got the green and white box of Rem UMC as they told me…and NEVER had a problem since. I measured the overall length of the other bullets compared to the UMC and noticed UMC is alittle shorter in length,,so I also adjusted my reloading die to match. I have shot hundreds if not thousands of rounds through this gun and never had a problem ever and my groupings are super tight,,so I agree,,,,fantastic gun. It also is easy to use concealed,,,it is a great gun for the price and the complete lifetime warranty. I love it and since I can’t afford high priced guns,,,this works perfectly so I don’t need to worry about trying to save for a Kimber or Springfield etc….my vet buddy used to talk crap about this gun BEFORE he ever held or fired it,,,now he wants one too.

  • Tom R. February 20, 2012, 11:36 am

    Cleaning is for show ? Really? like in the military? So much for your credibility!

  • Spencer February 20, 2012, 11:27 am

    I bought a Hi-Point C9, admittedly, because it was what I could afford at the time. I shot the dickens out of that gun with a single failure of any kind. I gave it to my son when I got a 1911 and he has shot it quite a bit. The gun goes bang every time, hits where you aim it, and is as reliable as you could ever want from a gun of ANY price. Only thing I don’t like is the takedown procedure. If they could replace the roll pin you have to punch out with a more convenient mechanism, the gun would get disassembled and cleaned more.

  • Glen February 20, 2012, 11:24 am

    I’ve been an avid gun owner and user of many different handguns over the course of my life. The ongoing negative criticism of Hi-Point Handguns by writers, instructors and alleged experts baffles me. My instincts tell me the primary reason is because the Hi-Points are very inexpensive and most owners enjoy and like them which doesn’t make sense to these folks who are so negative about Hi-Points. Case in point is the criticism by ED R who says that only one out of 75 hi-point handguns actually worked. You gotta be kidding us ED R.
    I own 5 Hi-Point handguns along with S&W, Taurus, Glock, you name it handguns. They’re all good. The only difference, I paid a heck of a lot less for the HI_Point.
    PS My wife also uses a Hi-Point and has one in her car at this time for self-defense.

  • JD February 20, 2012, 11:22 am

    I know 2 people who own Hi-points and the one owns 3 differant calibers and they love them.
    The article states the bad reviews are from people who don’t own one and never gave them a chance and I have to say that is all I have ever seen in the reviews.

  • Jeff Caskey February 20, 2012, 11:14 am

    Over the past 20 years I have owned several Hi-Point hand guns and carbines in all calibers. The early ones were for the most part reliable in any environment I could put them in. Rain, snow, mud, hot, cold and dusty, these guns performed. The .380 had a few ejection problems and even fewer feed problems. The biggest problem I ever had was when “speed” firing (pulling the trigger as fast as I could) was when the gun “may” jam or fail to feed the next round. This was with early models in the 9mm and .45, but seem to have been corrected by the manufacture as of late. My Hi-Points today have never, not once, failed to eject, feed or fire any round that was fed into the chamber !
    Hands down for the cost of the firearm compared to the cost of other firearm’s in the same caliber’s Hi-Point is THE best bang for the buck ! And like the man said, the warranty is the BEST in the business with their no questions asked policy of repairing or replacing the firearm to WHOMEVER owns it, be it in 1 month or 100 years !

  • Robert Sikes February 20, 2012, 11:10 am

    I bought a Hi-Point C-9 in TN for around $150.00 in 2002. It was my “carry” gun until 2009 when I sold it for other reasons. I had several problems with it over the years but always sent it back and had it fixed FREE. One of the best warranties that I have ever experienced. I am talking about Taurus, S&W, and Springfield. When I got a bonus last year, at work, I bought a new Hi-Point C-9. Now I am happy again.

  • Brian February 20, 2012, 11:09 am

    I have two hi-points. Once C-9 and one .40 cal. The .40 cal shoots much more accurately, but jammed a ton when I first got it. Mostly stove pipes. The C-9 has been fairly reliable (most of 3-4 malfunctions in 5-700 rounds), but is not nearly as accurate. Once I left all my mag’s loaded in the .40, it made it much more reliable. The last time I shot it I only put 100rds or so through it, but it worked flawlessly.
    Obviously there are much better choices for personal defense, and even more so for CCW, but for $120-160 they are a fun gun. I agree with the others on being a great car gun. That is where my .40 spent most of it’s time.

  • Old Fish February 20, 2012, 11:06 am

    I got a barely used last year C9 last year. I carry it open all of the time on my trips from home to Arizona. When I first shot the pistol I place a target 35 yards away and fired my first round from the pistol and hit the target dead center. I carried a 1911 for many years when I was in the Army and now wish I had the C9 instead. I don’t care what pistol you get because there is always the good, bad, and ugly in all of them.

  • Dan Rowton February 20, 2012, 11:04 am

    I am 70 years old and have always liked guns but never got into them until a year ago. I will admit being cheap. SS lowers one’s standard od living. Everyone I came in contact with said stay clear of Hi-point so I bought a Ruger P95. It jammed a lot. After lots of trading and moving toward wheel guns, I too said Hi-points were ugly and rough junk. Had I fired one – NO! Shame on me. I bought a Taurus 1911 45acp and I loved it for it’s looks but it jammed after every first shot. I bought a C9 on a fluke and what a gun. The sights worked for me, it has never jamed and has performed great. I will carry a Ruger SR9 but I love that Hi-Point and would like to tell all those who gave me bad advice – SHAME ON YOU!

  • Bruce February 20, 2012, 11:03 am

    I purchased a c9 highpoint last fall. I have since fired about 300 rounds through it. It does have issues with jamming especially after the first shot. I have found that Federal 9mm Champion FMJ rounds work well. The gun seems to have been broken in and the jam rate is very low now with the Federal rounds. It has only jammed at a rate of 1 round in 5 or 6 mags lately. I tried a box of some cheap Russian stuff last fall that had steel casings. It was a nightmare nearly turning the gun into a single shot. I am sticking to the Federals. I haven’t really tried any of the other brands.

    This was my first hand gun. I got a CC Permit and wanted something in case I decided to carry and didn’t want to spend a ton of money especially since I didn’t have any real experience with handguns. So I settled on the 9mm C9. I saw the variations in reviews and decided on it anyway. It is low priced, the rounds are cheap and it is a great fun gun as well as a tackle box gun. If your life depends on your sidearm, you may want to look elsewhere but for a starter gun, I am happy. I may grab something else later on if I run across a deal, but for a basic gun, it is hard to beat the Hi-Point C9. It ain’t perfect but it costs a third of what most other 9mm cost.

  • Philip Mc February 20, 2012, 10:26 am

    Thank you for a well written article about the Hi Point pistol without all of the bias and downright hatred we so often read and hear about when they are brought up…

    Come visit us at http://www.hipointtalk.net and read what many others have had to say about these simple, functional and affordable made in the USA weapons.

    • smith March 4, 2012, 12:15 am

      if you want affordable made in america and can depend on it with your life then buy keltec who happens to be the third largest handgun maker in america they are what Id call reliable and they are affordable and make inexpensive carryguns that are very functional

  • Mark February 20, 2012, 10:15 am

    I’m a new shooter – so take it for what it’s worth. My little brother bought a couple of hi-points a couple of years ago, and never fired them or took any of them to the range. I took him & his guns to my range with a few of boxes of ammo to make sure he knew how these guns would act when he pulled the trigger.

    The hi-point .40 ate 100 rounds with only one jam. The 9mm jammed at least once per mag, usually twice or more. There was always a spent casing falling out of it after we dropped the mag, so I would call these “FTE”‘s. You can blame limp wristing if you want, but none of the other guns we fired did anything like that. (we also fired a glock, a sig, and a 1911 on the same visit).

    Going onto the internet, we found a lot of references to “use this ammo only”, “bend these tabs on the mags”, “you’re shooting like a girl!”, or polishing the feed ramp – we haven’t tried any of thses “fixes” yet, and I’m not sure we will.

    I don’t think I can express how embarassing it is for a new shooter to go to the range and spend an hour with a bad gun like the hi-point 9mm. (you’re already nervous about breaking the “rules” or committing a faux-pas)

    The hi-point did a great job of making my brother into a wheel-gun man. I’m pretty certain the next step for him is to fiddle and fart around with the 9mm until he can get a whole clip to fire without a jam, then peddle it – and his other 2 hi-points to someone like the author who is in love with the brand.

  • Armed Security February 20, 2012, 10:05 am

    Anyone want to buy a boat anchor. I’ll but money if i can get any toward a real gun.

    • Sargeant Squirrel December 3, 2012, 10:49 am

      (Armed Security)
      “Anyone want to buy a boat anchor. I’ll but money if i can get any toward a real gun.”

      I’ll give you $5.00 if you but it. Or better yet butt it!


  • Orlin Harris February 20, 2012, 10:04 am

    Bought a new Hi-point in 40 S&W. I cleaned it and then fired it about 40 times and had 7 failures to feed and several failures to eject. On the very first round I had to push the slide forward to make it feed. The spent brass would fail to leave the ejection port causing a block for the next round. Maybe there are none on the used market because people don’t want to pass their junk on to someone else.

    • Duray February 20, 2012, 6:55 pm

      My Kimber Ultra Carry had to be nudged into battery once when it was new, too. Break in matters; the first 40 rounds really isn’t a fair judgment.

