Ghost Guns with the Push of a Button: Ghost Gunner CNC Mill – SHOT Show 2018

in Authors, Industry News, S.H. Blannelberry, SHOT Show 2018
Ghost Guns with the Push of a Button: Ghost Gunner CNC Mill - SHOT Show 2018

Cody Wilson at SHOT Show 2018 showing off his Ghost Gunner 2, a CNC milling machine that completes 80 percent lowers.

Cody Wilson, the founder of Defense Distributed, has made it his life’s work to ensure that the government cannot eradicate our right to keep and bear arms.

In 2013, Wilson created “The Liberator,” the first-ever open-sourced, 3-D printed firearm. He followed that up in 2018 with the “Ghost Gunner,” a CNC milling machine that makes finishing 80 percent lower receivers a turn-key process.

Originally, the Ghost Gunner could only complete AR lowers. But back in October, Wilson launched an updated version that expands its capabilities. Ghost Gunner 2 can now produce ARs, of the -15 and -10 variety, as well as 1911s and Glock-compatible pistols.

At SHOT 2018, I got a chance to meet Cody and to see the Ghost Gunner 2 working its magic.

Product Details

  • GG2 takes its name from its second-generation, custom motion-control board, which allows it to operate as a standard CNC machine. The GG2 accepts g-code from most CAM post-processors.
  • GG2 unibody spindles are of stainless steel construction with the ER-11 collet system integrated into the shaft. They have increased radial rigidity, precision bearing diameters, and a 10x reduced initial runout specification.
  • MSRP: $1,675


Ghost Guns with the Push of a Button: Ghost Gunner CNC Mill - SHOT Show 2018

Finishing 80-percent lowers has never been so easy.



Ghost Guns with the Push of a Button: Ghost Gunner CNC Mill - SHOT Show 2018

The Ghost Gunner 2 retails for $1,675.



I’m not a tech-savvy person. Most of the CNC nomenclature goes right over my head. But even I think I could learn to operate a Ghost Gunner. It’s kinda like easy-bake gunsmithing. Pull up the relevant mil-spec file on your computer. Place the lower in the Ghost Gunner. Press a few buttons. And, you’re good to go. It’s that easy.

Of course, this got me thinking, maybe it’s time I pull the trigger on one now that I’m living in New York. Then again, I’d probably be arrested by Emperor Cuomo and labeled an enemy of the state.

As a SHOT Show special, Cody’s offering 10 percent off all orders.  To take advantage of this offer, use the code: “SHOT2018” during checkout.

For more information on the Ghost Gunner, visit

About the author: S.H. Blannelberry is the News Editor of GunsAmerica.

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  • Hope June 26, 2020, 10:45 pm

    Can it ship to Canada

  • Chris September 3, 2018, 9:17 am

    The ghost gunners have been nothing but complete paperweights. I’ve had them and I’ve trashed them. I bought the first one when it first came out. Nothing but hiccups the entire time. Probably ruined 10 80% to get 1 DECENT one. I’ve been on the horn with them over the issues each time it ruined a lower. They sent me new updates via thimbdrive. Stayed on the phone with me thru the entire mill. Garbage! Then when the GG2 came out, they said to send in my GG1 for a $500 spindle upgrade. Or buy the GG2. I bought the GG2, still garbage lowers. Maybe 2/10 are usable. Not worth it. I’ll support the cause, but this product is not worth the money, the time anticipating awesomeness, or the space it takes up. I wish I had better results to share

    • Kds February 17, 2019, 10:11 pm

      I’ve produced many with no problems. Works great.

  • Wisk E. Rebellion February 6, 2018, 10:59 pm

    A few years ago when these were available for pre-order they were going for $1k. I placed a $250 deposit and waited. And waited. A year later I got an email to pay the remainder which was quoted as $1k. I contacted them and asked about the deposit I left and why the remainder did not take into account the deposit of $250. They told me the deposit was non-refundable and they raised the price (without notice). After that they cancelled my order and left me hanging, $250 in the hole. Fuck them.

  • Scotty Gunn February 6, 2018, 6:52 pm

    As much as I like it, I see all sorts of legal issues. AFT will be after the buyers like a dog in heat.

    • Get Real February 7, 2018, 9:07 am

      BUZZZ….wrong. Under current federal law it is not illegal to manufacture a firearm for your personal use, only if you plan to sell it.

  • Jason February 6, 2018, 1:41 pm

    Looks like their website has been taken down. It’s just a page that says “This account has been suspended. Contact your hosting provider for more information.”

