Your buddy, one of your favorite gun writers and novelists, Clay Martin is in a jam.
First, a tragic house fire. Then, a medical issue landed him in the hospital. Details are scarce at the moment as he is convalescing but a GoFundMe campaign has been set up to help get him back on his feet.
“Our brother and friend, Clay Martin, recently suffered a devastating house fire that landed him in the hospital,” reads the GoFundMe page, created by Theresa Giarratano. “He and his family will need our help to rebuild not only his home, but stability for themselves as well.”
“Please pray for him and his family as they continue through this difficult time,” she added.
Clay commented on the page last Saturday to clarify the nature of the situation, writing, “Hospitalization unrelated to the fire. We were not home. Massive blood clot down my bad arm, and extending into my lungs, cause unknown at this time.”
Donations to help Clay and his fam can be made HERE.
Clay, from all the guys at GunsAmerica, get well soon!
As of this morning, 03 MAR 20, the GoFundMe is still shut down. There is a note from Clay thanking everyone for their generosity.
All support and encouragement from your Brothers and Sisters in Arms our good friend! You are a fighter’s fighter and will persevere no matter the odds. We have faith in you, your family and friend support, and that of God’s hand holding you close. Heal fast Warrior! 🇺🇸
Glad you and your family were not hurt physically by the fire. Is your dog OK?
Take care of the clot issue and know there are a lot of people praying for your full recovery.
Damn sounds like Murphy’s law has drawn your number. I’ll put some chickens on the go fund me account. Get well love your reviews. That blood clot some serious shit. Come to Houston man we got a Dr for everything here.
Terribly sorry to hear about you and your family’s ‘troubled’ times Clay. Praying for YOUR health and the well-being of your family. Take your time, GET WELL and hoping for a speedy recovery.
Get well – sent some scratch to help out – did you loose any gear or firearms, if so email me and I’ll send you some of mine.
may GOD be with you and your family with a speedy recovery have faith everything will work out God bless.
You’re tougher than any old house fire or any stupid clot. Stand tall!!
Am praying for you and your family, Clay. Sheesh! Perhaps someone is trying to tell you something?! Has been a bumpy few months. Get better soon.
Get well Clay. Hope everything turns out well for you and you family.
Looking forward to seeing back on your feet.
Man, that voodoo doll stuff really works!
Just donated–best of luck, hope and strength to you and your family.
You’re a tuff bastard and have been in situations I cannot even imagine. This was probably one of your scariest moments, I hope you fully recover. Every time I get a GA email, I hope you have a video or article. You are what America is all about.
We are all praying for you and fam. Will donate money in your name to Bernie sanders campaign, Medicare for all.
This would be the moment for you to leave the ignorant political stuff out of a conversation.
to the guy who wants to donate to bernie sanders in clays name i would think that clay would probably not want that to happen. in case you have been living under a rock some place maybe you aren’t aware that bernie is a radical communist. I’d love to help you but retired and trying to live on social security i am always a little short.
Prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. You have become an enjoyable part of my weekly routine. Stay strong! Semper Fi!!
We are praying for you Clay
if u need any on-site help just reach out to me as I am local to you, a new friendship we will be enjoy!! Semper-Fi
Same here. Just drop a line.
Prayers for you and your family. Wish you a speedy recovery. Love your reviews and sense of humor you bring.
You are in our prayers . May God be with you . We will be saying prayers for you at our church in Nashville, TN . Get well soon Clay .
Best of luck to him and family. But…should be insurance for both of these issues…no?
Chief, as someone that just had a brain tumor removed in early January I can tell you that even with insurance there are costs that are NOT covered or even accounted for. I missed 5 weeks of work which is 5 weeks of lost wages and depending on what you max out of pocket is on your insurance that could be another $10,000 to $20,000 that will still need to be covered. Home owners insurance never covers everything that was lost and 80% of Americans with home owners insurance are unaware that they are under covered. The cost of building a new home depends on many things like the housing market and current housing values that fluctuate very quickly. The covered value and the assessed value are often very different. It also depends on the construction market, as construction is booming and busy the cost of building increases which will eat up policy coverage and policy amounts very quickly. In short if your insured for $250,000.00 for a 4-bedroom home in a certain neighborhood that may not even get you close to building the same house in todays economic times.
Eric S.
MVRFD Board Member
That’s why it is so important to purchase good insurance with replacement cost coverage on your possessions and to insure the home to meet current replacement construction costs including changes in building and zoning codes. And most policies provide up to 12 months of living expenses until the home is rebuilt. Where I live the coverage value has to be in line with area construction costs.
I had a DVT (blood clot) in my leg. I will need to take a blood thinner for the rest of my life. This includes regular hematologist visits and blood work to assure there are no complications. Insurance will only covers part of these expenses.
I was going to say to Clay and you as well, I am on a ‘spendy’ but very effective thinner- ‘for the rest of my life’. If you have to get sick – the 21st century is the time to be relieved, cured, diagnosed and repaired like no other time in human history!
Get well soon!
Prayers and blessings, my fellow patriot.
Hang in there brother. Always keep pushing. I wish you the best in your recovery
Clay you have educated and entertained me for a long time. I enjoy your humor and the way you convey your opinions is hilarious.
Thank you for all that. So sorry that you’re going through a tough time but everything will be okay and will work out.
You are in our thoughts and prayers for a full physical recovery, for rebuilding your home and your life. Blessings brother.
Our family is heading to the go fund link this morning to offer our support.
All the best from Lucas, TX
Clay you have educated and entertained me for a long time. I enjoy your humor and the way you convey your opinions is hilarious.
Thank you for all that. So sorry that you’re going through a tough time but everything will be okay and will work out.
You are in our thoughts and prayers for a full physical recovery, for rebuilding your home and your life. Blessings brother.
Our family is heading to the go fund link this morning to offer our support.
All the best from Lucas, TX
He has the benefit of prior military service and the VA system. That should take care of his health care concerns. How about homeowner insurance?
Fair questions. I, too, have the VA Option. I also have Homeowners Ins which covers Home, and so much for Contents. Pretty much the norm.
Insurance doesn’t cover everything. I know from experience.
Is there a way to donate outside of a Go Fund Me Page, as say a home mailing address direct route?
I am hoping for an address as well! I tried to donate on the GoFundMe page, but it has been disabled. There are some comments that reference the goal being met, but I still would contribute. I am now regretting not jumping on this right away! Thanks, Mike, for addressing this question.
Get well soon! Hope you and your family come out of this even better and stronger.
I loved your unbiased reviews of guns and related equipment.
Sad to hear that, I’ve always loved reading his articles and sharing his videos with family and friends. Praying for his full recovery and for his family in their time of need.
Thanks for posting this info.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Thanks for the heads up. Clay is a stand up guy. It sucks he’s going through this.