Henry Repeating Arms Donates $75,000 to Leading Gun Rights Organizations

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Henry Repeating Arms Donates ,000 to Leading Gun Rights Organizations
Henry Repeating Arms Vice President of Communications Dan Clayton-Luce presenting a $25,000 check to Gun Owners of America’s leadership, board members, staff, and volunteers at the 2023 SHOT Show.

Rice Lake, Wis., Jan. 26, 2023 – Henry Repeating Arms is proud to announce donations totaling $75,000 to some of the nation’s most impactful grassroots gun rights and Second Amendment advocacy groups as part of its charitable Guns for Great Causes campaign. The check presentations to the Second Amendment Foundation, Gun Owners of America, and the Firearms Policy Coalition took place at the Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show in Las Vegas, Nevada, the industry’s largest trade show.

SEE ALSO: 12 Days of SHOT Giveaway Winners List — You Can Be Next!

“Henry Repeating Arms will never back down when it comes to supporting the individuals and organizations that work tirelessly to fight back against the political degradation of law-abiding Americans’ right to keep and bear arms,” said Anthony Imperato, CEO and Founder of Henry Repeating Arms. “Just like our Constitution, these organizations belong to and for the people. They have our backs, and we will always have theirs.”

Henry Repeating Arms Donates ,000 to Leading Gun Rights Organizations
Henry Repeating Arms presenting a $25,000 check to the Second Amendment Foundation at the 2023 SHOT Show. From left to right: J. Pierce Shields, SAF Director of National Advancement, Alan Gottlieb, Founder of SAF, Dan Clayton-Luce, Henry Repeating Arms Vice President of Communications, Adam Kraut, SAF Executive Director, and Lauren Hill, SAF Vice President of Development.

Gun Owners of America, presented with $25,000, is a nonprofit lobbying organization representing over two million members founded in 1976. Started two years earlier and also presented with a check for $25,000, the Second Amendment Foundation runs educational and legal action programs to promote a better understanding of the gun control debate. Involved in over forty active federal court cases, the Firearms Policy Coalition also received $25,000 for their legal work and grassroots activism through education.

Henry Repeating Arms Donates ,000 to Leading Gun Rights Organizations
Henry Repeating Arms presenting a $25,000 check to the Firearms Policy Coalition at the 2023 SHOT Show. From left to right: Evan Burt, FPC Senior Director of Marketing & Growth, Richard Thomson, FPC Vice President of Programs, Cody Wisniewski, FPC Senior Attorney for Constitutional Litigation, Jeffrey Silvester, FPC Auction Foundation Executive Director, Dan Clayton-Luce, Henry Repeating Arms Vice President of Communications.

For more information about Henry Repeating Arms and its products, visit henryusa.com or call 866-200-2354 for a free catalog.


About Henry Repeating Arms:

Henry Repeating Arms is one of the leading rifle and shotgun manufacturers in the United States and a world leader in the lever action category. The company motto is “Made in America, or not made at all,” and its firearms come with a lifetime guarantee backed by award-winning customer service. The company is also known for its Guns for Great Causes charitable program, which focuses on assisting the families of sick children, children’s hospitals, military veteran organizations, law enforcement and first responder groups, Second Amendment advocacy groups, and wildlife conservation organizations. The company currently employs over 600 people and has over 350,000sf of manufacturing space in its Wisconsin and New Jersey facilities. The company is named in honor of Benjamin Tyler Henry, who invented and patented the Henry lever action rifle in 1860 – the first practical repeating rifle and America’s unique contribution to the international stage of firearms design. Visit Henry Repeating Arms online at henryusa.com, on Facebook at facebook.com/HenryRepeating, and @henry_rifles on Instagram.

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  • Dutch January 27, 2023, 11:49 pm

    Yay Henry