    • Orlin Harris February 20, 2012, 7:30 pm

      OK so I just thought I would try the Hi-point 40 out again just to see if it might function better after sitting for several months with rounds in the clips. I thought maybe the springs had loosened up a bit but noooo. I fired two 10 round mags of Magtech hollow point ammo, one factory and one aftermarket. Out of 20 rounds only 3 fed properly. I even concentrated on holding it solidly and I am not a weakling but it made no difference. I must say it ejected fine but if it doesn’t load what is the point. It is very accurate and it goes bang every time except when it doesn’t load. I had to lock the slide back, eject the mag and adjust the round back into the clip, return the clip and let the slide fall. Still it failed to feed several times forcing me to repeat the process. I think that in a situation it would let me down or at best could be used as a prop or a club. I will be trading it for some welding work after fully disclosing it’s drawbacks.

      • Randy February 21, 2012, 7:51 pm

        Orlin Harris
        Not trying be an ass but did you ever think to inspect the mag(s)? It (they) could have a sharp edge on a lip or both lips. Look at some spent rounds from it. Are the cases scored on one or both sides? Or the bullet doesn’t sit in the mag at the correct angle for the slide to move it into the chamber without it getting stuck on the ramp. Mag tweaks are usually needed to make these guns as reliable as any other. It’s not a expensive gun so, yes, it needs tweaking. 200 rounds minimum for break-in. More if you don’t work on the mag. I used WWB for my break-in. Then switched to Blazer Alum. Works like a charm. Of course I don’t carry it so I have no need for expensive ammo and use the cheapest I can find. I have my CCW permit but I have no reason to carry. If I did carry I’d carry my CZ (smaller, lighter, AWESOME trigger)

        • Orlin Harris February 22, 2012, 1:06 pm

          OK just for every bodies information, I have never considered a civil discussion to have anything to do with being an ass and I am always open to suggestion. That being said I went ahead and disassembled the 40 and cleaned it again (brake cleaner, brush, swab etc.) I then sprayed it with Rem oil. I also tweaked the lips on the mags slightly. I then fired another couple mags through it and I must say there is a marked improvement. It only failed to feed five times and a push on the slide made it work. This is much better than last time so maybe there is hope. I will continue to tweak and test and hopefully it will come around. I still have to buy another caliber of gun since the 40 S&W isn’t legal to hunt with in Colorado (550 ft. lbs. @ 50 yards minimum.) I like the accuracy of this gun, a 4 inch group a 50 feet off hand works for me. One good shot is better than ten bad shots. I am up to 85 rounds through it now and will continue the break in process and will hope for the best.

      • SlickDoc1 August 17, 2014, 8:09 pm

        Ken…….you are full of it…..I have over 40 years plus… I hate to compare however I TOTALLY DISAGREE with you! I’m not going in depth with this because it looks like you are a HiPoint
        Hater and there is nothing that can sway you….(sorry about your dilemma)! People,…compare the pros and con’s concerning the HiPoint and you will find that 90% comments are pros….and the rest of the 10% haters are just fanatical idiots who have nothing better to do with their time and money!

  • Noah February 20, 2012, 9:59 am

    If you’re going to buy one I’d recommend the .40sw over the 9mm. Just my opinion. I bought one as a cheap reliable car gun and also bought the matching carbine. Both were pleasant surprises. The pistol is bulky, heavy, and ugly as sin, i call mine “the brick,” but after 1200 rounds with nothing more than brushing the bore it goes bang every time. A few misfires I have had were due to cheap ammo (reloads). Best $158 I’ve ever spent.

    Another tip- each hi point comes with a ghost ring rear that I would put on immediately.

    “heavy is good, heavy is reliable. If it doesn’t work you can always hit him with it.”

    • STEVE February 20, 2012, 12:30 pm

      “heavy is good, heavy is reliable. If it doesn’t work you can always hit him with it.”

      Gotta love it….

  • Armed Security February 20, 2012, 9:56 am

    No comments then it is a worthless door stop.

  • Ed R February 20, 2012, 9:52 am

    I think they are a piece of crap, I have a Defensive Shooting School, I’ve had over 75, student since 1999, that had this JUNK. unless, they have improved them. (DOUBT IT) Only 1 worked after we had worked on, with a hammer.
    All other failed from different reasons. I would not put my life on the line with this junk, they had feeding problems, would not eject, bad firing pins. it JUNK. to call this a firearm, in an Insult, to the other guns. YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR, CHEAP. ??? How much is UR love ones and UR life’s worth???

    • Jeff W. February 20, 2012, 10:01 pm

      Ed, it’s a little hard to take your comments seriously. You, especially representing yourself as an owner/instructor of a Defensive Shooting School should at least run spell/grammar check. Aside from the illiteracy of a teacher, I find it incredulous (and, no, I don’t own this gun, but am trying to find some merit about the piece in the discussions here, especially from ‘professionals’ like yourself) that 100% of 75 guns (except for the one you performed some fine armory work on with a hammer) were completely dysfunctional. Really? All of them?

      Respectfull. URs,


  • eduardo lorenzo February 20, 2012, 9:48 am

    tengo una hi-point 380 hace 3 años y nunca he tenido problemas.cierto que no es muy bella que digamosmpero es segura, barata yhecha en usa.Tambien hay que ver que municion se usa,pues no todas son de fiar.
    ahora pienso comprar ina 9mm y quisiera que Hi-Poin se desidiera a nfabricar una cal 22

    • Big Mike March 5, 2012, 11:15 am


      Can’t write English, barely writes Spanish, you can call this based on all his grammar errors. This guy must have flunk the First Grade for sure! He claims would like to buy now a 9mm and if they manufacture a .22 He will buy one also. he refers as to (Son de fiar) Fiar means to loan out in exchange of money or goods, then again “Confiar” means reliable, dependable, trustworthy. “USA” IS IN CAPS NOT IN CASE LETTERS. He really needs a Dictionary first and a language course second!
      Ps. “No es muy bella”, las armas son bonitas, las mujeres es las que son bellas!
      According to him the weapons are not to “PRETTY” Well weapons are beatifull but not pretty! must be a new down low language!

      • The Intelligent Shade Of Blue April 22, 2013, 12:12 am

        As someone who speaks English, Spanish, Italian, and Russian, I can assure you that English is certainly not the easiest of the four to write. Perhaps instead of criticizing someone for something that has nothing to do with his evaluation of Hi-Point pistols, you may wish to consider the fact that capitalizing the word “dictionary” in the middle of a sentence is not necessary. Furthermore, without his elementary school transcripts, there is no way to tell how well or poorly he performed at school in the first grade. Would you be willing, in front of God and everybody, to bet your liver on the veracity of your thoughtless, insulting remark? Didn’t think so.

        Не рецензируйте. Спасибо. До свидания.

        P. S.: I love my HP C9.

  • Jerry February 20, 2012, 9:46 am

    I took my daughters to the range and let them try my C9 and a Taurus PT111 MilPro. Each one ran many rounds through them and every one of them said that they wanted a C9! No FTF/FTL’s while the more expensive pt111 still continues to stove-pipe. I also have the JCP 40S&W and love it. Accuracy is achieved by practice. I am able to pattern a DVD (being this is what author used as size) grouping at 40 yards! And no, am no marksman. Finally, Mr Edwards, you are so full of it, it is running out of your ears. My safety’s have never failed me, every pistol needs to be broken down to be cleaned, polishing the ramp, do it yourself, etc. Let’s talk about the Glock’s firing going into/out of holster’s shall we? And when I have to defend my family/home from intruders, I am sure that they won’t mind if my family is protected by my affordable C9, or your $500-1K GUN!

    • Ken Edwards February 20, 2012, 10:35 am

      To Jerry:
      First, why the insults? In what way am I full of it that it is running out my ears? I do not insult your apparent faithfulness in the High Point nor would I try to dispute your belief in the pistol. But looking outside your world and considering the High Point from a wide perspective the end result is they DO have a high number of malfunctions.
      If you feel safe with a live round in the chamber and being cocked with only a very small peice of metal or alloy keeping the firing pin from hitting the primer then so be it.
      Your comment about the Glock going off while going in and out of the holster well,… important safety rule coming up,….. keep your finger off the trigger! Now if you were referring to the Glock going off while in the holster well,… buy a holster that covers the entire trigger guard. That is what is required for all striker fired pistols. And I would go as far to say to include all pistols. The Glock that went off while in the holster was in a holster that only partially covered the trigger guard. All gun makers produce defective guns just like there are cars that give trouble as soon as they are driven off the lot. But the % is low when you buy quality. If you a have a High Point that works then I am happy for you and I will not try to persuade you into thinking it is not reliable. You see, that is the respect that I have for you and your beliefs. Why not give others the same consideration?
      In regards to the Glock; I was dragged down the street by a drunk driver when I was a Police Officer. The top 1/3 of my Glock was scrapped off by the pavement, it never discharged.

      Best to you!

      • Jerry February 20, 2012, 4:09 pm

        Well Ken, I apologize that my comment was taken as it was. More meant as guys talking and B.S.ing But what we have is very few american companies producing pistols. Rather than trying to come along side and blasting cannons at the company (which I felt you did with your response) but rather come out with positives along with negatives. Were the Hi Point guns used in your classes properly broken in? Did the you mention to the owners of the Hi Points that they can send in that pistol for factory repair (maybe something is wrong) and all it costs is the one way shipping? And, when they ship it back to them, they send a new magazine back with it. Oh, and this works for the 10th owner or the 1st owner or the 1001st owner plus it is for life! I do not get type of service from Taurus nor any other for that matter. I am sorry that you had the dragging done as a police officer. That was wrong of that or any other person to do. And I picked a “Glock” out of the blue for the reason that a lot of people feel that that gun is a ‘cloud 9’ gun. Personally, I have shot them and really don’t care for them. I could have picked any other gun as well, just didn’t. All I know as I look around for C9’s to purchase, I can’t find any until the new ones come out. Although I did notice a lot of used/new Glock’s….hmmmmm Take care my friend and thank you for the service you gave as a Police Officer!