  • Lee February 6, 2018, 10:23 am

    Them puppies are going to sell like hot cakes!

  • Brigit Adeir February 6, 2018, 9:55 am

    Nice CNC. Do the programs come with it?
    Now why not write a program for the entire lower?
    Eliminate the need to buy a “80%” lower and just get a billet block.
    Then write programs for other receivers, like a ‘scout’ rifle or any firearm desired.
    Sell the CNC cheaper and then make a profit from the programs, the way HP gives away printers and cleans up on the ink.
    Just my $.02

    • Doc Loch February 6, 2018, 12:51 pm

      Because milling a lower from a billet is a lot more expensive! It requires much greater milling capacity, clamping force, work-holding changeover and is, in general, a great deal more complicated (don’t forget that magwell). Might as well just buy a real CNC machine for that. Which of course will cost you a minimum of $14,000 used. This, machine is likely to cost along the lines of a decent drill press, with much easier operation/skill level.
      The downside to this is: You can produce a rifle or pistol that you may NEVER sell, (nor even give to your children entirely legally). Thus you have an expensive machine that only does lowers (you can BUY a 1911 and Glock MUCH cheaper than the parts to make a fully functioning pistol after you make your lower) and you spent how much on this machine? I guess you could sell the machine to your friends

      • gopher February 6, 2018, 3:10 pm

        “You can produce a rifle or pistol that you may NEVER sell, (nor even give to your children entirely legally)”
        Huh? For a paperwork transfer, all you need to do is engrave the proper marks on the receiver and proceed as usual.

        • ERK February 6, 2018, 7:45 pm

          It’s more complicated than just adding a serial number.
          To legally sell a receiver you made you must first obtain a gun manufactures license from the BATFE.

          • Joseph Garrigan November 1, 2019, 7:11 pm

            Incorrect. May manufacture without the express purpose of selling.

  • joefoam February 6, 2018, 8:26 am

    What a shame the extents we will go to hide something we have a constitutional right to own. We have allowed ourselves to become servants rather than citizens.

    • ~ Occams February 6, 2018, 10:42 am

      Too true, but then, this is what the phony “GWOT” – as Clay NEVER fails to mention – has given THEM; No Constitution, Unlawful/Indefinite Detention, ‘Patriot’ Act, going after arms, TOTAL surveillance…..

      I have a meme I’d LOVE to send to Clay. It’s a pic of the Patriot Act and the White House, with the words;

      “If you were REALLY fighting for our freedom, THIS would never have happened”

      But then, the “GWOT” is really about the US FUNDING terrorism – and the US military training them….or rescuing ISIS, as they did when Syria began to overrun them and the US military helo’d out the leaders – into the safety of Iraq.

  • George February 6, 2018, 7:39 am

    While it’s a great idea, I really wish they would change the name. Now the communist regime that runs Connecticut is targeting the “ghost guns” for the ban wagon. They cite one incident where some idiot committed a crime last year in Crapifornia and are using the name to scare the unknowing into banning them. It’s truly sad that the real enemy of freedom comes from within.

    • kb31416 February 6, 2018, 9:11 am

      I actually like the ‘ghost gun’ title. It is just another little way to rub the noses of the libtards into something that they don’t like, which adds pleasure to my project. So, with that in mind, I have even developed mag well art that has a smiling ghost with an AR15 flipping off the viewer. I also make my personal serial numbers with a GG in them.

      • Doc Loch February 6, 2018, 1:01 pm

        Exactly, and trust me, no matter what name you give it, it will eventually become illegal, because only a criminal would want an unregistered gun, right? (Interesting how when they don’t want you to own something you are suddenly a criminal anyway!)

  • Mark Are February 6, 2018, 7:38 am

    Cody is a reincarnated Founding Father. He thinks like they would if they were alive today. Who is the “government”? Why does anyone who works for the “government” think they have the RIGHT to restrict OUR rights in any way what so ever? Heck, after watching Marc Stevens on Youtube, those in “government” at all levels can’t even prove jurisdiction to the simplest charge. Our country, and the world for that matter is being run by psychopaths for insane purposes. People like Cody are going to be the end of the current paradigm. Thanks for the great idea and product Cody! And I think you may have succeeded. Now “they” will NEVER be able to “eradicate our right” to keep and bear arms. Kudos…thumbs up…YOU WIN!

    • el Heffe February 6, 2018, 2:59 pm

      Mr. Wilson is a great man. Anarcho-capitalist. Destroyer of the State, in its entirety, and a custodian of Rothbardian freedom.