  • Rob February 20, 2012, 9:44 am

    So….an overwhelming amount of good, with a few stories of a bad one. Can anyone name ANY product in ANY field with a 100% record? Didn’t think so.

    I’ve also heard more horror stories from Kimber than anyone else. And they cost almost 10 times as much….just food for thought.

  • Rob February 20, 2012, 9:43 am

    So….an overwhelming amount of good, with a few stories of a bad one. Can anyone name ANY product in ANY field with a 100% record? Didn’t think so.

    I’ve also heard more horror stories from Kimberly than anyone else. And they cost almost 10 times as much….just food for thought.

    • Ken Edwards February 20, 2012, 10:17 am

      TO Rob: I could’nt agree more with you, you are “spot on”.

  • R Rossmiller February 20, 2012, 9:43 am

    I had two hi points, a 9mm and a 40 S&W. With various kinds of ammo, I couldn’t shoot a clip of ammo with out at least one jam.

  • fred brown February 20, 2012, 9:36 am

    To whom this may concerne I recently recieved a hi point c9 for Christmas and have fired it about 25 times at an in door range. It has jammed about 5 times. Is it my handling, or to much gun oil? I have fired 115 grain, and 147 grain through it als also the accuratsy is not very good. Any help would be appreciated. Fred brown.

    • Scott Mayer February 20, 2012, 9:55 am

      Fred, even without being thhere, I can tell you it’s not too much oil.

      The first thing to do is have someone else shoot it to see if they have the same malfunctions. If they don’t, it’s you probably limp-wristing it. If it works for them, try holding the gun tighter when you fire. If they have the same problem, try a different magazine. Any gun can have a bad magazine that causes a malfunction. If it is a bad magazine, send the magazine back to Hi Point and they will send you another. If you can’t narrow it down to a bad magazine, try a different load. For the sake of function-testing, use FMJ. If it works with the FMJ, try loads that have the FMJ profile. If you still have the problem, call Hi Point about sending it back for repair.

    • John K December 4, 2012, 12:18 am

      Fred: with all new handguns, there is a break-in period. That could be causing the problem. Put a couple hundred rounds downrange, then see if the situation improves. Just a thought.

  • Steve February 20, 2012, 9:28 am

    The first hand gun I ever purchased was a C 9.
    I got it so I could go to the gun range with my
    Retired Air Force Buddy, he taught me the
    safe way to handle a pistol at the Gun Range.
    I have only fired maybe two hundred rounds of
    Remington and Federal in the pistol to date.
    But I never had one fail to feed, or ejection issue.
    And once I learned to Breath Right, and hold it right
    I got my groups @ 20 yards down to Respectable for
    a guy my age according to an instuctor @ the Range.
    I keep the Gun in my car, and if some day some guy
    steals it I figure I am only out 126.00 dollars. I do now
    own other guns that I paid one hell of a lot more for.
    And they are better guns, but I am sure I could grab
    my C 9 chamber a potent round of 9 mm hollow pt. 115 gr.
    And hit what I want to @ least six or seven times real
    What more can you ask of a hand gun?
    All I want is a fighting chance to get to my 12 gauge Mossberg
    Pump or my old Stevens Model B.
    The only thing wrong with the gun is its too heavy to conceal
    carry for me. I like the TCP, LCP type of 380s for that.
    I ve talked too long.

  • Mackster February 20, 2012, 9:19 am

    Aemed Security:

    Many owners have noted that after breaking these pistols (and their magazines) in, things go a lot smoother. Just shooting a few boxes of ammo can do it, but sometimes it takes a little bit of slight bending of the magazine’s feed lips in order to get proper seating of the top round. This can even be done by hand or carefully with pliers, only a very slight adjustment is usually necessary, if at all. Some polish the feed ramp, but that is likely not necessary. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, these magazines start out with some rather stiff springs that need breaking in. SImply load the magazines up and let them sit for a good while. Having extra magazines is of the essence. Try different ones and see which work, and the ones that aren’t good Hi Point will replace for you free of charge. I am an owner of the pistols and carbines in California and there are many devoted and active users of Hi Points here. Let’s all try to be fair and civil-minded here, shall we.

  • Mike Seagle February 20, 2012, 9:17 am

    I’ve tried two one in 45 and one in 9mm and both had severe FTF and FTE problems on both guns. I polished the feed ramp on the 45 and sometimes I can get two magazines through it without FTF but never three. Sent the 9mm back and got two new magazines returned with the gun that did the same thing the old agazines did this particular gun was very accurate when it fires two or three but has never put a whole magazine of any brand of ammo through it without FTF FTE problems. ( Its hard to sell one like this even for 100 dollars when they try it out first)

    • Randy February 21, 2012, 7:28 pm

      One point, adjust the mags lips. These mags are NOT well known for being adjusted very well from the factory they come from (Hi-Point does not make them AFAIK). Fill it up, and look at the attitude the top takes as opposed to lip of the mag and the height of the bullets diameter relative to it’s longitudinal axis below the lips edge. The bullet should be held just slightly above it’s widest point and the profile of the bullet should be close to the same angle as the edge of the mag. File the sharp inner edge of the mag lips smooth or sand them smooth and that those mags will feed like any other gun. For the price of these guns I don’t think it’s unreasonable to have to learn the gun and how to make it work to the best of it’s ability. If I buy a $500 dollar gun however, it had BETTER be in perfect working order and clean enough to shoot right out of the box. Of course for that extra $350+ is that too much to ask? Haha, but after reading OTHER gun forums I see that ALL the major brands have someone complaining about something that wasn’t right on their gun. I doubt that those complaints make those particular guns look bad though because they are EXPENSIVE guns. I shoot Blazer aluminum out of my C9 and have had ONE goof. That was while firing as fast possible for fun. On the last round (8) and I’m pretty sure (not confident) it was my fault because I believe I limp wristed it.

  • Mackster February 20, 2012, 9:08 am

    1. The rear sight is fully adjustable for elevation and windage.

    2. There are 2 internal drop safeties. The following is taken directly from the manual:

    -Sear block – as spring loaded plate that falls under the spring pin arm when pistol falls on its rear
    -Counter weight – a weight that counter acts sear movement when pistol is dropped on its handle

    • Scott Mayer February 20, 2012, 9:19 am

      Mack, you’re right! Now that I look closer, there is a little elevation adjustment screw in front of the blade. Thanks.

  • Aemed Security February 20, 2012, 8:57 am

    I’m not accusing anyone one of not knowing what they are saying but I recently purchased a Hi Point 40 for my weapon of choice to take my act 235 lethal weapons training. My range instructors called it a door stop and said they never had one go all the way through the course without a problem of some kind. I had hoped My Hi Point would Prove them wrong. I Shot very well with it, for a door stop. But I am afraid to say that their record still stands. After 250 rounds it came time for qualifying, it jammed every 4th or 5th round. Now I wont put down the gun for being junk. I like it ! Maybe you can tell me what it is that is causing this that I can have it fixed so I can get that reliable shoots every time without fail so if I have to use it to save my life or the life of others it will knock them down and keep me standing.

  • Arthur February 20, 2012, 8:56 am


    He said ejector, not extractor. Learn to read. The Hi-Point does actually use the FP face as the ejector.

    Drop safeties are important. I would not carry a pistol without one.

    • Kelley February 20, 2012, 12:23 pm

      That’s why it has a safety and guess what it works like a drop safety flip safety ON drop it no go off. Now Glock ans others Don’t have a safety so they need a drop safety. I wouldn’t own a pistol w/o a safety and IM just as fast taking off the safety and firing as you are w/o one. I’m not lazy I practice and I’ll never shot myself in the leg as others w/o a safety do reguarly

      • smith March 3, 2012, 11:54 pm

        look Kelley the reason the glock does not have a true safety is it was designed to be used in the line of duty and it has been proven time and again when you are in a high stress situation most if not all fine motor function goes out the window alot (not all) of people who debate one gun over another have never been in a fire fight but it has been seen widely that when someone who has never been in a gunfight does alot of them forget to take the safety off until the first time they pull the trigger luckily it’s just as stressfull for the other guy the glock is intended for one thing fighting that’s why it does not have a safety its meant to be used by men and women who are ready to fight if necessaryit’s a weapon in pure form it works great as a target gun but is intended for use as a hardcore fighting weapon that is ready for action the moment it comes into hand and it has been tested by the austrian military in some of the nastiest tests possible and it never fails a Hi-point will not take what a glock can

    • Rex February 20, 2012, 1:51 pm

      As I said above, the extractor/ejector misreading was my fault.

      Let me ask you a question on the drop safety though; if you lived in or were going into a bad part of town and were given the option to take a hi-point or nothing in the way of a firearm,….what would your choice be?

  • TG February 20, 2012, 8:41 am

    Sounds like what I’m looking for.

  • Stewart February 20, 2012, 8:20 am

    I am an FFL dealer and I want to assure anyone considering purchasing a Hi-point pistol that you will not be disappointed. She won’t win any beauty contest but she will always have your back. Being located in a small rural community I sell quite a few Hi-points. Some for home defense, some for vehicles, boats, tackle boxes, etc. They are as accurate as a Glock 19 and will handle most types of ammo without a hic-cup. Simply put, I love ’em.

    • smith March 3, 2012, 11:32 pm

      I have to say I disagree about your statement that the Hi-point is as accurate as the glock 19. I have fired both extensively and say that on a qualifing course the glock 19 outperforms the Hi-point on accuracy I myself am a consistent 245 out of 250 or higher shooter every time when qualifing with a pistol, and the glock 19 definitely outperforms the Hi-point.

      • vmcneal April 9, 2012, 7:12 pm

        Interesting..your comparing your $500 plus Glock19 with a $179 Hi Point C9.

        • Jeff Smith September 29, 2012, 1:46 pm

          I love to see when people compare $500+ guns to a $159 Gun

          think of the price tag as a weight class

          please compare as if it was a 500 lb man to a 159 lb man

          that said what other guns can we compare the high point to in the SAME price range

      • Greg November 9, 2012, 3:17 pm

        You mean to say that *YOU* perform better with a Glock 19 than a HiPoint C9. That’s an ergonomics thing. Fixed barrel, blowback operated guns will group as well or better than short recoil actions.

  • Rex February 20, 2012, 8:11 am

    @Ken Edwards

    Everything you just said has been discredited,….by yourself. Saying this handgun doesn’t have a seperate extractor and uses the FIRING PIN is not only ridiculous,….it’s blatantly wrong and potentially harmful to this company but it makes you look like a novice, at best.


    Aside from that you’re saying it’s a terrible handgun because it’s user may not choose to clean it,….ridiculous,….and it doesn’t have a drop safety. Does it really need the expense of a second safety, a drop safety, if the current safety keeps the sear from engaging???? Also, how many bells and whistles are you really expecting on a $150 handgun??

    Let’s keep it real.

    • Scott Mayer February 20, 2012, 9:16 am

      Rex, you’re right that the Hi Point has a plainly visible “extractor,” but Ken said “ejector” and he’s correct that it uses the firing pin for that. That said, I don’t know why using the pin would even be an issue.

      • Ken Edwards February 20, 2012, 10:14 am

        To: Scott

        By using the firing pin as the ejector it places the contact point for the thrust of the empty shell in the center of the empty cartridge instead of the far left hand side of the shell as other ejectors do. The port is so small on the High Point that the timing of the ejecting and insertion of the new round is very critical. In other words; the empty shell has a harder time getting out of the way of the incoming unfired round. I have seen this many times when an empty shell would be caught by the live round trying to be fed in.
        I realize people have different opinions and I respect them. I, just like them, am responding based upon my experience.

    • Ken Edwards February 20, 2012, 9:34 am

      To: Rex

      Insults regarding my knowledge really is not needed or necessary. I could say you were too ignorant to read my response clearly. I could say you do not know the difference between an extractor or ejector, but I won’t. Please be so kind to read my response “clearly”. I did not say a separate extractor. I said; “a separate ejector”.
      And, no it does not have a separate ejector as other pistols do. The firing pin does twice the work by acting as the ejector and firing pin. As far as a drop safety is concerned, it would add expense to the gun but it would be a far safer weapon to carry with a round in the chamber. A drop safety requires no additional act or actions by the shooter, the drop safety disengages when the trigger is pressed to a certain point.

      • Rex February 20, 2012, 10:39 am

        I do know the difference between ejector and extractor and misread that part of your post,….that was my error. I still can’t understand how laziness is an excuse for not cleaning any firearm,….especially one intended for carry,…and I also can’t get over how everyone expects a $150 pistol to be a Cadillac. It is what it is. They shoot straight, have a legitimate safety, and can save your life if you’re on a budget.

        If you’re an expert on firearms I’m sure you would agree the much touted 1911 may not be the best choice for a rookie shooter either,…..and that handgun has two safeties, shoots lights out comparatively, and could run 20 times the cost.

        It is what it is. A budget handgun. Expecting it to run like an open gun or something ten times, or even two times, the cost is an expectation that is flawed from the onset. The shooter not learning how many rounds they have before the handgun starts to fail,….is poor or complete lack of instruction. Personally, if I have a carry weapon that I know will run flawlessly for 250 rounds after being cleaned, that’s fine. We’re not going to war.

      • Charles February 20, 2012, 1:23 pm

        Ken Edwards: “Insults regarding my knowledge really is not needed or necessary. I could say you were too ignorant to read my response clearly.”

        And one COULD say that “insults and ignorance” characterizes your your initial post to Scott from the opening salvo: “I cannot believe you “positive” wrote an article on the High Point. I will challenge your statement; “a Hi Point is every bit as reliable and tough as a more expensive handgun”.” and when you continued with “I love the articles Guns America have but this one is a little too much to read and accept as clearly truthful and factual.” and “But for you to actually say they are every bit as reliable and tough as a more expensive handgun is just not true.” Overall your post was a very scornful and overly combative expression of disbelief in the both the veracity and the honesty of Scott’s article (and thus Scott himself). So it COULD be hard for one to understand why you are so ‘sensitive’ and easily offended when YOUR posts are responded to in kind by being dissected, scrutinized and parsed.

        You also did some rather unsavory editing in your copying and pasting of Scott’s statement when you wrote “Your comment, ”a Hi Point is every bit as reliable and tough as a more expensive handgun”. Perhaps you’re a better handgun instructor than you are writer. If so, that’s forgivable; everyone can’t be an expert on everything. So allow this firearms instructor and professional writer to give you some instruction on writing: when you quote someone, if you’re going to extract and post an EXCERPT from the other person’s statement, make sure you indicate as much. For example, the more accurate/honest method of quoting Scott’s statement would have been thus:

        I refute your claim that t “…a Hi Point is every bit as reliable and tough as a more expensive handgun.”

        As you wrote it and as Scott pointed out, your partial quote of his entire statement left out some key qualifying statements that SIGNIFICANTLY change the nature of Scott’s claims. So one COULD say that makes that post and all of your subsequent posts with all of your claims about observed failure rates of H.P. pistols and all of your insinuating declarations (i.e. “I do not stretch the truth of the facts concerning the fail to function of the High Point.”) suspect and “a little too much to read and accept as clearly truthful and factual” since you’re obviously an opinionated pompous ass.

        One COULD say that…perhaps someone will.


        At this time, in the interest of undoing any damage to my reputation as a ‘good Christian’, I invite you to insert whatever religious phrase you wish that washes away the stain of any offending remarks I might have made, i.e. “May the Blessings of the Lord shine upon you.” ‘Cause like- that’s how it’s done, right?

        • Ken Edwards February 21, 2012, 7:59 am

          Charles, I was not using unsavory editing. I used the ONLY portion people would read and remember. I do admit that I came out of the gate a bit too strong in expressing my opinion of the HP and I an apology from me is in order. But I gave in to the frustrations I have concerning the HP, frustrations that have been built up and piled on over many years.
          There are many people on this site who have positive feelings towards their HP and I have said that I would never try to change their mind. It is the people who look to this site in additon to other sites for some guidance in choosing a handgun that I am concerned with.

          As far as me being easily offended goes; I do not recall referring to anyone as being full of BS, peddling ignorance, or a pompous ass as I have been called. No, my skin is not thin. It is much thicker than you think. Your underlying attempt to discredit and insult my knowledge is an nothin more than a camouflaged verbal insult.
          My displeasure is that a good exhange of views cannot take place without some throwing in very clear insults compelling me to stand my ground. That is the main reason I normally do not get into any talks on any sites. But the HP was a topic that caused me to express my views. And no, I am not like some have suggested that I like the high priced guns. One of my favorites is the CZ-82, $249 and less, a gun that will go bang every time and is VERY accurate. Very safe with a very easy take down.
          As far as me inserting a religious phrase to wash away any stain of your offending remarks to undo any damage to your reputation as a Christian is concerned; I think if you feel there is any stain then maybe it is you that should try to wash away the stain. It is not I that washes away the stain, it is our Lord Jesus Christ

          • Charles Solomon January 19, 2013, 11:07 pm

            To Mr. Ken Edwards;
            Apparently Mr. Ken, You feel VERY Threatened by The Hi-Point C9 and it’s functional, genuine and Excellent Performance. Might I suggest You, Mr.Ken Edwards go to your favorite gun shop and Spring For a Hi-Point C9. That Will Be brave gesture you probably do NOT have the courage to do; As Apparently YOU fear coming out of the closet FOR The C9 once you’ve been with it at the Shooting Range… My Sympathy for you tough guy……………

      • Randy February 21, 2012, 7:09 pm

        The Hi-Point DOES have a drop safety. It’s the solid bar that runs down the backside of the mag well. It rattles when you shake the gun giving people the impression the gun is junk just for the fact it makes noise. It also has the mag disconnect safety which was mentioned in the article. This device is routinely removed against the wishes of the company.
        As for the firing pin being used for the ejector and getting bent? Personally I’ve never heard of that happening on a pistol. However, it seems a common occurrence on the carbines. Using the firing pin for the ejector is also why it’s a bad idea to cycle live rounds through the Hi-Point (any Hi_Point) by hand for obvious reasons.

        • Lui February 15, 2013, 8:59 pm

          This is true. I just bought my first high point and already own a 1911 and a Browning high power. I like everything about the gun-opposed to what I paid for it except 1. That one is using the firing pin as an extractor. When the slide goes back, the extractor holds on to the old shell and the firing pin hitting the primer on the expended shell knocks the shell out of the gun. Fine and dandy on an expended shell. But what happens if this happens with a live round and the firing pin strikes the primer? I am not sure, I guess it depends on how hard it hits the primer, but in a jam situations, especially a combat jam situation, part of clearing a jam is to drop the mag then forcibly rack the slide till the jam clears. Now that part is scary knowing the firing pin would be hitting the primer on a life round. any thoughts on that anyone?

      • Phil Lamb February 22, 2012, 6:18 pm

        Mine works. Nuff said.

  • D.Batton February 20, 2012, 8:10 am

    I’ve owned one for 5 years, beat the crap out of it, rarely clean it and when I do, not well, and it’s NEVER failed to fire every time I pull the trigger. I’ve run 3,000+ rounds through mine and have never had a problem. No, you wouldn’t want to conceal-carry this thing, but as a nightstand or truck gun, or even just one more to add to the collection, with it’s price, it is a very attractive handgun.

  • J B Watkins February 20, 2012, 8:08 am

    To Mr. Edwards.
    All I can say is “BULLS___!!!”.
    I’ve owned Hi-Points since 1994 and NEVER, repeat, NEVER, had any FTF, FTE or any other problems with any ammo.
    If you teach classes, perhaps thet should start with one on how to clean a weapon.
    If you didn’t meticulously take apart you sweet precious little Glock every time and clean it, it would act as a piece of junk, also.
    Get a clue.

    • H.T. February 20, 2012, 9:28 am

      JB, why the knock on Glocks? Interesting debate on the qualities of the Hi Point, and then you mention meticulously cleaning a Glock? I have owned Glocks for many years and all I ever do is lube my guns,
      cleaning is primarily for show in the military, sic. US Army. My Glocks have Never failed, nor my Rugers.
      “Precious little Glock”, lol, yes, beautiful handgun that serves a purpose.
      All the best, H.T.

      • Randy February 21, 2012, 6:52 pm

        Glocks beautiful? Are you serious? The only difference between a Glock and a Hi-Point is the height of the slide. By a fraction of an inch. Oh, and the rear has a slight slant on the Glocks. A plastic gun is a plastic gun. They ALL look similar. As for serving a purpose? Sure they do. So do Hi-Points. Yes, Glocks are the Wal Mart of the firearms world. Of course everyone has one. They were the first plastic gun. Everyone has one because the market is flooded with them. But in the beginning nobody trusted it either. But they sold them cheaper than (notice that?) every other metal gun on the market.
        Yes, I own a C9. I did have one misfeed early on. I dealt with it by adjusting the mags lips some. Since then, no troubles whatsoever. You most definitely can not limp wrist this gun. I’ve seen very experienced shooters limp wrist my gun. They all denied it. I could see it. Just sayin.

    • Ken Edwards February 20, 2012, 10:04 am

      Why bring the Glock into a conversation about High Points? Since you mentioned the Glock; I have ran as many as 3000 rounds thru one without doing anything to do it. No oil, no cleaning, just loading and shooting over a period of several days. That was my way of testing its reliability. Shoot it, clear it, put it in the truck, come backa few days later and shoot it some more, quiet often with different ammo.

      I also really do ot see the need to be insultive. Why can’t there be a general discussion in a mature manner with each expressing their views based on their experiences? You led out of the gate with nasty talk and ended up telling me to get a clue! As if I do not know what I am talking about. Did I ever say your or anybody elses’ High Point did not function properly? My MAIN issue with the article was the statement that the High Point was as reliable as any other pistol. They simply are not! And if you continue reading ALL the response you will see there are other people who are saying the same thing.

      Have a good day and may the Blessings of the Lord shine upon you.

      • Scott Mayer February 20, 2012, 10:58 am

        @Ken “Why can’t there be a general discussion in a mature manner with each expressing their views based on their experiences?”

        I agree.

      • Kelley February 20, 2012, 12:13 pm

        Hi-points are just as relieaable and safer then most of the new pistols out there.
        I hear even JC is carrring one now

      • spectical April 7, 2012, 12:12 am

        Got to say something. I’m thinking about getting a Hi-Point .40 and everywhere that I have read, this is the only place that I have seen anyone put them down (two out of maybe 40 of the above). When I took my CCW class, my instructor, unlike someone above, told us that if you were to limp wrest some autos they could misfire. So maybe the so call instructor above should instruct his students before they fire any auto.

      • Greg November 9, 2012, 3:00 pm

        @Ken “No oil, no cleaning, just loading and shooting over a period of several days. That was my way of testing its reliability.”

        That’s just being lazy. I hate it when people fail to maintain their guns and call it ‘testing’. It’s not a test, it’s a good way to get a sloppy slide and gunky gun. I’ve yet to see a well maintained handgun that had any reliability issues for civilians. Military is a whole different animal – you’re packing around in wet conditions without the luxury of a tool kit for disassembling and rust proofing your gun. Need to be able to take it down and clean it out without any tools. For a civilian though you’re not going to be crawling through swamps for days or weeks on end under fire in poor lighting conditions – so just go ahead and clean the gun and be happy that it won’t give you any problems.

  • Jack Lafevre February 20, 2012, 7:42 am

    I am glad that I read your review this sounds like a good starting point for my wife. She has a ccl but no gun of her own. Although this may not be the ultimate carry weapon for her it might be a good learning tool.

    • Scott Mayer February 20, 2012, 9:05 am

      Jack, I wouldn’t recommend it for your wife as a carry gun. Unless she is a very, very large woman she might not be comfortable carrying it because the unbalance really does make it seem much heavier than it is.

      As for a “learning” tool, consider that it operates very differently from most other semi-autos, so she could be learning the wrong things. That said, it is very soft shooting, and would be pleasant for her to shoot on the range for the sake of shooting.

  • Diashi February 20, 2012, 6:36 am

    I’m so glad you wrote this article. I’ve been a gun owner for many years, but haven’t moved beyond a few 9mms and one .40 S&W to a .45 due to the cost of the ammo and the “perceived” recoil of the heavier caliber. The .40 S&W (Sig P2022) is a lot to handle for someone with small hands. I think my next gun will be a High Point to get the feel for the .45 caliber before I decide to spend the money on a more expensive gun for my collection. And like you said about your kayak trips, it would be a good gun to take camping. I wouldn’t worry so much about the outdoor environment and banging around in a day pack wouldn’t do it much harm.

    • Kelley February 20, 2012, 12:09 pm

      or you can get a hi-point in a SW.40 caliber looks ans feels like there .45 but the ammo’s cheaper and I like the ballistics of a 40 better then the 45 It’s what the FBI carry (baby 10mm)

  • Ken Edwards February 20, 2012, 6:15 am

    I cannot believe you “positive” wrote an article on the High Point. I will challenge your statement; “a Hi Point is every bit as reliable and tough as a more expensive handgun”.
    Not only have I fired them, I also operate a firing range and teach CCH classes. I have witnessed a 30 to 40% failure rate in the High Point pistol. EVERY CCH class I have that has a High Point shooter(s) in it ALWAYS presents fail to feed or eject malfunctions. Yes, there have been a few,( I believe it is 3), that experience no problems at all.
    The design of the High Point is terrible and is a safety hazard. It does not have a drop safety and it uses the firing pin as the ejector instead of having a separate ejector like other pistols do. In my opinion they are NOT safe to carry with a round in the chamber because they do not have a firing pin block like the other striker fired pistols.
    The High Point is NOT easy to disassemble thus resulting in less cleaning of the gun. I have found this to be a problem many, many times.
    The ejection port is too small and this is critical because the use of the firing pin as the ejector results in less thrust kicking the shell out of the way in time to clear for the new round being inserted into the chamber.

    I love the articles Guns America have but this one is a little too much to read and accept as clearly truthful and factual. Yes, the High Point is low cost. But for you to actually say they are every bit as reliable and tough as a more expensive handgun is just not true. If High Point would insert a separate ejector, polish the feed ramp, open up the ejection port, improve their magazines design, install a Drop Safety(firing pin block), easier take-down, then they would be more reliable and SAFE.

    I have simply had too much experience with their lack of reliability to read this article and not refute it.


    • Stewart February 20, 2012, 8:29 am

      Sorry Ken but I have to say something here. If people are experiencing jamming of any kind in training courses, it sounds like the major problem is a “new” shooter not gripping the gun firmly enough. With the heavy slide and blowback system a very firm hold is needed on any semi-auto of similar design. Being a licensed firearms dealer I have fire many pistols of various types and can honestly say I have never experienced a failure with a Hi-point. I have customers who have purchased 3 or 4 Hi-points and they all love them.

      • Mike February 20, 2012, 10:39 am

        I own a Hi Point C9. At first, I couldn’t agree with you more that the Hi Point was undependable. After I put about 200 rounds though it, I haven’t had any other problems. I own 2 Kimbers and love them dearly, but my Hi Point will shoot every bit as accurate and dependable as either of them. They are cheap, ugly and heavy, but they do what they are supposed to, go bang when the trigger is pulled.

      • Stewart February 20, 2012, 4:07 pm

        One other thing I would like to say before I shut up. Guns are a lot like automobiles. Most of us drive the nicest one that we can afford. I never try to talk a customer into a higher priced gun if I feel he/she can’t afford it. I would much rather sell someone a Hi-point and have them be protected now than have them trying to save for something more expensive and possibly never being able to purchase it. Shouting “wait, I am going to buy a gun next month” at an assailant has little chance of stopping them. I’m just saying.

        • Charles Solomon March 4, 2013, 1:29 am

          It is better to Have A Gun You Don’t Need Then to Need a gun You Don’t Have. My Hi Point C9??? Awesome and an Excellent NightTable Piece. I Trust My C9 TOTALLY.

    • Scott Mayer February 20, 2012, 8:56 am

      I have to say something here, too, Ken, but before I do, I want to point out that I stick up for you in a comment below. You said my review was not truthful or factual. Please indicate where so I can defend the accusation.

      • Ken Edwards February 20, 2012, 9:47 am

        TO Scott: Your comment, ” a Hi Point is every bit as reliable and tough as a more expensive handgun”.
        Scott, that simply is not the case. I realize many people have High Points and they love them. Those are people who apparently have High Points that do perform effectively and I will not argue with them, they know what they have and stand by it.
        But I cannot ignore the countless times on the range when a High Point and the other low end pistols that use the same design fail to function. I can only go by my experience and I do not stretch the truth of the facts concerning the fail to function of the High Point. Sometimes it is operator error due to the heavy slide and it can be corrected. Most often though it is the design of the pistol. My last class was a couple of weeks ago. I had 32 students. Five had High Points. Out of the five, three had problems and it was not from operator error.

        • Scott Mayer February 20, 2012, 10:15 am

          Ken, thanks for following up with me. My full quote is “If what I put my Hi Point C9 through is any indication, then it’s accurate to say that despite its lowly appearance and equally low price, a Hi Point is every bit as reliable and tough as a more expensive handgun.”

          There are a lot of qualifiers in that statement, Ken, not the least of which is my experience with the gun compared to yours. Now, I can’t and won’t argue or dispute your experience–I wasn’t there–but if you Google my name with “Hi Point,” I’m sure you’ll find the video of what I did to this gun, so you can essentially “be there” for my experience. You can see in the video that the gun had problems. I never said it didn’t. I said it was as reliable and tough as a more expensive gun, and I think that’s the case.

          • Ken Edwards February 21, 2012, 8:12 am

            Scott, I do owe you apology for coming on so strong concerning my views. I should have pointed out that your article was based upon your experience with the HP and was unbiased. I let my frustrations that have been built up over the years pull me out of the gate too strongly.
            I take a persons right to self defense and the choice of their handgun very seriously. In spite of the many who love the HP (and I would never try to change their minds or insult their choice), the truth is I cannot begin to count the number of times the HP has failed to function. There ARE other lower priced guns out there that are more reliable than the HP. In addition, there have been many on this site who have agreed with me. If HP read these posts then I would hope HP would make an attempt to make their pistol as good as their carbine.

        • Dude February 20, 2012, 9:04 pm

          Ken: When boasting of your experience, it’s best to at least call the thing you’re trashing by its proper name. It’s “Hi-Point” not “High Point.” That’s five times you misspelled it, so it’s not just a typo but rather ignorance. Calls into question what other ignorance you peddle.

          • Ken Edwards February 21, 2012, 5:58 am

            To Dude: Thanks for pointing out my habit of correctly spelling the word “high” along with the fact we have a city named High Point. Yea, it was a mistake out of habit and I was spelling the true name “Hi-Point” incorrectly. WIth that said please allow me to address your other comments about me.
            Where did I ever “BOAST” of my experience? The definition of “boast” is to speak proudly about possessions or accomplishments: to praise yourself, or speak arrogantly about things you possess or have achieved, or to possess something very desirable.

            When I said I had too much experience with their lack of reliability I was not “boasting”. I was merely making a factual statement in regards to the many times I have been exposed (personally experienced), to the failure of the Hi-Point (spelled correctly just for you). Boasting does not even come close to correctly describing that statement.
            So, while I accept my mistake in spelling the name incorrectly I think you should try to learn the true meanings of words that you use incorrectly.
            And to go even further and suggest that I peddle ignorance is an example of your “closed world” views and a rush to be insultive and judge without having ANY facts.
            I knew I would open up a an avenue for a lot of debate when I posted my opinion. I was hesitant to express my opinion because of people like you and the others who have decided they could not post a reply without spewing out insults. But, I did in hopes of the makers of the High Point, no I mean Hi-Point would read the articles and maybe fine tune their gun. I realize there are countless numbers of people who own Hi-Points and love them. But I have to go by the “beyond your imagination” of just how many times I have had dealings with the Hi-Point pistol(s). And facts are facts! the Hi-Point has many more malfuctions than most other handguns. I have no reason to lie and if you truly knew me you would know that to be true.
            I enjoy good debates but I would rather them be conducted in a mature manner without insults.
            Mistakes are what they are; simply a mistake. But insults show ignorance and an unwillingness or refusal to be open minded and maybe, just maybe, learn something.

            Best Regards,

          • horace April 8, 2012, 6:36 pm

            hey ken whats up dont know u of course.but i have solved ur human error problem with hp 380. its in the clip,because it is made for 380,9mm.put 380s in clip and tap clip in hand to seat shells all the way back.if u dont the shells go forwardwhich cause them to ride in the clip loosely.when i do that no missfires,no jams,shoots every time,if i dont tap clip missfire and jamup.still a good reliable gun for the money .i will agree about the clip.needs to be seperate clip for different calibers.and yes if they read this hopefully they will fix it,only problem price goes up,sorry no more cheap gun for the money.later.

        • Bill September 10, 2013, 12:31 pm

          I have a Hi Point C-9. I can tell you they are junk. My jams every clip. I would not recommend them.

          • Peter February 27, 2015, 5:05 pm

            I have a C-9 and love it. The trouble with the gun is not the gun but the magazine, I thought that everyone knows this by know. You have to fix the mag. I fire almost every thing through it including steel ammo never have any trouble with jamming etc..

        • Scott May 31, 2014, 10:50 pm

          Ken, keep in mind the lifetime warranty. If it fails out of the box or later on your pistol is repaired or corrected for the cost of shipping. If it doesnt work, they will make it work. Lifetime warranty.

    • Dale February 20, 2012, 9:39 am

      I’m with you on this one, Ken. As an NRA instructor and competitive shooter, I too have seen many failures with Hi Points. The encounters I’ve had with Hi Points have all involved failures to feed and failures to eject. While these are frequently new shooters, they all failed while I fired them as well, yet the new shooters with Glocks, XD’s, Kahrs, Keltecs, Rugers, S&W’s, CZ’s, etc. generally have no issues. The authors high opinion is based on his experiences, however based on mine, I refuse to allow one of my students to use a Hi Point to defend their life with one.

      • Ken Edwards February 20, 2012, 9:53 am

        To: Dale
        Thanks for the support Dale!

        Best Regards to you,

        • Patk February 20, 2012, 11:38 am

          I have been firing a C9 for 3 years 25-50 rounds per month. Maybe 1 malfunction.when I first bought it.
          But, let me say I always get the same statements from the “camo pants ” guys at the range.”Uglier than my Kimber,Colt “ect. Yet, for me ,it will stay in a four inch circle at 25 yds.Read the header on the piece.
          A gun doesn’t have to be a thousand bucks to do the job.

          • Shawn April 30, 2012, 10:34 am

            One thing you must take into consideration is the ammo you use in a Hi-Point. They do not like cheap ammo and will have a higher number of malfunctions if high quality ammo is not used. I’m just saying…..

          • PazerIII June 7, 2012, 6:56 pm

            Four inch groups at 25 yards is nothing to be proud of, now the one hole groups I make at 75 yards with my 1911 is something to be proud of,but then again I shoot better than anyone I have ever shot next to with a handgun.

          • Bundy December 16, 2012, 3:04 pm

            PazerIII I bet you suffer from a little tiny dick. while your at the range shooting your 1″ hole from 75 yards. someone is at home railing the shit out of your wife you dooche bag. What goes around comes around mr. perfect.

          • Pat H. December 29, 2012, 10:23 am

            1 inch groups at 75 yds. no way! Cmon dude!

      • Kelley February 20, 2012, 12:06 pm

        Ha Ha Dale You refuse to allow one of your students to use a Hi-Point to defend their life? Dale just because your and NRA instructor doesn’t give you god like powers In case you’ve forgotten your job is to Provide a CCW or learning Pistol User on how to Opererate a pistol safely. I own a .40 hi-point pistol and a .40 Carbine Granted in the beginning the pistol did fall to feed properly but once an operator learns to hold his/her pistol correctly and level problems disappear also I believe the pistol has a learning curve of a Mag or two and Folks if polishing the feed ramp is your problem take do it and not being safe? it has two safeties, also the co mplaint about if being hard to disassemble well kinda you need to extract the pin with a punch BUT lets remember most weekend shooters never disassemble their gun Never. As for it not haveing a drop safety I just spend over an hour trying to get the weapon to fire in a drop it is hot safety off So far the results are a lot of dents and scratches but if never went off I dropped it from one and then two stories of a building numerous times on dirt,gravel,concrete,pavement. I then through it as high as i could (then ran like hell behind a tree) maybe forty feet on to pavement,concrete,dirt never went off and fired. I dare you to try it with your Kimber.
        Lets talk about an unsafe Pistol – The Glock with no safety and a 4-5 lbs trigger pull these pistol are not made for the weekend warrior. The main beef I believe Instructors and gun shop people have with these weapons the price points they can make a heck of a lot more money selling a glock to a customer then a hi-point.
        I love my ugly Hi-points and still love my Rugers Cz’s and Colts

    • Ralph February 20, 2012, 1:45 pm

      Ken I’m not trying to be a jerk, was it a misspelling. I have a CCW, but what does CCH stand for. If it was a misspelling don’t feel bad I’m an old fart and do it all the time, just curious. Or am I just a little slow.

      • ccwnwv February 20, 2012, 7:35 pm

        CCH is Carry Concealed Handgun
        CCW is carry concealed weapon

        State laws vary as to the verbage of what can be concealed.

        • Tri March 18, 2012, 4:38 am

          I believe CCH is Carry Concealed Holder

          • Jeffrey March 25, 2012, 9:29 am

            CCH is Concealed Carry Handgun. Carry Concealed Holder would be called a Holster. LOL

    • Mike Hess February 20, 2012, 2:14 pm

      Ken, You souind JUST LIKE the “more expensive the better” type person. I have a C9 and have NEVER had the type of problems You describe! With “all, of the Positive email feed” how can you sit and write thisline of BS ?

    • Aaron February 20, 2012, 2:20 pm

      I have to comment on one thing, all Hi Point pistols have a drop safety, look it up, as far as unreliability, it’s likely your students are using a gun that hasn’t been broken in, which takes around 200 rounds, if that isn’t the problem, there are adjustments that can be made to the magazine to fix this. Also, you touched on one thing I agree with, it is not recomended to cary with one in the pipe, also, dry cycling is not advised.

      • Greg November 9, 2012, 2:52 pm

        Students are bad examples. They frequently fail to do basic things like read the manual and lubricate the gun before firing it. Not to mention “limp-wristing” it resulting in stove pipes. Personally, if a student is not willing to overcome their own deficiencies in education and firearm handling they probably should not be firing a gun to begin with.

    • ccwnwv February 20, 2012, 7:33 pm

      Ken I totally agree with you, as a certified instructor I have seen these same results from students and have implemented a policy of refusing to allow Hi-Point firearms in my classes. Its reliability is very poor, I have seen 3 firing pins break and jamming is HUGE. We see on average 20 students per weekend and saw severalHi-Points in the beginning and realized quickly how junk they are.

      • Pat H. December 29, 2012, 10:29 am

        I see students who limp wrist a Glock and have every other round failure to feed. All pistols need to be broke in with at least 200 rounds. I have had a c9 for over 10 years, the only issue I have had is occasionally the safety will engage while shooting because of where my thumb is placed. I have had much more troouble with my Keltec .380. Which cost 3 times as much.

      • Scott May 31, 2014, 11:37 pm

        Send it in and its fixed. Lifetime warranty.

    • Freds_Deddy February 27, 2012, 6:36 pm

      I’m in law enforcement and I will say that a Hi-Point is by far the absolute #1 choice of pistols among thugs, dopeheads and criminals in general. My agency has seized more Hi-Points on drug/shooting calls than you can imagine. The reason is they are so cheaply bought that the thugs don’t mind loosing a hundred bucks if they get busted with one. I have personally been involved in cutting the seized ones in half with a plasma cutter on numerous occasions. Good riddance. I guess the next runner up would be a nice Lorcin. A bucket full of Hi-Points also makes a good boat anchor.

      • Administrator February 28, 2012, 12:44 pm

        What you left out is how many innocent potential victims have protected their lives with a Hi-Point because that was all they could afford, and the cops were only minutes away when only seconds mattered.

        • Vic March 3, 2012, 8:27 pm

          Here in SC, that’s the truth! Responce time is a border line joke with Florence City Police!

        • Andrew June 19, 2012, 12:46 am

          What happens when any gun used in a combat situation fails? People become injured or killed. Fact is hi-points are more likely to malfunction than most more expensive pistols. I have owned 2 and that’s only because one of them was given to me. 1 malfunction out of 100 rounds is one too many for me in a weapon that’s used for anything but plinking. The fact that both lovers and haters of the pistol agree that it’s not safe to carry this pistol with one in the chamber then go on to say they would carry and trust the pistol with their life either lack proper training or the common sense to implement the skills they’ve learned. You carry an auto-pistol for self defense with one in the tube, period. If you are looking for a self defense gun do yourself a favor and save just a little more and buy a Bersa, Rossi, Taurus or a used gun from a reputable manufacturer.

      • Richard Einstein April 8, 2012, 4:24 am

        I have had several 45ACP handguns and I taken good care of them all. I have run thousands of rounds through my Hi-Point 45 and it has worked flawlessly which is more than I can say for the Colt 1911.

        As far as accuracy, the Hi-Point shoots a tight pattern as good as any other 45ACP I have tried. I carried a Colt when I was in the service so I am very familiar with them. The Hi-Point does have a totally different feel to it that one needs to get used to, they are very solid and easy to control. Given a choice in a combat situation I would pick the Hi-Point.

        I believe what we have here in this forum are many people who paid way too much for their weapons and are offended to find better quality available for much less. I find the low price and best warranty the business a plus. Some who never had the need to own or could not afford a handgun have changed their mind after seeing the fascist police state being built around us.

        Not only the USA but all NATO nations have been hijacked by the ruthless Rothschild Mafia who will bring down upon us a holocaust many times worse than the 60 million murdered by the Stalin’s zionist mafia in the Soviet Union. If they are not arrested and brought to justice soon we will all need our guns to protect us from the foreign invading armies controlled by Rothschild.

        Awaken Sheeple!

        • sailcat December 4, 2012, 9:32 pm


        • Max September 13, 2013, 9:11 am

          Dafuq I just read?

          • UberZouave March 17, 2015, 11:20 am

            LOL…I saw your comment, read the post, and didn’t understand what your fuss was about…until I got to the last paragraph that is…!

      • Neal September 18, 2012, 6:28 am

        I guess all the dead folks who were killed waiting on police assistance because they couldn’t afford a “proper” firearm would agree with you.

        Let’s see, let me ask my friend, who is a Gun Enthusiast AND a Law Enforcement Officer.

        And I quote him as saying:

        “Sometimes we can’t get there as quick as we need to be. I’d rather someone have a gun to defend themselves with than not…I don’t like Hi-Points personally, just because they’re ugly and their operation is ugly as well. But if they put the rounds into the target, that’s better than nothing.”

      • EX19DNOWATF October 24, 2012, 2:45 am

        Freds-Deddy:I’m not even sure you read the article. This isn’t a discussion on what weapons a criminal uses or what they use them for. Your bashing a firearms price because they are used by human garbage? Talk about the weapons quality. Talk about it’s specs. To me it sounds like a promo on HI-Points quality that you have to use a plasma cutter to efficiently dispose of them. If you want to rant about idiot druggies and cop killers I’m sure there is a forum for it. Otherwise get back to the purpose of the article and tell us your opinion on the weapons QUALITY vs. PRICE.

      • SlickDoc1 August 17, 2014, 6:56 pm

        Hey Fred’s_Daddy, then why Dont you just tie it around your neck and let us know if it works!

      • Carmine December 28, 2014, 12:55 pm

        I agree they are cheap guns but they work gangbangers use them sure but here in commie ny why buy a g lock,kimber,or any gun costing a 1000 dollars or more here you can’t get carry concealed almost impossible sure you can carry it and always say you are on the way to the gun range and carry it that way but it’s a risk .what happens God fobid you are involved in a shooting ? Say goodby to your expensive gun probably forever my point is this a handgun is a tool you buy the best if you are gonna carry it all day just as you would a hammer or wear the best boots

    • Mike March 1, 2012, 10:03 am

      I own the C-9, the JHP .45, and thier 995 TS carbine, and the only FTF I have ever had is on the C-9 I had to do some minor tweaks on the magazine when I first got it, and that is a fairly common problem that is very easily fixed by anyone that can hold a pair of pliers. all three of them have had literally tens of thousands of rounds ran through them (I handload and shoot every sunday with the family) and after the first mag adjustments on the C-9, I have had 1, count it, ONE, FTF in the three, COMBINED, and that was caused by a .45 casing not being resized completely. of all the pistols and rifles I own, 36 at last count, the ones beside my bed for home defense is the JHP and the 995 carbine, and they replaced a kimber .45 and a mossberg 500 because I trust them to fire EVERY time, and as much as I love the kiimber, it does not. and if you do have problems, like the man said, send it in. they are great about service and parts and its all 100% free, and the usually include a free magazine to cover shipping costs even.

    • chris May 14, 2012, 1:54 pm

      I have noticed some of the problems you stated. Here is the rub, i’m a gunsmith and carry the hi point in .45. when I bought the gun I took it out shooting and ran into all the problems you are citing. Here is how I “fixed” them. first the cycling, My weapon fired ball ammo no problem except when the lube dried. Basically when the gun heated up and the oil burned off it wouldn’t cycle. Now that it has broken in and wore the paint off of the mated surfaces it only causes problem when real real dirty. I use a dry lube now that so far works fine when the gun heats up. think 10 mags in rapid fire….lol you can barely touch the slide. Second the fail to feed only showed up when firing hollow points or semi wadcutters. any round with a sharp shoulder or flat spot. The problem was the paint once again. On the feed ramp for the barrel, it is painted. I removed the paint and polished this ramp to a mirror finish. My weapon will fire golden sabers like a singer sewing machine now. I know a newbie isn’t looking for something to work on. That being said, Training courses don’t take in to account alot of these folks don’t have experience with hand guns. Yeah these guns aren’t pretty you can’t get alot of aftermarket parts and they don’t feel nice in your hand, but after the first couple of outings it has never let me down. I think more folks in the gun industry need to explain to new shooters the importance of maintenance for any weapon. You can’t just buy a gun and never shoot it, or clean and oil it and think you are protected. I try to take every gun in the safe out every three months and run a box of ammo through it clean it and oil it and put it back. You never know when where or what might make that gun your life or death.

      • Michael May 15, 2012, 6:10 am

        Thumbs up on seeing a fellow gunsmith give the Hi point some credit. The problems have always been as you said with these guns. The paint and the damn magazines..

    • rick sprouse July 26, 2012, 9:56 pm

      sounds like you’ve had plenty of experience with handguns but in the same breath everyone is entitled to their own opinion. i own a model c9 hi-point and am absolutely thrilled with the performance of the firearm. i dont have lots of experience with them but i’m satisfied with what i have at this time. my 15 year old daughter is a crack shot with it- whether its her or the pistol i dont know- but i do know that she wants one for christmas and will probably get one. so- if i feel that this firearm is safe enough for my 15 year old inexperienced daughter- dont you think that maybe you should stop ragging on them so harshly? afterall- they ARE American made. and that alone should say something.

    • tom November 26, 2012, 4:32 pm

      my Hi point 45. ACP is the only 45. i have fired that has not jammed, i would call that reliability. u gun snobs need to get over yourselves. money saved on the pistol means more cash for ammo. After all a gun is worthless without a few bullets to put in it, be it a cheap gun or hi end target pistol.

    • Gunsmith Ash April 30, 2014, 11:43 am

      Hi-Point pistols and carbines are, in fact, equipped with a drop safety. It’s a counterweight that locks the seer in place whenever the firearm experiences any kind of jarring motion. While I would prefer a more positive arrangement, like a blocking bar that only moves out of the way when the trigger is physically depressed, it is an effective drop safety.

      As for reliability, blowback operated firearms have fewer moving parts than other semi-automatic designs. They tend to be more reliable in dirty conditions and stand up better to a beating than other firearms. One thing to be aware of, however, is that this very design feature that makes them so resistant to dirt and abuse also makes them unsuitable for cheap, low-power ammunition. When people complain about Hi-Points jamming constantly, misfeeding, or stove-piping, they are typically running cheap 115 grain bulk ammo through that weapon. Hi-Points function much better with +P rated ammunition, because it’s able to cycle that heavier slide properly.

    • SlickDoc1 August 17, 2014, 6:33 pm

      Ken…….you are full of it…..I have over 40 years plus… I hate to compare however I TOTALLY DISAGREE with you! I’m not going in depth with this because it looks like you are a HiPoint
      Hater and there is nothing that can sway you….(sorry about your dilemma)! People,…compare the pros and con’s concerning the HiPoint and you will find that 90% comments are pros….and the rest of the 10% haters are just fanatical idiots who have nothing better to do with their time and money!

    • Ed D December 10, 2014, 2:10 pm

      I own and regularly shoot both the Hi-Point 9 mm, and the .45 pistols. They are always reliable and reasonably accurate.
      Maybe the failure your students are experiencing is not so much the weapon, as the weapons instructor?? Food for thought.

  • Chris in California February 20, 2012, 5:50 am

    Sounds like a great buy. If I didn’t have a 357 revolver for home defense I might very well be interested in one of these. Might anyway at that price. A lot of 9mm ammo available on the market. If things go to hell it would be out there to be had if needed. Actually though, I’m stocking up on CCI stingers so I think the 9mm would be not necessary for my purposes.

  • dubyadd February 20, 2012, 4:58 am

    I have a C9. Love it. Never jams, shoots straight and true for me at least at home defense distance of 15′ or less. And at $150 a true bargain. When you go to the gunshop and see sigs, s&w, hks, rugers all at $450 to 900 plus. This Hi Point serves my purpose completely. Just get an auto loader, those 9mm’s just chewed up my thumbs getting them into the mags until I did.

    • edgar July 22, 2012, 4:36 am

      i would like to buy it

    • william July 3, 2014, 1:10 am

      Can you tell me where to get an auto loader for the c9
      Thanks bill,

  • RemMax February 20, 2012, 3:54 am

    I agree, they’re bulky and ugly to look at but the damn things Work! When I don’t wanna carry my high $$$ Walther PPKs for some reason (like in a boat) a High Point is a solid option in its place Gotta love a inexpensive gun that you can count on to work when ya really need it and while I’m no great fan of High Point in general I’ll give credit where credits due and in the case of High Point I will trust my life to them if the situation should arise!

  • Bill February 20, 2012, 3:52 am

    I have thought of getting a hi-point myself…..Thinking ofthe .380….I think it would be fun to shoot

    • Jim February 20, 2012, 9:05 am


      The Hi-point .380 is a great gun. Just remember that the rounds for the .380 are more expensive then say a 9mm.

      • HBrebel March 10, 2012, 4:56 pm

        And the .380 is the same size and weight as the c9. so the c9 is a better choice all around. i love mine

    • Ralph February 20, 2012, 9:07 am

      In 1992 I bought a NEW Hi Point .380, an extra magzine, 1 box of ammo, the fee for the Brady Bill background check and sales tax in a gun shop in New Orleans for a total of $154.16. This pistol spent 7 years concealed in various places in a taxi cab. I have gone through several hundred rounds at the range with it, and while I will never brag about the accuracy, it has never failed to fire. I think I may have cleaned it once in the 20 years I’ve owned it. It has been bounced around in boats and on a ATVs. Because it was so inexpensive, I have not been concerned with damaging or loosing it. I still take it to the range every once in a while and has NEVER had a malfunction. I have other hand guns, Colt, Ruger, S&W, but the Hi Point is what stays the center console of my vehicle.

      • matt August 24, 2012, 1:55 pm

        if you are not concerned with loosing a weapon you should’nt have been allowed to buy it.

        • Neal September 18, 2012, 6:05 am

          I’ll take it to assume that what Ralph meant was if the cops took the gun after having to defend himself , he wouldn’t be too broken up over it. My carry gun is inexpensive and reliable, I save my expensive guns for the range only. If you plan on carrying your Kimber tactical ultra or another expensive compact, remember that if you have to use it, you ain’t getting it back.

          It makes sense really.

        • uram December 3, 2012, 9:38 am

          Matt. losing it is a open statement .read between the line .it is boils down to value ,

        • Mark Twain December 9, 2012, 6:44 pm

          matt, matt, he merely means that if something does happen he is not out a great deal of money. Ever lost a pistol on a hunting trip? It happens. The Hi-Point is at th cost point that you will not cry your eyes out if you lose it. That is all.

        • Jo Jo June 18, 2013, 4:43 pm

          Up yours Matt !!!!!

        • Mike August 5, 2014, 4:07 pm

          That is just your opinion

        • Eric October 18, 2014, 8:40 am

          I once lost a prized knife in the woods. I spent about 12 hours searching for it. Now I never carry keys, wallets, or expensive pistols on my off road adventures. I now have a hi point c9 pistol for this reason. It is a good gun for the money especially if you can tinker with things. Mine now runs perfect after minor fluff and buff.

    • Kasee August 22, 2012, 12:18 am

      I have both a .380 and a 9mm both high point, and they are I would say some of my favorites I use both of mine constantly the 9mm in my truck and the other in my car I bought them both at the same time 6 years ago and after at least being shot 10 rounds through every week neither has ever failed to fire when I pull that trigger I would recommend them to many and the price doesn’t hurt either but I would definantly buy another one. You won’t regret it

    • Charles Solomon March 4, 2013, 1:20 am

      You Will NOT, I Repeat, WILL NOT be disappointed. I have The C9 and Love That Accurate Little Monster. I Think They are “Salt Of The Earth” Looking…..Eeeezzzzeee to clean with Barrel brush, CRC150 Spray Lubricant and a few cotton swabs; Every Once in Awhile, No TakeDown Needed. You don’t have to clean and pamper them after EVERY Shooting like some of the Expensive $$$ PreMadonna Pistols…. They Just Keep Shooting On Target. And And! AND!!! the bonus!!??!! My C9 LOVES shooting the wolf 9MM steelCase Ammo; Very Reasonable; NEVER NEVER NEVER JAMS;….. A Great PayOff.
      My C9 Intrigues Me, Never a dull shooting with Him!!!!!

      • John Wendt June 30, 2014, 12:37 pm

        will it shoot snake shot (bird shot etc.) need it for snakes most of the time

        • molonlabe23 November 21, 2014, 2:38 pm

          It does not feed shot well and that is not a problem with the gun it is a general overall problem with 9mm shotshells. They just don’t have enough energy to sufficiently blow the slide back to cycle the next round. The reviews that I have read on 9mm shotshells all complain about that same issue with any gun. The best you can do is load one shell at a time so you better be pretty accurate. In my opinion 9mm shotshells are just a waste of money.

    • BPM June 30, 2014, 9:42 pm

      I have had a C9 for 4 months and already planning an upgrade to a good gun. Pound that pin out, take it apart at look at how cheap it’s made. If your just interested in spending as little money as possible this is the gun for you. At least it is to heavy to be a CCW weapon, I would hate to stake my life on this thing. I know 2 other people who have the thing and the same problems; mag out of spec, VERY ammo specific. Do yourself a favor and spend $450 for a S & W Shield,,,,,don’t stake your or your families life on this thing! Made in America only counts when it is not crap made in America….just sayin

      • tbrow October 17, 2014, 11:44 pm

        I own both hipoint and sw 9s. the hi point is every much the gun the sw is just heavier and bigger. bothe shoot as well as I do. the hipoint is easier to handle because of the weight im sure. both do well with my reloads or factory ammo.

      • logan February 14, 2015, 12:23 am

        The shield is a great pistol with little recoil that pushes back instead of rising but the price point on the hi point is for a cheap pistol you dot worry about.

    • Jim Spalten February 10, 2015, 5:05 pm

      I have the 380, it has never misfired, jammed, have run every kind of round thru it, heavy ugly, but like a girlfriend of the same caliber never quits satisfying.

      • UberZouave March 17, 2015, 11:10 am

        OK, that quote is a keeper LOL